Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 307 Excruciating Torture


The dark and dank basement with stone walls and torches on the walls emanated a sinister aura. In the center of the room, a large magic pentagram glowed brightly in a red hue, and inside it was a beautiful woman with golden hair. She was a woman who loved books and treated them as her friends, her only friends, and usually had a sweet smile that could charm anyone, but now she had an expression that manifested her purest state of pain. This woman was Alina.

Alina was shaking and sweating profusely, trying to resist the exhausting magical process Adohorn was subjecting her to.

The white-haired mage with geometric tattoos all over his body watched her with a sadistic smile and a worried expression, nodding his head in agreement as he muttered a few words and watched Alina scream in pain.

The veins in Alina's face bulged and her body seemed to writhe in pain as she struggled to free herself from the chains.


Alina had the feeling that several arms were leaning against her belly, trying to pry her open by her navel. It was a horrible feeling.

The atmosphere was tense and oppressive, with an aura of evil emanating from Adohorn. Alina's grunts of exertion mingled with his incomprehensible mutterings, and the light from the pentagram brightly illuminated his eyes, which glowed with desire.

Alina's sweat dripped on the stone floor as her eyes closed after the breaks between pain sessions, and in the twenty seconds she had to breathe, she almost always came close to losing consciousness, only for the pain to return and prevent her from sleeping. This process seemed endless.

It was a desperate and frightening scene that clearly demonstrated the cruelty and depravity of the sorcerer.

Alina fought with all her strength, but Adohorn's power seemed unbeatable, and the chains that bound her to the floor were indestructible. The feeling of oppression in the basement was palpable, and the other mages watching, the people in bizarre masks and cloaks, felt a little uneasy.

One of Adohorn's subordinate mages approached him fearfully and said:

"Sir, I apologize for the shaking just now."

Adohorn didn't even bother to turn around to see who was talking to him. "Tsk! I don't really care. It only gets in my way when it's something urgent."

"But, sir..."

"Do you understand me?" Adohorn finally looked over his shoulder, and the man felt an enormous shiver.

"Understood, sir. Sorry."

"ARRRHHGGGHH!" Alina screamed in pain again.

The sound of Alina's screams echoed through the cellar walls. The chains that bound her jingled with every movement she tried to make, but they were strong enough to hold her in place. With each passing second, the pain increased and she felt weaker and more powerless. Her consciousness was fleeting and she could think of nothing.

As Adohorn laughed at Alina's pain, the entire mansion began to shake violently, causing objects to fall and bookshelves to sway.




The masked mages stood anxiously, looking up as everything shook. They exchanged glances and it was obvious that no one understood what was happening.

The earth shook with an intensity that made it seem as if something monstrous was moving beneath it. The sensation was so strong that objects all over the cellar shook and trembled as the Adohorn mages struggled to keep their balance. Alina, still chained and weakened by the ritual, also tried to understand what was going on, while Adohorn himself didn't even seem to care about the strength of the tremors.

The earth shook violently, causing the chains that bound Alina and the objects in the basement to shake. The rumbling of the earthquakes was deafening, and it seemed as if the ground was about to open up with the sound of multiple explosions.

Suddenly, the basement floor shook and cracked, releasing a large cloud of dust. Alina, Adohorn, and everyone else were caught off guard by the impact.

As the dust settled, a hooded figure emerged with a powerful aura that shook the air. Kaizen appeared in the middle of the cellar with Sir Geoffrey in his hands and a look of hatred on his face.

The old man was so battered that he could barely keep his eyes open. He was holding Sir Geoffrey by the hair and dragging him along. The old man's face was disfigured by the blows, and he groaned in agony.

Adohorn frowned, irritated, and turned his body toward Kaizen, who stared at him with hatred and disbelief.

"How dare you interrupt my work?" Adohorn asked.

Kaizen let out an ironic laugh. "Interrupt your work? You are torturing an innocent man!"

Adohorn laughed obscenely. "Innocent? She is the key to my power! With the knowledge she possesses, I will be unbeatable!"

Kaizen rolled his eyes. "You're already bragging before you achieve anything. Alina, I know this is a selfish request, but hold on a little longer, I will finish this son of a bitch first."

Alina, who had been concentrating on resisting Adohorn's incantations, was surprised when Kaizen suddenly appeared in the basement. She let out a sigh of relief and her eyes filled with tears of gratitude. She could hardly believe that her friend was there to save her.

"Kaizen..." Alina exclaimed with a trembling voice. "Yes, I will wait!!!"

Kaizen smiled at her and nodded in agreement.

Adohorn, for his part, was visibly annoyed by Kaizen's unexpected entrance. "And you think I will bother to face a worm? That's what I generously pay these people for." He said, and Kaizen was immediately surrounded by the masked mages, at least twenty of them.

Kaizen just laughed at the mage's threat. "Then you are more afraid than I thought."


Edited by: DrHitsuji

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