Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 308 Adohorn (Part 1)

Kaizen just laughed at Adohorn's threat when he saw that he was surrounded by the masked mages. "So you are more afraid than I thought."

The masked mages were about to unleash a wave of spells against Kaizen when they suddenly heard roars from above, accompanied by a rapid buzzing sound.

Adohorn looked up to see a dozen brooms flying through the hole Kaizen had made in the basement ceiling.

Sir Geoffrey, his face crushed between the fingers of a psyker's hand, only opened his eyes to see the military mages. He immediately cried out:

"Please help me! I will give you anything you want, gold, jewels, property! Just let me live!"

Kaizen rolled his eyes at him again. "You are mistaken if you think they are on your side." He affirmed and knocked the old man unconscious with one swift blow.

All of the military mages, who had previously surrendered to Kaizen's strength, now wanted to help him fight Adohorn and his sorcerers. It was only when Kaizen realized that Dhetha was among the invaders that he realized this. Soon they were pointing their wands in the direction of Adohorn and the masked men, and began casting spells.

"Psyker! We are here!" shouted one of the mages.

Kaizen smiled, a little relieved. It was scary for a level 70 player to be in a place where all the enemies were fifty levels above him. However, Kaizen had doubled his attribute points for all his efforts, so his total strength was actually equal to that of a level 140 player.

"Don't worry, we'll take care of his mages. You concentrate on the Adohorn!" said another mage.

The military mages dismounted their brooms and began casting spells against the enemies surrounding Kaizen. The Adohorn mages responded in their own way, initiating a magical confrontation.

Kaizen took advantage of the distraction, which was likely to last only a short time, and turned his gaze to Adohorn, who was standing in front of Alina.

"You are a monster!" said Kaizen, pointing the Sword of the Night at Adohorn.

"Ah, look who's talking shit... You are a Psyker, there is no creature more terrifying than you, a true monster as well. You have the ability to adapt, to evolve, to feel... Not everyone has the talent to learn any kind of magic like you. Except in rare cases, like me."

Adohorn let out an evil laugh and raised both hands, creating two elemental spheres, one of electricity and one of lava. He then merged the two spheres by smashing them together and shot a red beam at Kaizen.

Kaizen was serious, and used his sword to block the beam until he managed to deflect it in the direction of a masked wizard.

"You cannot stop me! I will have the power to change this place!" declared Adohorn, charging at Kaizen.

"You are nothing more than an insolent insect!" retorted Kaizen, throwing a flurry of flames in his enemy's direction to halt his advance.

The two quickly engaged in an intense exchange of magical and physical blows. Kaizen used his sword and spells to attack and defend against Adohorn. While Kaizen gained the upper hand with his extraordinary physical prowess, Adohorn showed his versatility and the reason why his talent with magic has never been questioned.

Meanwhile, the military mages battled Adohorn's wizards. The two sides were evenly matched in numbers, but the military mages were far inferior in power, and most of them lacked combat experience. Anyway, spells flew through the air in all directions, illuminating the great cellar with different colors.

Dhetha also joined the battle. She used her long scythe to cut down the enemies that approached her, while keeping an eye on Kaizen and Adohorn's battle. All she had to do was follow Kaizen's instructions and wait for the right moment to approach Alina and free her.

"Will he make it?" she wondered aloud, seeing how Kaizen was sweating to withstand the powerful mage's blows.

She wanted to help him, but she knew he had to do it alone. It was his personal battle against his greatest enemy. She decided to trust him and continue to fight the other wizards.

At the same time that Kaizen was bravely resisting Adohorn's brash advances, he was thinking of alternatives to get out of this situation. He had used two of his greatest assets against the Ancestral Sea Dragon, the Indomitable Shield and the <Touch of Death> skill.

Adohorn was the worst kind of enemy for someone like Kaizen. He was unpredictable, and his abilities were unpredictable as well; at one point, he used elemental magic, and at another, he used almost spectral currents as a weapon; it was a mixture of different types of magic that was very difficult to deal with.

So while they fought, Kaizen watched his opponent's movements much more closely than usual. He desperately needed to find an opening, a weakness in his attacks, to land the blow that could turn the tide of the battle. But Adohorn was as fast as Kaizen, and every blow the player attempted was masterfully defended by the villain.

Kaizen felt the tension grow in his shoulders. He could not fail. Alina depended on him, and he would not let anything bad happen to her, not anymore. The pressure that Adohorn put on him, pushing him back with a barrage of spells, was disturbing to anyone watching. Kaizen was in serious trouble.

But Kaizen was the kind of person who not only didn't feel the pressure, but actually grew stronger from it. First, he took a deep breath and concentrated on his own movements; if he didn't make any mistakes, the opportunity would soon present itself. And just as he thought, he suddenly saw the gap he had been looking for.

Adohorn's misstep gave him a longer gap between one spell and the others, and Kaizen seized the opportunity. With a roar of ferocity, the Psyker used <Telekinesis> to hurl the Sword of Night at Adohorn, who reeled back in horror and quickly defended himself with a triangular barrier of magic.

Dhetha, meanwhile, took advantage of Kaizen's distraction to advance toward Alina.


Edited by: DrHitsuji

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