Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 315 Stunned

Kaizen and Alina were also stunned by the Guardian's revelation. They could hardly believe that the creature had used the most powerful book in the world to resurrect a mage he loved. In the mind of Kaizen, a gambler, it was even more unlikely. He had never imagined that a mob could have such a complex story in an optional mission.

Everyone looked at the other two Guardians, expecting some reaction from them, but they seemed as surprised as everyone else. Literally none of them knew this story of the Guardian of the Citadel, nor the ending of the Book of Founders.

If this story was true, the near extinction of the Sylly family, one of the most important wizard families in Olaynore, was almost in vain.

The silence was broken by the Guardian of the Forgotten Forest, who spoke in a grave tone:

"This is very serious, brother. You have violated the most sacred laws of our duties as Guardians, changed the course of history, endangered the entire balance of Olaynore, and hidden it from us all. Do you know what the consequences will be?"

The Guardian of the Citadel looked at the Guardian of the Forest of the Lost with resignation. "I know what the consequences will be. I know I must be punished for my treachery, but I don't regret what I did. I would do it again if I could. Love was the best thing I have ever experienced in my entire existence. He turned to Alina and said, "I am sorry for what happened to your family because of me. If I had told everyone earlier what I had done, they would still be alive. That's all I regret.

Alina's face darkened for a moment and she bowed her head. She was speechless, unable to believe what she was hearing.

Kaizen felt sorry for the mage. He knew that she had lost her entire family because of her search for the Book of the Founders.

So Kaizen approached her and put a hand on her shoulder. "Hey, don't be like that. It's not your fault or your family's fault. There was no way you could have known about this," he said with empathy in his voice.

Alina looked at Kaizen and took a deep breath. "I know, but it's still hard to accept that they died for nothing." She said.

The Guardian of the Forest looked at Kaizen and Alina and said:

"It was not in vain. They died trying to protect the world from a danger even they didn't know existed. They were brave and honorable. They were probably the only citizens of Olaynore in all of history who understood what the Founders meant when they created this place. They deserve our respect and gratitude. As for the Guardian of the Citadel of the Magi, we will have to find a balance between justice and the need for his help, after all, the Elders will have to pay for what they did to him as well. Besides, I hate to admit it, but times are going to change in Olaynore for a while, we will have to work harder than ever, Guardians". He looked at the other two Guardians and asked, "What do you think? Do you agree with me?"

They both nodded without a second thought, and the Guardian of the Forest of the Lost, who was socially the least respected floor, won everyone's admiration.

"And as for you, Alina Sylly, I know that you are more than capable of continuing your duties as librarian, but as reparation for what happened to your family, you are officially free to leave Olaynore if you wish. It is up to you to decide if you want to stay here and help rebuild this place, or if you want to live your life elsewhere."

Alina looked at Psyker and said:

"I shouldn't leave you now, especially when it is necessary for us to unite and work together to rebuild Olaynore..."

The other Guardians nodded in agreement, and the Guardian of the Forgotten Forest smiled. "Well spoken, Alina. Olaynore is your home. We could not have a better librarian than one who was born here..."

"No, you misunderstand me. Olaynore is not my home, the Library of the Magi is. Nevertheless, I have already made my decision: I will go with Kaizen to Midgard," Alina said with determination in her voice. "That is, of course, if it is alright with you." She spoke looking at the Psyker.

Kaizen looked up, smiled and said:

"I couldn't ask for better company, but you'll have to learn to share space with a rather grumpy demon."

The other Guardians were stunned by the librarian's choice, but respected her decision. However, Kaizen's mention of sharing space with a demon perplexed them.

"What do you mean, a demon?" asked Egelza, her eyes wide.

Kaizen smiled wryly. "You see, I have a pact with a demon named Lucifer. He's a little cranky, but he's a great cleaner."

Everyone exchanged glances as they listened. They wondered how a Psyker known for fighting the evil forces of the supernatural world could have a peaceful relationship with such a vile creature as a demon.

The Guardian of the Forest of the Lost opened his mouth to speak. Alina cut him off:

"I trust Kaizen and believe he knows what he is doing. If the demon is his friend, then he is good enough for me."

The Guardian of the Forest of the Lost nodded, and the others followed suit. When everyone's attention was diverted by a detailed explanation from the Elder about how demons weren't that dangerous, Kaizen took the opportunity to explain to Alina that there was no pact with a demon named Lucifer, only a contract to divide the land. This made her laugh out loud.

The Guardian of the Forest of the Lost smiled when he saw Alina smiling, knowing that she was safe as long as she was near the Psyker.

"We wish you and Kaizen a safe journey to Midgard." The Guardian of the Forest of the Lost said.


Edited by: DrHitsuji

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