Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 316 The Devil And The Librarian

After Alina had made her decision to accompany Kaizen to live outside the Wizards' Tower, the Guardians didn't even have the right to refuse. After all, although she was a citizen of their people, she had never lived in their society, and if she no longer carried the Book of the Founders sealed in her blood, as the oldest and only remaining member of the Sylly family, she no longer posed a threat to the safety of the Wizards' Tower.

Kaizen was very happy to have completed his mission to find and rescue Alina. He did not receive any great rewards, but in his mind, there was no better reward than having an NPC at his side who knew almost everything. Besides, Alina might be exhausted now, but she was definitely a very powerful mage and an important ally for the future.

Speaking of the future, Kaizen didn't care what Dhetha's outcome would be. Although she helped him in the end and in the beginning, she still tried to betray him and then tried to redeem herself for it. In this way, Kaizen showed no concern for her, but also no anger for what she had done. Moreover, he deduced that since all the elders of the Citadel of Mages would be punished for their terrible articulations to transform Olaynore, people like Dhetha and Egelza, who were several ranks lower in the power pyramid, would not be spared punishment, only they would receive more lenient punishments, and that was all that mattered to Kaizen and Alina.

Anyway, before returning to Midgard, Kaizen and Alina returned to the Forest of the Lost, where he met up with the group of stone thieves once again.

They apologized to Alina personally for telling Adohorn the location of her library, and since Alina was a very calm, rational, and not at all vindictive person, she forgave them. Afterwards, Kaizen used the Key to the Wizard's Tower to free not only the leader of the thieves, the Water Wizard named Jeff, but also all of his associates. It was a risky decision for the Psyker, but he did it with an eye to the future, when these people could be useful to him.

When Kaizen and Alina finally arrived at his home, the Raven's Feather Tool Shop, the demon Og'tharoz immediately appeared in the second floor lobby, concerned that Kaizen had been missing for days.

It took a few minutes for Kaizen to explain everything, and even at the end of the short story, Og'tharoz still didn't seem satisfied, so he invited Alina over for tea to hear more details. She readily accepted, fascinated by the dirty looking man, after all she had never seen a demon outside of books, and this one looked very far from the devilish features she had read about.

Kaizen was glad to see them talking, for now not only did Alina have a companion to talk to, but Og'tharoz did as well. He let them know that he was going somewhere, but before Kaizen could log out, Alina approached him, thanked him again for his help, and made an unusual request.

"Would you please give me the key to the Wizard's Tower?"

The Psyker didn't even ask her why she wanted this item, he just gave it to her to make her feel safe and satisfied. After that, he finally logged out.

When Klaus Park opened his eyes inside the deep immersion capsule, he was startled by the time in real life. It was almost midnight. He immediately jumped out of the capsule. And to his surprise, as he rushed out of the establishment as if he was late, there was no longer the same attendant as before, but an old man in military clothes, snoring loudly as he lay sleeping in his chair.

Klaus laughed at the scene and left the establishment.

To his surprise, the campus was still very active, even though it was late. A few karaoke bars were open, as were supermarkets and bars, and many other students were passing through in the early hours of Wednesday morning. This surprised Klaus, who had expected a more rigid attitude from the directors, since this was a special NIST program.

So instead of running back to the dorm, Klaus just put his hands inside his jacket to keep warm and walked calmly. The night was cold, but the cityscape was cozy.

Klaus walked for about ten minutes before he reached his dormitory. He usually didn't feel so peaceful, but after Alina's mission he was much more relaxed. As he walked, he passed a few streets with well-kept trees and bushes, giving the urban landscape a nice, natural feel. He also noticed that there were a few squares and parks in the city, with tables, benches, and green areas for people to relax and enjoy the fresh air. He had never noticed anything like that before.

As soon as Klaus opened the door to his room in the dormitory, the light in the room immediately came on and he was greeted by his roommates. Nathan, David and Andrew were dressed in long detective-like outfits, and Nathan even had a bubble pipe in his mouth.

"Klaus, I see you've finally arrived.... Where have you been all this time?" said Nathan, staring at him like an interrogator.

"I bet you were with a girl." David accused him. "You don't even seem to care that you have to get up early tomorrow for your boring classes.

"Ah, guys! Leave the guy alone. It's not his fault that you're virgins over twenty." Andrew reiterated, taking off the jacket they had obviously forced on him.

Klaus inevitably laughed. "Relax guys, I wasn't with any girl. I just lost track of time while walking. Do you know how many things there are to do on this campus?"

"Fun things? I haven't found an arcade or a boxing gym yet. David said.

"No, but there is karaoke and other things..." Klaus said.

"And there are girls in the karaoke bars?!" Nathan and David asked together.

"Yes, there are. I myself have seen several leaving and entering the karaoke alone. You should go there right away." Klaus replied ironically.

The two boys didn't seem to notice the irony in his voice and got up immediately. As they were about to leave the room, Nathan grabbed them by their collars and said to them in an angry tone:

"It's very late and I want to sleep, so you will wait another day to go! Do you understand me...?"

Nathan and David looked back in awe and nodded without a second thought. Andrew was truly intimidating when he was angry.


Edited by: DrHitsuji

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