Stealing Spree

Chapter 202: Dawn of the 4th Week

Chapter 202: Dawn of the 4th Week

"Are you still there, Nami?"

Since the sky is already dark, I doubt she'll still be there. Even if it's not me, Shizu-senpai will surely tell her to go home with her.

"Sorry, Ruu. Shizu-nee dragged me out to go home."

Nami's face showed up on the screen and behind her, Shizu-senpai was in her casual clothes. The two of them could really be mistaken as siblings if they're together.

"Onoda-kun, you won't hold it against me, will you?"

Shizu-senpai asked in her usual tone. It's still a bit stiff but I could tell how she softened up compared from our first encounter.

"Of course not, senpai. In fact, I'm thankful you didn't leave Nami. I'm the one who needs to apologize, I didn't account for the time it would take me to go back…"

I got too indulged at being by Satsuki's side and watching her sleeping face. If I tell them that, how will they react?

"Stop making excuses, blockhead. We know who you are with so it's understandable. You should also go home as well. Don't forget, you have a secretary work tomorrow."

Hearing a different tone from Shizu-senpai when addressing me sounds refreshing. Even if she still sounded stiff, she's not trying to scare me anymore.

"Ah. You're right. Nami, see you tomorrow. You too Shizu-senpai."

"Take care, Ruu. Let me tell you, Shizu-nee's opening up to me right now."

I was already about to turn the phone off but Nami said something interesting which immediately made Shizu-senpai flustered.

"Hey, Nanami, don't tell him that."

"Why? If it's Ruu, I'm sure he's interested."

To tease her older cousin like this... I guess she's trying to get back on the times she scared her.

"Yes, I am. I'm glad you listened to me Shizu-senpai. I'm looking forward to seeing you two tomorrow."

I answered her and looked on the screen, Nami had that teasing smile on her face while Shizu-senpai was having trouble covering her face to not let me see it.

She could actually move away from Nami's camera, instead, that's all the attempt at hiding she did.

"Just go now. You're disturbing us."

After a while, I could see Shizu-senpai's eyes glaring at the camera and of course, she's glaring at me. She even clicked her tongue which made Nami more eager to tease her.

"Sorry, Ruu. You know Shizu-nee, she's just embarrassed."

"I know. She's adorable like that. I wish I can see that up close."

"Onoda-kun, stop that. Don't fuel this girl's mischievousness."

"But I'm only telling the truth, Shizu-senpai. Now I'm looking forward to seeing both of you tomorrow."

Seeing that her attempt to stop Nami ended up in me adding fuel to the fire, Shizu-senpai resignedly turned around to avoid seeing me.

That's new, alright. For her to act like this now. Shizu-senpai was slowly changing. Even if it's just around the two of us, it's a lot more different than before.

"Thank you, Ruu. This is the first time I see Shizu-nee like this."

Her giggles could clearly be heard while looking at the back of Shizu-senpai. For Nami, this is something new as well, she used to be somewhat afraid of Shizu-senpai as well but now, their relationship was turning to more than just cousins but sisters.

"Are you not jealous that I'm also like this to her?"

Earlier, she showed how jealous she was upon learning I joined a club that has one of my girls as a member. I guess Shizu-senpai is an exception for her. She even expressed her consent before.

"Not really. Shizu-nee is different, I can see her anytime unlike the others. And I'm still satisfied from earlier"

"I see. I still remember how adorable you were earlier, Nami."

"Ugh. Pervert Ruu."

Nami's face visibly blushed as she sneakily glanced at Shizu-senpai. She's probably worried that the latter heard it.

"Why am I the pervert when it's you who brought it up?"

"Idiot. Just shut up and go home. Take care, alright?"

I nodded and smiled at her. I know that if I responded, I wouldn't be able to stop teasing her. There's still tomorrow so… let's leave it at that.



When I arrived home, Miwa-nee was in the kitchen, making our dinner. I greeted her with a hug which she silently liked. I didn't go further than that, it's dangerous to do more when she's cooking.

Afterwards, I found Akane upstairs, in her underwear, trying on the clothes she probably bought today.

"Husband! Don't just stand there and help me here. Tell me what do you prefer?"

Like always, Akane already noticed me even when her back was still turned. After that, she faced me after picking up the clothes she was deliberating earlier. One is a one-piece backless red dress. It flaunts her smooth and flawless back. The other one is more casual and it only shows a bit of her skin.

"I wondered why I didn't see you downstairs, this explains it. Would you believe me if I said prefer both?"

"Right. I already expected that kind of answer from you, doting husband."

She only pouted a bit before putting down the clothes back to bed.

After putting on something, Akane went down with me to take our dinner. This time, we're back to having only the four of us.

Shio was on her way home and I expected her to arrive later. She contacted me earlier while on the train. She will spend her last night here before moving to that apartment tomorrow.

After eating dinner we did the usual routine and ended back in bed. Of course, this time, I also checked on Miwa-nee and Minoru. It's now added to my routine.

When we're in bed, Akane and I once again told each other what happened to our day. Aside from accompanying her parents, they had something like a family day to themselves. She even told me that her parents were thinking of making a 2nd child. They really missed Akane living with them. I took her from them this early even if we're only a few steps away from their house.

Well, I told Akane that next time, we can sleep at their house to satisfy them. I'm just a bit worried about leaving Miwa-nee and Minoru alone here but if it's just once a week, it will be fine.

When she heard my suggestion, Akane was overjoyed and immediately planned to arrange her room for our use. She also missed living with them but if she were asked to choose where she wanted to stay the most, Akane would surely pick me. That's how devoted this girl is to me that's why as much as possible I wanted to do something for her.

When Akane fell asleep, I kept myself awake to wait for Shio's arrival.

It was almost midnight when I heard the sound of her car engine arriving in our yard.

After putting on a blanket to Akane, I went down to see Shio. I didn't wait for her to enter the front door, I welcomed her even before she could exit her car.

Upon seeing me Shio immediately ran towards me as if we haven't seen each other for years. There's a huge smile on her face and her expression seems like she had a lot of things to say to me.

After I reheated the dinner and watched her eat in silence. All those things she wanted to say could wait so I served her until she's satisfied.

"Everything was really forced by them, Ruru."

Shio started when we settled ourselves on the sofa. With the low volume of the TV being our background, Shio snuggled herself onto me before starting to tell me the result of her trip back home.

"I see. So what are your plans now, Shio?"

"Give him what he wanted. I'm divorcing him. Do you think it's the right choice, Ruru?"

"You know my answer to that. I am hoping that will happen but you see, I wanted you to decide for yourself."

She's already thinking about it, she just wanted to hear my real thoughts. Divorcing him is the only way for her to really be freed from that guy. She's still carrying his surname after all.

After spending some time talking about what happened during her trip, Shio fell asleep while leaning her head onto my chest, she was tired from driving and maybe from the things she had to think through. I picked her up and carried her up to my previous room.

When I put her down the bed, Shio's eyes opened before pulling on my arm. Even without words, I understood what she wanted.

I nodded and laid down next to her by slipping myself under her blanket.

"Thank you, Ruru."

Shio whispered after snuggling herself back into my arms. It's not even two days but her eyes were already filled with her longing for me.

To ease that up, I decided to spend the next two hours with her.

This will be her last night in this house so to make it memorable, we became more passionate towards each other. Casting off the thoughts about anything else, Shio and I focused on each other.

Only when she fell asleep with a satisfied smile on her face did I go back to Akane's side.



When the morning arrived, Akane somehow managed to climb on top of me while asleep. Even in this wide bed of ours, the most comfortable place for her is still next to me. I waited for her to wake up before we went down to do our daily routine and prepare for school.

Ah. It's Monday again. Let's not jinx it and pray for a not-so-busy day.

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