Stealing Spree

Chapter 203: Mentor Program

Chapter 203: Mentor Program

"This day marks the 4th week since you started high school. Have you all familiarized yourself with the difference between being a high schooler and being a middle schooler?"

Shio, in a rarest of her mood towards the class, was exuding her happiness as she started the day with that kind of speech.

I wouldn't take credit for that but I guess that's the only reason why she's energetic today. Compared to before when she was being weighed down by her problem in her married life, most of those were already lifted off her shoulders, giving her a new perspective in life.

Watching her from my seat doing her best, I'm having this urge to dote on her.

After a while, Yamada, the guy who kept on asking questions and was always shut down by Shio, raised his hand again.

"Yes, Yamada?"

"Sensei is kind of blooming today, did something happen?"

"That Yamada always seems like he has a death wish. For him to ask that to Miyazaki-sensei..."

I heard someone say from behind.

"For once you're right this time, Yamada. I'm in love. So sit down and shut your mouth, alright?"

When Shio answered like that, various gasps of amazement were exclaimed by the students, except those who knew the story behind it. Me and my girls. All three of them were looking at me instead of Shio. Ah. Chii was also looking at me.

That girl was the one who kept on observing me, she surely noticed something between me and Shio.

"We're going back on topic. Since it's the 4th week, the school has prepared something for the freshmen."

Shio picked up the chalk and started writing something on the chalkboard.

Mentor Program.

It was written in English which is her teaching subject, however, what does it mean?

I didn't need to wait and ask it myself since there's already a lot who were raising their hands.

"Yes. Imada?"

"What does it mean, sensei?"

"It literally means that every one of you will be put under a Mentor that will guide you throughout your 1st year."

"What is a mentor?"

"A mentor is like a teacher. In this case, your mentor will be an upperclassman. As for who it will be, you'll know later. Each of you will be paired up with one and as time goes by there's a possibility that you'll be put under another mentor."

Shio continued explaining to those who have questions about the said Mentor Program. The essence of the program is to follow the example of the assigned mentor. Not to blindly follow, of course, but those mentors will show whoever's under them how to become a proper high school student.

Quite funny in my opinion. There's still a lot of delinquents among the seniors, so how can they mentor someone to become a proper high school student?

Like reading my thoughts, someone asked that to Shio and she answered.

"Don't ask me, I also don't know. This is my first year and this program wasn't there when I was a high school freshman."

Her answer elicited a series of laughs from the class.

After everyone calmed down Shio still explained it from what she knew. The Mentor Program will be monitored by the teachers and the student council. If something inappropriate happens, the Mentor will be penalized. If it was proven that it was the mentee's fault, then the two of them.

As for how they will be disciplined, it depends on what they did. In any case, the mentor will be of the same gender except for a few. There's a higher girl population than boys after all. If one's lucky enough, he'll get a girl as his mentor.

And this Mentor Program will be taking up the time of 6th and 7th period every Monday and Tuesday.

After her explanation, Shio said that our mentors has already been decided and we will meet them later during the 6th period and they will be the one who will clarify most of our unanswered questions.

Apparently, they also experienced the same thing last year so there's that.

When the class calmed down, Shio started her own lesson for the day but yeah, most students were too occupied by the Mentor Program that Shio needed to go back to her strict mode to shut them up on their seats.

Aya giggled at it and looked at me. She knew how different Shio was when she's with me.



"Yo. Onoda, do you have somewhere to go to?"

When lunch break arrived Sakuma approached me.

I already told Satsuki and Aya about spending it alone with Nami for today and both of them consented to it. Compared to them, Nami's time with me was only during lunch while I'm almost always with them everyday.

Aya seems fine now and that part of her has already stopped being sore. That's what she whispered to me earlier along with a bashful smile.

Satsuki also has a smile on her face because of their win in the game and our date yesterday. She also always flashes a smile whenever she will see the keychain that is strapped to my phone.

Aya noticed it and asked us about it. After knowing what that meant, she pulled out something from her book. It's a bookmark. After deliberating for a bit, she handed me that bookmark.

It's one of her favorites and something she also made by herself. She told me that it was the bookmark that she was using when I first talked to her so, like the lemonade, it also became quite memorable for her.

I accepted it and that made that adorable girl delighted and satisfied.

"I have a few minutes, why?"

"Nothing. I just think that we also need to talk."

"Alright. I thought the same but I really only have a few minutes.

"No worries, it won't take long."

Like always, we went to that vending machine to talk. Sakuma looked serious just now and after what happened yesterday, I didn't think he would approach me again. I mean, I literally showed him my relationship with Satsuki and they had that talk which resulted in both of them crying.

"Onoda, what do you think about Maemura?"

"I love her. Isn't that obvious?"

What's with this guy? Asking about the obvious. Is he still not convinced?

"Did you try to help us because you have this kind of motive?"

"What kind? Honestly, I liked her ever since the first time I laid my eyes on her but you two are clearly into each other. I'm not the one who asked for help, am I?"

He asked for my help and I gave him a lot of chances to confess to her. Though I had a plan to take her for myself after that, at least I'm eager to make them a couple back then.

"… You're right. I asked you and you told me that she asked you for help as well. But why did you do that when you already like her? Did you have an ulterior motive? To make her fall for you."

"Sakuma. I think we're already passed this point. What if I did have that kind of motive? What will you do? Punch me?"

Ah. This guy. He's just mad. He couldn't accept that things turned out like this. He didn't expect that after conceding, I would immediately act upon it.

In any case, even without his concession, he'll know about it sooner or later so all of this sounds pointless now.

"No… I..."

"Didn't you tell me about how you wanted to see her sister? How you might really be confusing your feelings for her After yesterday, did that change? Make up your damn mind, will you?"


"Haa… Go make up your mind. If you suddenly realize it's her who you truly like, you're late. I followed your advice so blame it upon yourself. Alright, to ease your mind, I did have an ulterior motive. Like I told you, if I truly like someone, I will make her mine. It doesn't matter if you or other people hate me for it."

After saying all that, I turned around and left him on that spot, still speechless and was probably thinking of what he will say next.

I don't have anything against him but that guy really needs to straighten up his mind. Maybe it's my fault for confusing him with my words back then but is he really an idiot who needed someone to guide him? He probably realized that he really likes Satsuki and it's not just him confusing her with her sister. But even if he realized that, it's too late. And there's no way I will give him Satsuki.

It's much better if he turns his eyes away from her.

Haa… If he stays like that, soon enough even his chances with her sister will expire.

Well, it's not my problem anymore.



When I arrived at the empty clubroom, Nami was already there and on the table, two lunchboxes were set.

"Ruu. Here, I told you about this, right? Shizu-nee made us lunch boxes."

A bright smile was apparent on her face as she arranged the table like a housewife preparing the table for her husband.

She messaged me about it but that Shizu-senpai, isn't her change too fast? Or is it because of Nami?

Well, a progress is a progress. I'm happy for both of them.

"I have to thank Shizu-senpai for this later."

"She will like that for sure."

Will she really like it? If her scary front is there, she will just nod at me as if it's something of no importance.

"I hope so. What do you think? Are you really fine with me also liking Shizu-senpai?"

Nami thought for a while before answering.

"I'm honestly conflicted, Ruu. But seeing her genuine smile when she opened up to me, I can't thank you enough for breaking into her shell."

"Un. It's fine to feel like that, Nami. I'm the hopeless one here. To like and love many girls. I can only be thankful that you're all understanding of this situation."

"You're right. You're hopeless but we are too. Can't you see this? This is what I'm feeling whenever I'm with you."

Nami pointed at her lips that were raised into a beautiful smile. It's a lot more different than her usual smiles that could be seen in class. It's clearly reflecting her feelings as of this moment.

And upon seeing that, my body moved by itself and took that lips into a kiss. Nami's eyes widened upon my sudden action but in the end, she accepted it.


Nami could only whisper my name when our lips separated. Apart from that smile, there's now a dreamy look on her face.

"Sorry. I can't help myself upon seeing that smile."

"Sorry isn't enough, Ruu. I want you to spoil me today…"

Still in that kind of state, Nami stood up from her seat and sat on my lap before dropping her lips on mine. For the first time, she's taken the initiative to kiss me. The food on the table was seemingly forgotten as we both indulged ourselves into each other. The mood turned to the same mood as yesterday where we had to stop. Now that we're in a private space, there's nothing holding us back anymore.

With her arms slung over my shoulder and my hands supporting her on her waist and back.

Nami's lips were already red from all the sucking that I've done to it and her tongue that was peeking out from her mouth was also glistening with our mixed saliva.

"Shouldn't we eat first, Nami?"

As if waking up from a trance. Nami's body jolted awake from my words. Her face then blushed profusely which showed how embarrassed she was.

"You should've told me that, sooner. Idiot Ruu."

"Says the one who sat on my lap and initiated that kiss."

I said while putting on a teasing smile on my lips.

Nami could only protest against it by hitting lightly on my shoulder. But even if I pointed that out, she didn't stand up from me. Instead, she fixed her posture from sitting sideways to straddling me.

If Ogawa suddenly appeared from that door, he would surely break. Yesterday wasn't enough. Even if Nami and I clearly went alone somewhere, he didn't even ask what we did.

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