Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 556 - Five Hundred And Fifty-six:Taming The Kids

Chapter 556 - Five Hundred And Fifty-six:Taming The Kids

The third point of view:

If Isabella thought yesterday was hell, then this morning was definitely being trapped in Tartarus. She had been sleeping, having the best dream of her life (Pedro was involved) when suddenly a speaker blared right into her ears, startling her so much that she fell from her bed.

"Holy fucking mother of God," Isabella cursed, lifting herself from the ground with effort.

"What is that?" Annabelle didn't find it funny either.

A gasp was heard and both girls - Isabella and Anabelle - turned to sight Jacqueline dressed impeccably as usual with her hands placed on her chest with a look of horror.

"No cursing in the palace," She said, as if the palace was a holy ground.

"You got to be kidding me," Isabella said, then reached for her phone, "You woke me up by six am in the morning on a holiday!"

"Isabella," Anabelle said in a sing-song, hinting that she should calm down.

Jacqueline's expression remained impassive, having no idea of the storm that was just averted. More like, Anabelle just saved her life.

"Breakfast is served at seven, you have just...." the woman checked her wristwatch on her tiny wrist, "Fifty-eight minutes and three seconds to get ready or you might have to wait for lunch, " she delivered her instruction and strutted away in her heels.

If one had to describe Jacqueline, a single word comes to mind. Perfectionist. No single piece on the woman's body was out of place and her conduct was nothing short of professional, and in the same manner, she treated the kids. There was no pleasure when it came to her work. It was strictly business, no pleasure.

And in that same graceful gait, Jacqueline walked into the room shared by Pedro and Julie. As expected, both boys were an asleep and off guard in the same way Annabelle and Isabella had been.

With a wicked smirk on her face, she raised the horn and boomed right into it with authority.

"Wake up!" and turned around with immediate effect.

Both boys jumped out of the bed from fright and that was when Pedro's gaze rested on the woman in the room and?shouted,

"Holy shit!"


One might ask but that was because Pedro slept naked and now he was on the floor, every detail about his body was as broad as daylight.

But of course, Jacqueline knew that as well which is why she had turned around at the last minute. Before the kids came to Lincolnshire, every one of their profiles was sent to her to study.

Pedro - simple, courageous,?passionate, kind, intelligent, and sensual. Loves nature and displays such simplicity of life by sleeping naked.

Julie - Handsome, risk-taker, your everyday sweetheart, proud, clever yet sly. Can be headstrong at times but is just a baby tiger with growing paws. He might seem obedient but never lower your guard around him.

Anabelle - beautiful, kind, has a pure soul, yet naive. She is extremely fragile and be careful never to make her cry - the tears might never end.

Isabella - Vixen, tough, vengeful, nonchalant, incredibly smart, crude, extremely dangerous to herself and others around here, unstable, volatile, skeptical, untrustworthy, and the most dangerous of the kids. Be careful to never push her to the edge else she starts off a chain reaction.

Neon - foodie, cute, playful, jovial, easy-going, naive, and easily manipulated by his siblings and part of the triple trouble. Always separate him from the twins if you want to be on the same side.

Ailee- beautiful, sweet, nice, intelligent, manipulative, and a little devil in sheep's clothing. Limit her strength by cutting her off from Neon if you want to be on the safe side.

Allen -handsome, reserved, cold to strangers, intelligent, competitive, and easily possessive. Do well never to share his sibling's attention with him and you're on the safe side.

Equipped with such information, Jacqueline prided on the fact that she could handle them. She knew their week point and would exploit that to make them follow her biding.

"What is a lady doing in our room?" Pedro panicked, reaching out for the sheet and wrapped it around his waist while glaring at the woman.

"I thought the palace had strict surveillance yet a woman was able to waltz into a men's room. Talk about appropriateness," Julie taunted her.

Having sensed that the boy was a bit decent, Jacqueline turned around to share the same news she had delivered to Isabella, "Breakfast is served at seven, you have just...." she checked her watch, "Forty-eight minutes and a second to get ready or you might have to wait for lunch, " she delivered her message and left without even minding Julie's taunt.

This was not the first time she had encountered such a situation, neither would this be the last. She had dealt with many problematic kids before and had conquered. Even the royal prince Akim had been that way initially, however, now, the prince was as obedient as a sheep. This was her job and she would do her best to carry it out.

Jacqueline hurried over to her final destination and that was the children's room. Like the others, she expected the kids to be asleep and that she would rouse them awake with her speaker.

But the instant Jacqueline opened the door and stepped in, something tripped her and she fell to the ground, twisting her ankle in a not so natural angle.

"Ahhh!" Her scream woke the whole palace instead.

The kids were the first to arouse from their sleep, startled by the pained howls before the guards rushed into the room to see the elegant Miss. Jacqueline was on the floor, crying like a baby.

"What happened here?" a guard queried, staring in confusion. This version of Miss. Jacqueline was foreign to him; he had always seen her as a tough woman.

"Something tripped me!" Jacqueline cried out.

"Something? but there's nothing in here," Allen told her, looking around with an innocent shrug.

However, none of them get to see the way Ailee slipped an almost invisible thin wire away expertly while her brother covered for her.

"Huh?" Neon stared in confusion, still rubbing the sleep in his eyes. Why does he feel he just missed something big? Unlike Allen and Ailee, he had slept earlier last night so he could wake on time and start on a brand new day in Lincolnshire.

"I know you did it!" Jacqueline said, pointing her fingers accusingly at the kids with red, wild eyes, "I should have been more careful!"

"Aiya, miss Jacqueline, come on, leave the innocent kids alone, we need to get you treated. Your ankle doesn't look that good," the guard bent and picked her up in her arms. However, the woman didn't stop raving even as they carried her away.

"Don't worry, kids, don't be scared. We have the best doctors here and Miss Jacqueline will be up and bouncing in no time!" One of the maids said to the hoping that will cheer them up having misunderstood the look on their faces as "concern"

Allen and Ailee stared at each other, they certainly hoped not. They had not set that trap so she could recover easily.

However, Ailee still said, "We hope so as well," but the instant they shut the door, they started a happy dance. At last, freedom! They were going to have fun at last in Lincolnshire!

If only they knew.


Bless this shameless author with your golden ticket ????

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