Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 557 - [Bonus ] Five Hundred And Fifty-Seven: Lincolnshire Will Be Finished In One Night

Chapter 557 - [Bonus ] Five Hundred And Fifty-Seven: Lincolnshire Will Be Finished In One Night

The third point of view:

They said a pest is a destructive

destructive insect or animal that attacks crops, food, livestock. But in this case, Isabella could finally conclude that a pest was an unwanted, bothersome, annoying human that refused to die.

She was extremely relieved by the news that the "problem" aka Jacqueline has been taken care of. Thankfully, her siblings had done so without her taking care of the woman in her own special way. Now, she could relax without any one forcing her to follow bunch of stupid etiquette.

Honestly, Isabella could have endured the training and saw this to the end, but Jacqueline irritated her. She couldn't explain it but the woman's arrogance just irritated her. She - Isabella - was not a lab mouse nor object she - Jacqueline - could shape into whatever she wanted.

None of them made it to the dinning table on time, busy celebrating their victory over their dictatorship instructor. Hence, it came as a huge shock to all of them when they finally walked into the living room only to sight miss. Jacqueline standing at the corner of the large rectangular dining tapping her feet impatiently.

"Holy mother of God, who is that?!" Julie was the first to exclaim, shocked. They had been chattering away happily only to stumble upon her.

Allen and Ailee cleared their eyes in unison as if they've been reading each other's minds. Neon was creeped out by their gesture.

"T-that does seem like a miss. Jacqueline," Anabelle stuttered. She didn't like the woman as well, Jacqueline was too bossy. Moreover, the woman had rudely woken her up from her beauty sleep - that was a crime against her.

Meanwhile Isabella narrowed her gaze at the woman who stood supported by her crutches. Jacqueline stared back at her, electricity crackling in the air. The tension was so great that even the others noticed and fell silent immediately.

Throughout her five years of zealously and stringently serving the queen Roselle, this is the first time she had met a tough opponent who happened to be a teenager.

Jacqueline had a clean record of winning any obstacle she encountered and that will be the same case this time. She was an educator and counselor with lots of degrees and would not lose this war to a bunch of wild teenagers.

It was a challenge.

With a stern look, Jacqueline glanced up at her watch, "Breakfast was to begin at seven yet you all arrived by nine. The number one of good etiquette is to arrive on time. Your host will want to serve the dinner hot and arriving late might delay the meal.

"As a general rule, one should try to arrive within fifteen minutes of the requested start time. If you are going to be tardy, text or call your host in advance and tell them your estimated arrival time. If you were going to be over an hour late, tell your?host to begin the meal without you and apologize. But then…. " she stared at them one after the other," None of you did so, "

"So then what?" Isabella asked her with her head held high, "What are you going to do then? Starve and send us away,"

"Of course, I dare not maltreat the children of respectable guests and I bet you all would have good manners the next time," Jacqueline hinted they were not properly brought up.

Isabella flexed her jaw, her heated gaze on Jacqueline who had a polite smile on as if she hadn't subtly insulted them seconds ago.

"Now, unless you want to starve voluntarily, I suggest you all sit down as breakfast is served," Jacqueline announced just as the maids walked in one after the other, placing tantalizing dishes on the table.

Slowly yet cautiously, the kids sat down one after the other while looking at their instructor questioningly. They couldn't understand the women's intention; Jacqueline had threatened to starve them if they arrived late, but then, they arrived late and here she was, welcoming them with open arms. It just doesn't sound right, could this be a trap?

"You can eat," Jacqueline announced as soon as the maids were done serving.

None of them made a move to taste the food, fearing she must have put somthing in it. Well, all except Neon. The boy's eyes widened with delight at the sight of the interesting cuisines on the table.

"No, Neon, don't!" Ailee was about to warn him but the boy had already put a spoon into his mouth and swallowed it down.

They all stared at Neon expecting for him to explode or something, but then nothing happened. Even after the third and four spoonful of his food, Neon didn't throw up nor foam from his mouth. It then dawned on them that the food was perfectly safe.

Besides, why would Jacqueline poison them - no matter how much she disliked them - unless she wanted a massacre in Lincolnshire. They didn't dare Imagine what their parents will do if anything happened to them. Lincolnshire will be finished in one night.

However, something happened, as soon as the kids prepared to dig into the appetizing soup, Jacqueline clapped her hands twice and the maids who served them previously reappeared in the dinning room.

"Take it away," Jacqueline announced and before the kids knew what was going on, each and every of their soups were cleared from the table.

Isabella banged her hand on the table, "What the hell is this?" she was angered. Isabella had barely even taken a taste when it was snatched from her.

Jacqueline raised a dark brow at her, "The almighty Isabella doesn't know what you all did wrong?" she smirked, enjoying this sudden turnaround.

Isabella's brows furrowed as she began to think hard. What had they done wrong? Her eyes scanned the table for their fault.

Jacqueline followed upper class standard of etiquette which meant they had failed to observe a certain level of politeness while dining. Suddenly, her eyes rested on the napkin she had given less thought earlier while easing into her seat.

Oh, damn it, she was too undomesticated?for this kind of royal games.

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