The Art of Chaotic Divinity

Chapter 70: Returning and the Advancement to the Tenth Level of Qi Formation!

Chapter 70: Returning and the Advancement to the Tenth Level of Qi Formation!

After Yan Jinghong's departure, the immediate threat to Ling Feng subsided.

Having regained some strength, Ling Feng wasted no time and swiftly left Luofeng Canyon.

Outside the canyon, several figures stood, craning their necks to look towards the exit of Luofeng Canyon from time to time.

Among them were Elder Tiejian, as well as several members of the team led by Ling Feng.

The other two elders had led a group of fortunate disciples who had narrowly escaped the danger back to the sect.

This incident had significantly rattled everyone, serving as a profound experience for the rookie disciples. Whether this ordeal would be a valuable lesson or a hindrance in their journey towards martial prowess remained uncertain. Yet, overcoming this fear was crucial for their prospects of advancing in the realm of martial arts.

"Why hasn't he come out yet? It seems like everything has calmed down."

Su Hongxiu gritted her teeth as she glanced once more at the canyon's exit, still unable to spot Ling Feng. Growing increasingly anxious, she turned to Elder Tiejian and pleaded, "Elder, could you please go in and find Senior Uncle Ling Feng?"

"Erm..." Elder Tiejian's expression immediately darkened. Even if he had the courage of three men at that moment, he wouldn't dare to enter Luofeng Canyon.

Having narrowly escaped disaster, he simply didn't have the courage to venture back in.

Recalling the moment he was surrounded by a dozen demonic beasts and three demon marshals, his legs still trembled slightly.

"Hmph, forget it. I... I'll go alone!" Su Hongxiu clenched her fists tightly, preparing to dash out from her hiding spot.

"Junior Sister Su, please don't act rashly!" Luo Jianying quickly grabbed her arm. "Senior Uncle Ling Feng entrusted me to look after you. If anything were to happen to you, how could I face him?"

In that instant, he suddenly felt his hand empty. Su Hongxiu had slipped out of his grasp like a rabbit darting away.

"Haha, Senior Uncle Ling Feng!"

In an instant, the disciples who had been waiting for Ling Feng all rose to their feet, their eyes turning towards the canyon's exit.

True to their hopes, a familiar figure emerged, displaying the same unwavering resolve, with a calm and composed demeanor on his face.

Despite his somewhat disheveled appearance, he emerged unscathed, not a single hair out of place.

"Senior Uncle Ling Feng!"

One by one, the disciples, filled with excitement, dashed forward eagerly to greet him.

Even Luo Jianying, typically the most composed, couldn't suppress a hearty laugh, a hint of teary-eyed emotion welling within.

Jiang Wanqing's gaze, fixed on Ling Feng, finally softened, her previously furrowed brow smoothing into a gentle smile.

"What's going on here?"

Elder Tiejian was perplexed. While Ling Feng's reputation in the Wenxian Sect was undeniably formidable, it was predominantly associated with fear rather than admiration. How could he have garnered such genuine affection from these disciples?

"Senior Uncle Ling Feng!"

Su Hongxiu finally reached Ling Feng's side, executing a three-step leap and lunging towards him.

Ling Feng felt awkward; unsure whether to catch her or not, he ended up with a wry smile as he caught the girl, barely managing to withstand her momentum.

"Woo... Woo... Senior Uncle Ling, you're finally out,"

Su Hongxiu sobbed, lifting her head, her eyes red and glistening with tears.

"Yeah, I'm out."

Ling Feng replied softly, gently wiping away the tears from Su Hongxiu's eyes, feeling a sense of warmth flow through his heart.

In this world, beyond the realm of schemes and plots, there also exists the warmth of genuine affection.


Half a day later, the group returned to the Wenxian Sect.

Naturally, the events that occurred in Luofeng Canyon couldn't escape the notice of the sect's higher-ups.

The losses suffered by the disciples during this expedition were severe, with the unfortunate deaths of two inner disciples. For the Wenxian Sect, it was an undeniable setback.

However, Sect Leader Lin Canglang found solace in one thing: Ling Feng had survived.

Otherwise, all the effort he had poured into Ling Feng would have been wasted. Without Ling Feng, how could he possibly obtain the sword scripture of The Flower-Transposing Jade-Burying Sword from Duanmu Qingshan?

Additionally, concerning Ling Feng's enraged slaying of Yan An, not a single member of Ling Feng's team uttered a word about it.

Speaking of which, Ling Feng had Lin Yinyin to thank, as she was the one who had killed Mei Youniao, the only individual who had sought to betray Ling Feng.

Otherwise, Ling Feng would have likely encountered a plethora of troubles.

Inside the Bamboo Tower of Little Bamboo Peak.

Ling Feng slowly recounted the events that had transpired within Luofeng Canyon to Duanmu Qingshan. However, he chose to conceal the details regarding the theft of the Essence-Stealing Blood Pearl and his involvement in the demise of Yan Jinghong's woman.

It wasn't that Ling Feng didn't trust Duanmu Qingshan, but rather, he didn't want to involve him in these matters.

"You've really had quite the stroke of luck to escape unscathed this time!" Duanmu Qingshan chuckled heartily, then added with a touch of astonishment, "I never imagined that during my ten-year seclusion here on Little Bamboo Peak, such a genius as Yan Jinghong would emerge in the outside world!"

"Indeed, he's a formidable prodigy," Ling Feng's eyes flashed with solemnity.

"As you said, that Demonic Dragon Prince is likely a formidable figure at the level of a Demon Lord. To possess such strength at such a young age is truly astonishing!"

Duanmu Qingshan took a deep breath, his mind filled with nothing but self-reproach.

However, he quickly chuckled and said, "Little Feng, there's no need for you to underestimate yourself. The fact that Yan Jinghong has achieved so much at the age of fourteen is merely due to an early start in cultivation. You've only been with the Wenxian Sect for two months, and yet you've progressed from the first stage of Qi Formation to the ninth. Given a few more years, surpassing Yan Jinghong might not be out of reach for you."

With that, Duanmu Qingshan lifted the wine flask and took a few hearty gulps, laughing heartily.

"It's not about what's possible or impossible, but about surpassing limits!"

Ling Feng's fist tightened, a spark of determination flickering in his eyes. The stronger the opponent, the higher his fighting spirit soared!

"Master, tomorrow, I'll administer the needles for you once more. The sword qi within your body will be completely eradicated, and your cultivation will return to its peak." Ling Feng smiled reassuringly at Duanmu Qingshan, realizing that the agreed-upon day with Wen Tingguang was drawing near, likely within the next few days.

When Wen Tingguang initially entrusted him with the Moon Spirit Flower, he had requested Ling Feng's assistance in treating a "distinguished individual." However, Ling Feng had no clue about the identity of this individual.

"After recovery, I will seclude myself for cultivation and strive to break through to the Transcendent Realm. It's time to settle the score from ten years ago!"

With his fist tightened, Duanmu Qingshan's eyes blazed with intense resentment. Regardless of the individual, anyone who had suffered the loss of loved ones would likely harbor such deep-seated hatred.

"On the day Master emerges from seclusion, I am willing to fight alongside Master!"

"Good disciple, Hahaha..."


As the night fell.

Ling Feng retreated to his room and assumed a cross-legged posture, commencing his customary cultivation routine.

The condensation of the Human Dao Divine Inscription requires the absorption of elemental qi of the world within fifty breaths, an exceptionally precious time.

Before long, Ling Feng sensed that the true qi in his dantian had nearly condensed into droplets. This signified that he had reached the peak of the ninth level of Qi Formation, with just one final step remaining before reaching the tenth level.

"With one determined effort, let me break through!"

Ling Feng roared softly, as his inner qi surged like a bamboo piercing through, breaking the barrier of the tenth level of Qi Formation with crackling sounds akin to beans frying in a pan.

This also meant that all the meridians in his body were fully connected, reaching the peak of the Qi Formation Realm—the tenth level of Qi Formation!

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