The Art of Chaotic Divinity

Chapter 71: Qingshan Reborn!

Chapter 71: Qingshan Reborn!

The gentle moonlight filtered through the window sill, casting its glow upon Ling Feng's figure.

Bathed in the moonlight, Ling Feng appeared draped in silver, resembling a statue as he sat cross-legged, as still as an old monk in meditation.

With the passage of time, faint red lights flickered around Ling Feng's body, and the air around him filled with a scorching, dominant aura. Even the bedding beneath him showed signs of scorching from the intense heat.

After a while, Ling Feng opened his eyes, his face breaking into a joyful expression.

"Finally! Tenth level of Qi Formation, I've reached the so-called realm of qi mastery!"

With a clenched fist, Ling Feng felt an unprecedented surge of powerful energy filling every fiber of his being.

The first nine levels of Qi Formation were merely stages of accumulating true qi. It was only upon reaching the tenth stage that all meridians were fully connected, allowing the true qi to flow like an unending river, free from obstruction and responsive to one's command.

No wonder that despite being at the same Qi Formation Realm, those at the qi mastery level surpassed martial practitioners at the ninth level of Qi Formation by such a wide margin.

Only extraordinary individuals like Ling Feng could accomplish such miraculous feats as counter-killing qi mastery practitioners while at the seventh level of Qi Formation.

The night persisted in its darkness, the dew grew heavier, and the cold cicadas continued their ceaseless chirping.

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng suppressed the slightest hint of joy in his heart. He refocused his mind and once again practiced the Wenxian Qi Refining Technique to consolidate his realm. There was no trace of impatience; soon, he entered a state of ethereal and selfless.


As time passed, the night swiftly turned into dawn.

With the gentle light of morning, Ling Feng rose to collect Stone Marrow Flower dew for Duanmu Qingshan. This marked the final day that the dew would be needed.

After today, the lingering sword qi within Duanmu Qingshan's body would be thoroughly eradicated.

In a matter of moments, Ling Feng gathered a bamboo tube's worth of dew and delivered it to Duanmu Qingshan.

Duanmu Qingshan appeared visibly excited, having stayed awake all night. He took the bamboo tube and emptied it in one gulp.

He harbored no doubt about Ling Feng's medical skills. After all, he had endured ten years of suffering without alleviating the deterioration of his true qi. Yet, Ling Feng managed to gradually improve his condition within just two months.

"At noon, when the Yang energy peaks, will be the optimal moment to expel the cold sword qi," Ling Feng remarked.

Seeing the excitement on his master's face, Ling Feng realized that he had waited too long for this day.

Experiencing the torment of the sword qi was a secondary concern; what truly fueled his hatred was the gradual decline in his cultivation. It was being dragged down by the relentless influence of the sword qi, which ultimately dashed his hopes of seeking revenge.

"Little Feng, thank you!"

Duanmu Qingshan said as he rested his hand on Ling Feng's shoulder. Ling Feng's timely intervention during his darkest hour had marked a significant turning point in his fate.

"Between master and disciple, there's no need for thanks," Ling Feng replied with a faint smile. He had aided Duanmu Qingshan, but hadn't Duanmu Qingshan also played a role in helping him?

Upon entering the sect, he immediately faced disdain from the peak masters and elders, some even considering banishing him to the outer gates.

Had it not been for Duanmu Qingshan's guidance in the Wenxian Qi Refining Technique and the Starshatter Sword Technique, as well as his use of the Sect Master's token for protection, he might not have survived to see this day.

Every action had its consequences.

"It's regrettable. Ten years ago, my daughter's fate became uncertain, her whereabouts unknown. Otherwise, I would have surely arranged for her to marry you, making you my son-in-law and further cementing our relationship."

Duanmu Qingshan sighed, lifting his wine flask once more to drown his sorrows.

"Um..." Ling Feng rubbed his nose, pondering Duanmu Qingshan's age. With a father like him, known for his love of drinking, his daughter couldn't be young either. Ling Feng couldn't help but wonder if she was also a drunkard.

"Ah, Little Rou, Little Rou, where are you now..."

Recalling his sorrowful past, Duanmu Qingshan sighed repeatedly.

"Master, dwelling on the past serves no purpose. Once you break free, you can naturally search for your daughter's whereabouts."

Ling Feng paused, then added, "Master, please go to the courtyard first and absorb the warmth of the sun. At noon, I will administer the acupuncture for you."

"Alright." Duanmu Qingshan nodded without further ado. With a graceful leap, he landed in the courtyard outside, fetched a bamboo chair, and settled down to bask in the sunlight.

As time passed gradually, the red sun inched its way up the sky until it reached its zenith, marking the arrival of noon.

Ling Feng took big steps toward Duanmu Qingshan, took out a row of golden needles from his bosom.

"Master, this will be the final treatment. I will completely eliminate the cold sword qi within your body. It may cause some intense pain, so please bear with it," Ling Feng explained.

Duanmu Qingshan replied with a faint smile, "Physical pain, no matter how severe, cannot compare to the pain in one's heart. Proceed."

Nodding in acknowledgment, Ling Feng selected a golden needle and began by sealing off Duanmu Qingshan's heart meridian.

"To eliminate the sword qi, there's a risk it might surge uncontrollably, therefore Duanmu Qingshan's heart meridian was sealed as a precaution."

"It's all up to you now!"

Duanmu Qingshan gritted his teeth. With his heart meridian sealed, even for a master like him, survival was limited to about thirty breaths.

In essence, Ling Feng had to complete everything within that time frame.

Ling Feng didn't utter a word. His hands moved in unison, grasping eight golden needles and swiftly piercing into the vital organs of Duanmu Qingshan's heart and lungs, where the cold sword qi lay concealed.

Piercing, switching needles, tapping!

Each action seamlessly flowed into the next!

Duanmu Qingshan was momentarily stunned by the precision and swiftness with which the eight needles struck, accurately hitting every acupoint. Ling Feng's keen eyes and his finesse in technique were nothing short of extraordinary, bordering on the miraculous.

Considering himself a skilled physician, one who could even hold the esteemed position of Divine Imperial Physician in the Tianbai Empire, Duanmu Qingshan found his own medical skills utterly insignificant compared to Ling Feng's.

"Truly worthy of being the successor of the Medical Saint. Though Ling Hanyang may have passed, his medical expertise has undoubtedly been passed down."

Duanmu Qingshan marveled inwardly. However, the intense pain coursing through his body soon plunged his mind into oblivion.

Ten breaths!

Twenty breaths!

Ling Feng found himself in a race against time; if he exceeded the thirty-breath limit, Duanmu Qingshan would perish at his hands.

For a physician, the power over life and death lay within their grasp.

With a determined focus in his eyes, Ling Feng merged the eight needles into one, his fingers moving like the swift wind as he pierced the final acupoint.


Duanmu Qingshan let out a roar akin to tearing through the heavens, and faintly, wisps of dark green mist began to emanate from his body, dispersing gradually.

The green mist represented the sword qi left behind by the previous sect master within Duanmu Qingshan's body.

The black mist, on the other hand, was the result of the accumulated malicious cold sword qi within Duanmu Qingshan's body.

With this final needle, Ling Feng successfully expelled all traces of the poisonous cold sword qi. Henceforth, Duanmu Qingshan would no longer suffer from the torment of that sinister cold sword qi.


Ling Feng swiftly retrieved all the golden needles with a deft movement of his ten fingers.

Everything was accomplished within the exact span of thirty breaths, not a moment more nor less!


Duanmu Qingshan exhaled deeply, sweat forming on his forehead, yet his complexion was remarkably rosy, as if he had shed ten years of age.

"I am fully healed!"

Duanmu Qingshan's spiritual perception delved within, revealing a tranquil sea of qi in his dantian. The chilling sword qi that had tormented him for a decade was finally completely eradicated!

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