The Bloodline System

Chapter 1398 Recovering Sersi

Chapter 1398 Recovering Sersi

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter


"It is my brother, Gustav," Endric responded.

"Fraud... fraud... fraud... fraud..." PO kept chanting repeatedly.

"You should have already figured it out since the command," Gustav clicked his tongue lightly in disappointment.

"That's Gustav? How is he doing this?" Vilax asked with an even more befuddled tone.

"Just sit back and enjoy the show... even if it is almost over," Gustav responded from up ahead while taking a seat on the throne magnificently.

Osiark and Vilax were still in disbelief. Was it truly over now? Did Gustav actually win against Seifiling? That terrifying being?

As much as it was difficult to believe, the reality unraveling before them, depicted that it truly was the case.

PO soon couldn't hold back anymore and flew out of the throne room after a few more seconds.

The loud explosions rocking outer space in the distance could be felt even within the vessel so they knew that Seifiling's minions had been truly dealt with... every single one of them.

If that was the case then did it mean they were now in control of the space vessel?

"I am currently in control of Zonpaktu, however, the moment I go back to my usual look, it would self-destruct. Now you have a choice, do you want the other species within Zonpaktu to be saved as well?" Gustav questioned.

"You can save them? Really?" Vilax couldn't believe his ears.

"I can. With the disk's power, I can get all of them out of there," Gustav replied.

"Do it then!" Osiark had an excited look as she stated.

They already felt guilty about only saving their people and leaving the other species there in bondage. Gustav's revelation about having the power to free everyone gave them a sense of relief.

"Will the vessel be enough to contain them all?" Endric questioned rationally.

"Let's hope it does," Gustav replied while planting his index finger on his cylindrical forehead and closing all four of his eyes.

The group watched as the disk flew out of the throne room. They knew Gustav was at it so they decided not to make any noise so as not to distract him.

"I wonder why Seifiling created a vessel this large just to keep the species in an entirely different location," Vilax questioned softly.

"I believe it was because he couldn't put them all in bondage," Endric explained.

"The vessel must have been his initial plan till that problem came into view which is why there are so many levels imbued with space expansion machines," He added.

"This means there is a chance of the vessel being capable of containing everyone," Osiark voiced from the side.

"We shall see," Vilax mumbled.

After a few minutes, species trapped within Zonpaktu began to appear all over the space vessel in droves. Millions of them appeared on the different levels across the vessel while the purplish shackles around their necks fell off.

"Huh? What is going on?"

"I think I have my free will again."

"We are no longer in that dreadful place draining our lives away."

They looked like they had just awoken from a deep sleep but a lot of them recalled everything that they had been unwillingly doing for the past couple of years.

"We still look like we are in there."

"This place is different."

Loud chatters rang out all across the floors as every single location in the vessel became crowded.

While the freed species within the vessel were filled with confusion, Gustav's image suddenly appeared as a projection on every floor.

The freed species found themselves staring at footage of Gustav who had returned to his original look.

"You are free..."

The species who were initially confused were brought up to speed as Gustav explained that he and the others originally infiltrated this vessel to free the Ozis.

Gustav also told them that since they managed to successfully deal with Seifiling, they added saving everyone to the mix and that Zonpaktu was about to self-destruct.

A lot of them felt melancholic the moment Gustav mentioned the destruction of Zonpaktu. It turned out that those abducted at the earlier stages of Seifiling's goal to have every species in the galaxy had been working on building Zonpaktu for over a century already.

Although the concept of time within Zonpaktu was much different from outside, that was already most of their lives. There was no doubt that they were in bondage but hearing that something they had spent a long period of their lives building was getting destroyed, still made them feel disheartened.

Gustav went on to explain that since they were free, they of course could decide their fates from henceforth. Vilax went on to appear in view and addressed the masses about how the Ozis would ensure that every species returned to their rightful place in the universe.

Seifiling was no longer in the picture but he had left the Vessel behind which Gustav had reconfigured to make Vilax the new owner before he transformed to his original look.

Gustav had cut off all ties Zanpoktu had to the Space Vessel as well so it wouldn't be affected after its self-destruct.

Cheers! Cheers! Chatter!

The entire space vessel erupted in cheers as the groups of species which numbered in the billions praised their saviours for their rescue.

Looks of anticipation and relief could be seen on the faces of many of them. Vilax and the others had truly volunteered to do the rest of the work so it was finally time for Gustav to relax.

Within the throne room, he stepped down from the throne.

"Isn't there something you all forgot?" Gustav questioned while creasing his eyebrows.

"Hmm?" Osiark and Vilax voiced in confusion but Endric came to a realisation.

However, before he could speak, Gustav revealed what he was talking about.

"Sersi," He stated.

Their faces lit up with shock as they looked around.

"Tsk y'all couldn't even be bothered to look for her," Gustav added while trotting forward.

"I thought she was maybe trapped on one of the floors and we could get her after Seifiling was fully dealt with," Vilax tried to explain with a guilt-stricken expression.

"That is a very ignorant statement coming from someone such as yourself Vilax. What if Seifiling had done irreversible damage to her and none of you had realized any better till this whole ordeal ended?" Gustav had already arrived at the entry point of the throne room at this point.

"We're sorry for being so slow, we'll look for her," Osiark assured from the side.

"There's no need. I already found and freed her," Gustav replied while walking out.

"Freed her?" Vilax and Osiark were both confused.

"Seifiling didn't just put her on any level... he put her in experimentation," Endric seemed to have realized everything now.

"Experimentation? How? He surely couldn't have done anything to her since we got here right?" Osiark had a worried expression while questioning.

"We have been on Seifiling for over two weeks already and here for up to a week... A week is a lot of time for a lot of things to go down. Also, Seifiling just left her there to those heads," Endric answered while following after Gustav.

It was truly as Endric said. Seifiling was curious about Sersi who had the DNA of two different species in her while not being a native of Earth. So he had put her in the experimentation lab to have the T-vods take a look at her since he had built those particular bots to be well-versed in science.

It wasn't until after Gustav returned to the vessel as Seifiling that he knew exactly where she was and what she had been going through. Fortunately, he had asked every single minion to self-destruct so Sersi was freed from them.

Gustav decided to handle everything else about the Zonpaktu since it was a very grave situation before finally heading to her.

He was greeted by the sights of the species he had saved who let out words of appreciation upon seeing him.

Gustav didn't want to concern himself with that and went invisible after some time. He wanted to avoid getting delayed as he approached one of the floors.

Upon arriving on his floor of interest, there were still a lot of species there as well but at the end of the floor, he found himself in front of a secluded space. This was one of the few parts on the vessel that none of the species had been able to occupy.

Gustav finally revealed his presence as two massive metallic doors slid sideways.

What appeared in Gustav's view next was a labyrinth of interconnected chambers.

Glass enclosures, pulsating with artificial atmospheres, housed a diverse array of life forms. Alien flora with luminescent petals swayed gently in simulated cosmic winds, while peculiar organisms wriggled within containment tanks filled with liquid that defied universal colors.

The experimentation space had shelves that were lined with meticulously labeled containers, each housing a specimen of organic or alien origin.

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