The Bloodline System

Chapter 1399 Finding A Sample

Chapter 1399 Finding A Sample

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter


Gustav walked through the midst of towering structures that housed things that were difficult for the human mind to comprehend.

It seemed like he already knew where to look.

He soon arrived a couple of feet from a massive medical table that looked like multiple silver plaques stacked atop one another.

A figure sat before its edge and leaned against it with its back. They seemed like they were currently asleep while clad in a patient robe.

Gustav arrived before them and squatted.

Pat! Pat!

Gustav gently?tapped their face twice before speaking, "Sersi are you okay?"

Squish~ Flicker~

Sersi's cute eyes slowly flickered open and Gustav was taken aback the moment he noticed the greyness in her eyes.

"Father, is that you?" She questioned cutely.

"...Yes it's me Gustav... can you see me?" Gustav questioned as he waved his hand before her face.

"I can hear you," Sersi answered while a smile appeared on her face.

This response instantly gave Gustav his answer. Sersi had gone blind.

"What happened? How did this..." Gustav's raised his voice in anguish.

"It's okay Father. I am fine," Sersi held his hand and smiled heartily.

"Especially now that you are here," She added.

While Sersi's hand was resting on his, Gustav decided to pry into her memories.

[Memory Siphoning Has Been Activated]

A stream of memories flowed in Gustav's mind which further incensed him as he witnessed everything the T-vods did to her while they were trying to take care of Seifiling.

The space vessel began to quake as Gustav's anger rose and he suddenly felt the urge to rip Seifiling into a million pieces.

The girl had gone through a whole lot in the past week yet she told Gustav she was perfectly okay.

'Good thing I can do that with my VI realm... I will make Seifiling suffer more,' Gustav swore internally.

"I can only hope that recovery pills work," Gustav muttered as he realized that Sersi had been blind for four days already.

Gustav proceeded to take a pill out of his storage space and placed it in between Sersi's lips.

After Sersi swallowed, Gustav waited to see if there would be any changes.

While he was waiting, he noticed something.

Adjacent to the medical stacks of plaques, floating crystalline structures suspended within force fields defied the laws of conventional physics, casting prismatic reflections across the experiment space.

It wasn't that Gustav didn't notice this area initially, he just hadn't paid it any attention but now that he did, his face lit up with suspicion.

An ashy ethereal substance could be seen almost flickering in and out of existence as it swum within one of the floating crystalline structures.

It seemed to be a trap within.

Despite there being other things of interest, this one in particular had pulled Gustav's attention because it looked like something he had been after for a very long time.

"Is that a sample of a warp demolator?" Gustav couldn't believe his eyes as he slowly approached.

Gustav arrived before it and studied the odd-looking substance again that almost seemed alive.

'Does this mean Seifiling has come into contact with the warp demolator before?' The more Gustav thought about it, the more it made sense to him.

Seifiling was a being that had been traveling across the galaxy for centuries already. Long before he came into existence. It was no wonder how he knew about something that even the higher-ups from Earth didn't believe existed.

Gustav reached out to grab the floating crystalline container and snapped his finger.


The container vanished into his personal space.

Gustav's eyes lit up with a look of intrigue, 'I could ask Seifiling about what he has learned. Looks like coming here wasn't entirely a waste of time,' Gustav said internally before returning to Sersi.

He noticed she had already gotten to her feet and all the cuts as well as bruises across her body had disappeared.

Sersi no longer looked fatigued and battered, however, the greyness in her eyes remained.

"Sersi... how is it? Can you..." Gustav waved his hand before her once more and she just proceeded to smile.

"It is fine," She stated.

"How many fingers am I holding up?" Gustav inquired.

Sersi shook her head in response and Gustav immediately confirmed that she still couldn't see.

'This means she will need to get medical care... good thing we're headed to earth next,' Gustav was of course still disappointed with how things turned out for Sersi but he knew it was only a temporary situation.

Now that their next plan was to head back to earth, he could definitely have Sersi attended to by health professionals there.

"Come on, let's go," Gustav said while softly holding onto Sersi's hand.

Just as they took a step forward, an alarm suddenly began blaring.

Ddhiinnn~ Dhiinnn~ Dhiinnn~

< Proximity Alert >

< Proximity Alert >

'Hmm?' Gustav's eyes squinted as he looked forward with suspicion.

He stepped forward and instantly arrived at the entry point of the experimentation space where Endric was waiting for him.

"What is it now?" Gustav questioned with Sersi by his side.

"I don't know for sure but a fleet of spacecraft seems to be approaching," Endric answered.

Gustav's suspicion further increased and just as they decided to head towards the throne room to get a better grasp of the situation, loud blasts rang out.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The space vessel quaked and loud cries rang out in the next instant as many species lost their footing.

"Looks like they opened fire," Gustav was even more bothered about the situation as he wondered if Seifiling had any other support that he knew nothing about.


His figure vanished in the next instant, alongside Sersi and Endric as they swiftly headed for the throne room.

They arrived there before long even though the vessel had taken multiple more outside blasts.

At that point, Gustav's perception was no longer hindered within the vessel so he could sense the approaching fleet in outer space.

The moment they stepped into the throne room, multiple holographic visuals appeared in their line of sight, showing the war fleet of battle spacecraft.

"Who are they and why are they suddenly attacking us?" Endric questioned.

Vilax who was standing before a bunch of control panels had a look of distress on his face.

Gustav knew what his look meant... Vilax knew exactly who was attacking them.

"Who are they?" Gustav asked while approaching.

"It's our people. They must have arrived thinking we still need help dealing with Seifiling," Vilax spilled the tea.

"Your people?" Gustav's face turned dark.

"How did they find us?" Endric questioned from behind.

"Well, that's because..." Osiark paused for a bit as she began to realize the severity of the situation.

"When we sent Volpork back, we left him with a tracking signal he could use to get back to us," Vilax tried to explain.

"You allowed us to be tracked?" Endric questioned with a look of betrayal.

"So this was a setup then?" Gustav questioned as a fierce energy began to radiate from his figure.

"No no, it wasn't a setup," Osiark quickly discarded.

"We were afraid of not being able to deal with Seifiling all by ourselves and let them track us just in case we get into a precarious situation. They would have saved us," Vilax explained.

"You did that while knowing your people would be out to get me. Makes me truly question your intentions," Gustav stated with a strong tone of mistrust.

"Believe me Gustav, Vilax has no bad intentions towards you," Milox suddenly walked into the throne room.

"At first, I wanted nothing more than to capture you but Vilax was always against it. Even back at the ring, he was one of the very few that claimed you were not to blame," Milox arrived before Gustav while explaining.

"Even I don't believe you have a hand in the destruction of our planet anymore after everything you have done for us. I have no intention of trying to capture you as well. The only reason Vilax allowed the tracking signal was because he was worried. If we had truly been in a precarious situation, their arrival would have helped," Milox explained further.

"It doesn't change the fact that he has led them right to me," Gustav stated.

"We will explain the situation to them. You don't have to worry about anything," Osiark responded with an enthusiastic look.

"They will be grateful when they hear of everything that happened," Vilax added.

"Nah, I think I have lived long enough to know how these types of situations will end up," Gustav shook his head lightly.

"Just because you won't try to harm me, doesn't mean the rest of your people will share such sentimentality."


Author's Note: This is a reminder not to purchase beyond tier two privilege. Only tier 1 and 2 privileges are available for purchase. If you choose not to listen to warnings, your complaints will be ignored later on.

Month Goals:

500 Golden Tickets = 4 chapters mass release.

1000 Golden Tickets = 8 Chapters mass release.

1000 Privilege Unlocks = 2 Extra Chapters

10,000 Privilege Unlocks = 10 Extra Chapters

One Magic Castle = 1 Extra Chapter

One Spacecraft = 2 Extra Chapters

Golden Gachapon = 4 Extra Chapters and a special shootout.

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