The Bloodline System

Chapter 1449 Taking A Planet Out Of Orbit

Chapter 1449 Taking A Planet Out Of Orbit

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter


"We cannot allow our world to end like this!" spoke the Archon, the leader of the council, his voice resonating with authority and resolve.

"We must find a way to restore our sun's light and stabilize the gravitational forces that threaten to tear our planet apart."

The council members nodded in agreement, their minds racing with ideas and potential solutions.

Suggestions were brought forward, ranging from harnessing the residual energies of the planet's core to seeking the aid of distant, allied civilizations. Each proposal was debated with the urgency and seriousness that the situation demanded.

Yet, for all their wisdom and power, the solution to their crisis remained elusive. The fading of their sun, a phenomenon beyond their control and understanding, posed a challenge that threatened to dwarf even their greatest feats of power and technology.

"We may need to consider evacuation," proposed one of the council members, a suggestion that hung heavy in the air.

"If we cannot save our planet, we must at least ensure the survival of our people."

The notion of leaving their home, of abandoning the world that had nurtured and defined them, was a bitter pill to swallow.

Nonetheless, faced with the potential extinction of their race, the council recognized the weight of the responsibility that rested on their shoulders.

One council member, however, raised a voice of dissent that resonated with a hard truth.

"Evacuation under the current conditions is not just impractical; it's impossible," they argued, their tone laced with the gravity of their situation.

"The severe gravitational anomalies that plague our planet now would render any attempt at spacecraft flight futile. We would be unable to reach the necessary velocity for escape without being torn apart."

The objection cast a shadow of despair over the council, prompting another round of heated arguments.

The chamber, usually a place of wisdom and deliberation, echoed with the sounds of desperation and disagreement as the council members grappled with the reality of their predicament.

As the surface of their planet continued to be ravaged by quakes and the relentless gravitational forces that threatened to tear their world asunder, another member of the council, driven by a sense of urgency, proposed a new course of action.

"We must reach out to the alliance," they suggested a note of hope in their voice.

"They have the resources and the technology to aid our people in this time of crisis. It is our best chance."

The suggestion, born out of necessity and the recognition of their limitations, was met with a general nod of agreement.

The idea of seeking help from the alliance seemed like a beacon of hope in the encroaching darkness.

With a renewed sense of purpose, the council mobilized their efforts to establish interstellar communication.

However, as they attempted to send their distress signals, to bridge the vast distances with their pleas for help, they were met with silence.

No matter how much they tried, all the communication systems were down, rendered inoperative by the same forces that sought to doom their planet. The realization that they were cut off, isolated in their darkest hour, was a blow that struck deeper than any physical wound.

"We are virtually sitting ducks," one council member lamented, the words heavy with a sense of defeat.

"Without any hope of reaching out for help, how do we face this catastrophe?"

'People of Planet Orion...'

The council members' eyes suddenly widened in confusion.

"Did you hear that?"

"I thought it was just me."

"I heard it too... what is going on?"

'I am here to save your world.'

The Council member's faces showed hints that they could still hear the voice and to their astonishment, it wasn't just happening there, it was happening all over their planet.

The planet natives who numbered in billions could all hear the consoling masculine voice in their minds.

'Do not worry, you won't end up like the Ozis.'

Immediately after the council members heard that the rumblings suddenly stopped.

"The rumblings... they stopped?"

{ Minutes Earlier }

A spacecraft cut through outer space, approaching a planet in the distance.

As Gustav and the others approached the distant planet, a sense of foreboding filled the spacecraft.

The darkening sun, a dying beacon in the vast expanse of space, was visible millions of miles away, its dimming light casting ominous shadows across their path.

Despite the considerable distance, the spacecraft began to experience the first signs of the gravitational instability wreaking havoc on the planet below.

The closer they got, the more pronounced the instability became. The spacecraft shuddered under the strain of the erratic gravitational force, its frame groaning as if in protest.

The situation escalated quickly; the vessel began to quake severely, rattling everyone and making it evident that penetrating the planet's atmosphere under those conditions would be impossible.

Endric turned to Gustav with his face etched in concern; "The full premonition is nearly here, big brother. We have to act immediately."

Gustav, his resolve as firm as ever, nodded in acknowledgement. Without a word, he moved towards the exit of the spacecraft. They watched in awe as Gustav's entire being began to transform while he soared through space.

Glowing silver scales emerged from his skin, covering his body in a shimmering armour of light. A tail and two horns sprouted, completing the metamorphosis, while a trail of whitish light surrounded his figure, imbuing him with an ethereal quality.

[ Ultimate Combination Has Been Activated ]

With incredible speed, Gustav breached the unstable gravitational force, his new form cutting through the chaos as he infiltrated the planet's atmosphere.

Endric and the others watched, their breaths held in suspense, as Gustav disappeared from their view, descending towards the troubled world below.

Upon his arrival on the planet, Gustav was immediately confronted with scenes of pandemonium.

The surface was being ripped apart by quakes and giant crevices that threatened to swallow everything in their path.

The Aetherials, the magnificent beings with their luminous halos and once-graceful wings, were now groaning in pain, struggling against the oppressive gravitational forces that rendered them practically immobile.

Gustav sprang into action. With agility and strength, he moved swiftly among the Aetherials, pulling them away from the brink of crevices that had suddenly opened beneath their feet.

To the Aetherials, the chaotic gravitational force was surprisingly ineffective on him and it was because of his ultimate combination form. Gustav had a layer of anti-gravitational energy surrounding his being that repelled everything away.

However, Gustav knew that physical intervention, while crucial, was not enough to quell the rising tide of despair and fear that had gripped the planet.

He needed to reach every single being, to offer them hope.

[ Mental Transmission Has Been Activated ]

Closing his eyes, Gustav imbued energy from his form into Mental Transmission, making it more than a hundred times more effective than before.

His voice, infused with power, echoed in the consciousness of every Aetherial on the planet.

"People of planet Orion," Gustav began, his mental voice a calming presence amid the turmoil. "I am here to save your world."

Confusion and fear gave way to a flicker of hope as they wondered who the stranger was.

'I need to move the entire planet away...' Gustav said internally.

("It's not by strength... you'd just rip through the planet and come out the other side,") The system warned.

'I know... that's why I'll have to cover the entire planet with my ultimate combination energy,' Gustav responded before spreading his energy.

Gustav unveiled a power that no one, perhaps not even he, knew he possessed.

With a deep, resonating breath, he tapped into the very core of his being, drawing upon the extraordinary essence that had transformed him.

It was in that moment of absolute necessity that Gustav chose to become not just a saviour but a force of nature itself.

As Gustav concentrated, radiant energy began to emanate from his form, casting a silver aura that spread like wildfire across the planet's expanse.

The light, pure and resplendent, touched every crevice, every shadowed valley, and every struggling Aetherial. The silver aura enveloped the planet like a protective cocoon.

The gravitational instability, a malevolent force that had pressed down upon the inhabitants with relentless cruelty, began to rescind at the presence of Gustav's light.

Standing as a lone bulwark against the gravitational anomaly, Gustav bore the full brunt of its force.

With the planet enveloped in the calming silver light, Gustav prepared for an act of unprecedented power.

He gathered his strength, drawing from the wellspring of energy that flowed through his body.

Then, with a determination that burned as bright as the light he radiated, Gustav pushed.

It was a push that defied the laws of physics, a defiance against the natural order that sought to doom the planet to darkness. Gustav, his form glowing with an intensity that lit up the sky, pushed the entire planet forward, steering it away from the darkening sun that had once been its source of life but was now a harbinger of death.

The planet moved, slowly at first, then gaining momentum as Gustav's efforts bore fruit. It was a spectacle beyond imagination, a being of immense power exerting his will upon a celestial body, guiding it away from oblivion.

The darkening sun, a shrinking orb of despair in the distance, gradually receded from view, its menacing presence replaced by the expanse of space that opened up new possibilities for the planet and its inhabitants.

"Do not worry, you won't end up like the Ozis."

His words, though spoken silently, were felt deeply by the Aetherials.

As the planet distanced itself from the dying sun, the silver aura that Gustav had spread began to fade, its purpose served.

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