The Bloodline System

Chapter 1450 The Third Premonition

Chapter 1450 The Third Premonition

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter


The gravitational instability that had wrought severe havoc was no more, leaving behind a sense of calm that had been absent for too long.

The quakes subsided, the fissures ceased, and the Aetherials, once bound to the ground by an unseen force, found that they could move freely once again.

Gustav felt the expenditure of energy and collapsed to one knee as his transformation receded.

("Congratulations, you managed to push an entire planet out of its orbit,") The system's annoying voice rang in his ear.

His actions, born of desperation and hope, had altered the fate of an entire world, steering it away from the edge of extinction. The planet, saved from the brink of destruction, owed its continued existence to Gustav and showered him with appreciation as they crowded him on the surface.

As the Aetherials gathered around Gustav, their expressions a mix of awe and gratitude, the planet descended into darkness. With no sun, their major source of light was gone.

However, the ring-like halos floating above their heads were bright enough to illuminate the entire planet.

They were alive and that was all that mattered to them in that moment.

The council, emerging from their underground sanctuary, witnessed the transformation that had taken place, realizing that their world had been given a second chance.

In the aftermath of the miraculous event, the story of Gustav's act of salvation spread across the planet, a tale that would be told for generations.

The atmosphere was electric with relief and wonder as the once oppressive gravitational instability had receded, leaving behind a sense of calm and stability.

Yet, it was the sight of Gustav Crimson, known across the universe as a fugitive and planet destroyer, standing as the saviour of their planet, that left the council genuinely shocked.

"Is that Gustav Crimson?!" Archon who was present at IYSOP voiced in bewilderment.

"Is that going to be a problem? Gonna tell the alliance I'm here and claim the bounty?" Gustav gaze shot forward as he questioned with a straight face.

"No, no, how can we do such?" Archon stepped forward with a look of reverence.

"Your actions have preserved the existence of our world," one of the council members began, his voice echoing the sentiment of gratitude that filled the air. "We are in your debt, Gustav Crimson. Your name shall be revered in our history as the saviour of our people."

Gustav's guard dropped a little as he acknowledged their appreciation with a nod. However, he was quick to address the lingering concern that clouded the victory.

"While the immediate danger has been averted, the planet is now adrift, unanchored by the gravitational pull of a sun. It is floating aimlessly across space," he said, highlighting the precariousness of their situation despite the momentary relief.

The council, undeterred by the gravity of Gustav's words, reassured him.

"Do not worry about our planet's course," another council member responded with a serene confidence.

"We possess the knowledge and the means to navigate this challenge. We will find a new path and create a new source of light to guide us."

Their assurances were interwoven with continuous expressions of gratitude, as they beseeched Gustav to stay, to partake in a feast prepared in his honor, a celebration of their world's salvation. But Gustav, bound by the urgency of unresolved matters that awaited him beyond the confines of their world, politely declined their offer.

"Thanks, but I must leave now. The crisis still remains," Gustav explained, his resolve clear in his voice.

As if on cue, a pentagon-shaped spacecraft, descended onto the planet's surface, its arrival marking the end of Gustav's stay. With a final nod to the council and the gathered inhabitants, who still looked upon him with awe and appreciation, Gustav boarded the spacecraft.

Endric, Falco, Aildris, and Ria awaited him inside, their faces etched with anticipation.

The spacecraft lifted off, leaving behind a world forever changed by Gustav's actions. Orion natives watched as their savior departed into the vast expanse of space.

The sense of crisis lingered like a shadow. With the sun that had once nurtured their planet now a darkened husk in the distance, an ominous anticipation filled the cosmos.

As the last vestiges of light faded, the sun crumbled into an abyss of blackness, an event that heralded the emergence of something unforeseen.

"The third premonition is here," Endric stated within the spacecraft.

From the remnants of the collapsed star, a massive hand emerged, unfurling from the darkness like a spectre of ancient fears made manifest. Its appearance sent ripples through the fabric of space.

The council, still standing on the surface of their saved world, turned their gaze toward the heavens, witnessing the emergence of the colossal hand with a mixture of awe and apprehension.

The universe, it seemed, was never short of wonders and terrors.

The hand was just as massive as the eye and mouth that had appeared representing the first and second premonitions.

With how incredibly massive it was, there was no doubt that hundreds of planets would fit into its palm.

Gustav had taken Planet Orion trillions of miles from their initial position and yet the hand was still very visible.

The group was visibly concerned, their recent triumph shadowed by the new and ominous development.

Endric broke the silence as they travelled forward.

"This premonition is different from the last," he explained.

"It doesn't have a longer foothold here unlike the previous one which was a general anomaly. This will vanish in a few more seconds."

However, as Endric observed the hand he noticed a subtle but significant change: the fingers of the hand, previously splayed, began to curl inward, as if it intended to form a fist. This new development sent a ripple of urgency through him.

"Guys, listen!" Endric called out, his voice sharp with urgency.

"We must not let that hand close into a fist. The destructive waves it will send across space will destroy every orbital body in its path, Planet Orion included. The distance won't be able to save it. We cannot allow it to complete that action before it dissipates."

Gustav, who had been at the forefront of their earlier ordeal had expended a great deal of his energy saving the planet.

He knew that he wasn't in a position to intervene directly with the danger in front of them. At that moment, Falco stepped forward, resolute and ready.

"I'll handle this," Falco declared, his voice resonant with the power of his otherworldly lineage.

Without a moment's hesitation, he exited the spacecraft and surged forward towards the gargantuan hand.

Falco's being morphed becoming as dark as the hand up ahead. His essence intertwined with the darker energies erupting from the hand.

As he approached, the hand seemed to respond, its movements slowing, as if recognizing the presence of a kindred spirit.

'Estroel... I will not let you have even a shred of hold here,' Falco swore internally.

Harnessing his unique abilities, Falco emitted a surge of dark energy towards the hand, aiming to disrupt its form and prevent it from closing.

The space around him vibrated with the force of his power, a visual spectacle of energy ripples cascading through the void.

It was darkness against darkness...

Back on the spacecraft, Gustav and the others watched anxiously through the observation deck, their eyes fixed on Falco's figure against the colossal hand.

To call Falco's figure a speck of sand before the hand would be very generous. The hand covered his entire view like a wall that was impossible to scale. Its width went on for millions upon millions of miles and yet Falco braved his adversary with courage.

They could see the energy interactions, however, the hand didn't do anything in response to Falco's attack. It was still closing like Falco was only wasting his time.

"Come on, Falco," Gustav murmured under his breath.

Falco, feeling the immense pressure of the task at hand, intensified his efforts. He knew that the balance of using his power was delicate; too much force could have unforeseen consequences, yet too little would fail.

With precision born of necessity, he modulated his energy output, threading waves of dark power into the structure of the hand, seeking to destabilize it from within.

Like roots, the dark branches spread forth from his being looking incredibly gargantuan.

Wherever they made contact with, reduced in motion based on Falco's will but the hand was just too massive for him to reach everywhere.

The seconds ticked by, each one laden with the weight of impending doom or salvation. Just as the hand was about to close up completely, its form shimmered...


It suddenly vanished from space.

Falco let out a sigh of relief as space returned to tranquillity. The third premonition had passed.

Slowly, he returned to the spacecraft, where he was met with relief and nods from his companions.

Gustav clapped him on the back.

"You did it, Falco," he said, his relief evident in his smile.

"You managed to slow it down."

"Honestly, it didn't feel like I was doing anything... Estroel is too powerful."


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