The Dawn Of The New World

Chapter 1311 Level Four

The Mountain City, Lower Levels, Outer Section.

There were guards stationed every 40 meters and several squads roaming about the city streets keeping an eye on everything and everyone that passed by.


The night sky became even darker as the pitter-patter of raindrops began to spread through the streets, prompting most of the people to take immediate cover.

Near the giant walled staircase that divided the outer and inner sections was a six-story building that oversaw most of the mountain. The door to the top floor swung open and a guard stumbled in, looking around in a hurry before finding a figure staring out of the window.

"Captain, it's raining!" he exclaimed.

The guard captain turned around to throw him a baleful glare, "Really? I hadn't noticed."

"It's true sir, everyone is in a huff worried that-"

"I KNOW!" he screamed cutting the guard off before throwing a bronze pendant over to him.

"Go to the upper levels and find out what's going on. Tell them we need the barrier up as soon as possible, there is no telling what kind of poison or disease the rain brings this time," he craned his neck to peek out of the window again while grumbling to himself, "Just because most of the people here of low birth doesn't mean they can treat us like shit. WHAT ARE YOU STILL DOING HERE MAGGOT, GET MOVING!"

"S-Sir yes sir!" the guard gave a half-assed salute and ran out without even closing the door.

The captain sat down behind the giant wooden table ladened with countless scrolls and documents when he paused and looked up with a furrowing brow.

"And who might you be, soldier?"

There was a person standing on the other side of the table wearing an identical uniform to the guard that just left.

'I didn't even hear him come in...'

"I'm new here," he replied.

"New? I didn't hear about any newbies."

"Are you sure? Someone should have told you," he replied cooly, looking right into the captain's eyes.

The captain couldn't look away from his piercing gaze even if he wanted. He suddenly recalled the events of last night.

"Oh yeah, I think I heard one of the guys mention something about that yesterday. I completely forgot about it. Do you have your papers with you?"

"Mhm, right there," he pointed at the table and when the captain looked down there was already a half-opened scroll in his hand.

The captain unfurled it all the way and quickly went over all the details.

"Everything seems to be in order. It says here you are stationed in the dungeon? That's...rare. Usually newbies aren't given such difficult jobs. Did you piss someone off? Haha-" he asked jokingly but received no answer.


"E-Either way. Here is a map of the city, the dungeon is at the very back. Do you have your identity token with you? You need it to go past every checkpoint."

The man shook his head, "No, I was told to get a new one after coming here."

"Oh, no worries then. It only takes a day. I will send your details up the chain and you should have it by tomorr-"

"That's no good. I need it today," the man jumped in, "Can't I just borrow yours?"

"Mine? Are you crazy, I'm the captain! How can I just give my identity token away-"

"It's okay, I won't tell anyone," the man urged while taking a step closer.

What little control the captain had over his own thoughts was immediately lost when the light from his piercing green eyes became even stronger.

"Oh...why didn't you say so earlier. Here," the captain took out a silver pendant from his inner pocket and handed it over in a daze.

The man took the pendant and turned around while saying, "Good. Why don't you enjoy the view? You might find something you like out there," before walking out of the office.

The captain got up from his seat and walked over to the window before diving out. He fell headfirst into the street making his skull pop like a balloon.

A minute later the door of the bottom floor creaked open and Hao Xuan walked out with the silver pendant in hand. He glanced at the captain's body before turning towards the inner section.

"Such heavy rain, the sound is almost deafening," he muttered under his breath and the rain picked up even more.

It battered the mountain city without end, drowning out all other sounds.

Hao Xuan walked through the deserted streets unseen by all around him and untouched by the rain that affected everyone but him.

An X-shaped design constantly rotated within his eyes giving power to his thoughts and turning his words into reality for all that were caught within the 'First Gaze'.

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