The Dawn Of The New World

Chapter 1312 Old Faces

The dungeon entrance was located in the far north corner at the deepest point in the mountain. There was only one way in and out and it was littered with countless defensive runes and charms to stop any uninvited visitors in their tracks.

Two armored warriors stood guard in front of the stone doors, just outside of the reach of the torrential rain. One of them wore silver armor and the other gold.

"What's wrong?" the golden warrior inquired when the silver warrior curiously turned his head sideways as if listening for something.

"Do you hear anything?"

"The rain?"

"No, besides that."

"No, how could I? It's raining serpents and wolves out here."

"Yeah but...I have never seen the city so quiet. We haven't seen a single soul pass by in the last half hour."

"Speak of the devil, here comes your wandering soul," the golden warrior gestured towards the front where a solitary silhouette trudged through the heavy rain, triggering almost every rune and charm in the vicinity.

"STOP RIGHT THERE!" he bellowed.

The silver warrior stepped up, "This is a restricted area! You cannot enter without permission from the-"

His eyes narrowed and then widened from shock when he saw the true appearance of the coming figure. He immediately fixed his posture and saluted, "Captain!"

The golden warrior followed suit, "Captain! You're here sir?! Is everything okay?"

The captain came to a gradual stop just a meter away from them, letting them get a good look at him.

"Yes, everything is okay. Open the gate...I need to bring out a prisoner."

The warriors exchanged confused glances, "Bringing out a prisoner? Sir, I don't think we are allowed to do that-"

But the captain stared back at them unfazed, prompting the golden warrior to hold his tongue and step aside.

"Yes sir, as you wish."

With the help of the silver warrior he pushed against the giant stone door. The various runes on their armor lit up one after another and when that light fell on the stone door it began to slowly give way.

No one other than these two warriors could have opened the doors.

They swiftly stepped aside allowing the captain to walk down the dimly lit staircase by himself. When the sound of his footsteps could not be heard anymore they finally let out a breath of relief.

"Whew, wonder what happened. Prisoners don't usually get to leave after coming here," the silver warrior commented.

But the golden warrior did not share his views and could not push down the feeling that something was wrong.

"Why would he come here himself? Alone? At this time? And earlier all the runes were triggered when he came close."

The silver warrior shrugged, unworried that something bigger was at play.

"I don't know and I don't care. Our job is to stand guard and only let the right people through. The captain is in charge of the entire lower levels and the outer sections, we have no right to question him."

"But don't you find it odd? He has never come here alone, even when he comes to play with the prisoners there are a few others following him around."

"Not my job. I don't get paid to ask questions and can't afford to make any mistakes. I don't have any powerful brothers to bail me out if things go wrong," he said while giving a mean side-eye to the golden warrior who suddenly slapped his chest.

"That's right! I can ask my brother if there is something going on, he is stationed in the inner section!"

"Do whatever you want but keep my name out of it. If the captain asks I won't hide anything."

"You're such a coward, no wonder you came in second. Go see if the captain needs anything, keep him busy until I get back with my brother," the golden warrior threw out the words and ran off before the silver warrior could say anything.

The silver warrior shook his head while cursing and grumbling, "Tsk, that damn bastard. Just because his brother got lucky and ended up joining Lord Dai Zhi's personal guards he thinks he can order everyone around!" before followed after the captain as he had 'suggested'.

The staircase went straight down for approximately 40 meters before opening up in a giant interconnected maze-like configuration of countless hallways.

Each hallway housed no less than ten prisoners on either side depending on their crimes and status in the outside world.

He didn't have to go far to find the captain standing in front of a random cell.

"Captain!" he shouted before running up to him, "Did you find the prisoner you were looking for sir? Is it this one?"

He peeked into the cell to see an emaciated figure of a heavily tattooed man chained to the wall.

"Ah this one, he was the so-called leader of the resistance! What was his name again..."

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