The Divine Twilight's Return

Chapter 214: Star, the Illuminati (10)

Chapter 214: Star, the Illuminati (10)

[Your Subordinate ‘Peculiar Warring Deity’ has descended!]

With his enormous hand, Castor tried to attack Nadine Astram. However, he was stopped before he could. Bo Du had broken the law of causality and descended to protect Nadine.

“No one can harm Father!” he shouted.

[An uninvited <Purple Star Astrology> Celestial has intruded in the Divine Ground ‘Owl’s Nest’!]

Wearing armor that appeared to be made from refined jewels, Bo Du spread his divine power like raging ocean waves.

‘Is it the <Horoscope> or <Olympus> bastards that are behind this?!’?Bo Du wondered, his expression crumpling up.


The subordinates of the ‘Tian Shi Yuan,’ including Bo Du, had already concluded that a giant <Society> in <Heaven>, like <Horoscope> and <Olympus>, was backing Chang-Sun up. Otherwise, it wouldn’t make sense for a mere mortal to become stronger this quickly.

Considering Chang-Sun had even figured out the secret related to <Muspelheim> and taken over its throne, they believed someone was helping Chang-Sun and that he refused to pick a Guardian because he had other plans.

If Chang-Sun had truly been scheming to attract the <Purple Star Astrology> Celestials’ attention and bite their necks off, then everything made sense. Heoju and Xue Yong actually showed interest in Chang-Sun, and the ‘Tian Shi Yuan’ and other Celestials ended up in a weird divine ground!

‘He’s revealing his hidden fangs now!’

This place served as the ‘Gemini’ and Minerva’s battlefield, so Bo Du wasn’t exactly certain who was behind Chang-Sun. He assumed that <Horoscope> was behind all this, but it was still possible for <Olympus> to drop the ‘Tian Shi Yuan’ and the others in the center of the ‘Gemini’ camp to instigate a conflict between the <Purple Star Astrology> and <Horoscope>.

The problem was that the ‘Tian Shi Yuan’ and others had been warped to the area too easily, which was impossible since doing so required the permission of the ‘Gemini.’ Hence, Bo Du concluded that <Horoscope> was responsible for everything. After all, it had been fighting the <Purple Star Astrology> for the throne of <Heaven> for quite some time now. Although Chang-Sun didn’t mislead them into such a conclusion, Bo Du already believed it to be true.

[The Celestial ‘Taurus’ widens his eyes in surprise because a divine ground suddenly showed up.]

[The Celestial ‘Aquarius’ chuckles quietly, having fun.]

[The Celestial ‘Primordial Evil Dragon’ laughs dumbfoundedly, saying that the quest has reached a whole new level.]

[Many Celestials watching the situation are confused!]

[The Celestials that like entertainment are having fun, not minding how things turned out.]

[The Celestial ‘A Good Season to Hunt’ is not sure what is going on, but she is still having fun. She looks forward to seeing a new brilliant firework!]

The Zodiacs of the <Horoscope> weren’t sure what was going on, but Bo Du thought they were just faking it.

“Get back!” Bo Du swung his guandao, which he had been using to block Castor’s hand with difficulty.

Since the ‘Geminus’ was one of the Zodiacs, it couldn’t have been easy to stop Castor through sheer force, but Bo Du was known to be the strongest subordinate of the ‘Tian Shi Yuan.’ Hence, he didn’t even look fazed in the slightest. Not long after their clash, he called the other commanders he had brought with him.

“Hyool! Nam! Yang!”

[Your Subordinate ‘Brave Mutant General’ has descended!]

[Your Subordinate ‘Rampaging Monster’ has descended!]

[Your Subordinate ‘Blindfolded Divine General’ has descended!]

Paah! Paah! Paah!

The three commanders, who had been preparing to descend into the Saha World just like Bo Du, turned into rays of light and climbed up Castor’s arm.


Castor’s eyes blazed up with anger. He was already quite furious prior to the new Celestials’ arrival because his battle against Minerva was lasting longer than he originally anticipated. In fact, he and Pollux had even planned a full-scale assault to conquer ‘Owl’s Nest’ last night.

As planned, Castor was bombarding Minerva and the others with attacks when the ‘Tian Shi Yuan’ and the other <Purple Star Astrology> Celestials suddenly showed up at their camp, surprising Castor.

Castor wondered how to make sense of the situation. Did the Celestials end up here after getting lost? Or did Minerva join forces with the <Purple Star Astrology> and ambush the ‘Gemini’? Of course, Castor couldn’t help but think it was the latter. After all, there was no way for him to know that the other Celestials intruded in their camp through an outrageous master key named [Peter’s Key].

Castor wasn’t sure what these <Purple Star Astrology> Celestials were up to, but he decided to subdue these arrogant Celestials first and make them talk. Since he was detecting the divine power of the ‘Tian Shi Yuan’ behind these flies, he couldn’t take these Celestials lightly.

Rumble, rumble…!

Woosh, woosh, woosh!

[The starlights of the ‘Geminus’ and the ‘Tian Shi Yuan’ are clashing!]

The unexpected battle between the <Purple Star Astrology> and <Horoscope> had begun.

* * *

“Ohh…. Ohhh!!!”

“That’s our boss! You could have told us you were planning something like that!”

“I know, right?! I was seriously starting to wonder if this place was going to be my grave!”

Meanwhile, the ‘Owl’s Nest’ members were praising Minerva because the ‘Gemini’ and their army, which had been launching a full-scale attack, suddenly fell into chaos.

Minerva was a warring deity that symbolized wisdom and strategy, so it was only natural for her subordinates to believe that she had come up with a brilliant solution to turn the tide of the battle. However, Minerva, the one getting praised, was baffled.

‘What in the world is going on…? Why did the ‘Tian Shi Yuan’ suddenly appear over there?’?Minerva wondered.

The battle between Minerva and the ‘Gemini’ had recently reached a stalemate, making it really difficult to determine a victor despite their tremendous casualties. The only reason it hadn’t turned into a full-scale war yet was that <Olympus> and <Horoscope> had implicitly concluded that this battle was a private conflict between the two Celestials. However, they were in such a tense situation right now that it wouldn’t be odd if things escalated into a war.

Well aware of that, the ‘Gemini’ were trying to conquer ‘Owl’s Nest’ as soon as possible. That was also why Minerva fiercely resisted. Beyond their expectations, however, their battle took an unexpected turn out of nowhere. It made Minerva feel relieved, but she was still confused.

“When did you ally with the <Purple Star Astrology>?” Serena asked, looking at Minerva as if she was omnipotent.

For a moment, Minerva felt guilty, but thinking a Celestial should know how to act shamelessly from time to time, she was about to answer, “Well, of course…!”

“Of course…?” Serena paid attention with sparkling eyes, looking forward to hearing Minerva’s cool story.

However, Minerva suddenly turned her head in the other direction as if sensing something. Serena also turned her head, wondering what Minerva saw.

“… Chang-Sun?” Serena muttered.

Minerva and Serena found Lee Chang-Sun, whom they had never expected to meet here. Amid the battlefield where Castor, Bo Du, and the others were clashing intensely, Chang-Sun was skillfully hiding.

Serena wasn’t sure what in the world happened to him, but she was surprised by how Chang-Sun’s Class had become incomparably higher than several months ago. The more surprising part was that Chang-Sun knew exactly where Serena and Minerva were. He was even looking back at them even though they were so far away that no mortal would be able to locate them.

Serena realized that Chang-Sun was behind everything happening right now. Although she wasn’t sure how Chang-Sun had done it, he definitely did the ‘Owl’s Nest’ members a huge favor.

Just then, they noticed Chang-Sun moving his lips.

―Are you okay?

He was asking them if they were fine.

“Gosh, that arrogant…!” Serena suddenly choked up.

She cussed, but she didn’t mean it. She was actually grateful to Chang-Sun for not forgetting about them and admired his courage to voluntarily enter this dangerous place. Chang-Sun could have been killed any minute the last time he was in ‘Owl’s Nest,’ so Serena had assumed that he wouldn’t want to recall any memories related to this place.

Looking at Chang-Sun, Minerva nodded and smiled contentedly to reassure him. The person whom she had assessed to have the potential of becoming a hero had grown up very upright.

―I’ll take care of an urgent business first before visiting you again to pay my respects.

Minerva tilted her head in confusion, wondering what Chang-Sun meant by urgent business, but he had already leaped into the chaotic battlefield and disappeared.

What was Chang-Sun trying to do in a place where so many Celestials were fighting each other? Feeling worried, Minerva and Serena ran to the rampart; Minerva was even ready to pull out her Owl’s Wings.


However, they felt an unexpected energy wave shaking the divine ground. It was mixed with hot winds and strong divine power.

‘This is…!’ Minerva’s eyes widened.

Something was about to happen.

* * *

“Everyone, scatter,” Chang-Sun said as he darted forward. He ordered the Undead Army soldiers to spread in every direction to cause more chaos in the fight between the ‘Gemini’ and ‘Tian Shi Yuan.’

The Elfin Root was the most eager to create chaos. The ‘Gemini,’ Castor and Pollux, were the ones who killed Kali, and the ‘Tian Shi Yuan’ was putting its siblings in danger. Hence, nothing could make the Elfin happier than causing more damage to their current opponents.

[The Skill ‘Windstalking Tiger’ has been activated, manifesting the Skill ‘Concealment’!]

Chang-Sun cautiously disappeared into the wind to close in on the ‘Tian Shi Yuan’ as quietly as possible.

‘I can only activate the [Execution Sword] once or twice…’?Chang-Sun thought.

The ability to seal a Celestial wasn’t the scariest part of the [Execution Sword]. It was its ability to temporarily return Chang-Sun’s divine class in his prime. Hence, he had to ensure he would make no mistake in hunting and slitting the throat of the despicable ‘Tian Shi Yuan’.

[The Celestial ‘Calamity Tiger’ demands an explanation for what you are trying to do.]

Heoju shouted at Chang-Sun with anger. He was feeling anxious because Chang-Sun, whom he had secretly favored, kept getting involved in incidents like Xue Yong’s disappearance and the current chaos.

[The Celestial ‘Calamity Tiger’ orders you to answer him right now!]

Of course, Chang-Sun didn’t reply. Now wasn’t the time for that, after all, and there was no need to ingratiate with Heoju anymore. He could take away the Authorities and the Skills that he had given as bonus rewards, but Chang-Sun wasn’t worried. After all, he already had many skills that could substitute Heoju’s skills. Besides, Chang-Sun could just buy them through the <Store> if he really needed them.

[The Celestial ‘Calamity Tiger’ grits his teeth as you continue to ignore him.]


Riding the wind, Chang-Sun headed to the center of the battlefield where numerous Celestials were fighting. He truly looked like a tiger flying in the sky.

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