The Divine Twilight's Return

Chapter 215: Star, the Owl (1)

Chapter 215: Star, the Owl (1)

The battle intensified far more than Chang-Sun had originally planned.

[The Celestials who couldn’t sit on the fence anymore have simultaneously descended or incarnated.]

Once Bo Du and the other commanders began to fight Castor, the other <Purple Star Astrology> Celestials that had been dragged into the divine ground concluded that they couldn’t sit still anymore either.

Wickedness was in their nature, so if it hadn’t been for the law of causality, they would have already wreaked havoc and let their temper run wild. However, the law of causality no longer applied once they had entered Minerva’s divine ground, which meant they didn’t have to hold themselves back anymore.

[The Celestial ‘Fire Rat Under Broad Daylight’ has descended!]

[The Celestial ‘Screeching Woman’ has incarnated!]

[The Celestial ‘Iron-Pipe-Playing Sage’ has incarnated!]

[The Celestial ‘Silk-Wrapped Mysterious Man’ has incarnated!]

Bai Sheng, Yue He, Ma Lin, and Yan Shun were part of the Seventy-Two Earthly Fiends, who were evil beings that hurt or killed humans. Most of these Earthly Fiends were great monsters or demonic creatures that found enlightenment and transcended as monster deities.

Breaking the barrier, Bai Sheng trespassed and descended on the divine ground himself. Meanwhile, the other three Celestials unlocked their divine essence using their apostles, who were still alive. The apostles could fail to withstand the Celestials’ powers and die, but they were just tools for these monster deities anyway. Besides, the deities already planned to discard them since Chang-Sun had defeated them, so the deities didn’t worry or hesitate in using them.

『Hahahaha! Everything is in chaos. Chaos! That human! Those <Horoscope> and <Olympus> Celestials! I want to burn them all to death!』

『I’ll kill them all. I’ll kill them all!』

『Many souls will wander after they die. I have composed a great requiem for this kind of moment. Do you want to listen to it?』

『Your… or…der…』

Just like their divine names, all the deities looked bizarre. They were busy screaming at the top of their lungs even though no one was listening to them, causing their divine essences to create several shockwaves.

Bai Sheng was a several-meter-tall rat monster with two heads, bulging incisors, and fur blazing up like broad daylight. He was looking for an opponent to immediately pounce at.

Yue He was a woman wearing ragged clothes. Her long hair covered most of her face, but one of her eyes occasionally came into view. It was bloodshot, however, making her look anxious. Whenever she screamed, ghost energy undulated around her.

Unlike those two, Ma Lin didn’t look like the typical monster deity. He wore neat clothes that made him look like a wise sage and held a long iron pipe. Meanwhile, Yan Shun was wrapped in high-grade silk, so it was hard to see his face or describe his physique.

[The Celestial ‘Impetuous Dragon Horse General’ has descended!]

Sikario Escobar’s Guardian showed up a moment later. He was a general that rode an enormous Dragon Horse, which released thick smoke every time it neighed. His helmet, decorated with a peacock feather at the top, covered almost his entire face, making him look like a legendary general.

His name was Suo Chao, the Flight Star of the Thirty-Six Heavenly Spirits. Just like their name, these spirits had heavenly <Starlight> and exceptional <Myths>. Suo Chao was also a demonic deity that had a history of destroying several planes on his own.

『Idiots! You all should be on your way to capture Lee Chang-Sun. Why are you goofing around?!』

Pulling his Dragon Horse’s reins, Suo Chao roared as he focused on capturing Chang-Sun rather than fighting the ‘Gemini.’ Although the idiotic Earthly Fiend monster deities were having fun, thinking they could finally cause chaos, Suo Chao believed the situation kept taking odd turns.

‘Bo Du seems to believe that the <Horoscope> Celestials are behind Lee Chang-Sun… but something is strange! Someone is probably trying to get us to self-destruct!’?Suo Chao thought.

He planned to track down and subdue Chang-Sun as soon as possible, then interrogate him to find out if <Horoscope> was behind everything. From his perspective, it was odd for <Horoscope> to instigate a fight against the <Purple Star Astrology> since <Horsocope> was already busy fighting other <Societies> like <Olympus>.

Fortunately, the four monster deities suppressed their instincts and followed Suo Chao’s order, taking a look around their surroundings to find Chang-Sun. Within the <Purple Star Astrology>, Heavenly Spirit demon deities were ranked higher than Earthly Fiend monster deities, so they naturally followed him. However, his order didn’t work on them for that long.


Bai Sheng, a Fire Rat, was tracking Chang-Sun’s scent with his nose on the ground when a huge ball of fire dropped on top of his head.

『Arghhh! Arghh! Who! Who dares…!』

Bai Sheng shrieked as he turned his head toward where the fireball had come from, only to see Suo Chao swinging his guandao toward him. Screaming, the surprised Bai Sheng shut his eyes.


Suo Chao’s guandao narrowly passed by Bai Sheng and clashed into something hard.

“I see the <Purple Star Astrology> also has powerful combatants.”

Hearing a voice, Bai Sheng finally opened his eyes. Before him was a man with a very high divine class. He was smiling coldly. Bai Sheng identified him as Pollux, the Beta Star of the ‘Gemini.’ Pollux didn’t care about Bai Sheng though. Rather, he seemed to have a deep desire to defeat Suo Chao, who dared block his attack. Today was supposed to be the day Pollux finally chopped off Minerva’s neck, so he had no intention of letting these uninvited <Purple Star Astrology> Celestials leave unscathed.

Looking tense, Suo Chao fixed the grip on his guandao and instructed his Dragon Horse to march with his reins. A thunderous sound from the collision soon echoed throughout the battlefield.

Rumble, rumble!

[The <Purple Star Astrology> starlight is filling up the ‘Owl’s Nest’!]

* * *

[The Celestial ‘Iron-Pipe-Playing Sage’ has activated the Authority “Acoustomigration’’!]

Even Celestials had difficulty utilizing sounds. Depending on the method, it could be used to commit mass destruction within a certain radius, one that was indiscriminate of allies or foes. Sound required air to exist, but a monster deity like Ma Lin could easily overcome that problem. Moreover, by scattering his divine power using Supervibrations, he could also deliver powerful attacks instead of just damaging his opponents’ eardrums.


“Ahhh! My ears! My earssss…!”

“What is this?!”

The <Horoscope> soldiers screamed in pain. Using that opening, Yue He, Yan Shun, and the other monster deities began to move.


Using the Concealment Skill, Chang-Sun made his way through the battlefield. Under normal circumstances, it wouldn’t make sense for the Celestials not to notice that Chang-Sun was using the Concealment Skill. After all, he was still just a mortal. However, the <Purple Star Astrology> Celestials’ sudden appearance engulfed the battlefield in chaos, leaving the Celestials no time to wonder where one vermin was heading.

Hence, Chang-Sun could move more freely. Passing by numerous Celestials’ storm-like aura, he successfully approached the ‘TIan Shi Yuan.’

[The Celestial ‘Taurus’ cannot believe that you have successfully created such mayhem.]

[The Celestial ‘Aquarius’ wonders what your next move is.]

[The Celestial ‘Primordial Evil Dragon’ watches the situation, resting her chin in her hand.]

Only a few Celestials were still watching Chang-Sun tenaciously, but that didn’t mean he could leave them be.

‘I could call Herald to make things easier, but I’ll have to give a lot to the <Management Bureau>... It’s a good thing I got this beforehand,’?Chang-Sun thought.

[You have opened the ‘store window.’ What do you want to buy?]

‘Channeling Jammer.’

[You have purchased a ‘Channeling Jammer’ for 300,000 Karmas.]

Chang-Sun quietly clicked his tongue. The artifact was disposable, yet it still cost 300,000 Karmas. Still, it was certainly effective.

[You have used the purchased artifact, disrupting this channel’s connection for 30 minutes!]

[The Celestial ‘Tsunami Bringer’ is surprised by the sudden disruption in the channel!]

[The Celestial ‘Antlered Animal King’ yells at the <Management Bureau>, telling them to do their jobs right.]

[The <Management Bureau> employees announce that it is unfair to blame them.]

‘The message said thirty minutes, but once the <Management Bureau> employees start fixing the connection, it’ll be restored in ten minutes at most.’ Chang-Sun’s eyes shone coldly. ‘I’ll capture him within that time.’

[The Skill ‘Concealment’ has been deactivated!]

“‘Tian Shi Yuan.’” Chang-Sun revealed himself as he approached Nadine Azram, whom the ‘Tian Shi Yuan’ descended into.

The ‘Tian Shi Yuan’ seemed to be planning to sit this battle out. Instead of incarnating or descending on the divine ground with his own avatar, he just watched the <Purple Star Astrology> fighting.

When Chang-Sun called his divine name, the ‘Tian Shi Yuan’ turned his head as if he knew Chang-Sun was going to come to him. In contrast to when Chang-Sun had opened up a warp gate to the ‘Owl’s Nest,’ the ‘Tian Shi Yuan’ now had a calm and emotionless gaze, nearly making him look frightening.

『You’re here.』

His current behavior was understandable, considering Chang-Sun’s remark before the <Purple Star Astrology> Celestials had ended up here kept bugging him.

『You said that I offered you to become my son before. I want to hear more about it.』

“If so, sure,” Chang-Sun replied.

Still wearing the iron mask, Inferno Sights lit up in Chang-Sun’s eyes.


It sounded as if gears were meshing together somewhere.

“I, Lee Chang-Sun, will now begin the sealing process of the criminal ‘Tian Shi Yuan’ as the special-rank <Underworld> reaper,” Chang-Sun announced.

[The Authority ‘Execution Sword’ has been activated!]


The world around Chang-Sun and Nadine changed again.

[Bestowing your energy.]

[Beginning to materialize.]

[Your mind palace has been created!]

[Your power as the special-rank reaper has been applied, adding the property of the <Underworld> to your mind palace!]

[The courtroom has opened.]

[The defendant Celestial ‘Tian Shi Yuan’ has been forced to reveal himself!]

A dry wind blew where Nadine had been, and a man showed up behind him. Wearing a golden royal robe, he looked like an ancient emperor. A crown covered with jewels rested on top of his hair, which was braided with a high updo. Although he looked human, he was more wicked and ominous than a monster deity.

‘The ‘Tian Shi Yuan,’’?Chang-Sun thought.

His true name remained unknown. In fact, almost nobody knew what <Myth> he had created or what divine rank he had before he had made the <Purple Star Astrology> with the ‘Tai Wei Yuan’ and ‘Zi Wei Yuan.’

However, Chang-Sun knew the ‘Tai Wei Yuan’ and ‘Zi Wei Yuan’ called the ‘Tian Shi Yuan’ the Emperor’s Seat, which was also the name of a constellation.

『… So this was what happened.』

Paying no attention to Nadine, who flopped down on the ground in shock, the Emperor’s Seat looked a bit surprised as he looked at his sleeves. Up until a moment ago, he was sitting on his throne and watching the Saha World, but he was suddenly dragged here.

However, several things shocked the Emperor’s Seat more than that. The first was that he was very familiar with the new divine ground he had been dragged into. There was no way he wouldn’t recognize the ‘Twilight-Setting Battlefield.’

『The <Underworld>, huh?』

The second was the energy of death in this divine ground. Not even Celestials could easily meddle with life and death, yet this place smelled thickly of death… If so, then Chang-Sun had become part of the <Underworld>.

『You have become a hound for a truly nasty place, my son.』

The Emperor’s Seat turned his head to Chang-Sun, who had regained his divine class as the ‘Divine Twilight.’ Xue Yong’s disappearance had been a mystery until now, but the Emperor’s Seat finally understood what happened. If Chang-Sun was the Twilight that the Emperor’s Seat knew and was receiving help, then he was certainly more than capable of defeating Xue Yong with ease.

[The hidden Divine Name ‘Divine Twilight’ has been partially revealed!]

Holding [Tiamat’s Snaggletooth] and the [Yuchang Sword], Chang-Sun frowned. The word ‘son’ was getting on his nerves.

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