The Hunter That Returned From Hell

Chapter 116: Entering the Trail

Chapter 116: Entering the Trail

Unlike before right now, Min Chae was no more the arrogant fool like before right now he had his head facing down as if showing his respect to those people who just spoke. Min Chaes eyes were filled with horror as he was too afraid after seeing the medallion that the man named alpha showed few seconds ago. Kang-Ho didnt have any clue about what the medallion looked like because he was standing at the back and he didnt have the view towards the muscular mans hand. Kang-Ho figured that within these many people someone was bound to talk but to his surprise no one spoke a single word.

If one were to describe the silence, phrase like pin drop silence could fit the scene perfectly. It was surprising considering that there were actually a lot of people at the same place but no one dared to speak up. Kang-Ho was amused by the scene.

Seems like they come from some huge background, it seems plausible as they we talking about the secrets of Mass dungeon without care for the world. It was almost as if this information were worthless to them. If my guess is not wrong, they should belong to either hunter association, 1st rate guild or 2nd rate guild. either way they have some substantial backing so it seems. Thought Kang-Ho to himself as he watched the group of people slowly making their way from the crowd towards the stairway.

As they made their way slowly people in the front didnt hesitate even for one second as they moved away from their way. None of the people that the group passed by dared to look straight at their face ass they were just too afraid. It was as, if anyone dared to look at their face, they would be dead for sure, this kind of fear steamed straight from their heart. Soon they started to climb the stair as they were climbing, the muscular man suddenly stopped on his tracks as he was just in front of Min Chae.

Others in his group continued to walk even after he stopped moving, which led Kang-Ho to believe that this guy was low ranking among the group. Using his ability, he found out that the man was level 130, he was pretty low level compared to his team mates who were all 150. It seemed amusing seeing Min Chae being afraid some level 130 guy.

What amused Kang-Ho most was that after looking at Min Chae for some seconds, the man named alpha moved his hand abruptly. Min Chae who was barely standing with his shaking legs, fell abruptly to the ground as he was just trying to step back, he got disoriented from shock, horror and fear. Min Chae fell on his back, with one of his hands he tried to block his fall and with other hand he was trying to protect his body from surprise attack. the scene was too laughable as he was the same person who was too co*ky a moment earlier.

Plpleplease spare me, i..ii..inever meant to offend you people! said Min Chae with extremely shaky voice, he was pleading for his life as if the muscular man was some kind of grim reaper. Kang-Ho could clearly see the horror that was in Min Chaes eyes. Kang-Ho snorted as he watched the scene, he hated these kinds of people totally spineless.

CHEH..HAHAHA. What a fu**ing coward, I was just going to shake your hands yet you are wetting yourself from just seeing my hands move. Hahaha after seeing you dictate the terms of entering the trail, I at least thought you had some courage, but it seems it was just an act. F**king moron! I dont want to associate with such a cowardly person anymore, I will get dirty. Said the muscular man without a care in the world as he looked towards Min Chae with eyes full of arrogance. Min Chae didnt even dare to look back or talk back even after being publicly humiliated by the muscular man this was enough to explain just how much Min Chae feared these guys.

Do whatever you like here, I dont care if you block the path for the other but never in your worthless life block our path ever again or else you wont have any place to hide in this world. Said Alpha as he glared at Min Chae with anger filled eyes. This time Alpha was totally serious this time, he meant all of the words he just spoke. said Min Chae once again in an extremely shacky voice. you could see some relief on his face as he nodded his head frantically.

After seeing the pathetic condition of Min Chae Alpha didnt say anything anymore, he was disgusted enough for one day.

Are you coming or should we leave you behind? asked one female voice, she stood with Alphas group above the platform, it seemed that the group was awaiting for Alpha, you could tell from her voice that she was extremely annoyed by Alpha making them wait like that. Her voice sounded impatient, if Alpha didnt move towards them instantly it seemed she was even willing to attack him.

Sorry boss, I am sorry I was just teaching that coward a lesson as he is just too arrogant. He was just too arrogant in front of the boss I was just educating him, please forgive me. Said Alpha with a sly smile plastered on his face. after saying so He quickly ran towards their location, he knew that he shouldnt test the groups patience too much or he will be dead even before he knew it.

Although Alpha gave a large explanation, but no one bothered to speak back to him, it was almost as if he was just too lowly for the group to waste their time on him. seeing no one said anything Alpha secretly shied in relief. Soon the group started to move towards one of the many gateways together in unison.

Soon the group stood in front of a doorway, which if counted from left to right was 8th doorway. They talked among them selves for a little bit before all of them entered the same doorway except for Alpha who entered the 5th doorway.

Suddenly, Kang-Ho heard a sound of grasp coming from one of the people who stood a little behind him. Kang-Ho turned around to see what was that about. As soon as he turned around, he saw the person who grasped speak with shacky voice.

The. They really entered the 8th level trail I cant believe this; this cant be real. Said the man while he stepped back unconsciously because of the shock he received just now. it seemed the shock was just too much for him to handle.

Of course, they are going to enter the second hardest trail didnt you see just now how young master of the burning sword guild trembled before them? Do you still believe they are just some nobodies? with an extremely low voice said a man beside the shocked man, he seemed to be his team mate. Surprisingly even after seeing Min Chaes pathetic condition these people seemed to be afraid of him.

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