The Hunter That Returned From Hell

Chapter 117: Red Doorway

Chapter 117: Red Doorway

People who dont fear entering the 8th level doorway are no joke for that matter from what I heard from rumor the survival chances inside the higher level doorway is extremely low people like us would not even survive for 1 minute inside of that doorway. From what I have heard the best level doorway for us is normally level 2 or 3 challenging any level above that would require you to have extreme skills and courage. They must truly be extremely talented people, just look at their calm and compose body language. I wish I had that kind of skill. Sighed one of the men as he lamented looking at the group of people entering the 8th level gateway right in front of his eyes.

Me too, my father is a pretty high ranking member of a guild based in Busan, the guild he is part of is actually affiliated to one of the 4th class guild based on Seoul so he knows most of the things regarding trail. He once told me that these doorways from left to right represent the level and difficulty of the trail. If one were to enter the left most doorway, they would face the simplest trail where survival chances are pretty high. But one must never over estimate oneself as even the first level doorway is pretty hard considering that you must complete the trial by yourselves. Fighting alone is highly difficult task as from what my father told me inside the trail you wont get a chance to take a breather as you would constantly be under the attack of enemies.

My father suggested me to never even think of entering 4th level or higher doorway, because you would have to be extremely talented to challenge those level. Said a man wearing pretty descent gears, the gears he was wearing clearly showed that the man who was speaking came from descent enough background, so most of the people who were listening to him instantly agreed to his words. As he came from some influential background no one questioned his claims and accepted his words to the heart as if his words were universal truth.

There is one more thing that my father told me about that was the most dangerous one of these doorways are is the doorway that is glowing red. According what my old man said, it seems this doorway has name of its own. Gate to hell is what its called because up till date all the people who dared to challenge this gate never managed to return alive, a lot of heaven defying talents dared to challenge this doorway but none survived, they all had special classes but that didnt matter at the end of the line.

That is the reason why people started to call this gate as doorway to hell, no matter how overpowered your class is most of the people are warned against entering the doorway even within the hunter association and top guilds. Only a fool would try to enter tat doorway at this point, we dont even know what lies inside the doorway to be exact till this day which makes it more mysterious and dangerous. Said the same man with fear filled eyes. You could tell that he was really fearful of the red doorway from just the way he behaved as he looked at the red doorway.

No one spoke up after that guy but everyone who had even a little knowledge about the trail nodded their head totally agreeing with the man who described about the horrors of the red doorway.

Hey, People from Burning sword this is unfair you let them enter but you still dont let us enter? Do you have no shame? If you dont let me enter today I will go out and announce to the world that the young master from the burning sword pissed his ants while facing an stranger. HAHAHAHAHA suddenly someone from the front of the stairway yelled at Min Chae who was still lost in his thoughts as he was still on the ground as he wondered what just happened.

Suddenly, after hearing the strangers words Min Chae came back to reality in a snap of a moment. The nerves on Min Chaes forehead started to budge after realizing that the man had just said, he was so angry right now after hearing that sentence that he wanted to tear that man apart using his jaws. But before he could do anything, 4 shadowy figures suddenly jumped from the stairway as they dashed towards the man who just yelled with their weapons drawn.

Stop dont kill him just bring him to me, I want to tear that piece of shit with my own hands. Said Min Chae in a very menacing tone as he looked towards the direction where the man had just yelled. The 4 men nodded their heads as they acknowledge Min Chaes words.


Sounds of blade crossing each other started to come as people from that mans group started to fight off the Min Chaes bodyguards. After few seconds of fight their decision started to seem like a mistake as, the longer the fight went the more the bodyguards started to gain advantage. Cold sweat started to pour down that mans back as he watched his team mates started to get killed one by one right in front of his own eyes.

Soon enough even that man couldnt hold his own against 4 bodyguards as at the end he was defeated and he was too exhausted to fight anymore. After they were done subduing him, they started to drag the man with his throat. In front of everyones eyes that man was being man handled, but no one dared to speak a single word because no one wanted to be in that mans shoes. Most of the people thought that the man was fool for shouting such words, he was looking to die anyways who cares, thought most of the people. But there were also some who pitied the man, their back was wet with cold sweat as they saw the horror scene right in front of their eyes.

Soon they brought the man above the platform where Min Chae was and dropped the man in front of the leg of Min Chae? Min Chae had an extremely angry face as he saw the man who lay before his feet. He soon started to kick the man on his entire body where ever his feet wanted.

For some time, echoes of pain and sorrow was heard in the surrounding, as no one made any sound as they watched the show. Soon Min Chae was done venting his anger as he couched down and with grabber the lower jaw of the man with one hand and upper jaw with other as he soon started to pull them.

I dont like the sound of your voice. Said Min Chae as he slowly pulled the mans jaw apart with his bare hands.



For quite some time only the sound of bones cracking could be heard in the entire surrounding, as people watched the scene that looked like it came straight out of horror movie.

Like I said before only those people who are willing to enter the red doorway are allowed to enter the trail. Said Min Chae.

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