The Hunter That Returned From Hell

Chapter 120: Worthy

Chapter 120: Worthy

Oh, there seem to be someone who wants to challenge the hardest trial. It seems its the same guy from before who is trying to do the hardest trail. It seems my judgement wasnt wrong in opening the trail for this group. I wonder if he would be able to complete all of the challenges. The vibe he gives me is a little dangerous, I will be judging his ability closely and rewarding him on that basis. I hope he does not disappoint me as I have expanded a lot of my energy in opening this trail on itself. Said the shadowy figure to himself as he watched the transparent screen that appeared above him which showed Kang-Ho entering the trail.

Just one brave one huh? Does not matter, as I somehow feel that one man is better than thousands. Anyway, as I see the potential of the masked man, I should reduce the rewards for the other trails and just focus on the one man. I guess he is worthy. Thought the shadowy figure as he opened up countless more screens in front of him, all of the screen showed different people inside the trail. With a very satisfied sigh the shadowy figure closed all of the screens in front of him with one sweep of his hand and suddenly disappeared from the sofa where he was resting a while ago, only he knew where he went so suddenly.


On the other hand, Kang-Ho had just entered the red doorway leaving all of the people outside dumbstruck. Even after Kang-Ho disappeared there was still silence in the place for few seconds, but the silence was soon disrupted with a voice of a young person.

What was that just now? the danger felt so real almost as if I was in front of a divine beast. Could it really he him who made all of us this scared? asked Min Chae to himself as he was still trying to fathom what just happened to him that made him so afraid.

That FU*ker managed to escape, if only that guy didnt enter the red doorway, I would have got the chance to skin that guy alive by myself. Said as Min Chae ass he grinded his own teeth with frustration. As common knowledge went Mon Chae also believed that once entering Kang-Ho wouldnt be able to come out of the trail. Right now, if Min Chae could himself enter the red doorway himself, he would so without any second thoughts, but at last he was too afraid to do so himself.

Meanwhile inside a very large space which seemed to be like a cave with unknown origin stones which lit the path and all of the cave, a red fog suddenly appeared following which, suddenly a leg of a person entered from within the fog. Soon a man came out of the fog, as soon as he was inside the cave the red fog disappeared as if it wasnt there anymore.

Kang-Ho tried to walk to the direction where the fog used to be but to his surprise, he wasnt able to exit as he entered. Kang-Ho didnt care that much as he could see a winding path ahead of him full of unknown vegetation along the way, if Kang-Ho was to explain the beauty of the place he would just use one word which would be Majestic.

The scenery was just too good to be real, after inspecting his surrounding Kang-Ho once again came across a strange looking stone which almost looked like a classroom board except this board was glowing blue light which gave off a majestic feeling. On this board as well, there were writings which was quite similar to the ones he found inside of the pocket dimension. The writing was the same in both the places but Kang-Ho could feel something different about this board as he could feel a strange kind of power leaking through it was indescribable. Kang-Ho didnt waste anymore of his own time as he started moving along the path.

Soon enough Kang-Ho felt something was looking towards him, he could feel a piercing gaze looking at him, Kang-Ho could feel the creatures killing intent, although the killing intent was miniscule Kang-Ho could easily tell that the killing intent was being supressed to the creatures full extent.

A assassination type beast inte.., huh? thought Kang-Ho, his thoughts were halted halfway as he could feel something coming towards him in an extreme speed. Before Kang-Ho could react, the beast was already withing Kang-Hos range. Seeing the situation, Kang-Ho who was about to bring out his weapon in a split second changed his decision as he swiftly decided to move out of the path of attack. to Kang-Hos surprise he was already late to that as well as while he tried to move aside Kang-Ho could feel something grazing against his back. Kang-Ho wasnt wearing any kind of armour he only had one sword that was all the gear he had on him so, with just a little gaze the creature was able to land a severe wound on his back.

Kang-Ho moved aside, and tried to asses the situation but to his dismay the creature was attacking once more through air, Kang-Ho figured that the creature was some kind of creature with wings as, that kind of movement was something that only a flying type monster could do. The first time when the creature attacked Kang-Ho was totally caught off guard as he didnt know what kind of creature he was facing, what took Kang-Ho most by surprise was that even though the creature was moving so fast in the air it didnt produce a single noise it was bizarre to watch at. That was the only reason Kang-Ho wasnt able to feel the creature moving.

Once more the creature pounced towards Kang-Ho this time Kang-Ho was prepared beforehand, as he moved through the path of the creature.


This time unlike last time Kang-Ho had used all of his power on his legs as he tried to move from his current location, resulting in forming of a crater which was 6 feet in radius. Kang-Ho this time was 3 times as faster as before so the creature wasnt able to harm him, but to Kang-Hos surprise the creature was too persistent as it didnt give up that easily.

Once more the creature turned around in air and pounced towards Kang-ho.

AGGGGHHHHH.. Kang-Ho cried in pain, finally Kang-Ho could feel the pain coming from the place creature had injured him. Kang-Ho felt an unbearable pain coming from that region. Kang-Ho was surprised but didnt have time to contemplate as the creature was hot on h trail.

Kang-Ho once more used all his power to move away from the creature but this time before the creature could escape Kang-Ho turned his leg and kicked the creature right on its face. Kang-Hos attack this time was unexpected for the creature as it didnt expect the attack, unable to dodge Kang-Hos attack the creature was suddenly sent flying. Kang-Hos kick didnt have much of a power but the speed in which the creature collided with Kang-Hos leg was too swift. As a result, the creature with its little body was sent flying.

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