The Hunter That Returned From Hell

Chapter 121: Stalker Bats

Chapter 121: Stalker Bats

After getting hit so hard the creature had a little difficulty controlling its own body for a few seconds but right before the creature was about to hit the wall it suddenly rolled in air, and with a flap of its wings the creature tried to slow down its own speed it which it was going to collide with the wall, unfortunately the creature was successful in slowing its speed considerably as the creature landed its feet on the wall. As soon ass the creature came to a stop Kang-Ho was finally able to see the information about the creature in detail.

From what Kang-Ho saw he felt like the creature was very similar to a bat but at the same time it was not. The creature had a very short body about 15 centimetre in size give or take, the entire body of the creature was covered in fur the creature had a pair of wings which were double the size of its body along with that at the end of the wings the creatures claw looked like 3 sharp knives that was attached to the wings. The creature also had long and muscular legs, Kang-Ho could tell that the creature had extremely fast legs by seeing the muscled in the leg, the monster also had similar looking three knife shaped claws on its leg.

Currently the creature was looking cautiously towards Kang-Ho as if it was accessing the situation and trying to figure out how it should proceed next. Kang-Ho on the other hand, after being able to push the creature back a bit was heaving a sigh of relief as he got time to access his wounds as the pain it was causing was just too unbearable. Kang-Ho focused his mind a bit and finally realized that the pain that he was feeling on his back was very, very slowly but steadily spreading through his body. Kang-Ho suddenly understood the reason behind it as he hurriedly took out some potion bottles.

Without thinking too much Kang-Ho drank the first bottle in his hand, and as soon as he was finished with it, he threw the bottle and after few seconds he started drinking a healing potion. After sometime Kang-Ho realized that he had guessed right as he could see the bat like creature licking all of its claws with its green tongue, after sometime the claws of the bird were totally covered in green looking saliva it was too nasty.

It was a poison after all! Kang-Ho sighed audibly as he looked at the empty Basic poison resistant potion bottle that lay in the ground which Kang-Ho just threw away. Kang-Ho was relieved that he had poison resistant potion with him at this time as it could have been fatal mistake as even though the poison couldnt have possibly killed him it would have weaken him considerably. Kang-Ho in his lifetime has been poisoned countless times as such he instantly realized that his wound was poisoned just from a little bit of observation.

[Stalker Bat

Level: 100

Hp: 15,000/20,000

Extremely fragile creature with extremely fast speed. These creatures are very dangerous in a dark place, so they usually love to stay inside a cave or a dark space. They rarely come out in the light as they are very sensitive towards light and hate the light. The entire body of the creature is covered in fur which helps them in silencing their movement sounds, its hardly possible for a prey to escape its grasp as they are extremely swift and nimble. They are born assassins.]

Knag-Ho was finally was able to see the information about the bat like creature after it came to a stop, Kang-Ho was surprised to find out that the kick just then managed to take away 5000 of the creatures hp away. It seemed only the offensive of the creature was overpowered. Kang-Ho without any delay took out his short sword and got ready to face the Stalker bat. Kang-Ho and the creature had a stare down for some time while no one decided to make the first move. The creature seemed to be somewhat afraid of Kang-Ho, after it was kicked the creature decided to move carefully as it knew that Kang-Ho wasnt that easy to deal with.

After a few seconds the creature once again moved out of impatience as it didnt want to wait long, the creature felt as if the longer it waited the scarier the human was getting. So, the creature decided to make the first step.

The Stalker bat started moving around the narrow cave around Kang-Ho, it was purposefully choosing to remain in the dark side of the pathway where the blue lights of the strange stones didnt reach. Kang-Ho felt weird as the creature was just moving around nonstop around him always trying to change the direction. Kang-Ho finally after sometime realized that the creature was trying to confuse Kang-Ho and launch a surprise attack like the first time it did. Kang-ho right now was turning his head around the places the creature went leaving the creature no room to attack Kang-Ho.

Ok I will play along with your ruse. Thought Kang-Ho to himself as he started to act like he was oblivious the creatures location. Kang-Ho started to act confuse as if he didnt know what the creature was anymore as he started to look around the cave trying to find something.


Suddenly out of no where Kang-Ho finally saw the creature move towards his back trying to launch sneak attack while he was facing away. As soon as the creature was in Kang-Hos rage Kang-Ho swiftly turned towards the creature taking the creature by extreme surprise. Kang-Ho swiftly slashed his short sword outside. his target was the bat.


The bat was taken by surprise as this was the first time the bat made any sound it didnt even make a single sound when it was hit by Kang-Hos shoes in the face so you could imagine by this that the bat was extremely surprised and scared when it realized that Kang-Ho was already aware of its presence.

In a desperate attempt to save itself from Kang-Hos attack, the bat flapped its wings trying to move away from the path of the sword. the bat was successful in doing so as it was out of the swords way.

The bat suddenly saw something that scared it even more, the sword changes its trajectory mid air without loosing its momentum. This was totally unexpected and the bat didnt even prepare for such event to happen.


The bat once more screeched this time it was even more loudly and painfully, as the bat tied to flap its wings once more, it suddenly realized that the gap between itself and the sword was just too close as it was impossible for itself to escape anymore. That was why the bat took out all of its anger and frustration I a single screech.

Soon enough Kang-Hos short sword made a contact with the bats body and like hot knife through butter the bats body was cut in two pieces in just one swing.



With two muffled sound of something falling to the ground the body of the bat which was in two pieces fell to the ground.

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