The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 465: The Dawn Brand

Chapter 465: The Dawn Brand

But that was nullified by the Cultivation and Dao surge which was caused by Min Hong's Fifth Plane Law Level Metal Dao which coincidentally was the strongest in the battlefield, and 'Dawn Sovereign' bloodline effects, and as a result, Tong Tian was able to stand toe to toe with the expert;

Thus, the battle came down to who could last longer in battle, and with Tong Tian being a body cultivator, the opponent was simply fighting a losing battle, and thus the princess looked elsewhere

Xiao Gui was the next ally her eyes landed on and his battle was being more straightforward than his comrades who seems to be using this battle to train and perfect themselves, rather than getting truly serious about it

The bleeding cuts and gashes all over Tong Tian's opponent was a testament to the seriousness with which he took the battle, and from what the Princess could notice about his opponent, the 5 Star Saint Stage expert seemed to be unbalanced and winded, whilst also trying to avoid a direct contact between his sword and Xiao Gui's sabre

In actuality, the moment Xiao Gui picked this man as his opponent, he had bolted towards the man and launched his strongest art;

"Blunt Force Slash!"

Then the expert had been hit with the soundwave from the collision of their weapon which was the true attack itself, and from then on, any little sound were being amplified in the man's ears to the extent that a simple snap of a finger sounded like a volcanic eruption in his ears

As a result of that, Xiao Gui's opponent have found himself being unbalanced, as Xiao Gui completely capitalized on his quagmire; whenever the man avoided blocking his sword, Gong Yi would bellow into his ears causing him to suffer severe migraines...

Then whenever he tried to avoid both situations, the expert always found himself revealing an opening which Xiao Gui aggressively slashes at, and this was the reason the man was miserable in their battle and sustained many cuts and gashes all over his body

The man then cut off the nerve connected to his earing, causing them to bleed, but whilst that was efficient against the yelling Xiao Gui, it also cut of one of his senses causing his reaction speed to plunge and also lose an ample amount of balance...

But after seeing that the battle was almost concluded, the Princess looked to the opposite position to Xiao Gui, and there were two ladies fighting in the air like they were sharing the same husband;

It was Ki Ting and the lady who fluttered her eyelashes at Gu Ya previously

This battle was very unique in the sense that Ki Ting was obviously weaker than the lady being the fact that almost all of Ki Tings divine abilities were more of defense and support types which had no real power behind them, and as a result, Ki Ting's battle always focuses on tiring out the opponent, and in the view of that, she was doing a pretty good job

Ki Ting's defense was top notch and she was extremely fluid, nimble and flexible Something Min Hong had experience firsthand, and could really testify to]

Whenever her opponent manage to land a rare hit, asides from the initial pain which Ki Ting feels from the impact, nothing else matter because she was healing at a speed faster than the naked eye; a testament to why she was appointed the healer of the group

The fact that she was barely able to catch up with Ki Ting, coupled with the fact that her defense was super strong leading to a receiving a very reduced damage from opponent attacks and her unorthodox healing speed, the lady battling Ki Ting was getting more frustrated and exhausted at a faster rate despite possessing an out and out advantage in terms of cultivation base power

Ki Ting could at most battle a 2 Star Saint Stage expert, and despite Min Hong's power surge effect, she was only able to land at the 3 Star Saint Stage battle prowess which owed to her lack of powerful attacking techniques, and that wasn't enough when compared to the her opponent who had a 3 Star Saint Stage cultivation and a 4 Star Saint Stage battle prowess

But Ki Ting's defense, speed and healing more than bridged that gap, and even gave her a significant edge, and as a result, their battle was exhausting to the Princess' eyes and one can only imagine what Ki Ting's opponent was going through

Then the princess turned to the last battle of the Saints, and there in the distance was Rin Chen battling another 3 Star Saint Stage expert, and then the Princess finally saw someone who needed her support

Rin Chen had picked an expert who countered him in almost every position as the man had a Fourth Plane Earth and Wind Dao which were natural counter to Rin Chen's Lightning and Water Dao, and because his opponent was also using a Peak Grade Gold Tier weapon, Rin Chen though was still managing to hold his own, was being tossed around the battlefield;

"Do you need a hand?"

The Princess arrived at Rin Chen who looked to her with a helpless expression and self-ridiculing smile;

"I really feel miserable being unable to finish off my only opponent"

"He naturally counters you on every front, so there is no point in feeling miserable, you could join the other battle and help the group from there"

The Princess understood the principle behind the Dao cycle; for example; Flame is strong against wind and thus a flame user would see a 50 percent increase in damage, and when one couples that with the 50 percent decrease in damage from the Wind user, the Flame user would end up having a 75 100 percent increase in battle prowess

In the same vein, since Flame is stronger than Wind which in itself is stronger than Lightning gives the Flame User a 25 percent increase in damage whilst the Lightning user would receive a 25 percent decrease in damage dealt, giving the Flame user a 40 50 percent increase in battle prowess

Thus she felt Rin Chen's plight was warranted and there was nothing he could have done about it; so, she took over the battle from whilst Rin Chen went to vent his frustrations on the Peak Nascent Soul and Peak Dan Formation experts on the other battlefield

The Princess didn't need to use her Daos against Rin Chen's opponent since she was naturally stronger than his total battle prowess and as a result, she simply whipped out her Diamond Tier Weapon which gave her 100 percent increase in power output, surging her battle power to the 4 Star Saint Stage and then made short work of the expert;

"Wind Thrust!"

The expert bolted towards the Princess at insane speed as he thrust his palm towards her chest area;

"Defensive Riposte!"

The princess blurted as she took three steps backwards which left the man's thrust just in front of her chest, and after noticing the mans seemed to have been caught in the moment, she abruptly stopped her retreat with a step;

"Offensive Riposte!"

Slash! Slash!


The expert who didn't even notice when the Princess stopped or struck suddenly saw the world around him rotate in circles before coming to an abrupt halt, and with eyes wide in shock and mouth agape in awe, the expert was able to see an headless and armless body land right next to him before he realized they belonged to him;

'What a fine cut!'

The expert saw the smooth surface of his headless neck and thought in awe as his consciousness descended into utter darkness

It was at this exact moment that the princess heard Gu Ming's bloodcurdling screams as she looked into the distance to see the supposed head of the Diamond Crust Mercenary shivering and twitching on the ground like he was witnessing a nightmare within his most terrifying nightmare

She looked towards Min Hong and when she discovered he truly needed no help, she went over to other battle ground as the slaughter of the Peak Nascent Soul and Dan Formation experts from the DCM reached a new death rate

Experts kept falling to the ground like raindrops as Bai Shaoxing looked to the other side and frowned in fury;

"I didn't want to do this, but you pushed me to do it"


Every expert's swords including that of the Princess' sounded like someone had tapped it in the middle as they all lost their power; 

"Hmph! Death By A Hundred Cuts!"

Bai Shaoxing didn't even care one bit about morality as she recklessly dashed towards Min Hong before launching another level of her Nirvana Stage technique;


Min Hong snorted in a mixture of disgust and rage; he had never met anyone so irresponsible, immoral, and merciless in his life; he couldn't use his Almighty Push ability because that might put the child within Bai Shaoxing in mortal danger

Thus Min Hong simply stretched his hand, and his finger landed on Bai Shaoxing's forehead; and instantly, it was like time sped up and Dawn descended upon the area and Min Hong felt his bloodline vibrate and hum like they were about to explode with massive power

He simply allowed the feeling to flow through his body as his outfit transformed into the 'Dawn Sovereign' robe, followed by its Imperial Crown and finally his Imperial Staff;


Min Hong slammed the base of the staff on empty air and ripples spread out in every direction;

Then he looked straight into Bai Shaoxing's eyes and cursed;

"By the power vested on me by the Dawn of Day, I curse you with the 'Dawn Brand" Min Hong said as a mysterious seal burnt itself into Bai Shaoxing's forehead;

"From the day this child sees the light of Dawn, you shall know no peace" "Demons, shall torment you by night, and men shall war with you by day!" Min Hong began

"You shall not slumber, and the day you close your eyes to rest, they shall open no more"

"I tie this brand to your soul with the Rebirth Flames; shall anyone try to lift this curse by any means, you shall be granted immortality, and every time you're reborn, your curse shall be multiplied by a hundred folds"

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