The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 466: Primordial Experts [1] - Fear

Chapter 466: Primordial Experts [1] - Fear

[Apologies:- I am very sorry people, I know the stories up to this stage has been somewhat boring but after going for a very costly writing seminar, I have decided to up the quality of this story and make it even more suspenseful]

[The quality of the storyline from here henceforth was so deep, that it took me three solid days to be able to put them into words]

[Thus, I would love it if you read this spoiler of the next two chapter with the intention to figure out the possible true dangers Min Hong is about to face, and how nail biting this novel would become in the future]

[Sorry for the immersive interruptions and thanks for staying loyal through my novice days... Enjoy!]



"From the day this child sees the light of Dawn, you shall know no peace"

"Demons, shall torment you by night, and all men shall war with you by day!" Min Hong began

"You shall not slumber, and the day you close your eyes to rest, they shall open no more"

"I tie this brand to your soul with the Rebirth Flames; shall anyone try to lift this curse by any means, you shall be granted immortality, and every time you're reborn, your curse shall be multiplied by a hundred folds"

Min Hong cursed as Bai Shaoxing- who had frozen the moment Min Hong touched her forehead finally- came to


"What have you done to me!?" She screamed;

She could feel an ominous aura begin to seep from her body

It was like she was an animal during mating season who was now leaving pheromones in the air to attract potential mates

She was definitely attracting something, but the scary thing is, she doesn't know what the brand was attracting towards her despite the fact that she knew it was a demon

"What have you done to me!?"

She yelled once again in terror; but the Min Hong she was asking barely knew what came over him

This was because Min Hong himself was not in control of his own abilities;

It was like his emotions at that moment triggered something within the 'Dawn Sovereign' bloodline, and as dawn arrived, it activated a new set of powers which he became compelled to use

"You really need to speak to Old Man Li"

Daniel suggested immediately as he and Little Fei also felt the effects of the entire situation, and it was like they were all shoved to the backseat of Min Hong's body whilst a sentient body took control

"There are so many sentient things within you, and I am beginning to fear that you might be a test subject to them or a pawn in a much bigger shenanigan" Little Fei gave his own advice;

"So what you're insinuating is that, they gave me so many things that can take control of my mind and posed it as powers!?"

"Yeah According to my research, bloodlines are never sentient, and are only a tool with which we gain powers which belongs to the First Born or Precursors of one's lineage"

"Which meant if one is a descendant of Buddha; tapping into your bloodline, no matter how faint the trace is, would get you access to the powers of Buddha himself:- Be it in cultivation techniques, divine abilities or actual martial arts" Little Fei began to explain;

"But from what I have seen so far, I don't think you have a bloodline at all, or perhaps your bloodline is just like a universal blood type that can function perfectly with every other blood types"

"So you are saying I have only a single bloodline which has the powers to tap into powers of other bloodlines?" Min Hong questioned curiously;

"I believe so You were bestowed with the 'Dawn Sovereign' bloodline which meant it isn't from your ancestor, but someone else's"

"Then there is the bloodline from your body cultivation which seems to be an hybrid of good and evil, and if that was what was happening, then I would be less frightened, because; it would be a 2 in 1 hybrid bloodline type, but having them as separate entities is not orthodox in any way" Little Fei continued;

"Every single being should have a single bloodline, but because you cultivate in both Body and Qi cultivation, you were given two slots, but that should be the maximum possibility, and it would have been okay if you didn't have three"

"How are you even able to have three?"

Little Fei asked and Min Hong paused to think about when he reincarnated, King Yama had said something about bestowing him with a Universal Soul

Could it have been that, he was just a test subject who King Yama selected, gave a powerful soul that could withstand the power from multiple ancient bloodlines, and sent to the great creator to fill them up?

The moment the thought entered his mind was the same moment he revealed the situation to Daniel and Little Fei, after all, they had stood by him through thick and thin, and have shown their loyalty, so, revealing some secrets to them wouldn't be a bad thing

But the moment he said it was the same moment Daniel told him that Min Hong was simply a test subject who was given all sorts of power with the aim of making him a very dangerous weapon for a battle they were trying to face

"So, it was just like King Yama supplied the scientist which is the Great Creator with a strong soul that could withstand the level of experiment he was intending to perform"

"Then the 'great creator' performed the experiment on you, by pumping you full of the bloodlines of primordial beings whose level of power was almost on par with his, and then infused a bit of their consciousness [Perhaps Divine sense, God sense or Aeon sense] within these bloodline;"

"That way should you be a success as of an experiment, then you won't be able to turn against him, since they could just activate the divine sense in you to take over your mind, and with the level of power these people had back in their prime, their divine sense would most likely wipe out our consciousness instantly with little to no efforts"

"Then you will simply wake up as someone else and never be you again" Little Fei completed Daniel's train of thought;

"So, you guys are saying the 'Dawn Sovereign' bloodline was a drop of blood from a primordial expert who the 'great creator' is looking to revive?" Min Hong asked;

"With the way things are; if you try to go against the 'great creator', that might be the case"

"Perhaps, just a seal or spell would be needed to awaken their divines sense or Aeon sense to take over your soul just like us; except, the Dawn Sovereign wouldn't share it with you like we are doing." Little Fei added;

"Why didn't you tell me this a lot earlier!?"

Min Hong was beginning to get frightened, as he truly been stuffed with the bloodline and divine sense of primordial experts so that they can reawaken to fight alongside the ''great creator' once again?

Then King Yama simply selected him as the only compatible soul which could sustain the strain of their reawakening, as well as possess enough soul power to support their mental and physical powers?

"That was what we were trying to tell you when your evil bloodline simply released its aura, and it was strong enough to take control of your actions"

"That was only its aura, and not the actual Aeon sense and we were all shoved to the back seat of your body you even threatened Daniel, remember?" Little Fei continued;

"But what would now happen when the Aeon Sense of these experts awaken?"

Min Hong's heart was already racing at this point;

"I fear even all three of us would be no match for it, and that would be the end of your usefulness to the 'great creator'" Daniel replied;

"But I have noticed that only the auras of these bloodlines awakened the moment you entered the awakening stage" Little Fei continued;

"Remember that it was when you reached the awakening stage that that evil aura that made you push your woman away surfaced"

"Now it is the 'Dawn Sovereign' aura that just awakened, which means that bloodline of yours with the golden battle armor is up next"

"Now you were compelled to place a curse on a woman pregnant with a child, who knows if what the last bloodline would make you do is slaughter the entire Desert Sun Sect, after all, there is likely no one as strong as you within that sect" Little Fei continued;

"I'm in deep trouble!" Min Hong blanched;

"But the point is, since all these are happening in the awakening stage, then the Ancestor Stage must be the last seal that awakens their divine sense, since you will have to be tested by the ancestors of your bloodlines which is when you will have to meet these three primordial beings in person"

"Then should they give you a test you would die trying to accomplish, that would simply be a perfect way to get rid of you and then take over your body"

"Furthermore, there are three of them already, and there are three of us, which means the Aeon sense within each bloodline would take over each of our consciousness, and since you already have so many Nascent Souls, they would simply share them equally amongst themselves-"

"Probably three nascent souls each-" Daniel Chipped in as Little Fei continued;

"-and then they would simply begin to re-cultivate from there"

"You have already been given the perfect cultivation technique they would use once they reincarnate; the [Codex of Myriad Paths] which could basically cultivate any type of Qi and the [Wonder Gate Codex] which doesn't even use natural Qi, but the Qi of your Daos to cultivate your body" 

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