The Moon Goddess' Chosen

Chapter 189

189 Chapter One Hundred Eighty Nine

Lina ran faster, trying to get away from her prying sister, however, the hunter was far from done. She sped up and blocked the girl’s path, growling at her, “How long will you be running?” the hunter barked at her, “That will never solve any of your problems. You forget the colour of your eyes, Lina. The world will always revolve around you.”

“You know nothing about me, Katie. Just leave me alone. You only walked into my life recently. I wouldn’t expect you to understand when you haven’t been part of our kind for that long,” the younger wolf retaliated.

Katie was taken aback by her response, but it was not enough to make her back off, “This has nothing to do with me spending the largest part of my life as a human. I wasn’t any human. I was a part of the Chase family. Everyone was always looking at me for results and I had to make it happen...”

“That’s different. Hunters aren’t driven by their emotions. They are just walking robots that have the same beliefs and a system that’s fair. Werewolves rely on strength and emotions. They listen to their hearts. If I am not fit to be a royal in their eyes, there is nothing that can change that,” Lina argued.

“You’re not weak, Lina. You’ve never been. You are what you believe you are...”

“It’s so easy for you to say. I doubt you’ve ever failed in your life even once. You’re so perfect. The one junior hunter that was able to receive her Prometheus gifts before she was even eighteen. A complete prodigy. How would you ever know how I feel?” the girl yelled at her.

Since the start of this argument, Katie had chosen to keep her head strong no matter what the girl threw at her. After hearing this coming from her, she felt as though she couldn’t go on. Lina noticed her odd silence, “Let’s get back to the hotel...” Katie said after a moment. Turning around, the girl started off in a jog, “Are you coming?”

‘What... just happened?’ Lina thought to herself. She’d only been yelling at her perfect sister, she hadn’t known there was something that could hurt her. She never showed weakness no matter what was thrown at her. Lina knew this from what she’d seen and all the stories that she’d heard about her. This was different... “Katie, wait...”



Cole and the others finally reached the hotel, shifting back into their human forms. The delta had to go back to the place she had kept her clothes to dress up. The royal began pacing about in frustration at what the wolves had done. Wyatt chose this moment to walk away, “Where do you think you’re going?” Cole growled at the boy.

“Umm, my room. That is where we’re supposed to be, isn’t it?” Wyatt feigned innocence.

“Not until I’m done with you,” Cole growled at him.

“Alpha Cole, we got stuck in quicksand. Did you honestly think we could make it back in time in such a condition?” Wyatt continued. The royal walked up to him fuming and stopped too close to the alpha for comfort, staring him in the eye. The alpha stared back at him with a clear amount of defiance.

Before Wyatt could utter another word, he crumpled to the ground, clutching his stomach from a sudden punch from the royal, “You’re walking a thin...”

“Oh, shut up. You’re in need of an education. You got my mate’s sister lost in a game reserve. Do you have any idea what you have done?” Cole yelled at him.

“I allowed her to let loose in the wild. She’ll make it back. You said the princess was found and safe. Isn’t that what we should be focused on now?” Wyatt replied between laboured breaths.

Cole chuckled darkly, “It seems you have never seen a hunter spill blood.”

Wyatt’s blood went cold at the royal’s words, “What are you trying to say, Alpha Cole?” he asked, getting up. He’d recovered from the assault, but felt the effect would take a while to heal.

“Katie Sirius has no control of her temper yet. Make a mistake and she just might kill you. It wasn’t long ago that I saved Crysta from losing her life. How dense can one werewolf really be?” Cole was writhing.

“Cole, you can calm her down, can’t you? I tried to keep the princess out of trouble. That’s got to count for something,” Crysta asked Cole.

“I’ll do what I can, but you all know the nature of a werewolf. You will be on her hitlist until you find a way to account for what you have done. Unless her wolf can forgive you for the stunt you have pulled, you better watch your back,” Cole replied, rubbing his temples. Taking his anger out on the wolves before him just didn’t feel worth it at the moment. He was more worried about his mate. He could feel a multitude of emotions coming from her.

“Why are you all on edge? It’s not like there are rogues in the game reserve,” Liam shrugged.

“Oh, is that what you think?” Cole asked, trying to recall when the alphas had become so oblivious to the situation they were in. “Why would rogues be so far from the two moon goddess’ chosen?”

“What...” the three of them exclaimed in unison. Cole looked from one to the other and sighed, “The rogues are always looking for an opening to kill one of us. Just a few days ago, they almost captured Lina. I can’t believe you didn’t even know that. Does the alpha even communicate with the pack?”

“We thought those were all rumours. Alpha Davin never confirmed what happened,” Crysta responded.

“I see... Well, now you know...” just then a voice interrupted the four of them.

“Wyatt Black, we had an agreement,” turning around, Cole took in the image of the junior hunter before him. Trevor, for the first time, bore a dangerous look on his face. He barely showed his expression, but his tone translated his message. He was angry. An agreement had been broken and he wasn’t in the mood to let it go.

“Did we now?” Wyatt replied, his eyes flashing red at the junior hunter before him. Cole got the impression something more was going on before him and he chose to give the two of them some space so he could watch what would unfold.

“Yes, we did... And you broke it. Now surprise there, however, you won’t be getting off with a slap on the wrist,” Trevor said coolly. The alpha growled at him and this was followed by the metallic sound of a chain. Thick chains dropped from the junior hunter’s sleeves before he brandished them. “Junior hunters are not allowed to have weapons without authorization, but no one said we couldn’t improvise. Think long and hard, dear alpha. Attacking me might just be the reason you get to enjoy this tour with a limp in your step.”

The threat was clear as day. Cole smirked, ‘This must be interesting.’ The alpha looked at him, possibly for help, but he only shrugged and made it clear he wasn’t planning to interfere, “You’re a traitor, Cole Lycaon,” Wyatt whispered into his mind.

“Call it what you may. You brought this on yourself. I would believe your father would have wanted you to show how mature you are before getting the chance to be crown heir to his pack,” Cole replied with a shrug through the mind link, “I would think hard and well before rushing to any decisions.” This advice stung considering Cole had only recently given a Mighty Warrior a massive pummelling. ‘I feel like the biggest hypocrite right now...’ he mentally chuckled. His wolf agreed.


Lina followed her sister in silence. She finally opened up to the mind link again so that she could reach out to her sister, however, the girl had blocked plenty of the open communication through the mind link, ‘Huh, she got good in controlling what flowed out of her mind this quickly... She really is a fast learner. Which proves my point?’

“It’s a cold night,” the girl tried to break the silence.

“A werewolf shouldn’t complain,” Katie replied with no hint of interest in her voice.

“Well, we can also tell. It’s only right that we can complain as well,” Lina continued. To this, her sister did not respond. The girl sighed, “Was it something I said?”

“Try again, sister,” Katie replied after a moment of silence.

Sighing, Lina replied, “I’m sorry, Katie. I wasn’t thinking when I we were arguing.”

Katie was silent a while. Lina had the time to question everything that could have been running through her sister’s mind. Her curiosity was eating at her. This whole time, the girl was the perfect wonder that never did anything wrong, with the exception of showing up late to school. No one ever said anything wrong about the girl and even when they spoke of how she didn’t know how to hold back during training, Lina saw it as a good quality. There was simply no getting past her perfect image.

“Gaining Prometheus gifts at an early age isn’t normal, Lina. Something has to have happened in someone’s life for something like that to happen,” Katie replied finally, “And I’m not perfect either. I stumble all the time. I even fall... If it wasn’t for Cole, I’d be dead...”

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