The Moon Goddess' Chosen

Chapter 190

190 Chapter One Hundred Ninety

Lina was speechless at the revelation. Her sister’s voice was filled with both sadness and fear. Emotions that didn’t fit the picture Lina had of her. She remembered the girl that had downed a tree from missing a hit that was meant for Crysta. She remembered the girl that had been the source of a thunderclap that rumbled through the capital of Sirius. She was achieving feats that were only known to come from people twice her age and yet, here she was... showing a side Lina never thought she had.

“Why would you say something like that? You’re great at everything you set your mind to...”

Katie chuckled at the girl, “We all have our faults, Lina. They might not always be clear, but they are there and they are dangerous to every one of us.”

“What fault do you have? Surprise me...” Lina asked.

“Well, you were there in Brigadia. Why don’t you tell me?” Katie answered her with a question. Lina didn’t want to think back to that moment. She had been among the only people to reach her sister when she’d been shot by four arrows. She had offered to carry her away.

Seeing that her sister had understood what she was trying to mean, “No one starts out strong in this world, Lina. We do what we can to get stronger. True strength, however, doesn’t come from how many wolves you can defeat. You watched me get downed by an archer. Was that a show of strength or recklessness?”

“You do realise you are insulting yourself right now?” Lina asked her sister.

“I know what I did wrong, Lina. I’m not perfect. I just can’t stand back when I know I can do something. The two of us... We’re faster than most in the pack and with that speed. There are times when every second counts, Lina. You’re not weak,” Katie told her.

“That’s very easy for you to say...” Lina grumbled, “You know nothing of...” She stopped herself, noticing the repeat of the same words she’d only apologised for.


Katie noticed this and chose to shed more light on what she wasn’t understanding, “You said something about me knowing nothing of failure,” Lina remained quiet at the girl’s words... “Well, that’s not exactly true... I have lost so many times. Would you consider the battle in Brigadia a win for me?”

“You keep going back to that stupid battle. You could have never known that a hunter was helping the rogue king,” Lina grumbled.

“Oh, is that what you think?” Katie chuckled, “Did you know that I can catch arrows fired at me?”

Lina perked up in surprise, “That’s even more impressive... wait, why didn’t you catch those ones then?”

“I was at my limit. Holding Kyle, facing the rogue king and both his beta alphas, no energy left in my body and with hundreds of rogues behind me. I was trapped and I’d gotten myself in that situation,” Katie responded.

“You didn’t have a choice, Katie. They were going to take him and you had to do something or else they would have taken Kyle. You couldn’t stand back and let them take him,” Lina argued.

“And what would that have gotten me... Jeremiah spared me. He’s a much better shot than that and yet he intentionally shot my joints,” Katie replied.

Lina remained quiet for a bit. She couldn’t argue with the girl’s logic, however, she had no idea it haunted her as much as she showed her, “Does it still haunt you? Do you think you made the wrong choice?”

“I try not to think about it. There was too much I didn’t know about what I was getting myself into. It was the perfect trap. If Jackeline hadn’t showed up in time, the rogue king would have killed me,” Katie sighed.

“That woman was scary...” Lina shuddered, “Katie, what are the conditions for someone to get Prometheus gifts?”

“Hmm, I’m not sure what’s true. It’s not like Prometheus if fond of communicating with humans, but if I was to say, it would be someone’s character,” Katie answered her thoughtfully, “Now race me, Lina Sirius...”

Lina’s wolf perked up at the challenge, “I’m not actually sure where the hotel...” Just then, the girl picked up on the scents of the other wolves that had already made it through to the hotel, “Never mind, you’re on, Katie ‘Chase'”

Katie chuckled at the girl’s enthusiasm before skidding to halt, forced to stop by a tempest of wind that formed when the white wolf beside her suddenly dashed forward, vanishing from view before Katie could tell what had just happened, “Katie let me take over, please...” Ashley begged once more...”

“Why do I get the feeling you have something up your sleeve, you sneaky wolf?” Katie groaned as she allowed the wolf to take control of her body. Immediately Ashley had taken control of the girl’s body, she shifted back into her human form and back into her wolf form. The difference almost went unnoticed to Katie, but she didn’t feel the same... So much so that she simply got too curious and had to know what had changed.

Instead of the bulky strong massive white wolf she usually transformed into, she was large and slender. Built for speed and not strength... “Oh, Lina is going to be so jealous... When were you going to tell me this was possible?” Katie asked her.

“Three powers, Katie... That’s what the moon goddess granted her chosen, however, they were all meant to reveal themselves at a time when they needed them. That is why I cannot tell you each of your abilities until the time is right. Consider it a wild card though. Alhtough, with the power you already have, there is the option of you never learning about your third power,” the wolf replied before feeling the ground in her paws.

The feel of the new body was different. She felt as though moving was as simple as breathing. After getting a feel of the transformation, she dashed forward, leaving a dust cloud in her wake as well as the light sound of thunder. The usual exhaustion the girl got each time she used this much speed didn’t catch up to her this time. The wind was much easier for her to cut through while she ran and she found that she could run much faster when she wanted to.

The two entities barely noticed when it was that they’d taken control of the body and in total sync, rushed forward after their sister. The hotel was in view when they finally caught a glimpse of the white wolf rushing before them. Katie’s senses flared up. She could tell something was wrong. Digging deeper, she rushed forward and caught up to her sister, her protective instincts kicking in. She had no idea what was happening, but she didn’t like it. Whatever it was, she was going to put an end to it... or so she thought...


“You like messing about whenever you get the chance to, don’t you, Waters? I have warned you so many times to keep to yourself if you don’t want to have trouble with the werewolves. I’m sure you haven’t forgotten what happened a few years ago. You fancied yourself a hero at the time. Or have you forgotten what the job of a hunter is?” Wyatt asked him.

“You know, Wyatt... I am the head of security. It doesn’t matter whether the student is a werewolf or a student. Just this once, your actions don’t matter whether they involve humans or not. Get in line and listen to what I tell before we have a problem on our hands,” Trevor replied. Words he knew would get on the werewolf’s nerves. It made no difference to him, these were words he’d wanted to tell the boy for a while.

“You get on my nerves, you know that,” Wyatt growled at Trevor.

“I know that, Wyatt. That wouldn’t be the case though... If you only listened to what I asked of you. I wonder how you will get the position of future alpha if you keep up this rebellious streak,” Trevor shrugged, raising his hands to accentuate his meaning, “Honestly, what will they do with you?”

The alpha launched into an attack, shifting into his black wolf in the blink of an eye. That had been the last straw for him and he was determined to teach the junior hunter a lesson on respecting the race that bore red eyes. Trevor smirked and sidestepped just in time to dodge the attack. In the same moment, he began to wrap his chains around the wolf and restrain him.

The chains went around the wolf’s neck. Trevor got onto his back as though he’d mounted a horse only to force the wolf to the ground with his legs wrapped around Wyatt’s torso. The wolf was choking from the swift hold that now had the chain blocking his windpipe. Cole was impressed by the refined swift moves the hunter had utilised to restrain the wolf, something he hadn’t been expecting. Just then, the low rumble of thunder reached their ears.

Cole’s wolf got excited, alarming him of the new arrival, “She’s here,” Cole spoke up just as two slender white wolves with striking blue eyes emerged from the forest. They looked identical although one rushed faster than the other, her focus diverted to the commotion that was taking place before them. From the bond he shared with the white wolf, Cole was able to tell who it was. She looked very different from the last time he’d seen her shifted, but her scent was exactly the same... intoxicating.

The white wolf began to circle the two struggling creatures. “Welcome back, darling,” Cole pitched in.

“Thank you. Who knew Trevor could restrain an alpha. I’m impressed. The chains are quite impressive as well as an idea,” Katie observed.

“Aren’t you going to stop them?” Cole asked the white wolf that constantly circled the two fighters.

“I would, but after what Wyatt has done, I would much rather prefer watching him choke,” Katie replied with venom in her voice. For some reason, Cole was convinced she would kill the wolf otherwise. He stole a glance at Liam who was doing his best to remain invisible. It was obvious he was a part of the planning committee for this little charade and yet the blame was all falling to Wyatt... ‘Such a coward...’

Lina walked up to them after shifting into her human form and found the Trevor and Wyatt struggling on the ground. She wasn’t one to let a fight keep going, but there seemed to be tension between the two of them and she wanted nothing to deal with any of it.

“Well, Wyatt, what do you say? Will you listen to what I have to say?” Trevor asked the wolf he had restrained. Wyatt had tried everything, but every move he made only made the chain around his neck even more unbearable. He then chose to shift back into his human form which was much smaller. Maybe then he could... before the thought was done, he felt the chain tighten around his neck the smaller he got. Trevor had been prepared to keep the chain around his neck even if he shifted.

After realising just how stuck he was, he grumbled “What do you suggest?”

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