The Moon Goddess' Chosen

Chapter 247

247 Chapter Two Hundred Forty Seven

Katie stared at the man on the ground before them. She had heard everything her aunt had to say about the situation at hand, “So with just one phone call, this can all come to an end?” she asked her.

“That is what we’re going for. I know it’s not the way you thought this would all end, but an ending is an ending. There is nothing more to it than that. When all is said and done, humanity hasn’t seen a brighter day than today, Katie. Your union with Cole brings the tyranny of the rogue king to an end. You will be able to see the man that’s been behind all this behind bars. His execution will be announced and the plan the hunters had come up with eighteen years ago will be seen to the fruition.”

“What plan are you talking about, Aunt Marie?” Katie asked her.

“Well, it went by many names, but one of the most famous names we used at the time was the purification plan. The hunters were to go through all no man’s land snuffing out the last of the rogues. They were to find all their hiding places and cleanse the world of the last of their kind. Without them being able to multiply and breed, it was only a matter of time before they would be completely wiped from the face of the planet.”

Katie listened to her adoptive mother’s words as though they were a fairy tale from a foreign land. After everything she’d put herself through her whole life, this didn’t feel like it was the way it was supposed to end and yet... It’s what they all had wanted. She couldn’t argue and it wasn’t in her place to question their decisions. There was one thing she couldn’t let go of in spite of everything, “Why does he get to live?” she asked.

“Oh, you mean the rogue king,” her adoptive mother sighed, “To be honest with you, the world would be a better place if he wasn’t in it and I completely agree with you. The man should be put down as soon as possible instead of wasting time giving him the chance to ‘reflect,'” the woman said, raising her fingers to quote the word ‘reflect’, “...on his actions. He deserves to be put down and his power completely erased from this world. In my opinion, as long as he still draws breath, there is someone out there that he’s oppressing and those people deserve to go to sleep knowing they are safe as well.”

“Katie,” Cole called out to the girl. As she had now grown used to the attention his voice demanded of her, she replied by allowing her undivided attention, “The phone call. We can make it as both of us. The rogue king would have less of a problem believing us if the both of us speak to him.”

“Yeah... I guess that would make sense,” while the offer made sense to the girl, she could feel the warmth with which the alpha made it. He was also allowing her to feel like she didn’t have to do it all on her own and Katie appreciated the gesture much more than he would have thought.

“I’ll get in contact with headquarters then...” Aunt Marie replied, getting her phone out and dialling the necessary phone numbers.


A buzz came from Katie’s pockets almost scaring her out of her skin. She retrieved the phone from her pocket and her eyes widened when she saw it was coming from none other than the king of Sirius, “Hello, father...”

“KATIE, WHAT IS GOING ON OVER THERE?” the man yelled through the phone.

“What do you mean? What are you doing awake this late in the night?” she asked the man, trying to withstand his screams.

“Well, I have just woken up, to be honest, but I’ve been trying to reach your phones for an hour. Why couldn’t I get through to you?” the man asked her.

“Well, there was a bit of an incident at the reserve,” the girl said to him, staggering a little. The royal by her side caught her just in time, steadying her just in time. With trouble gone, exhaustion seemed to be seeping in fast.

“Are you okay?” the king asked her.

“Yes, I am fine, but there are injured students at the hotel. I was able to get communications back up, but I don’t think some of the students will be able to make the return journey,” the girl said through the phone.

“I will get medical personnel closest to the reserve travelling as soon as possible. You and Lina are to come back to the palace first thing in the morning. I received an odd phone call while I was trying to reach you. Bring Cole as well... We have something troubling to discuss,” the king sighed.

“Yeah, we’ll be there as soon as we can,” she said.

“That’s good to hear. Katie...” the man paused, “Take care of yourself. I was given a full report on your tendencies, so don’t go around trying to get yourself a few fractures. You might be able to heal but you can still feel a lot...”

“I’m fine, father. The rogues have been defeated. I have no more reason to break my bones, okay?” the girl chuckled, cutting the king short.

The king groaned, “Honestly, Katie, what am I going to do with you?”

Earning laughter from his daughter, “Goodbye, father. You should get a little more sleep as well. The reserve is quite far, so we won’t be back home until later today. You can do what you’ve always done with me though...”

“And what might that be, Luna Katie?”

The girl, along with her mate gasped at the man’s words, “How long?”

“I’m a royal that’s one of the two royal families. Wouldn’t you think I’d notice on the day when most of my power was stripped from me,” the man chuckled through the phone, “However, when I heard the rogues were still gathering in Lycaon, I realized the rogue king hadn’t noticed which was thanks to the way you masked your marking ceremony.”

“We didn’t know what would happen if we revealed our marking. So we didn’t tell anyone and kept the two packs from finding out as well. Did we do the right thing?” the girl asked him.

“Hmm... I cannot tell you if you did the right thing or not. You’ll have to see the results of that when you hear the outcome of the battle in Sirius and weigh the other possibilities,” the king groaned, “But if you wanted to know what I think, you did the right thing.”

“Thanks. That’s reassuring...” Katie replied even though something in the pit of her stomach turned when he mentioned the battle in Lycaon.

“Stay safe, Katie,” the man said through the phone, “The same goes for you, Cole.”

Katie leaned into her mate, “Yeah, we’ll be fine.” A beeping sound signified the disconnected phone call. Just then, Marie walked up to her with the phone in her hand.

“Is Katie with you?” a familiar voice came from the other side of the phone. It was feminine and she knew exactly who it was.

“Yes, I’m right here, Jackeline. I heard you were supposed to...”

“Whatever you heard might have been true. I’m sorry for the hurry, Katie, but at the moment, we don’t have that much time to chat. The battle is ugly, but if this works, then it will all be over,” Jackeline said to her.

“Are you okay, Jackeline?” the girl asked next.

The other side of the phone call went silent for a bit. It sounded like the woman on the other side was running. Where they were running to remained unknown to Katie, “Of all questions, you could ask... You haven’t changed one bit, have you, Katie?”

“I’ve changed a lot,” the girl responded smugly.

“You always were such a terrible liar. Your parents came to your aid just because they detected you had something dangerous up your sleeve, but from what I’ve heard, you haven’t done it yet. While I make it to the rogue king, spill it,” Jackeline commanded.

Katie couldn’t believe they’d read through her that fast. Jeremiah walked up to the talking crew and spoke before Katie had found the courage, “She asked that I help her get to Kyle so that she can rescue him.”

“WHAT??? Wait, is that even possible?” Jackeline yelled.

“Well, from the last group of rogues that the beta alpha summoned, I can tell their base is almost abandoned...”

“So he is your beta alpha after all,” the rogue paralysed on the ground surmised.

“I told you to think of it what you want. You know about him and me, so simply draw your conclusions. I won’t indulge you by confirming which one is true,” Katie responded.

“You’re only trying to get me to stop suspecting you and you’re pretty smart with your words, but...”

“Who’s that you’re all talking to? Is that the beta alpha you’ve defeated? Wow, I still can’t believe you were able to defeat one of those things. No, I don’t believe it. Not after what’s happened at the capital,” the woman mentioned.

“What exactly happened at the capital?” Cole’s voice finally sounded, sending the entire group into silence. Jackeline couldn’t think of a way to answer the man... She would probably have to tell him everything she knew herself...

“I’m sorry, your majesty...”

‘Your majesty...?’

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