The Moon Goddess' Chosen

Chapter 248

248 Chapter Two Hundred Forty Eight

The two generals made it into the room, taking out everyone that posed any resistance to them. That included all the medical personnel that was tending to the king. The man in the bed did not bat an eyelash while the people around him were brutally put to sleep, including his wife. The king stayed silent through the violence around him. He was surprised, however, at how careful the rogues were being in subduing their enemies.

It was as though they knew the enemy posed them no threat as long as they made it to their goal. “If it isn’t the king of the Lycaon Empire. This old crone has really fallen. Get a load of the scent of death that comes from him,” Benji pinched his nose, backing away from the king.

Samson walked up to the side of the king’s bed, “You know why we’re here, don’t you?”

“Yes, I do. Although, I don’t know why you bother,” the king asked, “After all, I was meant to die today.”

“Oh, we all thought you would kick the bucket much earlier than today. To be honest, I think you knew all along what would happen if you died before your son found his mate, so you have been holding on to your pathetic life to buy him more time. The rogue king noticed this strategy. Honestly, I don’t see how someone in a hospital bed and with barely any energy can put up this much of a fight. At the end of the day, you were like that one thorn in the king’s side that he couldn’t seem to get out of the picture,” Samson said to him.

“I would like to ask you something, general of the rogue king,” the king turned to face the general at his bedside. The man only remained silent. Taking that as a sign to proceed, the king spoke up, “What made you think you didn’t have to kill the hunters and enemies you found on your way here?”

Silence took over the two of them, “You must be dense for a king, considering that has an obvious answer. Don’t you see the colour of my eyes?”

“Well, did you ever consider the power of your bite to be nothing more than a bee sting?” the king asked him.

“Now I’m sure the Lycaon king has completely lost his mind,” the man began to laugh hysterically as though the king had just cracked the funniest joke in history, “I have turned many wolves in my time and they have all followed me as rogues. Most of them never made it, but hey... They all proved we could always get more. And with your death, we’ll be able to command all the wolves in the Lycaon empire to do our bidding. We’ll be unstoppable. I hate to cut our conversation short, but your time to die has come. Killing you has never felt any more satisfying.”


The rogue raised his hand into the air and extended his claws. Right before he could bring his hand down on the king, “You don’t even think to interpret what I’m saying.” This was what the king said before the man brought his claws down on the king’s throat.

“You know, Samson. You blame me for being the heartless one, but...” the boy paused in his words almost as though the breath had been knocked out of him. Samson looked up to see someone standing not far from him holding the boy’s unconscious body in their arms. He recognized the one that had just attacked the boy, however, he couldn’t understand what the woman was doing awake.

“What are you doing awake? The venom from my bite should have kept you out for at least five hours,” the general barked at the woman.

Evelyn looked at the man before him and the bite mark she’d only tight up a few moments ago with a few bits of fabric she’d found. The bite hurt no more than a normal wound did and it confirmed a lot, “You almost wiped out the entire hunter’s association. I can’t believe we could be defeated so easily by a bunch of mutts. Not to mention this kid did most of the damage. Give up now while you have the chance.”

“What are you talking about? We have the upper hand here. There isn’t a person alive that could...” it was only now that the king’s last words reached him. ‘You don’t even think to interpret what I’m saying.’ ‘Did you ever consider the power of your bite to be nothing more than a bee sting?’ ‘What made you think you didn’t have to kill the hunters and enemies you found on your way here?’ The words the king spoke could only sound like those of someone who knew something that he didn’t. “Hey, what are you doing? Weren’t you bitten?”

“I see you’ve begun to catch up,” the woman replied. Just then, hunters began to file into the room, completely surrounding the man. All the hunters that filed into the room barely looked worn out. While Samson still had a lot of energy to spare for an escape, he didn’t see a need to do so. Without the power of his bite, everything he had done until this point was completely pointless. They had lost thousands of rogues in this attack, telling them they were to knock out the hunters. overwhelming them with numbers. It didn’t really matter if a few of them were killed by accident. They only needed the majority in the end...

“No, they haven’t yet marked each other. We were sure of...” thinking back to those that were responsible for delivering them with information, the man began to doubt just how much was true with the information he was given, “It doesn’t make sense. I’ve seen that kid kill hunters before. He wouldn’t betray us one bit. There is nothing for him amongst the hunters. He has his place among the rogues.”

Delusions began to set in as the hunters apprehended the man. Evelyn handed the boy over to other hunters that came in and they began to secure him as well, tying him up with chains and cuffing his hands and legs so fast that one could have thought they were afraid of him waking up. The female hunter retrieved her phone from her pocket and began to make a phone call when a commotion came rushing to the king’s room.

“Can we speak to Evelyn? We have the information we’d like to deliver,” the woman made her way through the hunters and soon reached the man and woman that were waiting outside. They were both winded, no doubt from the running they had to do in order to make it to the palace.

“What seems to be the problem?” she asked them.

“We have a way to end the fighting. If the rogues get to know the king can’t turn more hunters into rogues like they think he can, then they will lose their will to fight. They just have to know of their unknown weakness,” the man said in between breaths.

“Oh, so is that what happened with the generals in there?” the woman said thoughtfully. “Well then... In that case, why don’t you go meet the rogue king himself?”

“What? You don’t mean...”

“Yes, we are to make a phone call to the higher-ups and have them connect us to the Moon Goddess’ Chosen so that they can confirm their union. If that can happen before the rogue king himself, then we can end it. We can end it all. We’ll make sure the king of Lycaon didn’t lose his life for nothing,” the woman said to them.

Frost and Jackeline could barely believe what they were hearing at the time. With the desired number of phone calls, the two of them had Katie and Cole on the other side. All they had to do was make it to the rogue king deep within the forest. “He’s fighting with Thorrin and Jim. You won’t be in that much trouble when you make it to them. The woman said to them... I will stay behind and handle damage control.”

As soon as that was said, the two of them bowed in respect to her and were gone. Evelyn walked up to the window panes on the other side of the wall. Looking out at the carnage that had taken place in the capital, she dreaded counting the losses on their side with her whole being. The fight was still going on, however, the hunters had lost most of their strength and the rogues seemed to be overwhelming them. “Hunters, we shall proceed to the battle ahead of us and put an end to all this.” The hunters that had just recovered took one look at the battlefield and obeyed the woman’s orders.


Katie got all the information Jackeline knew of as she made her way to the fight going on deep within the forest. The sound of fighting was clear to her once they got close. A loud thunderclap confirmed the two groups were fighting at their best. Shivers ran down the girl’s spine as she silently prayed for the safety of the hunters fighting for the sake of humanity. “Damn... Jim is a lot stronger than he lets on...” Frost said more to himself.

The two of them had gotten there just in time to see the king and Jim go down. However, there seemed to be a change in the king’s composure. It seemed their arrival was only rubbing salt in an open wound. As Katie and Cole spoke to the man, it became clear he’d already come to know of it through a mind link with his generals. The rogue king was walked back to the capital. The last of the rogues were taken care of.

“So, he’s gone then?” after the king had been taken away. Somehow, Jackeline was sure the boy was not talking about the rogue king at all.

“I’m sorry, Cole.”

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