The Moon Goddess' Chosen

Chapter 258

258 Chapter Two Hundred Fifty Eight

Deep down within the dungeons, a few dashing figures rushed through finding next to no resistance as they rushed through looking for a few cells in particular. The hunters had all left their posts to attend a meeting and the werewolves were left to guard the prisoners in the dungeon. It was not long before they all made it to the cells of the rogue king and his generals.

They each shared keys and got to work on working with the locks which gave away quite easily. When the rogue king was finally no longer under restraints, the man stretched his arms and legs, “You know... that method of locking someone up doesn’t allow them to take a piss when they want to,” the man complained, turning his head at odd angles releasing cracking sounds.

“Well, you won’t have to worry about that anymore, your majesty. We can leave as soon as possible,” the man said to him, “If you would only come with us, we can show you the fastest way out of the capital.”

“My my, aren’t you playing the hero? Let me see your eyes,” the rogue king said to the man ordering him around. Stepping into the light of a torch, the man revealed his face to the rogue king, they were a bright amber... a colour that the rogue king normally considered worthless.

“You’ve barely had any of the blessings the moon goddess graced us with. What gives you the right to give me orders?” the king said to the man.

“If I guess correctly, I would say you have run out of options at this point and you’ve accepted your fate. Without the power to create more rogues to accomplish your mission of eradicating humanity, your mission is as good as a dream. What if I told you that there was a solution to that problem you’re facing, your majesty,” the man said to him.

“As I live and breathe... I had no idea you would turn out to be useful, but I’m impressed. By all means, lead the way,” the king laughed out loud, his voice booming across the dungeon.

“You must be quiet your majesty,” Victor told him.

“Oh, you worry too much. In the world that I come from, we with power reign at the top. It’s not something you would understand,” the king replied in an equally loud voice. The generals snickered at the man’s ignorance.


“If you feel like you need some protection, dear...”

“Victor, my name is Victor,” the man said to him.

“Well, Victor... I will protect you from whatever foe that might seem to want to see you dead. Of all the spies and allies I’ve gathered among the weaklings of this world, you might just happen to be the most important one of them all. Now let us go find someone that wants to stop us from getting out of here,” the king replied boisterously.

“I haven’t seen the king this excited in a while. The last time was when he came up with the plan to attack the capital,” Benji smiled, watching his king adoringly.

“You’re planning to go looking for a fight when I only got you out?” Victor asked the man, bewilderment filling his voice.

“Is that what it sounded like? You yellow-eyed are quite quick to jump to worst-case scenario kind of conclusion,” the king mused only to start his way to the exit of the dungeon. On his way, he asked the generals to destroy the cages that held more criminals within them. The generals wasted no time in doing as the king had ordered. The child that Victor had almost left tied up seemed to be the most enthusiastic when it came to causing mischief.

Watching him work made the wolf regret doubting his abilities. As the boy didn’t seem to have noticed his reluctance to release, Victor hoped it would stay that way. “Well, as long as we get out of here while the hunters are all knocked out.”

The king paused in his gait and turned to face the man that had broken him out of his prison. The others that had helped him accomplish this feat didn’t seem to matter to him. Clearly, the yellow-eyed pipsqueak had orchestrated the entire breakout and was controlling the people he was using, “Did you say you knocked them all out?”

“Yeah, a powerful sleeping draught did the trick. You wouldn’t have wanted the entire family of Chase hunters following you,” Victor answered.

The king’s shoulders slumped, “I wanted to spar with that Perfect Warrior again, but alas, the man was bested by the cheap tricks of one that was weaker than him. I would scold you for that, but I guess I can’t blame you for your normal-like thinking.”

The king then turned away from Victor and proceeded with his walk. The prisoners that were released rushed out at top speed with the intention of making the most of the chance they’d been given at finding freedom. “You shouldn’t look down on me like that. I wasn’t always stuck with disgraceful colour in my eyes,” Victor lashed out.

“Oh, and what colour were you blessed with if I may ask?” the king went.

“I was a delta with forest green eyes,” Victor said, his fist clenching in anger. The repulsive face of the person who stripped him of his power still shone brightly in his mind. Every time he closed his eyes, he saw the same person and it filled him with more hatred than he could contain.

“So you freed me so you could one day take revenge on the royal that stripped you of your power?” the king surmised.

“I will take revenge on him one way or another. I will take away everything that he holds most dear until the day he comes begging me to kill him. Or at least, that would be the most desirable outcome. After all, he did the same thing to me and left me powerless. I won’t beg him to return my power, but I will make him suffer for what he did,” the man replied.

The rogue king looked at the man seething behind him and smirked, “Hang on to that feeling. In a world where you’re as weak as you are, it’s only the strongest of convictions that can get you through the hard times. In any case, these villains will provide the perfect distraction for our escape. I don’t like using such cheap underhanded techniques, but I do want to hear what you have to say about reversing the goddess’ magic.”

The group walked out of the dungeons and found the wolves that had been sent as reinforcements battling the escaped villains. It was a spectacle for the king, but alas, Victor wouldn’t let the man take in the carnage in front of him.

Just as they were about to disappear into the forest, the sound of a thunderclap filled the air. The king couldn’t help but shiver in excitement. The man looked back at the scene behind him and saw what he’d been looking for. The Perfect warrior was working his hardest to apprehend the escaped prisoners. The king smirked at the sight of the man occupied, “I wonder if you’ll be able to catch up to us. If you do, that will make this escape all the more interesting.”

It was almost as though the man was talking to himself. The sun was about to start its descent and the air was cooling. The rogues took in the timing of their escape... “Talk about the perfect weather for a beat down.” This came from Benji... The boy had made it into a tree and the look on his face only brought more butterflies through Victor’s stomach. Right when the king had entered the forest, one of the hooded figures that had been following them took off their garments to reveal their yellow eyes and was soon followed by another.

Each time the king saw their yellow eyes, he felt as though he’d been handed more of a burden that was only going to be slaughtered at the first sight of a hunter. The last one, however, brought a smile to his face. Revealing the face beneath the hood, the king and his generals came face to face with General Amanda. “It’s nice to see you doing well, your Majesty.” The woman said to him.

“And it’s nice to see you as well. What kept you from revealing yourself earlier?” the king asked her.

“Well, breaking out all those prisoners just sounded like work for these young men. So I waited for them to be finished,” the woman shrugged.

“That’s devious, Amanda,” the boy was already atop her in a branch hanging low by his feet so that his face was right above hers, “I like it.”

“No one’s more devious than you, Benji. Honestly, your size and voice stopped fooling me a long time ago,” the woman replied.

“That’s a smart observation to make,” the boy smiled even though it only added to the dread his adversary felt toward him.

The group continued to move in silence before the king got bored enough to ask the one question on his mind, “Alright, I’m tired of waiting. Tell me what I want to know now or you lose your life...” the king was stopped by the sound of a plane. His senses and wolf all perked up at the presence inside the plane. To a normal eye, the plan was merely passing by, but the king knew better. His ears began to extend as he drew on his wolf’s power.

“What is...” Victor was stopped in his tracks when the door of the plane shattered with a violent jerk and a being shot out of it at threatening speed. Blue streaks of light seemed to surround the being that had emerged from the plane... It was a girl and the look on her face shattered his fears for the rogue king instantly. Looking beside him, he noticed a smirk grow on the rogue king’s face.

“I knew one of them wouldn’t let me down...”

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