The Moon Goddess' Chosen

Chapter 259

259 Chapter Two Hundred Fifty Nine

Katie sat in the plane alongside her mate, feeling more anxious by the minute. Up until this moment, her stomach had been turning with dread. She couldn’t figure out what it was, but she knew it was worse than anything she’d ever felt and she had to find a way to put an end to it. Cole had noticed her anxiety growing the more they neared his home. The entire flight had been quiet and the girl had almost left with him alone.

She was in a rush to get to the Lycaon empire which nearly scared him. Tom and Marie had got her to slow down and let in the king of Sirius and her mother, Queen Martha. Drake had come along as well, along with Sandra and Cole’s beta alphas. When the crew was ready, the plane had then taken off. The flight to Lycaon was not a short one and with their short delay when they were boarding, Katie had the pilot change course so that he flew right over the palace on his way to the airport.

Before Cole could complain, Marie had stopped him. The Chase family knew something that they weren’t telling him. He chose to keep his questions to himself. After all, his assumption was that they were anxious to confirm the news about his father’s death.

The closer they got to the palace, the more Katie’s anxiety grew and at some point, Cole was perfectly sure this had nothing to do with seeing his father’s corpse, “Katie, what’s wrong?” he asked, pulling her close to him.

The girl looked him in the eye. He’d managed to get his mind in order after his short mental breakdown, but now the stable girl that had helped him through it had the cloudiest expression he had ever seen. Her eyes glazed over as though he didn’t see him directly and she was shivering. The bright blue of her eyes seemed to leak from her eyes. Cole had never seen werewolf eyes ever get that bright, but she stared back at him with a ghostly expression. Her face was pale and he found himself caressing his cheek in an effort to find out what was going on with her.

“Cole, something terrible is about to happen,” the girl told him. Everyone on the plane heard her speak. They saw how shaky her composure was. Those that could tell felt the power of her gifts flowing through her. It almost felt like there was static in the air. Like the air in the plane had been ionized by the power she was unleashing into her body.

“What do you mean something terrible is about to happen?” Cole asked the girl.

“Well, by that... I...” the girl went silent for a moment before vanishing right before his eyes. She had only just disappeared when Marie took her place, her arms grabbing nothing in her feat to catch the girl. Cole’s eyes darted around and he was just in time to see his mate in a half shift, a blue aura surrounding her. She was on the upper half of the wall exactly opposite the door to the plane. It was only for a split second that she was there. The next motion shook the plane as she shot out to the door and tore out of the plane along with the door.

“Katie... No,” Marie rushed to the door, having recovered from the sudden events. Everyone rushed to the door and windows to witness the girl who’d leapt from the plane and was now tumbling to the forest below. Her hair was white at the top and her ears were visible indicating her half shift. A loud growl rang through the air as she continued to fall... In response to her roar, another came from the forest below.


“She can’t make a jump like that from this height. Does that girl have a death...” Sandra stopped speaking when another one of them leapt from the plane. It was Cole this time. Caden pushed forward...

“Okay, that’s it. Everyone else is to wear a parachute. We don’t want any of you to get the wrong idea. None of you is capable of surviving that fall,” Marie yelled at the top of her voice, trying to overpower the sound of the roaring wind and that of the plane. The rest of them began to put on the parachutes they could find in the plane. The situation had just escalated from what they had thought was a simple visit to the kingdom of Lycaon.

Thunder could be heard coming from the palace and the forest as well. It was soon clear that nothing was right at all in the capital as well. “Tom...”

“I will go to the capital and handle everything going on there. Go and help Katie. Take Sandra with you along with Jason. I will go with Caden,” Caden heard them distributing roles very fast that he nearly missed the point where they mentioned he wouldn’t be helping his alpha.

Those designated to help Katie were out of the plane before Caden could complain about it, “Looks like it’s just me and you buddy. Prove to me that it’s not just muscle under all that macho alpha aura of yours.” Tom said, slinging his hand around the beta alpha’s shoulder cheerfully.


Katie could barely follow her own movements as she descended upon the forest. Anger filled her along with despair and determination. The well of emotions stirred up all the power she’d been conserving within her. She’d completely stopped feeling the signs of her prior fatigue and was focused on what was before her. Removing the bow from her back, she attached a string to it and got ready to use it to slow her descent.

In a fluid manoeuvre of well-practised moves, she landed on the forest floor, abandoning the arrow the moment she wanted to land. Before her, was the man she’d been told had been captured only the day before. She wasn’t surprised he was the reason she would be coming to Lycaon so fast. His escape was something she couldn’t allow.

‘That’s not it, Katie...’ Ashley warned the girl, ‘The rogue king... He has something more sinister in the workings. I don’t know what it is, but I’ve been studying the way you detect danger. You’re right to be on your toes. If we lose him now, I don’t think we’ll like what happens afterwards.’

Katie’s mind was clear for the first time since she’d started detecting the trouble. Her wolf had made a perfect explanation of the situation and it allowed her more focus on what was before her. “So that’s the creature the goddess was sure would put an end to me. Honestly, this is over...” the rogue king was startled when a thunderclap rang through the air, having the girl before him with her fist outstretched and aimed at his face.

Those around him moved in accordance with the attack and to protect the rogue king. The king leapt back before the fist could connect with his face and watched with a smirk as the rest of his generals attacked the girl. Katie barely faltered, moving on to her next course of action, she let her hand touch the ground and used it as a pivot to launch a kick into the gut of the child that had decided to attack her from above.

Benji went flying, the wind was knocked right out of him. The hunter pushed off the ground and spun through the air, her knee going straight into Samson’s chest before he could react. Amanda was only collateral damage from the girl thrusting Samson about like a ragdoll. The rogue king’s eyes widened in shock at the fluid movements that had taken out his generals and the speed with which she had executed them. ‘What’s with the bright blue aura leaking from her eyes? Does she have more of the goddess’ blessing than normal royals?’ the man wondered, watching as the woman made direct eye contact with him.

Murderous intent behind her gaze struck him like a knife. If it hadn’t been for Thane’s quick movements, the king would have found himself with a disfigured face. The beta alpha stepped in the way to stop the fist that was meant for his alpha. Thane put up his forearms to shield himself from the girl’s punch, however, the energy behind it was enough to push him back much more than he’d ever anticipated. The beta alpha flew past the rogue king who crouched slamming into a tree. The tree groaned from the weight that had rammed into it.

The rogue king found that he had to evade the next movement almost immediately, ‘She hasn’t even slowed down.’ He thought to himself as the girl immediately planted one foot ahead to support her in her next movement, a lateral elbow. The king leapt away from her, narrowly dodging her attack, but the girl was already in motion, catching up to him moments after he’d felt far from her. A silhouette of a wolf covered her as she leapt for him.

Fear gripping the rogue king, the man dashed further back just in time to avoid the jaws that clamped down on his former position. It was only then that the girl stopped her movements and shifted back into her human form, eyeing the rogue king. The generals were only now recovering and surrounding her. Thane did the same even though he looked to be in the worst shape of all. The girl was not fazed by the people that surrounded her. In fact, she kept her eyes trained on the one person she’d come to kill.

“So you’re the famous rogue killer,” the king confirmed with a smirk. Just then a figure appeared right behind the girl, taking on a stance the king was familiar with. The woman that had just added to their group of enemies was a hunter that his memory fetched from very many years ago...

“It’s been quite some time, Marie Chase,” the man announced.

“I didn’t come here to talk,” Katie stopped the more-than-chatty rogue king in his reunion speech.

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