The Moon Goddess' Chosen

Chapter 260

260 Chapter Two Hundred Sixty

The rogue king’s generals sensed the girl’s intentions and launched yet another attack to stop her from getting to their king. Katie’s body moved almost on its own, taking the three of them out as fast as she could before attacking the rogue king once again. This time, there was someone who stopped the beta alpha from attacking her. Marie rushed forward and engaged the beta alpha, blocking Thane’s access to Katie.

Getting frustrated by the woman’s intervention, the man attempted to swat her away with full force as someone would swat a fly with the confidence that their hands were undeniably faster than the nimble creature. The woman, using the element of surprise, flipped the man over her shoulder and slammed him down hard with his back to the ground.

The rogue king in his fit to avoid being hit by a rampaging Katie, felt his beta alpha’s surprise, “Don’t underestimate her. That woman is one of the Mighty Warriors. She’ll snuff you out if you fail to take her seriously,” the man shouted, only for one of Katie’s fists to connect painfully with his gut. The force from the fist threw him straight through the stem of another tree like the obstacle meant nothing. Katie’s body was fuming with more of the blue light that enveloped her. She started her walk to the rogue king. The injured generals watched the girl walk up to the man, afraid to attack once more.

Gritting his teeth, Benji was the first to muster his courage and try another attack on her. Dashing at the fastest he could manage from her blindspot, the girl turned to him almost as though she’d expected him to come. Samson saw his chance, while she was distracted by Benji and moved in. The girl, changed her motions almost to match the new man’s invasion fluidly blocking the young boy’s fist, but then grabbing his now stationary hand and flinging him fast into his comrade’s chest. The two of them were gone from the battlefield almost as fast as they’d come. Katie continued her walk to the king. “What kind of being possesses this kind of power?” Samson asked, the woman before him. Amanda had decided on keeping her distance from the girl.

“I don’t think she has that much power. More like she’s at her peak at the moment and there is not a force in the world that would get the jump on her,” Amanda tried to find her own explanation. The king stood up from his spot on the ground beyond the fallen tree. The girl stopped her advance on the king and watched him as he stood up.

“You’re powerful. I’ll give you that. It’s about time I took this seriously,” the more the king spoke, the deeper his voice rumbled. The rogue king’s eyes flashed blue and black fur began to spout around his face while his face distorted to give him a more wolfish appearance. Katie took in his appearance, a half shift like hers... all except for one thing. Behind the rogue king, a black starry bushy tail appeared. ‘A complete half shift,’ Ashley’s voice came into her mind.

‘Does it matter...’ Katie asked her.

The wolf was bound to tell her why it was significant, however, sensing the girl’s emotions, it was irrelevant for her to say anything about it, “Not now... It doesn’t matter. Our objective remains the same and that’s what we’ll do.’

The king was before Katie in the next moment, surprising her with the significant increase in speed. The girl side-stepped dodging his kick by a hair and got into the fight as well. The two of them roared in a fight that was now more equal. The rogue king was no longer overwhelmed and he could contain the monstrous strength of the blows that were thrown at him. “You’re powerful. I’ll have to give you that...” he was stopped when the girl’s knee connected with his chin in an upward jump that sent the rogue king flying in the air.


The rogue king recovered in mid-air and landed on his feet, sliding back until he stopped by a tree, “Talking will only get you killed, so by all means, keep it up,” Katie’s voice came cold.


The beta alpha fought with all his heart and soul after being warned by his king, however, no matter how much he tried, the woman before him was always a step ahead of him. At some point, the beta alpha was sure this woman was far more than a simple step ahead of him. Her attacks didn’t pack a punch to them, but they were many and overwhelming.

Even when he tried his best to keep on his toes, the woman weaved around him and stepped in the right place to have him trip over his own footing. She kicked at his knees and hit the insides of his elbows and his throat while she made sure to stay out of his line of sight. ‘She’s aiming for weak points while keeping in my blind spot.’ The man’s thoughts rang through his mind while he tried to do something about her.

“You know, you would be much easier to take down if I had my knives. You’re really nothing but a hunk of muscle. The one in the reserve was much faster,” the woman said, taking a breather away from the alpha. Thane looked to his alpha and saw what he could only describe as a fight between gods... The two of them were fighting at immense speeds and the wind from their attacks was violent.

“She really wants to kill him,” the man smirked, “That’s the only way one could ever hope to defeat the rogue king anyway.” He had been out of breath but had now recovered. “I underestimated you, but I won’t do something like that again.”

Marie chuckled at the man’s motivation to fight and went in for the next attack. However this time, there was someone else that decided to join in. A boy showed up in front of the beta alpha with a wicked smile on his face. One that caught the woman completely off-guard before the one behind her struck her with the side of his palm and knocked her unconscious.

The sound of a thunderclap tearing through the sky brought them all to believe they hadn’t seen the worst of their worries just yet. The man they’d all feared to catch up to them had finally caught up and he was closing in faster than any of them wished he could, “Can’t those hunters ever run quietly? Especially the ones that have all the power to run like bullets,” Samson complained, rubbing his shoulder in an attempt to soothe the pain he’d got from being tossed around by Katie.

“I don’t see an opening,” Thane’s voice silenced them. They looked in the direction the beta alpha was looking and found a fight between their king and the new arrival. None of them had thought it was possible to have the rogue king use his half shift in a fight, but now they were watching it happen and the girl was keeping up with him... No, she was giving him a tough time to beat.

“Do you think it has something to do with that blue aura around her?” Benji asked.

“It might... she’s expelling more divine energy than I’ve ever felt our king do,” Thane said to them.

“What are you...” just then, a man dashed into the small clearing, aiming straight for the rogue king. As expected, the girl shifted her position and let the new arrival take her place against the rogue, only getting back into the fight when he was completely open and covering for him. The two of them fought fluidly together without ever communicating.

With a roar from the rogue king, he struck the man in the gut and followed through with a kick that sent him flying and wasted no time in doing the same with the girl. The girl shot across the field in what might have been the first attack to grace her body. The rogue king was panting, but he’d finally made his first step towards progress... “So she’s using all the power of the gods she has in her body to see her mission to the end. I’ll give you something to think about girl. After this, you won’t be able to ever lift a finger again. Expel all that energy and you will lose just as much as I will.”

The king was panting while he spoke, but he didn’t look like someone who wanted to go again with the two of them. The girl pulled herself from the bark of the tree she had slammed into and growled lowly... a silhouette of a large wolf enveloping her body in blue... Her eyes shone a bright blue but left her irises dark blue. Before she could attack again, a black wolf dashed before her and shifted into a young man with blue eyes. The man quickly hugged the girl tight. The silhouette of the wolf vanished just as soon as she was in his hands and her determined look to fight vanished as well.

“We can strike now that...” Thane had begun only to stop.

“No, Thane... We leave now... While the Chase family is still weak. While we still have the upper hand. More will come the longer we stay here. There is no guarantee the sleeping draught that the boy used will last much longer.

In the history of the rogues, this was the rogue king’s first display of fear for his own life... and the rogues retreated.

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