The Royal Contract

Chapter 389 - Time Fly Fast

Chapter 389 - Time Fly Fast

"Jeremy, how are you doing?" Dani asked as she stood in front of the boy.

He looked different compared to the first time she saw him. His face had a little more flesh, and his skin looked healthier. He also appeared to be happier.

She had built a case against the foster parents assigned to Jeremy. With the support of a foundation that handled cases like? Jeremy. Alex and some of their friends also assisted in the case. Even Gerald helped when he learned of the case.

"I am good." The kid answered her with a smile. "Charles and Martha are very nice. They helped me a lot. They are even teaching me how to read."

He enumerated the things the couple, who was temporarily taking care of him during the case, did for him. Dani could see the enthusiasm in his eyes, but there was also fear mixed in them.

"What seems to be the matter? Why the sudden long face?" She noticed that his smile did not reach his eyes even if he enjoyed his stay with this family.

He seemed to be thinking deeply of something else. Dani could not help but be curious about his state of mind. She believed it was unfair for a child to carry the world on his shoulder.

He was still very young. He should be with people who would take care of him. He should be in school, learning, and making friends. He should be at home, showered with love.

"It is nothing. I am just thankful that I met you and Alex." He looked at the man not far from them, talking to the other couple. "You are the first people who showed me that I matter."

He could not help the tears from dropping in his eyes. He could not help but feel emotional about how things had changed since he met Dani.

"Of course, you do. You are a special boy, and what you do with your life will always matter." Dani pulled him near to her until she had him in her arms.

"Don't ever forget that you are always loved, not only by me but by all these people who cared about you." She added, comforting him as he wiped away his tears, a bit embarrassed with his display of weakness.

"I'm sorry that I cried." He stated as he tried to control his sobs. "I don't know why, but I can't stop it." He continued to make excuses for his action.

He learned since he lost his family that crying did not help. It did not bring them back, nor did it give him a better life. What tears did to him was to cause more misery and pain.

"You have nothing to be sorry about, so don't ever say sorry if you feel like crying. It is not wrong to show weakness because eventually, that is how we learn and become stronger." She pointed it out to him.

Although, she would always prefer to laugh and be happy with life. She knew that crying was still a significant part of life. It was a necessary reaction that the body needed to release tension.

Without it, the person might be overwhelmed and suffer more from depression. The negative emotions would only build up inside a person and eventually explode into one massive heartbreak.

"Thank you." He wanted to express his gratitude for all she had done for him. At the moment, all he could do was hug her tight.

"Anyway, I have something for you." She showed him a small box wrapped in blue striped paper. She bought it when she saw it and reminded her of him.

"Oh, you did not need to give me anything else." He told her, shaking his head on the gift, but she insisted, seeing the joy in his eyes.

"Are you sure?" Jeremy asked, slightly hesitant at first. When he saw her nod, he could not contain his happiness anymore.

He quickly ripped the box open, excited to receive his first gift. His parents might have given him several presents before, but he did not remember much of them anymore.

"Did you like it?" Dani asked, hoping that she did pick the correct toy appropriate for his age. Having no siblings, she had no idea what kids his age would like.

"Wow, that is a nice car," Alex butted in the conversation once he took the car out of the packaging.

"Of course, this is great," Jeremy exclaimed as he inspected the beautiful car in his hand.

At his age, playing with toy cars might be too old for him, but since he never had the chance to enjoy his childhood, he greatly appreciated the simple gift that she gave. He planned to cherish it throughout his lifetime.

It was hard to say goodbye to the boy once their visit was over. They had lunch together and discussed the process of his new adoption. The social service was still looking for suitable candidates that might be the right fit for him.

Once inside the car, she turned to Alex, who had been supportive of her decision to help Jeremy. "Do you think we will find a good home for Jeremy?"

"I am sure that you will." He did not doubt that if anyone could help that boy, it would be Dani. "I feel so lucky because once we have our kids, I know that they will have a great mom."

"I also have no doubts that you will be a great dad." She responded in his statement. Suddenly, she could not wait for them to start their family.

"Don't worry, a few more weeks, and we will be married soon." He, too, was starting to be impatient. As if time was working against them as it slowed down its countdown.

"Maybe it would have been better if we just elope and have our Las Vegas wedding." She jokingly said to him, remembering one of their past conversations.

She was glad that the misunderstandings they had were way past behind them now. She was lucky to have a very broad-minded boyfriend who always looked at things rationally.

If she found herself subjected to the same condition, she hoped she could also be as understanding as him. She remembered how jealousy drove her to do irrational actions, staking a claim on him, even if he was not hers in the first place.

"Well, we can still do it. We can have the King as our witness." Alex replied to her jester, enjoying the moment they were sharing.

The joke was not lost to her, knowing who he referred to stand by them during the ceremony. She wished it could be that simple, but she knew that many had sacrificed to make their wedding happen.

She could never disappoint their parents who would like to witness their union. She would have run away with him without a second thought if not for them.

"I know, but I still want to have our family and friends joining us on that special day." Dani implied her wishes for her wedding.

She did dream of a wedding where her father would walk her down the aisle. She envisioned her family and friends would be on the sideline cheering her on.

"I want that also for you." Alex expressed his wish to fulfill her dreams. He could already imagine her in a beautiful white gown, smiling radiantly at him.

Then, at the end of the long wait, he would be at the front of the altar, with his eyes only focused on her.

"Anyway, time fly fast. We will not be waiting that long.." She finished.

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