The Royal Contract

Chapter 390 - Over Even Before It Began

Chapter 390 - Over Even Before It Began

He had been outside her apartment for several minutes now, unable to knock on her door. He carried with him several flowers as a peace offering.

He had planned to see her since he had returned, but work had occupied most of his time. That had been his excuse. But honestly, he was just confused about his situation.

Suddenly, his phone rang, breaking his trance. He turned and stepped away from the door to answer the call. "What is it, Edward?" He quickly replied when he heard the greeting on the other line.

"What's with the tone?" Edward questioned him, hearing the edge on his voice. "Anyway, where are you?"

"I'm on an errand." He gave him his brief answer. "What is this all about?" Feeling irritated with the interruption and not particularly liking the caller.

"Well, I heard that my cousin is back, so I wonder if you would like to join me for dinner or a drink," Edward explained the reason for his unexpected call.

He was never closed to any of his cousins. Well, it was not the case when they were young. They did enjoy playing together as they grew up.

That changed when they reached puberty when the King and the Council started comparing him to his cousins, especially Alex.

He tried to be friends with them, but he felt threatened. Alex, particularly, was excelling in everything he did, whether it be in their academic studies, training in combat skills, or other activities.

"I am sorry, Edward, but I have plans." He made an excuse. "Maybe next time." He planned to end the call soon. He did not want to prolong their conversation.

He did not hate Edward since he had not done anything wrong against him, not yet anyway. But he had nothing in common with him. He also disapproved of his ways.

He always believed Edward should be more mindful of his actions and words. As a future king, he should be more responsible. But until now, he could not see him as his king.

"Sure, Lance. Maybe next time." Edward repeated his words.

He wanted to get his support in his fight for the throne. If he could convince him to stand by his side, his claim would be more effective.

At the moment, persuading him to leave Alex and be his partner in this endeavor had proved to be more difficult, just like he already suspected. But he was not giving up that easily.

Lance quickly ended the call, putting his phone back in his pocket. He returned his attention to the door as he moved closer, contemplating if he should proceed with his plan.

But before he could decide, the door swung open, revealing the woman that he wished to see. She was as surprised as he was to see him standing outside her door.

"Hi, I did not mean to startle you." He quickly said, seeing the slight shock on her face.

"Lance, what are you doing here?" She questioned upon finding him at her apartment without any notice.

She did not even hear that he was back. When he left, things between them still stood in limbo. Although, he did call her occasionally to say hi and talk about nonsense.

Their relationship had not moved forward to anything else but friendship. Jacky did feel that he wanted more, but he never did pursue it.

She did not want to analyze their situation since she was unsure of her feelings about him. She always felt that something was holding both of them back from taking the next step.

"Well, I was in the neighborhood and thought of dropping to see you." He automatically handed the flowers he had been holding on to for some time. "This is for you."

"Thanks. They look lovely." She took them into her arms as she held the door open. "Why don't you come in?" Remembering that he was still in the hallway. "When did you come back?"

Work had preoccupied most of her waking hours. Add to that her responsibilities as the maid of honor of her best friend. She did not have time to keep track of the latest happenings around her.

"More than a week ago." He admitted. "I was planning to call you sooner, but..."

"Hey, there is no need to explain." Jacky interrupted him. "I know we are all busy."

She was unsure what she felt, hearing that he did not bother to call her immediately. But she was not hurt by his action. She might feel a bit disappointed but not devastated.

"Still, I should have called earlier." He felt a bit ashamed that he was too much of a coward to face her.

"Anyway, how have you been?" She quickly changed the topic, avoiding the awkward situation of explaining their actions and feelings until they were both ready to talk about it.

She offered him a seat on the living room couch while she made some refreshments on the bar. She was giving him time to compose himself, at the same time, for her to figure out what she also wanted.

"Things back home had been complicated since I left. Now, well, I am just trying to help sort things out." He explained to her vaguely.

He was not here to discuss his problems with his family but to figure out what he planned to do with her. She had become a part of his life, but how much.

He had always been attracted to Jacky since he first saw her at the party. But her physical attributes were not the only things he liked about her.

He was always fascinated by her unique personality. She was quite different from the usual women he dated or had relations with before. But was that enough to make him love her?

"Am I part of the things you need to sort out?" She could always read between the lines. She could assess the situation based on facial expressions and body language.

Right now, her mind had already concluded that he was here to end things with her. Even if nothing had yet actually started between them. Funnily, her heart had already accepted it.

It was over even before it began.

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