The Son Of Ragnar

Chapter 281 Sighvatur And Tyr [TRIGGER WARNING]

Tyr had challenged Sighvatur, something that surprised Skaði.

"Shut the fuck up! What gives you the right to talk to the Chieftain like that!?" Skaði was furious because there had to be a limit to his arrogance but Sighvatur raised a finger and Skaði's lips clamped shut. 

"You wish to kill me….?" Sighvatur asked, crouching to look the boy on the floor in the eyes.

".... Or, you wish to provoke me so I will throw caution in the wind?" Sighvatur saw through Tyr's tactic and he was not biting such a cheap bait. 

He knew giving Tyr a shot at him would give him far too much importance and notoriety he did not deserve. 

Tyr was nervous, this man had a presence even his father did not have prior to leaving Kattegat. 

Sighvatur made him feel small, he wanted to sink into himself. 

"Tell me one thing…" Sighvatur asked, he was calm despite talking to the boy that supposedly killed his son. Tyr's body language told Sighvatur that he was willing to tell him anything he needed to know. 

"How did Sturla die?" Sighvatur questioned, he wanted to know how his son spent his last moments.

"He died gallantly, I killed him by decapitating him but that was only because he could not kill me and he was occupied with Gissur. I did not kill him fairly," Tyr said, and he could see the pride on Sighvatur's face because everyone knew how strong Gissur was and to think he gave birth to a person that could hold his own against Gissur was a blessing in itself but this did not ease the loss he felt at his son's death.

It felt hollow, but he knew Sturla had done enough for the Titans to be proud so he was not worried about never reuniting with his son.

"At least he killed Gissur…" Sighvatur said to himself but Tyr simply chuckled upon hearing this. 

"Killed Gissur? I killed Gissur after I killed Sturla…" Tyr said but SIghvatur did not look surprised by this revelation.

"Hahaha! Of course, I knew that! I knew you could only kill my son if he was distracted and there was also no way Gissur would sacrifice himself, he is not a noble fighter. If Sturla fought you alone, you would have never touched him so if you killed him, at that moment, Gissur must have been alive to enable it so how did Gissur die? That is where you come in," Sighvatur was brilliant and Tyr was speechless because he had just dissected their entire fight in mere seconds.

"That is why I want to give you the death of a warrior. I do not hold it against you, this is a war and we fight to protect what is ours. I do find it sad that my son met such an end." Sighvatur said, getting to his feet.

"I do not hate you, Tyr Ragnarsson. I understand why so many people want you but I also realize just how dangerous you are. I want to make sure I end your life with these hands," Sighvatur said, walking away from the Tyr and into the distance.

Tyr, at that moment, realized he needed to leave there as soon as possible or he would die.

The calm in Sighvatur's voice was alarming, he could feel his immense killing intent yet he was still so calm. Tyr had never seen anything like this before and he knew he would with absolute certainty, die.


Nora's turn reached and she was taken, she did not even bother resisting.

Tyr was not coming, no one was and she only could imagine what Gudrun was going through. 

This was it, this was how her life was going to end and she regretted being a lady now more than ever because if she was a man, she would have at least died with honor.

The Viking that took her tossed her to the floor and began to rip her clothes apart but Nora did not even respond.

The man on top of her was heinous and he smelled of something terrible.

Nora had given up and just started to think about the outcome of the war if Tyr was victorious, she smiled at the thought of both of them celebrating and drinking ale.

Nora knew this was not how things were supposed to end and she hated that it was ending this way.

She didn't even know if her brother was alive or not, she could not afford to lose Finn but the chances of him being alive were slim, but this did not mean she needed to accept the harsh reality that might be as she had room for delusions considering this was going to be her last day on earth,

She was not going to be defiled by some nobody warrior as she placed her tongue between her teeth, she was ready to end it all but she felt a blow so strong that she felt herself momentarily blank out.

The man had caught on, he knew what she was attempting to do and he had no intentions of fucking a dead body but a chaotic sound soon ensued.

Nora was too dazed to know what was happening but she could hear the clashing of swords.

She thought she was hallucinating until she saw an arrow impale the head of the man on top of her.

His limp body dropped on her, suffocating her under his weight, Nora struggled because there was no way in hell she was going out like this. She managed to throw him off of her and rise to her feet.

The punch had damaged Nora's nose, she could not believe she had lost hope, there was no way that Kolbeinn would allow his daughter to disappear for as long as he lived.

But that was true, where was Gudrun!? 

This was not the only thing Nora noticed, these people that had 'rescued' them, she did not recognize a single person. 

Aksel's men were no match for them and Nora stumbled back but bumped into someone in the process. She looked back in dread because she thought that this would be the last thing she saw, the blue eyes of a humongous man.

"Is this it?" This was Nora's last thought.

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