The Son Of Ragnar

Chapter 282 Bjorn To The Rescue!

Aksel came out to see what the commotion was about and he was surprised the moment he saw men on horses and the crest they carried, Aksel chuckled because what were the odds that they would run into them, warriors from Kattegat?

The man that Nora saw gave her his jacket to cover up her nakedness.

"T-Thank you," Nora was cautious about what she said and how she acted because she did not know who this person was and just wanted to get out of there before things escalated.

"I cannot believe my fucking eyes…!" Aksel exclaimed, he looked excited as he set his eyes on the blue-eyed man that had given Nora the jacket she had on.

"Aksel, so the rumors were true… What business do you have here?" The blue-eyed man brushed past Nora and walked straight to Aksel, Nora had seen Aksel's strength and knew he was a very strong foe and she was even more amazed that his men were able to regroup and fight back despite being ambushed as they were initially without their weapon.

"I should be asking you that, Bjorn Ironside," 

The moment this name was called, Nora froze in place because she had heard about him from Tyr, she knew who exactly he was.

"That is Bjorn Ironside?! Tyr's brother!?" Nora gulped at this thought because Tyr had spoken very highly of him. Nora snapped back to reality, Gudrun, where was she?

She had to be in that tent and Nora had every intention of getting her out of there.

"You can join the show, son of Ragnar…" Aksel proposed as there were still a lot of women to go around, or at least reusable but Bjorn was disgusted by this place.

It was sickening and he could not stomach it personally nor partake it in.

"I have no business with you, tell me where Tyr is…" Bjorn requested bluntly.

"Tyr…. I do recall someone by that name…" Aksel teased but Nora knew this was her chance to get good with Bjorn by telling him what he needed to know.

"S-Sir!" Nora called, Bjorn turned his head to see what she had to say but the moment he did, Aksef lunged at him with the intention of slicing him in half but Bjorn had anticipated this.

He unsheathed his sword and swung it with such power that Aksel abandoned all idea of attacking him and switched to defense, blocking Bjorn's attack but his physical strength sent Aksel flying a few meters away.

"You chose to attack me when my back is turned to you? You have fallen, Aksel." Bjorn said, Aksel could feel the recoil, the hand he had the sword in began to shake.

"W-What?" Aksel was surprised he packed this much punch and he could feel his fingers tremble.

Bjorn had always been a physical type and this was why Ulf trained him, and Bjorn had displayed superhuman strength at such a young age.


Nora used this opportunity to rush into the tent to grab Gudrun but she was surprised by what she saw, Gudrun was untouched, not even her clothes were touched.

"Are you okay?" Nora asked her and Gudrun did not look as traumatized as she was when he dragged her in here.

"He just spoke to me… He knew I was a child and took me out of the cage so the others would not touch me…" Gudrun looked surprised, she sounded like she was still in disbelief because she had assumed the worst, and so did Nora.

"He protected you?" Nora asked and Gudrun nodded to affirm this.

She saw Nora's current state and was too frightened to ask if they had touched her because it was a sensitive subject and she did not know how Nora would respond to it.

"I am fine, they did not touch me…" Nora said with a reassuring smile but she felt Gudrun's hand touch her wounded face.

"I am sorry Nora…" Gudrun apologized, Nora was surprised why she was apologizing considering there was nothing she could do.

"Now is not the time, I do not know what is happening but Bjorn Ironside is here and he is fighting that man! We need to get out of here!" Nora said, getting to her feet;

"Tyr's brother!? We can get him to help us rescue Tyr!" Gudrun said, getting on her feet and sprinting outside without second thought.

"Wait!" Nora called out because she did not know the current situation of the battle outside as she doubted that Bjorn could defeat that man.

Nora ran behind Gudrun and they both saw something that neither expected.

It was Bjorn standing above a floored Aksel, with his sword pressed against his neck.

Whatever battle that occurred did not last very long, and Bjorn was the victor.

They saw multiple wounds on Aksel and none on Bjorn, it was a one-sided battle that did not even last up to five minutes.

"You have gotten stronger, Bjorn Ironside!" Askel commended him but Bjorn did not care for the compliment, he wanted to know where Tyr was and that was the only reason Aksel was still alive.

"Your blade has dulled, Aksel…" Bjorn responded, Aksel had not gotten as strong as he should have because of the lifestyle he adopted, he had lost that hunger that made him a warrior in the first place. 

"Where is Tyr?" Bjorn asked once again, pressing his sword deeper into his neck, just enough to draw blood.

"You might as well kill me because your brother is dead!" Aksel mocked him because he was aware of the strength that Sighvatur possessed and there was no way Tyr would survive.

This was the exact reason that Signy was cautious with this.

"Tyr…." A voice not belonging to either Bjorn or Aksel, muttered.

Bjorn cocked his head in that direction, once again taking his eyes off Aksel.

"Tyr is in danger! We need your help!" Gudrun exclaimed and the moment she said this, Aksel moved to attack Bjorn but before he could do anything, his head left his body.

Aksel could not defeat Bjorn for one reason alone and that was he had abandoned the essence of what a Viking is, and he had stopped seeking strength as he should and in doing that, his senses dulled. This could not be the man that held Ulf to a stalemate a few years back.

"Take me to Tyr Ragnarsson," Bjorn said. Nora was speechless the moment she came out, everyone had been defeated, and every single enemy had been killed. 

"W-What is this?" 

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