The Unique Guardian Beast Master in Cultivation World

Chapter 51 - 51: God

Chapter 51: Chapter 51: God

Translator: 549690339

That was a beautiful white wolf exuding an air of elegance and divine freedom. It walked as if treading on clouds, its soft fur dancing in the wind like tendrils of white mist, granting it a surreal sense of lightness and grace.

As the white wolf approached Black Mountain, Feng Qing’an, through the mountain’s perspective, could clearly perceive the enormity of this creature.

The wolf landed about a hundred feet away from Black Mountain, yet the shadow it cast with the setting sun stretched over and shrouded the entire mountain.

The size of this white wolf was astonishing, comparable to a small hill. Yet even so, its vigorous build, long and powerful limbs, and the lofty temperament reflected in its cerulean eyes couldn’t be overshadowed.


[Species: Spirit Wolf]

[Attributes: Spirit, Beast] [Potential Level: Lord ? Intermediate]

[Combat Level: Lord ? Low]

This Spirit Beast was quite impressive, its power barely falling short of the demon white snake. However, in essence, it was entirely different. The wolf was no demon.

Thus, even now, the Black Mountain could stand firm under the exuding power of righteousness without succumbing. There wasn’t any sign of the horrendous weakness, as seen in the great white snake that was left feeble and easily manipulated by the Black Mountain.

At this moment, Feng Qing’an realized the limitation of the power of righteousness. It wasn’t some omnipotent force. Only when confronted with enemies of the human race like demon ghosts, who feed on humans, would it unleash its frightening suppressive effect.

“I am here under your Mountain God’s command, leading you to his presence!”

The white wolf looked down at the smaller wolf beneath it with a dispassionate gaze, not showing any concern despite acknowledging the young age of the creature before it.

It was clear that this young wolf had devoured too many spiritual entities, artificially boosting its power to this level. Otherwise, its inferior and barely adequate bloodline would never have metamorphosed into a demon beast.

The gaze Black Mountain cast towards the white wolf was contrasting, burning with desire. As a spirit, it was in its nature to admire and strive for might.

Initially, it had viewed the Ghost-eye Wolf King as the strongest of its kind.

But now, not only has it caught up with the Ghost-eye Wolf King, it has surpassed it. Although it felt a sense of triumph, the sight of this more potent counterpart presented a new objective for it to chase; it longed to possess a magnificent build and such formidable power.

The white wolf cast a pair of glance at Black Mountain due to its fervent gaze, but left it at that.

However, the wolf’s arrival seemed to trigger something. Initially, the jade-green scales in front of Black Mountain showed no unusual signs, but now they blazed with a divine green light.

The white wolf trod on the air, ascending to the high heavens, followed by Black Mountain lifted by the white cloud. The latter dared not struggle, despite its possession of several books that emitted the power of righteousness. None had any beneficial effect at this moment.

The wolf had exerted no force, it merely lifted its paws, and the clouds naturally gathered beneath. The righteousness power, however formidable in suppressing all forces, couldn’t possibly hinder the natural flow of the cloud mist in the heavens and earth.

“Don’t fear. It should be nothing bad!”

Feng Qing’an observed everything and reassured Black Mountain. Even though their reckless acts seemed to have attracted the attention of the mountain god, if it indeed intended to punish them, this white wolf alone would suffice. Therefore, taking Black Mountain for a conversation seemed unnecessary.

Feeling Feng Qing’an’s presence, the previously anxious Black Mountain calmed down a bit. Although a sense of unease lingered, its condition had improved significantly.

“What is the Mountain God trying to accomplish with such a fuss?”

Feng Qing’an was slightly puzzled because, in his view, there was no need for this white wolf to appear. The green jade scale alone could have carried Black Mountain away.

This confusion didn’t dissipate until he saw a towering Green Mountain. Despite the descending night, the mountain reflected a faint clear luminescence in the eyes of Black Mountain, resplendent and sacred.

“Such an ingenious soul cultivation method, it’s unbelievable. Has the human race developed such an exquisite Cultivation Skill? Even ordinary mortals can start cultivating their souls!”

A voice filled with admiration and surprise echoed, making the fur of Black Mountain, initially calmed and observing the scenery around, bristle with horror.

For unknown reasons, there stood in the clouds a towering figure of a “human.” Dressed in a sky-blue robe with black hair falling loosely, he exuded an air of elegance. The figure seemed like a refined scholar who had casually stepped into the clouds from his dwelling.

Behind this figure was the magnificent Green Mountain, retaining its grandeur under the night and radiating a sacred aura. Yet, such a mountain behind this persona didn’t create any contrast or conflict. Instead, it added to the perfect harmony, making the figure and the mountain appear as one entity.

The white wolf that led Black Mountain to this place sat aside, watching over, emphasizing the distinguished identity.

“Identify! ”

[Species: Dragon-Snake] [Attributes: Earth, God, Dragon] [Potential Level: Monarch High]

[Combat Level: Monarch ? High]

Green Python Mountain, the Mountain God!

“Don’t be nervous!”

The scholarly figure, who seemed to be a peaceful recluse from Green Mountain, said to Black Mountain with a smile.

But Feng Qing’an, who was sitting in his room, felt his scalp tingling. He had a hunch that these words weren’t meant for Black Mountain but were directed at him. This “human” has sensed his presence.

Just as Feng Qing’an was guessing, this charming and refined man appeared before his eyes. With a point of his finger, he drew out the will that had descended on Black Mountain.

The very next moment, Feng Qing’an could feel the wind blowing in the sky, the clouds flowing underfoot, and everything in his line of sight was not confined to what Black Mountain perceived.

Feng Qing’an’s premonition became reality; the Mountain God indeed saw his self-consciousness attached to Black Mountain and guided it out.

At this moment, Feng Qing’an could distinctly see two different views in his eyes. Moreover, he felt as if he possessed two “bodies”. This was an entirely new feeling.

“At such a young age, you have refined your soul to this level. Truly remarkable!”

Looking at the semi-transparent soul before him, the Green Mountain’s figure couldn’t help but praise him. Then he continued,

“You don’t need to be surprised or afraid. I won’t harm you. I know your elder brother!”

“You know my brother?!”

Feng Qing’an was even more shocked. How did the Mountain God know his brother? It was beyond comprehension.

“Of course, I do!”

A sense of admiration and complexity flashed in the pupils of the Mountain


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