The Unique Guardian Beast Master in Cultivation World

Chapter 52 - 52 Taoism Yin Shen

Chapter 52: Chapter 52 Taoism Yin Shen

Translator: 549690339

It recalled the face of a young man from years ago who bore a striking resemblance to the person standing before it now.

It observed the mountain for five hundred years, guarded the mountain for five hundred years, and protected the mountain for five hundred years.

Unbeknownst to itself, it had earned the recognition of Green Python Mountain and the approval of Heaven and Earth. Consequently, it became the god of this mountain.

It didn’t need incense offerings or rituals, nor the recognition of any human king, for Heaven and Earth had already accepted it.

From that moment on, the mountain became part of it, and it was more than just the mountain.

Originally, it thought that once it became the mountain god, there would be few beings in Heaven and Earth that it would need to fear.

However, three years ago, upon seeing a young man come into its dream seeking enlightenment, it once again realized how vast and boundless the sky and earth were, and how its own existence was insignificant in comparison.

It remembered the sensation when it first came to this world, opened its eyes, and took in the sight of the universe.

So, when it was awakened by the White Serpent and heard the unfortunate experiences of the beast, it understood the source of that mighty aura. It felt nothing toward Bai Qi’s experiences. It was just as it should be.

However, the presence that induced this mighty aura in the mountains was its biological sibling, whose blood lineage and spiritual aura were highly similar. This made the situation a bit uncertain.

Nevertheless, as the mountain god, it had to maintain the order in the mountains. Such a mighty aura should not appear in the mountains, as it can disrupt and even destroy the inherent order of the grand mountain.

Therefore, it sent an envoy with scales as a sign to bring a wolf demon, who could ignore the mighty aura, to it. Upon detecting the appearance of Feng Qing’an’s will, it sent a white wolf to bring him here.

Feng Qing’an looked at the elegant, green -clad gentleman in front of him, who radiated an irresistible charisma, and waited for him to continue. However, the mountain god changed the subject, showing no intention of further discussion.

“I invited you here, not to discuss your elder brother; he is not someone I could possibly judge.”

Seeing Feng Qing’an’s expectant gaze, the mountain god smiled. Then, with a flutter of his sleeve, a green jade table appeared between them, on which materialised a set of crystal-clear, ice-sculpted-like tea utensils.

“I offer wild tea from the mountains, I hope you do not mind!”

Seeing the mountain god sit at the tea table, Feng Qing’an, full of doubts and criticisms, sat down as well.

Wild tea was certainly the mountain god’s humility; the items served by the god could not be bad. If they were not spiritual objects, they were at least of a similar quality.

But what did it matter how good the tea was? In his current state, even a light breeze could pass through him, let alone drink tea. That was unpseakable.

Yet, even as Feng Qing’an grumbled internally, he, who had been manifested into a solid form through the mountain god’s cultivation skill, could only watch obediently as the mountain god performed the tea ceremony. It must be said that the serve and delivery of the god’s tea was smooth and pleasing to the eyes.

Like a country bumpkin, Feng Qing’an watched the mountain god perform the spring snow-like procedure. Then he saw the mountain god place a cup filled with clear green tea before him.

“Try it and see how it tastes. I’ve not prepared tea for a hundred years!”

“Can I drink tea in my current state?”

Feng Qing’an just couldn’t resist asking. Between his words, the semi-transparent palm he lifted clearly touched the tea cup.

The sensation of tangible touch and the warmth of the tea was instantly felt.

Feng Qing’an looked down, astonished. He couldn’t help but pick up the teacup.

Feng Qing’an looked at the elegant gentleman across him, who was quietly savoring the tea, and asked,

“What exactly is my current state?”

He was incredulous as his current appearance far exceeded his understanding.

He could clearly sense that his body was sitting in a quiet and peaceful village where chickens and dogs could be heard. He could even see everything in the room. Yet, at the same time, he was sitting face-to-face with the mountain god and was even able to pick up the tea that the mountain god had passed to him.

“I don’t know!”

But facing the inquiring Feng Qing’an was the mountain god leisurely sipping tea, looking refined and scholarly.

“How could you possibly not know?”

Feng Qing’an couldn’t comprehend what the mountain god meant, feeling that this god was fooling around.

“I simply drawn out this strand of your consciousness. The technique that put you in this state was your own Cultivation Skill. How can I understand that? I’ve seen this unique method for the first time!”

The mountain god explained.

Feng Qing’an fell silent. Having a cultivation method praised by such a respected mountain god was certainly impressive. However, he could not understand it. Even from the mountain god’s description, it seemed that he had not fully exploited its potential.

“If even you don’t understand, how could I know everything? But, from my perspective, your projection is very similar to the Yin Shen in Taoism, but also vastly different.”

“What is the difference?”

“Too weak!”


“The Yin Shen in Taoism that I have seen appear as real as humans, vibrant and lifelike, even the patterns on the skin are clearly visible. But you…”

The mountain god was generous enough not to go on. However, Feng Qing’an knew full well that he could be blown away by a gust of wind, or as a matter of fact, he had nothing that could be blown away.

Even so, Feng Qing’an rejoiced inwardly. After all, considering what he was being compared to: achieving the presence of a Yin Shen in Taoism required cultivation of a divine being’s spiritual level.

“The tea is getting cold; have a taste. When it’s cold, the taste won’t be as good. While I may not fully comprehend the cultivation method you’ve practiced, it ultimately cultivates the soul. My wild tea has the effect of nourishing the spirit and should benefit you somewhat!”

Upon hearing these words, Feng Qing’an’s eyes lit up. Without further hesitation, he gulped down the tea from the jade cup in his hand — just like a cow tasting a peony.

As the tea went down his throat and turned into a fine mist that moistened his entire body, a feeling of lightness and transcendence came over him. Feng Qing’an was so comfortable at that moment that he wanted to moan.

However, standing above the sea of clouds, in the presence of a superior god, a large demon, and his pet behind him, Feng Qing’an resisted the ineffable comfort and remained composed.

“How is the taste?”

The mountain god asked with a smile, disregarding Feng Qing’an’s uncouth behavior.

“May I have another cup?”

After hesitating for a split second, Feng Qing’an pushed the empty jade cup on the table towards the mountain god and asked unabashedly..

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