The Unique Guardian Beast Master in Cultivation World

Chapter 92 - 92: The Sword of Slaying Gods and Dragons

Chapter 92: Chapter 92: The Sword of Slaying Gods and Dragons

Translator: 549690339

” Big Drotner, you nave to speaK up, now woma 1 Know 11 1 aon?t unaerscana 11 you don’t say anything?”

Upon hearing this, Feng Qing’an was instantly anxious, who does this? Midway through his explanation, he just stopped talking. This is like reading a thrilling novel and having the author suddenly stop at the climax, it’s absolutely infuriating.

“You definitely don’t understand!”

Feng Qingping was quite certain. It seemed like he had seen through Feng Qing’an.

“Big brother…”

“Don’t inquire any further. Even if I don’t want to say something, do you think you can coax it out of me?”

Feng Qing’an was rendered speechless.

“Where did you get those clothes? They look pretty good!”

Feng Qingping changed the topic and started taking interest in his younger brother’s attire. He could tell the quality of the material at a glance because he owned a similar, yet better quality set.

“They were given to me by someone on Green Python Mountain!”

Feng Qing’an now realized why the Mountain God would give him this attire for no reason. The Mountain God didn’t even mention anything about it when he was teaching him Black Mountain energy cultivation technique.


Feng Qingping nodded, not saying anything more. “There’s nothing wrong with my clothes, right?” Feng Qing’an, not satisfied, quickly asked. “It fits you perfectly. There won’t be any problems!”

“That’s a relief!”

Feng Qing’an was immediately reassured. With his big brother’s guarantee, there definitely wouldn’t be any problems.

Once this was said, the two brothers fell silent for a while, with only the sound of their carriage rolling over the thick snow and the clank of armor mingled with the horses’ hooves breaking the silence.

“Big brother, your sword looks pretty good!”

Feng Qing’an quickly broke the silence in the carriage. His gaze naturally fell from his big brother onto the long sword in his hands.

It was a plain long sword, with a common style and no ostentatious decorations. The scabbard was dark red and a bit odd, as though it was made from some precious type of wood. A faint, unique scent emanated from it, filling the carriage.

“Can I have a look?”

There was clearly a look of desire in Feng Qing’an’s eyes. It is rare for men not to have an interest in swords and armor. Feng Qing’an was no exception, and this was not a matter of age.


Feng Qingping handed the sword to Feng Qing’an indifferently, as if it was an ordinary secondary sword that didn’t need much attention.

Upon seeing his elder brother’s casual attitude, Feng Qing’an also didn’t take the sword too seriously. He reached out to take it, but when his hand touched the sheath, he felt its surprising heft that far surpassed its unassuming appearance causing his arm to dip slightly.

Feng Qing’an quickly grabbed the sheath with both hands and successfully prevented the sword from dropping from his hand.

“This sword…”

Feng Qing’an detected that this sword was special. Given his current strength, he could easily hold up a FangTianHuaJi, an awe-inspiring ceremonial jade weapon, with one hand, not to mention such a sword. The weight of this sword which required him to hold with both hands felt strange.

He grabbed the handle of the sword, and once his hand touched it, stunning scenes appeared before his eyes, flashing by,

A massive sea turtle, the size of a small island, let out a mournful cry on the lake. Its huge head suddenly split and fell into the lake, causing waves that filled the sky, staining the beautiful blue sea red…

A gigantic bear, as tall as a mountain, stood among a group of mountains, roaring with indignity. However, its body was suddenly split into two, it turned into a corpse left in the mountains…

A Dapeng bird with wings like fine iron flew above the sky. The arrogance and rebelliousness emanated from its cries. However, its final fate was to be torn in two along with the flowing clouds in the blue sky.

Even more, a creature was born and turned into a deity after dwelling in a mountain that was three hundred miles high. Unfortunately, the body of the mountain was stained with blood and adorned with bones. In the end, the mountain was completely leveled from its roots.

At last, Feng Qing’an saw a Jiaolong, whose scales were as red as flames and whose dragon horns were rugged, which resembled a real dragon, hovering over a vast river and looking down at the world.

However, this powerful creature, which radiated nobleness and majesty and epitomized perfection, eventually fell by the riverside, in the middle of the broad river where he could use his divine power and forbidden magic perfectly.

In the last scene, Feng Qing’an saw the killing of this magnificent red dragon with just a clear and elegant sword light. However, this sword light instantly penetrated the rebel scales of the red dragon and took its life in one swift stroke!

“You really like this sword?”

A gentle and elegant voice of surprise brought Feng Qing’an back to reality.

Feng Qing’an was shocked by what he had just seen, it took him some time to come back to his senses.

Because he had a feeling in his heart that those powerful beings he saw just now were all at the same level as the god of Green Python Mountain. As for the last red dragon he saw, it probably even surpassed the god of the mountain.

But these formidable beings all fell, and every one of them was slain by a single sword, without exception.

“Since you like it so much, I’ll give it to you!”


Feng Qing’an, who was still in shock, agreed subconsciously. However, the very next moment he came to his senses. Looking at his elder brother in astonishment, he asked,

“This sword, you’re giving it to me?”

“Don’t you like it? If you do, just take it!”

Feng Qingping answered casually. To him, this sword was nothing special as it was an ordinary iron sword he bought from a blacksmith for one or two silver coins.

Although many people in the capital have tried to ask him for this sword, even willing to exchange it for a treasure sword famous for thousands of years, he has never agreed. The reason was very simple, he didn’t like those people, so he didn’t exchange. Those people did not deserve to use a sword that he had held.

“How can I accept this?!”

A smile filled Feng Qing’an’s face that he couldn’t help but show, both the weight of the sword and the scenes he had just witnessed were enough to demonstrate how extraordinary this sword was.

“If you feel uneasy about it, you can give it back to me!”

“A noble’s word, even a team of horses cannot retract it. How can you get back something that has been given away?

Embracing the sword, Feng Qing’an was adamant that this sword was now his. Since his older brother had given it to him, no one could take it away.

“When you bring the sword home, put it away properly and don’t take it out unless necessary so as not to worry our parents! ”

“I know!”

Feng Qing’an couldn’t help but place his hand on the handle of the sword. This time he saw no illusion. Then he tried to pull out the sword. But as he started to apply more force, the hilt stayed immobile in his hand, which signaled that something was not right.

“How come I can’t pull out the sword?”

“The sword is a noble weapon that only heeds to the just and upright. Without such heart, the sword naturally cannot be drawn. If there aren’t any injustices or wrongs, why would one need to draw a sword?”

Feng Qingping glanced at Feng Qing’an, who was making every effort to pull his sword out of the sheath, and replied nonchalantly..

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