The Unique Guardian Beast Master in Cultivation World

Chapter 93 - 93: Mountain god: What do you want to do?

Chapter 93: Chapter 93: Mountain god: What do you want to do?

Translator: 549690339

Upon hearing Feng Qing’an’s slightly sermonizing words, a moment of confusion flashed across his face, after which he committed them deeply in his heart and refrained from attempting to draw his sword again. What soils or wrongs could there be in his surroundings? He had to accept that the sword would not be drawn for some time. “I will heed brother’s advice!”

“Lord Feng, we have reached your home!”

Feng Qingping, looking at Feng Qing’an’s state, wanted to say something more, but the respectful voice of the coachman had already entered the carriage.

“We’re home, let’s get out of the vehicle!”

Feng Qingping pushed away the carriage curtain and got off first, while Feng Qing’an followed, clutching his sword.

The moment his sword-clad figure appeared, dozens of piercing gazes landed on him — more specifically, on the sword he cradled in his arms.


Black Mountain, who was following Feng Qing’an, noticed the hostile gazes and growled in response, with a burst of demon qi, becoming ablaze. “Enough, Black Mountain, let’s not cause a nuisance at the doorstep!”

Feng Qing’an felt that his brother’s grand return had aroused many villagers. Even in the face of snowstorms and evening’s approach, numerous individuals had opened their doors to peek outside.

Hearing Feng Qing’an’s words, Black Mountain eventually calmed down, transformed into a common household dog, and followed Feng Qing’an through the gate. The knights accompanying Feng Qing’an stood tall and firm outside the Feng residence, with only the coachman respectfully following behind Black Mountain into the house.

“That sword…”

“Shut up! ”

Outside the residence, a person barely spoke when he was abruptly silenced by a stern voice.

“Do your duty!”

At first glance, it seemed they were guarding the Consort Prince of the Feng family, but in reality, they were ensuring the safety of every spirits and deities they might encounter along the way.

We can’t kill anymore!

Killing those who conduct debauched rituals could be justified. But those

accredited Mountain and River Gods or officially invested deities, if found derelict in their duties, would at least lose their divine status.

If any of them hurt or crippled the common people due either mismanagement or negligence, they showed no mercy and decapitated them with a single stroke, regardless of their backing or connections. All are rendered useless.

Initially, as a scholar blessed with successive imperial exams, Feng Qingping’s homecoming always invited various spirits and deities to request his blessings at their temples.

But this year was different. He now held the power to punish and dismiss those spirits. Any undutiful spirit could be disposed of at his discretion.

Strike first and report later, such is the prerogative granted by the emperor.

However, this power to punish spirits ultimately comes from the sword in the hands of this top scholar. The so-called permission is nothing more than a face-saving measure by the imperial family of Da Jin. After all, even if they didn’t give permission, he could still brandish the sword.

Therefore, whenever Lord Feng traveled, the spirits and deities along the way would tremble in fear, completely anxious about how they could bless their constituents.

And thus, the existence of this group of people, who seemingly serve as bodyguards but are actually there to protect as many spirits as possible from being executed.

After all, not everyone can be a spirit—that position becomes immensely hard to fill once it’s vacated. Once you occupy that seat, you’re there for at least a century in an unchanging role.

In the snowstorm, the villagers noticed the anomaly in front of the Feng residence and the heavily armored knights. Suddenly, the once silent Feng Family Village became lively in the chill, prompting the village chief and elders to brave the snowstorm to arrive.

This grand spectacle indicated that the elder son of the Feng family had returned. After all, no one else in their village could command such magnificence. Even the local nobility could not imagine such pomp and show.

Thus, no sooner had Feng Qing’an spoken a few words with his elder brother when there was already news that the village chief and elders were coming to pay a visit.

Of course, Feng Qingping had to meet them. The courtyard, which was initially peaceful, was suddenly bustling with activity.

“Black Mountain, let’s return to our room!”

Feng Qing’an wouldn’t be involved in greeting the guests as there were plenty of others to manage that.

“My older brother has returned, and I intend to sleep in peace with him this evening. Don’t come by.”

Night was drawing near, and Feng Qing’an suddenly thought of Nan Ge. He immediately used the “Sending God Skill” to communicate with his friend in the underworld.

The young girl, who had been grooming in the Soul Cleansing Spring, paused a bit at the sound inside her heart.

She had some knowledge of Feng Qing’ants elder brother, and even that little was enough to make her revere him.

“Um, okay!”

Feng Qing’an heaved a sigh of relief. His older brother would certainly notice if

Nan Ge came, and he had no idea what to say then,

“I believe, you shouldn’t come before my older brother returns to the capital!”

Ordinary people might not see Nan Ge, but Feng Qing’an didn’t think those knights outside his house wouldn’t. After all, they weren’t surprised or panicked by Black Mountain’s physical transformation.

“I’ll listen to you!”

Nan Gels voice was soft, with a faint hint of sadness. “But, how long will your brother stay before he leaves?”

“Probably until the middle of the first month!”

“That’s a long time!”

“I can’t do anything, it’s not appropriate for you to appear in front of my older brother right now!”

Feng Qing’an had a plan.

The next day, the Feng residence was bustling with activity. Feng Qing’an found an excuse to slip out of the house with Black Mountain, leaving behind the endless stream of visitors braving the snowstorm.

“Let’s go into the mountain!”

He glanced back at the bustling courtyard and without hesitation, sword by his side, rode on Black Mountain into the mountain.

However, the moment Feng Qing’an entered the mountain, the snow came to a pause, and a figure dressed in a green scholar’s robe appeared. The composed look on his face was replaced by a puzzled frown.

“Young Master Feng, what are you planning to do in the mountains with your sword?”

The Mountain god struggled to sleep. It could see the power that the sword in the hands of the young man held.

A countless number of spirits had fallen under this sword, including a River

God who was almost a Jiaolong (flood dragon), had died under this sword. The Mountain god could see the despair and unwillingness emitted by the deceased spirits.

This sword had once subdued all the gods and slain a Jiaolong!

This sword was initially just an ordinary wooden sword, but after killing and being nurtured by so many spirits, it was no longer ordinary.

After being nourished by the blood and souls of many spirits, this sword had developed an extraordinary spirit. The sword’s intent to cleanse the world of all the wrongs, combined with an unyielding killing intent, made it exceptional.

Now, even though the wielder of the sword was still a young boy, as soon as this sword was drawn, it would be a matter of concern, even for the Mountain god. This sword was too overpowering..

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