The Wandering Inn

Book 7: Chapter 41

Book 7: Chapter 41

Archmage Valeterisa no longer dreamed. She no longer slept. She was beyond all of that.

Or rather, part of her was. She had learned magic. Like those before her, she had delved deeper into the mysteries of spellcraft and magic. Onlyin her era, Zelkyrs creations had sealed the greatest achievements of magedom away. Behind a test that was suicide to attempt.

So few [Mages] knew what magic was. The rest played around at it. Even the most accomplished like Feor were children playing in the sandbox with toys the true [Mages] had left behind.

That was how Valeterisa would have described it, if you forced her to make an analogy for spellcraft in this era. But she had not been content to remain low-leveled, to shy away from what it meant to be a [Mage].

As a girl, she had wanted to be an [Archmage]. She had kept that dream, even as she aged. Nowwith her short Human lifespan, she had already reached Feors level of spellcraft despite the half-elf being nearly four times her age. She had stolen away from the politicking of Wistram Academy to further pursue her goal.

Valeterisa had achieved one thing. One great technique of old. Butin the way of those who lacked a guide, the knowledge of oldshe had dived into the heart of magic. Too far, without anything to pull her back.

She did not dream. Shethought. A part of her thought about thinking. Another was counting, making sure she ate, rested, excreted, kept herself basically cleanthe functions of the body. Another was pursuing magic. Yet another monitored the mansion that was her home. Another tried to crack the spell from one angle. Yet another reviewed all the information she had ever learned.

She wasfragmented. Using a Skill she had obtained, and magic to aid it.

[Parallel Thoughts]. A technique great [Mages] had used across the ages. But even one of the former, true Archmages of WistramArchmage Chandlerwho employed the same Skill for his own ends would never have gone this far.

Azkerash, the Necromancer, who was still alive even if Valeterisa and the world had no ideafragmented his mind. He had experience with the technique, and the powers of unlife, his enhanced intellect, and magic to aid in the process.

Even sohe could sustain about fourteen simultaneous thoughts. And that took its own toll, as moments like his encounter with Ryoka Griffin had once demonstrated.

Archmage Valeterisa had over forty selves thinking with her mind. She had forgotten her own name. A singular part of her remembered for her.

Parts, working towards a whole. One kept her alive. One looked for danger. Most pursued magic, cycling between ideas. Trying to crack the grand theory that had consumed her for over ten years. Sometimes they devoted themselves to lesser tasks. But few of her separated selves had time for anything else.

One to eat and rest. Another to watch for danger. Another to justscream. Be angry. Break things when the stress got too much.

Where was the one who remembered her name? The woman was lost in her head. And there was no self to tell her that.

Her fortress of a home held a Courier. She was aware of thisdimly. But he would die of starvation or madness before she ever roused herself. And two more were coming. Valeterisa sensed it.

How arrogant. The two were coming, like the Mage Runner had, to wake the Archmage of Izril. Ten years she had spent here. Countless people had tried to rouse her, for their own designs or out of concern.

They had failed. Couriers had failed. [Knights] had failed. Adventurers

They would never make it to her. There were too many traps. And the two young women did not get off to a good start. Statistically

They were doomed.


Ryoka Griffin stared at the distant mansion and felt her heart pounding in her chest. Itwas familiar, and nostalgic at the same time.

She had done this before. Run deliveries like this, that was. She had delivered to the Horns of Hammerad, run the High Passes, and then reached the Necromancer himself.

But that had been then. Ryoka had survived close calls since then, but this was different. This wasnt just survival. This was putting her life on the line for a delivery. For money. Or in this caseLady Iekas help.

Is this unhealthy, that I missed this?

Probably. Im shaking.

Serafierre val Lischelle-Drakle was so nervous she thought she was going to throw up. Or maybe that was the rats blood. She feltpowerful. But unlike Ryoka, she hadnt actually done anything like this before. Ironically, the Vampire girl was the rookie in life-or-death situations.

Just listen and dont rush into things and well be fine, Fierre. Actuallywe might not be, but dont panic. Youre a Vampire and Ive done this before.

Fierre started and nodded. She bared her teeth.

Leave it to me! This Archmage might have traps, but I bet shes not ready for a Vampire. Especiallya real Vampire.

She opened one hand, and her tendons and fingers locked into claws. Fierres eyes were glowing in the twilight. Ryoka eyed her.

Fierre had been cured. What that meant was that she had been cured of whatever Teriarch knew was afflicting her people. Accordinglyher weaknesses had led to some incidents. Garlic, sunlightRyoka hadnt slapped her with a cross, but she was fairly certain Fierre was far more vulnerable to all the traditional weaknesses of her kind.

On the other handFierre was stronger. It hadnt been instantaneous; shed gotten better day by day. Today?

How fast do you think you could move if we run into trouble, Fierre?

The Vampire girl scratched her head. She looked around. A green rat looked up, saw the glance, and turned to dive into a hole that led into the rat warrens.

Fierre blinked over and grabbed it so fast Ryoka barely saw the speed. The City Runner saw Fierre snatch the rat up, brush dirt off, and bite it. She tossed the rat over her shoulder a moment later. The rat landed among its fellows, who fled the corpse before coming over for the free food.

Kosher rat. Ryoka shuddered as Fierre turned.

How fast was that?

The young Human woman stared at Fierre and felt her heart skip a few beats. Not just because of the unnatural sightbut because that was so cool. She hesitated, cast her eyes towards the distant mansion. And then she nodded.

Ihave no idea. Lets find out.

The Vampire girl blinked.



Okay, this is about a hundred meters! Ill count as accurately as I can! Go ahead and run when I clap my hands!

Six minutes later, Fierre was standing away from Ryoka just up the beach. The Vampire girl was scowling. She kicked at a clump of grass.

This is sostupid.

She hadnt meant it seriously. Ryoka Griffin, on the other hand, had.


I said, this is stupid!

Fierre shouted back. Ryoka ignored that. She wished she had her iPhone. Or a stopwatch. Wellshed do her best. She had to approximate a hundred meters anyways.

Just run when I clap my hands! Okay? Readygo!

There was such a thing as doing some actual research, rather than saying wow, youre fast! Ryoka clapped her hands and started counting. Fierre blurred at her.

One Mississippi, two Mississippi, three Mississippi

Ryoka Griffin got to six before Fierre flashed past her. The City Runner stopped. She stared at Fierre.


Howd I do? I think that was fast. That was fast, right?

The Vampire girl panted. Ryoka looked at her. She had been closing on seven. But that meant Fierre had just beaten the world record by, oh, three seconds.

That wasfast. The world record is 9.58 seconds, Fierre. You were likesix and a half.

What? And I was only three seconds faster?

The Vampire girl didnt seem to get what that meant. Ryoka Griffin shook her head.

Three seconds? Fierreyoure not an athlete. The man who trains his entire life and runs on an actual trackand is way taller than youruns three seconds slower.

Oh. WellIm a Vampire.

Fierre preened. On the other handRyoka Griffin now knew something. After a bit of calculation, she nodded.

Interesting. Youre about 40 mph at top speed. Forty miles per hour. So youre about as fast as a horses top speed. Not as fast as a cheetah. Interesting.

So Fierre still lagged behind Hawk. Ryoka had clocked the Couriers top speed above hers, even if he couldnt keep it up. On pavement, not grass and dirt, it might be different. ButFierre wasnt almighty.

Just fast. Her twitch-speed was insane. That was probably what gave her the feeling of moving so fast; her reflexes were a lot better than a horses.

None of that made Fierre any happier. She actually shoved Ryoka slightly.

Stop calling me fast as a horse! Im a Vampire!

And thats amazing. But youre not invincible, Fierre. Want to test your bench press weight? Damnthis is where Grimalkins weight set would have come really in hhey!

Fierre picked up Ryoka and tossed her into the surf. The Asian girl went flying. That was scary. On the other handshe didnt fly that far.

I dont think youre stronger than Grimalkin! Or even Relc, by much!

Ryoka shouted back. The Vampire girl threw a sandball at her. It hit Ryoka in the face and the City Runner went underwater as it stunned her.



It turned out Fierre had great aim. And even if she wasnt as strong as Grimalkinshe was strong enough to knock Ryoka silly with a mudball. Ryoka lay on the sand.

Sorry! I lost my temper. Shoo, you little pests!

Fierre kicked a rat trying to eat the City Runner. Dizzily, Ryoka got up.

Im going to call that Gold-rank strength, reflexes, speed. Maybe a bit below a specialist. Hold on, I swallowed some water. I might throw up.

Fierre edged back. The Vampire girl could swim just fine, even if she hadnt practiced it much. She was coordinated, fast, strongafter Ryoka rested on her knees and hands, she looked up.

If you had Skills, youd be really invincible. Vampires dont get Skills, do they?

I never leveled. Old Bamer says there were Vampire Lords, royalty who had powers like turning into mists. Even Skills. But those might be relics. Look, Im really sorry. Its justIve never felt like this before.

The girl squatted by Ryoka. The Runner girl nodded.

I know. Im really happy, Fierre. But just rememberthere are things that can take you apart. I met a man who could have set this entire island aflame. Hed have been able to beat you without even using his best Skilland he lost to Belavierr.

Fierres eyes widened a touch. But she took the warning about Ser Raim seriously. Ryoka sat up.

She had met a Dragon. And the Necromancer. Both of them could kill Fierre. Maybe she could get stronger. But as it wasshe had to be careful of overconfidence. And if there was one thing Ryoka Griffin knew, it was overconfidence. Alsogetting your fingers bitten off.

Okay. Measurements over. Lets do this.

Im ready to fight.

Great. But rememberwere delivering a message. Its not going to be easyeven if it looks like we can just knock. Ive got a [Detect Magic] amulet, here. One of my rings deflects arrows. Ive got a bunch of potionsmy caltrops, sand

Ryokas items were all geared towards escaping or slowing down whatever she ran into. Shed used her funds to buy a few low-grade items, but she had been nervous about entering a highly-magical zone.

She had two trump cards. One was a bundle of cloth in her bag of holding shed been waiting to have made. She hoped it wouldnt break. It might not be good in an enclosed place. The second was

Erins jars of acid. Ryoka had six. Shed asked Erin for some since nothing else on her travels had been as effective. If Ryoka had carried six when she met Venitrashe might never have had the trouble she did.

She had prepared, in short, as much as she could with the time and resources available to her. When Ryoka turned to Fierrethe Vampire girl reached into her bag of holding.

Ugh. Everythings covered inwell, my stuff!

No time to wash it off. We want to be done before daylight, remember? Whatve you got?

Wellick, ickblood, healing potions, a backup wand that fires [Steel-Barb Dart]. A dagger, enchanted with a weak piercing enchantment. Andaha!

The Vampire triumphantly pulled out her best weapon. Ryoka stared at

Is that your journal?

Its my notes! See? It contains all my information on Izril!

Fierre flipped through the magical repository of her knowledge for Ryoka. The City Runner stared at her.

Where are your weapons?

I have my fists! I can probably beat up Madain!

Ryoka Griffin covered her face. Once again, she ran into Fierres sense of superiority. And fair play to hershe could have probably punched out any [Gang Leader] in Reizmelt even pre-panacea. But here?

Fierre. Have you ever fought a Bone Behemoth?

The Vampire hesitated.

Uhno? Those are huge, arent they?

Only like, thirty feet tall. My friends conjured a Frostmarrow Behemoth. Fierre, one of them was below Level 30. The other one was just over it, I think.

Oh. Wellwere just going to deliver a message, right?

Ryoka sighed.

Stay behind me. Lets go.

Actually, you should stay behind me. Vampire, remember?

Fierre pushed Ryoka back as the two turned towards the mansion. Ryoka opened her mouth, but didnt argue.

They should have brought Durene. Or Alevica. Someone with either the ability to rip apart a tree, or the magical prowess. Or even that Vampire Hunter guy. Or YlawesRyoka was suddenly full of regrets.

Then again, how hard could it be to wake an Archmage who had been a recluse for a decade? Ryoka wished she had something to knock on.

Okay, Im not detecting anything magic so far

She was holding her amulet as she peered at the mansion in the distance. Fierre nodded. She was walking forwards and Ryoka suddenly fixated on something.

The mansion was set in the middle of the rat-infested, grassy isle. But there was a bare patch of land around it.

Hold up, Fierre

What? You said

As the two walked forwards, Ryoka saw the flicker from beneath the soil a second before Fierre walked forwards.

Fierre! Stop! Its a hidden sp

The Vampire girl exploded as she stepped onto the first magical landmine.


Statistically speaking, poor performance. The two intruders hadnt even detected the landmines. Well, one had, but that put them well below the bell curve. Larger groups had tried to reach her. Numbers were just a disadvantage. The first one stumbled back as the artillery spell went off. A homing [Spear of Light] aimed right at her, enhanced to nearly triple the destructive yield. She went running, and dodged it. Barely; the explosion knocked her to the ground.

However, a second spell activated on the heels of the first. It should have struck her; the City Runner had been blown off her feet by the first impact. The second spell flashed down towards her as part of the Archmage watched, impartially.

Flicker. The Archmages consciousness stopped, tried to track the blur that had intercepted the fallen Runner. Part of her mind took a bit more thought processing.

What had that been? She had been sure



Ryoka Griffin could barely breathe. She was hanging off the shorter Vampire girls shoulder. Fierre was sprinting away from the mansion, with Ryoka on her shoulder.

It really hurt. Ryoka was half-blinded from the spells impact, anyways. But she had seen her friend die

Ow, ow, ow! It hurts so much!

That wasnt what most people said with her injuries, though. When the Vampire girl got them out of range and dumped Ryoka on the beach, Ryoka saw

Fierres legs and part of her stomach were torn open. Bone shone around torn flesh. Her blood had stained the grass. But

The injuries were already healing. With incredible speed, Ryoka saw the wounds closing. Fierre gripped at her arm and Ryoka sawher arm had been broken by the impact, slightly. Now the bones snapped together.

That hurts so damn much!


Ryoka Griffin stared at Fierre. She should have been paste. A landmine did not let you walk away with those kinds of injuries. Fierres skin was tough. Ryoka should have measured that. How hard was it to hammer a stake into her chest?

Fierre? Are you

No, Im not! Why didnt you detect that?

I saw it only when we were right on top of it! It must be camouflaged!

Your amulets a piece of junk! If I find that [Merchant] who sold it to you, Im going to eat

Whumph. Something hit the dirt at the top of the incline. Both young women went running.

Dead gods, its still after us?

Run further away!


Artillery spells. Seriously? Ryoka and Fierre peeked over a sand dune at the very edge of the island, as far away from the mansion as possible.

Okay. It stopped firing. So we know theres landmines and a spell that blasts anyone coming towards the mansion to pieces. And we cant see the Archmages magic with our level of spell. Ideas?

Give up?

Fierre looked at Ryokas expression. The Vampire girl was trembling, now that they were safe.

Oh, come on, Ryoka! You were right! Id be dead if I wasnt stronger now. And that wasnt a fun way to find out I can survive a Tier 4 spell. I think that was what it was.

Ryoka blinked. Instead of comforting platitudes, she focused on Fierres face.

Youre sure Tier 4?

Based on the power of the spell? Pretty sure. Tier 5 can vaporize you. Tier 3 is usually weaker and you cant delay it. Like[Delayed Fireball] is Tier 4[Fireball] is Tier 3.


The young woman wasnt sure if Fierres abilities to appraise spells was actually that helpful. Either way, she was dead if she stood on that landmineor crippled at the least. She narrowed her eyes.

No wonder people cant get to the front door. Well, I have my trump card. But I dont knowI could try flying towards the door, but the wind isnt under my control. Id probably be hit by a spell or the wind would pulverize me by sending me into the ground or something.

Fierre blinked.

What? Youre not giving up, Ryoka?

The City Runner gave her friend a blank look.

Of course not. Were not dead. We should have expected this much, Fierre.


That was the difference between City Runners and normal people. Fierre closed her mouth as she saw Ryoka investigating the distant mansion. They really were insane.

Hm. The wind is strong around the mansion. Sort of weird.

Ryoka muttered. She was trying to see if she could sail on the winds with her trump card into the mansion. She might hit it hard, but what if she threw Fierre? Wait, that could work. Throw her into the wall, get her to ring the doorbut the door was probably trapped.

Stillsomething was off. The wind was blowingRyoka Griffin closed her eyes.

She couldsense the wind. Not concretely, and even if she asked it to blow hard, it sometimes failed her. She needed a teacher. Teriarch had offered some insights, and Ryoka had learned to call the wind stronger since the fire at Riverfarm. But she seldom tried to use the wind to scout.

Yetif she wasnt wrong

What is it, Ryoka?

The City Runner started. She narrowed her eyes at the mansion.

I thinkI think that damn mansion is fake, Fierre. The winds blowing straight through where it should be going around the walls.

What? Fake?

Fierre started. She looked at the mansion and groaned.

Oh, skunk blood. Of course! Its the oldest trick in the book! Is the Archmage even on this isle?

Ryoka felt sick. She might not even be here! But firstthey had to test this idea. So Ryoka opened her bag of holding.

Hold on. Lets just make sure this is actually an illusion. Theres something therejust not the disturbance in the air a mansion could create. That doormight be real. Herehelp me set up this. I just need a handkerchiefand a stick or something

Fierre offered Ryoka a rat. The green rodent squeaked and tried to get away. Ryoka stared at the rat.

No. Thats cruel.

The Vampire girl gave Ryoka a long look. She opened her mouth and Ryoka slapped the rat out of her hand.

Stop that.

She was no huge animal advocate, but Ryoka was definitely against cruelty and Fierre eating the rats did bother her. The Vampire girl sulkily got out some vomit-stained blood bags.

Im really hungry. Being blown up makes you hungry.

I wouldnt know about that. Here

Ryoka finished her creation. It wasa handkerchief tied to a stick with some twine. She tossed it up and Fierre felt the wind blow. She saw the little parachute open and the stick flew off. It flew towards the mansions walls in the distance. Even Fierres enhanced eyes lost it, but Ryoka grimly nodded.

It went straight through.

Darn. Wellnow what?

Ryoka Griffin thought about this. If they couldnt see the Archmages mansion, was it underground? Accessible only via teleportation? Orher eyes narrowed. She closed her eyes and felt for the wind.



Unexpected. The part of the womans mind which was tracking the two was infinitesimally small. Basically only there to record and watch for dangers to her person. Even sothe twos progress had defied the statistical norm.

They had found the invisible mansion without going for the fake one. Nowthey stood at the entrance, investigating carefully.

Somehow, they had found it. Though no magical resonance had occurred. A Skill? It was still within parameters.

After nearly twenty minutes of bickering, the two entered the front door. Which was, of course, not trapped. Just reinforced.


The door slammed shut and it was at that moment that Ryoka Griffin knew shed been duped.

Its not designed to keep us out! Its designed to


Fierre punched the door as hard as she could. The impact was thunderous. The doorwhich had no knob on the insideremained shut. Fierre shouted in pain.

Aaah! That hurts so much!

Shed hit the door hard. But the enchanted wood didnt budge. Durene with her club? Ryoka shook her head.

Were in trouble, Fierre.

The two spun around. The opening to the mansion, which theyd been investigating through the untrapped doorwas a long hallway.

Stone. The invisible mansion had been resting on the cliffs edge. Ryoka hadnt seen any of it, just known it was there. The door had appeared and like idiots, theyd gone in.

Nowshe saw faint scorch marks, detritus like empty potion bottles or glassevidence of other people having come through, waited here, and gone on, sometimes clearly having attempted to exit.

Well, were not the only ones who tried this. I doubt we can break out with our bare hands, Fierre.

What about your acid?

Doesnt work on non-organic materials. Doubt itd do anything.

Just to be sure, Ryoka glanced around the walls, floor, and at the door again. All stone, except for the enchanted door. Actuallyit might be stone too, just spelled to look like wood.

Like a damn dungeon. Thats what this is. An Archmages dungeon, only theres a living person controlling it.

Statistically, thats how most dungeons come to be. Someone makes their own fortress, it gets buried or lost to time and bam, a thousand years later you have adventurers.

Fierre walked in front of Ryoka down the long hallway. Ryoka sighed. They were doingokay so far, but this felt like more and more of a mistake. Now she remembered, she had barely survived Azkerash and the High Passes! What made her think that meant she could just survive this?

There was one door at the far end of the hallway. Ryoka Griffin and Fierre walked towards it warily.

Okay, this time were checking this door. Maybe try to put a wedge in, so we can get out.

The two young woman clustered around the next door, which was pearly-white and had a littlearch?carved into the door. Ryoka frowned at it.

Someone has a sense of gamesmanship. Thats either someone messing with our heads, or its telling us what lies beyond.

Well, Ill go first. No arguments.

FierreI cant let you risk your life again. Let me

The Vampire girl grabbed Ryoka as she reached for the handle. Fierre held Ryoka by the shoulders seriously, looking up at her taller friend, then hugged her tight.

Im not losing my first Human friend. If anyones going to be in troubleI have a better chance of surviving. No arguments.

She turned, and faster than Ryoka, yanked the door open. Fierre looked into the room filled with mirrors, took a deep breath, and stepped through.

Fierre! Dont

Ryoka moved, but an invisible barrier held her back. The door slammed shut.


The Room of Similarities took out 14.2% of all intruders alone. And those who entered almost never left without serious damage, or needing to use the artifacts theyd brought, or magic or a Skill. Of the intruders, 0.6% had ever left unscathed.

The first of the two walked into the room and Archmage Valeterisas watching mind-segment stirred. If it could be said to be interested in the resultsit waited as the girl spun around from the closed door and raised her fists.

Both waited.

Nothing happened. The girl looked around. The Archmages mind expected the mirrors to work. Butsomething was wrong. An invalid template had entered the room. The Archmage tried to make sense of it and another of her parallel processes devoted itself to the puzzle. Of course, she only had magical data. If she could have seen the room, it would have been obvious.

The Vampire had no reflection.


Fierre! Fierre! F

The door opened and Fierre waved at Ryoka from the other side of the room.

Hey Ryoka, I think the traps dead! Nothing happened!

She had opened the other door, which had released the magical lock on Ryokas side. Fierre peered through the other corridor.

Come on!

Ryoka spied the mirrors. She guessed what had happened.

Fierre, its the mirrors! You have no reflection!

The Vampire girl slapped her forehead.

Duh! Gah! I forget you people get reflected by mirrors!

Ryoka opened and closed her mouth. Then she saw Fierre whirl.

Hold on. Something just moved. I

She stepped through the door as Ryoka drew breath to tell her to wait. And the door slammed shut.


Ryoka Griffin raced forwards, then felt the door slam shut. She was ready, though. She looked at the mirrors, drew a tripvine bag, and threw it.

The magical vines burst in the air as Ryoka was reflected across all the mirrors. Ryoka would have settled for mud, but she hadnt time to make any with the water and sand in her bag of holding. Whatever was coming out of there

Ryoka saw herself in the mirrors as she braced, one hand holding a jar of acid, the other in her bag of holding. She sawnothing.

Just herself. The other Ryokas were tensed, ready to move. Ryoka Griffin stared at the vine-covered mirrors facing her. Four in all. They were all large, segmented, covering a half of the room.

Nothing happened. Thenone of the Ryokas straightened. She turned to stare at herself. And then began to walk towards the mirrors edge.

Ryoka felt the hairs on her neck stand up. She saw another Ryoka stand. And then the other two. They walked towards the edge of the mirror. Pushed out of the glass. Three were blocked by the vines, and began to fight them. But the last exited. She raised her fists, and her face twisted in rage


The Room of Similarity was her finest work. The mirrors were actually all relic-class artifacts. But she had come up with the concept. Not only did the mirrors reflect the person trapped within, they created doppelgangers with the same spells, Skillsthe exact strength of their opponent.

And four? Well, one was bad enough. But four opponents with your Skills and magical abilities and fighting style could overwhelm even experts.

Most people survived, of course. 79.3% progressed onwards, because they had gear, or potions or other items that the mirrors couldnt reflect. 6.5% turned around and refused to go further until they were forced to continue or captured.

The mirrors werent perfect. They just took the base personthe Courier had fought his reflections with spells but triumphed because he had healing and mana potions as well as artifacts.

But the Archmage had data about both intruders. Neither one was magically significant to her [Detect Aura] spells. One wasodd. She had wind-element attributes and the other one was plain invisible. But neither was even close to Gold-rank threat levels. So her thought-processes, all two of them, expected the mirrors to triumph.

After all, even if the opponent could win, the psychological impact of fighting your reflectioneven killing one took its toll. Few could just

The City Runner threw the first jar of acid in her doppelgangers face. The Archmages thought processes halted as the first reflection went down in record time. The City Runner hit the second with a jar of acidthe other two broke free of the vines and charged her.

They were as fast as she was. One kicked the young Human woman in the chest while the second swept her legs and tried to stomp on her face. That was an aggressive combat style. But neither one used Skills, which they should have done. Neither did the young woman.

A third thought process joined the other two. That was so odd. Did she not have Sk

The young woman raised her hand as one of her clones raised a foot to stomp her face in. The air in the room hurled the doppelganger into a wall and left red paste which faded after a few seconds. The second doppelganger tried to copy the gesture.

Nothing happened. The Archmages three thoughts watched the City Runner blow the second one into the wall and then run over and kick the life out of herself. That wasstrange.

Just how had she done that? A Skill? But a Skill would be copiedan artifact? But no magic had been

And meanwhile, the next two traps had failed.


The door swung open and Ryoka Griffin, panting, raised the jar of acid.

She saw Fierre, standing in the hallway, stomping on something which slithered away. A movingshadow?

Fierre! Are you alright?

The Vampire spun. She stared at Ryoka; the City Runner had a growing bruise on her arm from where her clone had punched her.

Ryoka! What happened?

Doppelgangers. They got me. A classic.

Ryoka felt like it was. Fierre stared at her.

You beat up yourself?

Four of em. They didnt have my acid jars, thank gthank goodness.

Ryoka shook her head. She was still shaken, a bit. But shed taken care of them fast. It hadnt been hard. Fierre shuddered at the thought.

Four of mehowd you win? Id be so freaked out at killing myself.

The young woman shrugged.

Eh. Low self-esteem. That was actually sort of fun. I always wanted to punch myself in the face. And they couldnt command the wind.

Uh. Okay

The Vampire decided she needed to build up Ryoka more often. The City Runner was busy investigating the next hallway.

What happened here?

I was attacked. Littleshadow-things came out of the walls. Tried to grab my bag of holdingwell, they got it. But they didnt get me!

Fierre made a triumphant fist. Shed lost her bag of holding, but more than one shadow familiar had been destroyed by the angry Vampire. None came to attack Ryoka now. The City Runner nodded.

She was tired. The young woman looked around. This hallway stretched further with no door in sight.

Looks like we passed the first test. We might be under attack again, so lets make a planwe could be in danger soso

She yawned hugely. Fierre stared at Ryoka.


Sorry. That just took it out of me. I shouldnt be sotired

Ryoka yawned and realized something was wrong at the same time as Fierre. She grabbed the amulet.

Its notnot a spell? Is it?


The soporific gas usually kicked in after the shadow familiar attack. The Archmage was satisfied to see it worked. The Runner collapsed as her friend watched. The Archmage waitedthe other girl hadnt taken any precautions against the gas that she could observe. She waitedwaitedher three thought processes added a fourth as the Vampire girl looked around and cursed. And when the Runemark Golems came marching towards her, the little girl hit one hard enough to crack the enchanted stone.


Ryoka? Ryoka, wake up!

Ryoka Griffin woke up a bit later with a dry taste in her mouth. She looked up and saw Fierre shaking her.

WhuhFierre? What happened?

Youve been asleep for the last ten minutes! Wake upI think I gave you the right antidote.

Whwhat happened?

The young woman rubbed at her head. She looked around blearily; the tonic that Fierre had applied was taking off the effects of whatever had put her to sleep, but she was still groggy.

I think it was the air. Or maybe you got stung? I dont know.

You didnt fall asleep?

The City Runner looked at Fierre and then rememberedFierre could grind up poisonous leaves without gloves on. She did it as one of her side jobs.

The Vampire grinned.

Nope. Lucky for you I was herelook at this.

She pointed and Ryoka saw four Golems. Wellthe remains of them.

They were like jigsaw puzzles. The Runemark Golems that Fierre identified them as were all made up of parts. An arm, a shoulder blade, a fisteach one enchanted with a glowing, magical rune.

Its hard to destroy them. Theyre designed to break easier than their actual bindings. So they can come back together. Recyclable foes. I dealt with them.

Fierre had taken one of Ryokas tripvines and used it to web the pieces to prevent them coming together. Ryoka looked at the Vampire.

And you beat all four?

I punched them. I told you it works! But uhit took a while.

Fierre rubbed at her cheek. Shed gone several rounds with the Runemark Golems while Ryoka napped; only her Vampiric toughness and endurance had let her win.

Those boxing punches you taught Alber actually helped. A bit. You shoulda seen it! I gave one a hook, and then I did that counter thing

She broke off as Ryoka grabbed her friend and hugged her.

Thank you. Thats for earlier. Lets not get separated again, shall we? If we go forwardswe go together.

What? But going one at a time works. Youre the weak link here.

That was true. Ryoka had been saved by Fierre after escaping a trap that had passed the Vampire by. Now though, the City Runner wanted to make up the difference.

I can at least help our progress here. You take my amulet; you can react faster so youll see something if were on top of it.

Okay. What will you do?

Ryoka concentrated. She closed her eyes and the dead air in the hallways pushed forwards. She sensed the corridor ahead. The connecting passages, the air coming under a secret hallway, a pit trapshe opened her eyes, inhaled, and pushed.

Wind fist!

She punched and the wind blasted down the corridor. It set off one trap door which opened up seamlessly ahead of Fierre. The Vampire girl blinked at Ryoka. The two stood there and Ryoka turned beet red.

Uhwind fist?

Im trying to fake a Skill. How does [Wind Fist] sound?

Eh, I like [Gale Fist] more.

Good point. I was just copying thisguy. Who shouts his own name.

Guy? What guy?

Er, I met him in Liscor. Hes cool. Hes this Drake [Spearmaster]


named Relc.

Four of the Archmages processes listened. Now the intruders were in a more open, labyrinthine area, she had periodic spells to listen to them. They moved out of her earshot and she noted the fragment of conversation for later automatically, saving the data in her memory, as it were.

Then her process realized she had far, far too much conversation saved and deleted the scrap since the term Relc had turned up nothing in her knowledge banks.

Four of her thoughtsa whole 10%were now devoted to their progress. Even as she was, Valeterisa loved a good statistical anomaly.

And the two young women were that. Not only were they dodging most of the traps with ease, they had a unique skillset that allowed them to navigate the area.

One of them, the tall one who looked Drathian, was clearly using the wind somehow. With a Skill? She had used it to sense the layout of the labyrinth completely. She was headed for the door and avoiding or anticipating most of the traps that had any noticeable tells, like the fake wall with the spider-summoning artifact.

Not that there was any good route that let you avoid traps. Who would do that? The Archmage saw the smaller girl leap at the spiders just in time for the rune spell to activate.

The spell should have locked down her muscles so the [Furry Spiders] summoned by the spell could overwhelm her, but the little girl just ran through it and punched the spiders to death. She ripped off a leg, dodged a leaping spider

She was as strong and fast as a Gold-rank [Warrior]! Some kind of [Brawler]? She waved at her friend. The City Runner jogged forwardsand fell on her face as the rune trap got her.

Strange. The other girl dragged her friend to safety, killing a shadow familiar that went after the bag of holding. The familiars remnants vanished, to be reformed in the binding chamber. The entire dungeon was designed to be reused; no sense in temporary constructs that needed replacing.

The Archmages four processes combined were enough to note details about the intruders, like their appearances. And even have a bit of emotioncuriosity. The two had gone through the second layer with ease, navigating all the traps designed to slow them down while the gas worked.

By rights they should have been stripped of their belongings, affected by the gas and proceeding fights, and worn down for the third layers trap. They were not, and the Chamber of Insanity, which had gotten the Courier awaited down a door they were reluctant to enter.

The Archmages thoughts tracked them. But they did not summon more processes. The two might bypass this room, which would be interesting to see.


But there was still no chance theyd make it to her.


The door was incredibly suspicious to Fierre and Ryoka. But they knew it was a trap; the spiral on the doorway indicated to Ryoka that it might be some mental effect.

So we should go in together. Or let me. Im good with mind stuff.

The City Runner couldnt tell Fierre about Teriarchs geas, but the Vampire girl was adamant.

Vampire. Ryoka, when has being a Vampire not worked for me in this place?

Well, once we get outside, one of us can go sunbathing.

Fierre shoved Ryoka, but gently.

No one makes traps for my kind anymore, Ryoka. Look, Ill go in. Well try to block the door, but theres a stupid barrier spell. I go in, andwell, well see. Okay?

Fine. Just be careful. I cant use the wind; the doors are airtight. Just go in, and

Okay. Okay. But take one of my healing potions. Youre out. Actually, take two. And

Fierre rolled her eyes, but she took two potions and entered the door. It swung shut behind her; Ryoka waited.

And waited.


After four minutes, Ryoka had heard nothing. But after four minutes, the door swung open. Ryoka saw someone standing in the pitch-black room.


The Vampire girl was stock-still. Motionless. Ryoka knew something was wrong. Fierre was audible nowmumbling.

said youd come backMom, Dad, someone for dinnercant drink another drop


The City Runner hesitated. Fierre was in the center of the room. Something was very wrong. Ryoka knew she should back up. She stepped forwards

Caught herself.

No. Something was wrong. It was a fools idea to go in there. If the room was openRyoka summoned the wind.

The Vampire girl stumbled as the wind blew at her back, a blast of air meant to knock her out. But she caught herself.

Fierre! Come on!

Ryoka shouted. The wind had activated the room. The darkness lifted for a second and Ryoka saw glowing runes, etched on every surfaceshe closed her

Hello, Ryoka. Ye dont look so well.

A voice spoke behind Ryoka. The City Runner turned. The dungeonwas gone. But she would have known something was wrong anyways.


The Frost Faerie hung in the air behind Ryoka, perfectly still. Her wings werent moving. Her crystalline face stared at Ryoka.

Stupid Human. Ye fell for a trap. Did you really wander into a [Mage]s trap like the stupid cunt that you are?

Iguess I did? Thanks. Youre not hereyou werent there to point it out.

Ryoka Griffin blinked. She feltstupid. The Frost Faerie nodded slowly. She looked at Ryoka.

Tis madness, you know. Created madness. But luckily for youyou know Im not here. Dont you? And you dont have levels. Watch your friend. Shes of this world.

The words made Ryoka realize the world was spinning. She was babbling somethingno, her body was. She looked at the Frost Faerie.

Ivolethe? Are youactually here?

For answer, the fae grinned. Ryoka saw the blackness vanish and the glowing form


saw a Dragon.

Ryoka Griffin opened her eyes. She was crouched in the hallway, shielding her face from the dark room. Fierre was lying on the floor, muttering.

Her head ached. Butthe flashes of those runes werent turning her into a gibbering wreck anymore. Ryoka Griffin had fought it off.

Had that really been Ivolethe? The girl didnt know. She did know something was wrong. Focusshe staggered upright.

Her bag of holding was missing. One of the shadow-things had stolen it. Damn! And she had no idea how much time had passed.

Fierre was still in there. Ryoka saw the runes flashing at her, trying to drive her towards insanity. But fake insanity, Ivolethe had called it. Whether it had been really her or Ryokas subconscious, she was right.

Ryoka had seen worse. It couldnt have been that long, if nothing else had signaled that. Ryoka didnt have a dry mouth or wasnt feeling tiredshe looked into the room.


She pushed and the wind grabbed at the Vampire. Trying to drag her out of the room.

Fierre! Dont look! Close your eyes!

The Vampire girl looked up. Her mumbling stopped. Too lateRyoka Griffin realized her error. She saw Fierres head raise. Her black hair tumbled around her glowing eyes.

Do you hate me? Im hungry, Ryoka.

She stood up. Her head twisted left and right. And sheRyoka backed up.

Fierre. Dont

The Vampire leapt at her. The City Runner reached for her bag of holding that wasnt there. But shed hesitated anyways.


That was how they fell. The Archmages four thoughts weredisappointed. They observed the one called Fierre dragging the other girls leg up, swinging her into a wall.

Insanity. Simulated, but effective. There had been a record of a trap in Albez like this that Valeterisa had read of, by the great Warmage Thresk, one of the masters of his time. She had replicated it on a lesser scale and 83.9% of all intruders failed here.

In the endthe anomaly got this far. Something was happening to the twobut the other three processes moved back to research and the last one didnt have the capacity for analysis, much less emotion.

Back to work. She was so, so closewhat was she missing? Valeterisa sat theretrying to piece together magic. She had almost come close. Something about the wind-magic that hadnt been magic hadspoken to her. A clue? But then

She was lost again.


The shadow familiars and Runemark golems subdued both intruders now that they were helpless. One had been rendered unconscious by the other. The shadow familiars, actually somewhat intelligent compared to the Runemark Golems or most of the autonomous traps, investigated the two.

They had simple orders. If the intruders were alive, they were put into the cells. The small one definitely was, for all the Chambers of Insanity had turned her into a gibbering wreck.

The other was trickier. The primitive familiars flitted about, noticing the blood on the ground. She had been injured.

The Vampire girl had thrown her into a wall. So they registered fractures, a broken nosetwo puncture wounds on her neck.

Lack of blood. But she was breathing. Sothey spirited her away, through a bound teleportation spell.

Into the cells. The Vampire girl followed, and both were contained in the cells which prevented magic and most Skills from activating. A holding area with a suppression field.

Now there were three captives. The Mage Runner raised his head slowly; hunger had weakened him not at all since only a day had passed. He saw both young women being put into cells. The shadow familiars tended to the injured one with a healing potion and then left them. In time

They both woke up.


Ryoka? Im so sorry, Ryoka, wake up!

Let her rest, Miss Fierre. If shes injured

The voices made Ryoka restless. Shedidnt hurt. But she was tired. Healing made you tired. And Ryoka was also just sleepy.

A bit of exhaustion from fatigue, the sleeping gas

She opened her eyes in the cell. A glowing field of magic, almost invisible unless you walked back and forth to see it at the right angleseparated her from the hallway. Glowing sigils, like a second barrier of magical paint, formed a block around her cell, clearly keeping the magic active.

And across from hertwo more cells, fairly small, lacking chairs, furnitureanything besides being boxes of stoneheld Fierre and a man she recognized.


Ryoka looked up groggily and then felt at her neck. The last she had known, Fierre had thrown her into a wall and then been biting at

Her neck was healed. Ryoka relaxed. But the Vampire girls voice was still fraught with guilt.

Ryoka, Im so sorry. I didnt know

Its not your fault. Itit was the room. I should have gone in first. It was

Insanity. Ryoka remembered more and more. They had been defeated. She sagged. At least they were alive.

Then she registered the other man. Salamani, the Mage Runner, the Human [Mage] with a trace of Lizardfolk in him, was almost completely human. But he had slitted pupils.

A Lizards eyes. The Courier waved at Ryoka.

I was telling your friend that, Miss Griffin. Insanity trap. Got me too. There was nothing you could have done; even a good mental charm would break under that many layers of magic. The only thing that could have beaten it was a charm one Courier had. Valceifbut he lost his

Ryoka Griffin felt a shock run down her body. She stared at Salamani and came back more into the world. The man gave her a miserable look.

Youre Ryoka Griffin, right? Your friend Fierretold me about you. So did Lady Ieka Imarris. Im sorry we had to meet like this.

Whowhore you? I meanI know you. Youre Salamani, arent you? The Mage Runner? Lady Ieka? Whats happening?

Shed seen him in the scrying orb during the famous delivery. But alsohe was a Courier. The man smiled weakly.

Some introduction. And yesthats me. Let me explain

It took him two minutes to clear Ryoka up on what was happening. When he did, Ryoka thumped her head against the magical barrier.

Lady Ieka had hired him? Of course she had. She wouldnt really have trusted her with the request. Ryoka felt like an idiot. Salamani sat cross-legged as he looked at her and Fierre; he couldnt see the Vampire, but hed been speaking to her. Just as well; in her distress, Fierre wasnt hiding her fangs or red eyes.

If it helps, Miss Griffin, you got as far as I did. And better too, to hear your friend tell it.

I messed up. Ryoka, Im so sorry. I bit you

Fierres voice became strangled. Ryoka glanced at Salamani, but the man didnt seem to notice. He pitched his voice to Fierre, trying to smile.

Dont worry about it. You were insane. I bit myself under the insanity spell, although those damn familiars healed me. And punched myself in the groin for some reason I dont know. Insanity spells do weird things to you.

Are you both okay? Salamani, if were captives, does that mean

The man grimaced.

Im sorry, Ryoka. But no ones checked up on me since I arrived. Then againit was only a day before you. ButI havent been fed either. And to look at itthis might be our end.

What do

He pointed and Ryoka saw. There were more than three cells here. In fact, there were dozens. Maybe forty in total? The familiars had cleared Salamani, Ryoka, and Fierres; they must have had orders to do so. But they hadnt cleared the others.

Ryoka sawbones. Piles of cloth. Even artifacts, gleaming, attached to emaciated bodies. She fell silent. Salamani nodded.

Our forerunners. Imsorry. I wish Id left a sign, Miss Ryoka. But I dont think any of us are surviving this.

She wanted to contradict him at once. Butthen Ryoka looked at the Couriers gaunt face and understood.

He was a realist. And nowhe was thinking as she should have. Archmage Valeterisa. People would have sent many to wake her up. To get her help. Not just Runners. Couriersmaybe even adventurers.

Everyone had died here, if the corpses and the fact that Valeterisa hadnt been seen was any indication. They had all died.


Ryoka Griffin sat there for a while, covering her face with her hands. Fierre was apologizing.

I didnt mean it. I

They all fell silent. Despair was written across Salamanis face. Ryoka Griffin sat there, thinking. The Mage Runner interrupted her thoughts with a pained cough.

If youre willing to talkId like to. I have at least a few more days left. Ive been getting thirsty, butit beats being alone.

She looked at him. He was resigned.

Youve tried everything?

He nodded.

Lost my bag of holding. And my spellsuseless. I recognize the spell were under. Its a [Field of Suppression].

I dont know that spell. Im not a [Mage], sorry. What does it do?

He gave her a strained smile.

Even if you wereits advanced. Im a Wistram graduate and Im lucky I took those advanced courses. You see these barriers? Theyre high-grade, but in theory we could break them. Id definitely try, but I cant cast magic. Or use Skills. Even if I had, say, a [Bound Spell] Skillit wont work. [Power Strike], Skills that allow you to move about or do anythingall fail.

The spell affects Skills as well as magic?

Ryoka glanced up. Salamani nodded.

Good spells do that. Its advanced magic. Tier 5 or Tier 6, Id guess. But a field spell issetting up terrain. Not as hard to do if you have unlimited resources. Its one of those spells that benefits from a single place. Like casting [Zone of Frost] before using lots of ice spells. As bad as a damned aura. And without itI could punch this barrier for a month and it might not break.

Hed been trying, Ryoka saw. The mans knuckles had bled and broken. Salamani looked at her, in the calm phase of despair.

Im sorry. Feel free to do what you want. I wont blame you.

Ryoka was going to. Salamani had painted a perfect trap. A perfect holding cell the kind Zevara dreamed of. Howeverhe was wrong to despair just yet.

Because Fierre was Fierre. And Ryokacould still sense the wind.

Fierre, get up. See if you can hit the barrier. Dont lie there. ImIm going to look around.

Ryoka edged to the very front of her cell and stared down the hallway. Fierre looked up. She slowly stood and flexed one arm. She looked at Ryoka.

Your friendis she strong? I only saw her for a second, but if sheserpart-Dwarf? There might be a chance. I doubt Archmage Valeterisa left a gap in her preparations, but she might have trusted in the [Field of Suppression] too much.

Salamani hesitated. He had seen Fierre, so he knew Fierre was too short to be a half-Giant. Ryoka nodded at Fierre. The Vampire girl bared her fangs.

Im not a Dwarf, Salamani. But Im still strong. Hold onhiyah!Ow, that hurts so much!

She hit the barrier with a sound that made Salamani jump. He stared towards the side, wide-eyed with sudden hope. MeanwhileRyoka looked around.

The holding area was hard to see from where she sat. Just the glowing cellshmit looked like a lot of the visitors had left their belongings when they died. But only what was on them; the shadow familiars had stolen the rest.

Ryoka couldnt see with her eyes very far. But the wind was her friend. And it told her that they were underground; a passage led upwards. Into a branching hallway

No. Ryoka dragged her attention back down the steps. She needed a way out of here. She sensed

The area where they were was the large part. Cells, where the air was allowed to flow in and out, including the one with Salamani, Fierre, and Ryoka. Ohhed relieved himself in one corner. Ryoka was grateful for the dead air. But down the passage was somethinginteresting

Ithink our belongings are piled up over there.

Ryoka murmured as Fierre hit the barrier again, to no effect but her own shout of pain. Salamani glanced up at Ryoka.

Youre right. I can barely see something if I stand in the corner. How did you know that?

She smiled at him.

Not all of my Skills are inactive, Salamani. Can you describe the stuff for me?

Hope sprang into the Mage Runners eyes.

Ican barely see a table. Overflowing with items; its amazing the familiars piled it up. But theyre stupid like that. Primitive constructs. They must have orders to put it there, but the Archmage never investigated.

I can sense it too.

Ryokas bag of holding was familiar to the wind. Alsothe slight odor of Fierres puke was something Ryoka could sense coming from another bag. They were piled at the very top.

Thats a lot of magical items.

Yes, wellI wouldnt grab from there. So many artifacts in close proximity? They must be suppressed or theyd be reacting to one another and that might tear apart the entire damn mansion. Theres a design flaw if ever I saw one.

Salamani shuddered. Ryoka agreed; shed been told all day and night about bags of holding reacting to one another.

If the fields working on them, we might be in trouble. But the bag of holding is clearly workingso maybe were in luck.

How so?

The young woman smiled tightly.

WellIm betting the Field of Suppression only affects magical artifacts up to a certain level, right Salamani?

Right enough. Alchemical weapons might work fine. If we had some.

Ryoka nodded. Her heart was pounding. Please let the Archmage not have predicted this.

Wellheres the question for a million gold coins and our lives. Salamani, did you see when they tossed me and Fierre in herehow did we get in? Is there a control switch or something?

The Mage Runners unique eyes flickered.

No. Familiars are quite stupid. They cant deal with switches that wellthey just pushed you into the cells. Its a one-way spell. Quite simple. What do you have planned?

Fierre looked at Ryoka. She grinned, showing all of her teeth. So did Ryoka.

Hold on. It might take a few triesbut I think I can get my bag.

She closed her eyes, settled down cross-legged. Salamani opened his mouth to ask a thousand questionsand then he felt something.

In the prison cells, the wind moved. The Mage Runners eyes widened as he felt a breeze blowing his hair. He closed his mouth, looked at Ryoka, and waited.


The first gust of air was short, controlled, and knocked over the pile of artifacts and belongings. The shadow familiars didnt come, which was a relief; they must only do the organizing when a new person was captured.

So Ryoka had time. And happilyher bag of holding had fallen to the ground. It was very hard getting the wind to blow so strongly to move the bag while not blasting everywhere. Especially at range while using her senses and Salamanis eyes.

Really, it was the kind of thing Ryoka should have thought of and practiced ages ago. But, ironically, her current prison was an excellent teacher and Ryoka had until she died of dehydration.

Almost, almost,come on you little bastard!

Shh! Let her concentrate.

Salamani cautioned Fierre as the Vampire girl swore at the bag of holding that had been rolling around the cell in front of Ryoka for the last half-hour. Ryoka was sweating; controlling the wind was harder the more fatigued she got.

It had taken two hours to get it here. Nowit was so close. She stared at it and begged the wind. Capricious, it blew the bag left, rightand finally, finallygave her a blast that knocked her on her ass. When Ryoka got upthe bag of holding was lying in the cell.


The other two cheered like mad. Ryoka grabbed for her bag of holding and opened it.

Finally! We can get out of h

She yanked an acid jar out of the bag, aimed at the glowing runes, and realized.

The bag of holding was on the inside of the cell. The glowing runes were on the outside. Salamani and Fierre stopped cheering.

Ryoka. Did you mean to get the jar of acid out before you got your bag?

It wouldnt have worked. I thoughtcan I pass items out of the cell?

Salamani slowly shook his head. Ryoka Griffin pawed through her bag. Half the magical items werent working. Healing potions and mana potions did her no good


Is there anything we can use?

UhuhIve got food in here.

I hate you so much.

Fierre banged her head on the magical wall as Ryoka took out a handful of sand and threw it at the wall of the cell. Salamani looked at Ryoka.

A mana potion wouldnt help you, would it?

Nope. Damn.

Ryoka slumped. She hadnt thought this one through! If she needed to reach into the bag of holding, then, damnit, she couldnt break the runes of her cell.

At least you can move stuff. Maybe theres something else. My bag of holding has scrollsnone of which will work. But another adventurer or Runner might have left something powerful enough to work even with the field.

Ryoka sat up. She looked at Salamani. The mans eyes were burning.

I thought I was dead. Dont you give up just yet. We have days, at least!

She nodded.

Of course not, Salamani. And in factI have a better idea. What ifis there a sword, or staff over there?

The man and Fierre squashed their faces against the magic walls. Fierre nodded.

I see a sword! Its definitely enchanted! Look at that, Salamani!

The mans eyes lit up. Ryoka smiled tightly.

What if I brought one almost into your cell? Halfway? Maybe

The other two nodded. Ryoka gritted her teeth. This was going to be even harder. Concentrating that much wind to blow a sword around? Well, she had done it with the bag of holding. And she had turned her doppelganger into jam. Just another reminder of why her trump cardflying aboutmight have gotten her killed.

Okay. Its going to take a while, but same as last time. Justback me up. Okay, guys? Im just a bittired.

Take your time. No rush.

Salamani gave Ryoka a thumbs-up. So did Fierre.

Were going to make it out, Ryoka. Let us know anything we can do.

The City Runner nodded. She fished in her bag of holding for a stamina potion and then had a thought. Slowly, as she reached for a stamina potion, she looked into her bag.

Oh. There is something you two can do.

What? Anything.

The two looked at Ryoka curiously. They saw her get up, and then work on another project.

Ryoka had a sleeping bag and blanket in her bag of holding for emergencies. And even stuff like rope, gear for climbing, caltropseverything a sensible City Runner carried.

It took her seven minutes to make the little curtain with the blanket and some other tools. Ryokas voice was muffled.

Okay, turn around. And cover your ears.

Salamani and Fierre stared at her. Then they shuffled around. Fierre sighed. Ryoka Griffin relieved at least one of the pressures on her. Then she had a sandwich. Fierre grumbled as she watched Ryoka noshing. Salamani had a pained look of a man starved for a day and a half. Not that pained, but like, really jealous.

I take it back, Ryoka. This is so lame.

This is the reality of the situation. You try not having these problems for half a day. Back me up, Salamani.

I really dont want to.


The Archmage of Izrils thoughts milled about. Trying to make it work. She had taken the idea of looking at a problem from multiple perspectives to its extreme. Her thoughts were all focused on onebreakthrough.

One aspect of magical theory she had deemed most valuable. Ififif she could make it work, she would surpass Zelkyrat least, current mage-theory in this one area. Even the old Archmages hadnt gotten to this level; the theory had been lost.

But it could work.

Her other thoughts were doing their thing. Valeterisa ripped up some paper absently to vent the frustration at being so close. It was one thing to look at a problem from multiple anglesbut she had slowly built up the magical theory and understanding, the basis for this simple, infinitely complex formula over a decade.

So close.

Her intruder-monitoring thought was passive. It did not check on the ones in the cell. What was the point. None had ever escaped so her mind had long since discarded the possibility.

That was her flaw. If she had been monitoring the cells with visual, audio, or any other of her means, she would have seen the Courier reaching for the hilt of an enchanted sword, whispering.

Almostalmostgot it!

Salamani grabbed the hilt poking through the barrier. Ryoka gasped and Fierre spoke.

Do it! Before it gets shoved out!

Im doing it! Please work, please w

The Mage Runner stood and pressed the tip of the sword into the ground just outside his cell. He scratched at the glowing runes that enforced his barrier with the enchanted sword.

Ryoka saw the sword glowing. A mint glow was coming from the magical sigils on the edge of the blade. It was an enchanted swordover the last hour, Fierre and Salamani had both identified it as one of those ones with a projection effect, making the actual swords reach longer and far more deadly. A common effect.

Right now, the enchantment was unneeded and Ryoka prayed that the sword had a strong piercing or anti-magic effect. It just had to scratch

She saw something peel up from the stone floor. Fierre gasped. Salamani worked even harder, frantically.

Dont let the sword fall in the barrier

The two young women watched as Salamani dug at the weak point of the rune hed identified. More slivers of enchanted paint or whatever the runes had been drawn with. And thenthe barrier vanished.

It just winked out. Salamanis head jerked up. He stared at the empty air and put a trembling hand out.

You did it! Free us! Free us!

Fierre jumped up and down. The Mage Runner stumbled forwards. For a moment, Ryoka wondered if he was going to pull a classic double-cross and run off. But he didnt. He raised the sword, began hacking at Fierres cell.

Her force field vanished. Then it was Ryokas turn. Fierre took the sword from the weaker Mage Runner as he stumbled over to his bag of holding. Ryoka saw the Vampire lift the sword, bring it down.

The barrier vanished after three hacking blows. Ryoka looked at Fierre. The Vampire girl smiled at her.

I knew we could do it. If you didnt stop for that sandwich, wed have been out thirty minutes ago.

Ryoka stood up and hugged her friend. Fierre squeezed back.

Imso sorry I bit you. Please, please forgive me? I never would have, I swear.

She whispered. Ryoka whispered back.

Its okay. I mean, Im going to have to live as a Vampire from now on, but you can show me everything. Im really hungry.

Fierre let go, her eyes wide. She looked into Ryokas brown pupils and then punched at Ryoka.

You bloodbag!

The City Runner grinned. But then she nodded to Fierre and touched at her neck.

Its fine. Really. We can talk about it later. Lets get out of here first. Wheres Salamani?

He was eating out of his bag of holding, despite the stale food. He looked up as Ryoka and Fierre walked over.

Thank you. Thank you. I wont forget this. Letslets

Lets take five.

Ryoka suggested. Fierre and Salamani looked at each other, nodded, and then relaxed. After a second, Fierre stood up.


Hah! I knew it.

Shut up, Ryoka.


An hour later, Ryoka was fully fed, watered, somewhat relaxedand shed taken stock ofeverything.

And everything was her fortune. Salamanis and Fierres as well. They had taken apart the entire holding area. Opened each cell. And looted damn near everything.

At least two Couriers have died going after Archmage Valeterisa. And this is at least Gold-rank gear. The only thing we need to make sure of is that we dont bring bags of holding outside the cells or theyll implode and well die. Besides thatwe are now rich.

Salamani had helped gather the gear up. Since it had all belonged to the intruders, the odds of it being cursed in any way were low, but he and Fierre had checked for magical traps.

As it wasRyoka was now armed with dozens of scrolls. She had the highest grade of potions, six wands, and three enchanted weapons. Ohand she was wearing armor. A chainmail shirt, some leather greaves, two rings

Were at maximum magical resonance with this gear. We can mix and match later. Right now, I think we have an Archmages fingers to break.

Fierre was similarly garbed. Even Salamani had upgraded, and he had been a Courier. No one had interrupted their gearing up; now all the treasures were loaded into the best bags of holding. Ryoka had kept hers, and Fierres er, vomit-bag was actually good enough. She had kept hers while divesting most of her possessions out of it.

You could get acleaner bag, Fierre. Just saying.

My mother gave it to me, okay, Ryoka? She and dad saved up for it. I cant get rid of it.

Im at capacity in my bag of holding. We might have to make tripsif we can get to the Archmage.

Maybe prioritize. Some of this gear isnt worth as much as the rest.

Thats like saying thats only hundreds of gold coins rather than thousands, Miss Fierrewhy dont we put the rest in a sack and drag the stuff around? If we do one sack per person, the magical resonance shouldnt activate

That was the fun part. The amazing part. The part that made all of this worth it. It distracted Ryoka from the reality. And it was this:

Were still in the Archmages dungeon. We might be close to her, but odds are there are at least a few more traps between us and her. If shes smarta lot.

Salamani, Fierre, and Ryoka were now a team. They looked at each other, and grimness descended over them.

I dont know where we are. But Fierres right. We have to be on our guards. We might get lucky and a trap would only put us back herebut some of those traps are deadly. I nearly died to that room full of mirrors. If you two wantIll try to finish this delivery myself. I owe it to you two.

The Mage Runner offered. Ryoka hesitated only a second before shaking her head.

No way. We do this together. Lets just see where we are.

They climbed the staircase with Salamani using a Pendant of Truesight that hadnt served the adventurer well enough. Or maybe it hadnt prevented the trap from working. But with it, he was confident enough to not be on alert for magical traps.

Hm. Were definitely past the first set of traps.

They were in a hallway enchanted to look like the actual interior of a mansion. It had a carpet, wallpaperaccording to Salamani, it was all fake.

Looks like this area is just meant to lead to the dungeons. Spelled. There might be guardiansSelphids tits! Back, back!

There were. The instant they left the holding area, the shadow familiars and the next layer of roaming guardians beset them. No Golems this time; a circle flashed and a huge, roaring Manticore appeared, a summoned b

[Siege Fireball]!

Fierre blasted the monster out of existence. She tossed away the spent scroll as Salamani used two wands at once. Ryoka aimed a wand and blasted a cluster of shadow familiars.

Okay. We know two things. First: more traps. Second? Weve got gear.

The three looked at each other. There had been at least thirty dead peoples worth of possessions. Not all of it had been powerful, but as Salamani had saidsome powerful individuals had owned this stuff.

Which way do we go?

That at least is obvious. I can sense the magic coming from that direction.

Salamani pointed down the hallway. A long hallway waited for him. He narrowed his eyes.

Concealed runes. Cant tell what they are. Yep, theres definitely more traps. But we have to brave them. At least were geared up beyond even what most Couriers could afford. Lets see what the hallway has to offer. Fierre? Ryoka? Keep an eye out.


Ryoka frowned. She was fatigued, although only mentally, from the efforts and their escape. Even so, she felt a bit of worry. Something waswrong. Salamani grabbed an adventurers tool, one of those rolling balls that triggered traps like the one the Horns had used. He tossed it forwards, gingerly, wand at the ready.


The intruders had escaped.Eight of the Archmages processes devoted themselves towards finding out how. She began mobilizing the entire mansions defenders to converge on the group. But she was stillabsent. If she felt anything, it was curiosity and irritation.

Yetat the same time. There was a certainty. They were not going to reach her. They had bypassed six entire layers of traps by emerging from the cells. And they might be armed with new artifacts if her analysis was not wrong.

What of it? No one had woken her. Couriers had come. Great challengers. They had still died, even those that got past here, all 1.8% of them.

The intruders had bypassed six layers.

Ten remained. And these traps


The ball got halfway down the corridor when the [Chain Lightning] trap activated.

Dead gods!

Salamanis barrier spell hed cast out of caution absorbed half a dozen bolts as six [Chain Lightning] spells activated at once. The ball was vaporized. Salamani himself went reeling backwards; only the breastplate hed equipped saved him. Fierre caught two more bolts too, and they had been at the back of the corridor.

Thats the trap?

Fierre, horrified, picked herself up. Salamani was cursing with Balerosian expressions. Ryoka caught part of it.

Gazers eyes can look up mythat is a new level of trap.

He grimly looked at Ryoka and Fierre, indicating his scorched breastplate. Ryoka shivered.

How is she making all this?

Rechargeable runes. Miss Ryoka, its not actually that hard to make a spell that keeps activating. Supplying it with mana is the hard part, but if shes in herewhich she isher dungeon runs on her. I could probably make a Rune of Chain Lightningand if I could do that, with enough money I could make a hundred. Thats the kind of insanity you get in Wistram, or at least, the higher floors.

Salamani sighed.

At least we have scrolls. Fierre, break out the anti-electricity ones.

On it. We can probably walk through once we cast enough of them. I just hope theres not a second layer of spells we didnt see or activate. Or we could just activate the trap enough that


Salamani and Fierre looked at Ryoka. The City Runner was shaking her head. She looked at the Courier, and at Fierre, and said it.

No. Nope. No way. Im out. Ive done this before. Im bouncing. I want out of here.

The Courier blinked. Fierre looked at Ryoka.

But were so close! Ryoka

We think were close. But Fierrethat trap was meant to kill us. Not just subdue. If the Archmage gets seriousyou were right. Theres risking our lives and that.

Ryoka nodded to the hallway, still smoldering. Salamani hesitated, and then nodded.

Youyoure absolutely right, Ryoka. Im not thinking. Even Couriers turn down bad deliveries. And this? This is a bad delivery.

Weve been playing her game. Going through her death-mansion? Forget about it.

The Runner felt like she was thinking like aRunner. They had more money than she could have dreamed of. They had their lives; she wasnt going to risk a trap of that caliber. Besides, this wasnt over. She had an idea.

But escape first. Fierre hesitated. She was the maddest of the three; she clearly wanted to make good on her finger-breaking threat. But she acceded to their common-sense.

So, what do we do?

Get out?

Yes, but that means going through all the traps that are between us and the exit.

Truebut if we assume the traps escalate until here, we can break out. Orgo for a wall. We have enough scrolls.

Thats tricky. I saywe scout backwards. The thing about these rooms is that theyre designed for people coming in. Not going out. Lets take a look around.


What was happening? Thirteen processes were confused by the direction the intruders were taking. They wereleaving.

Most of the room traps only worked when you entered one way. A decision Archmage Valeterisa had time to regretor would have if she had the capacity to regret. As it was, she noted the intruders blowing open door after door with spells.

They had the firepower for it. And with their artifacts, they moved back through the layers of traps. A few things slowed them up, like the swarm of conjured insects, the illusion of green and contact pollenbut these were the non-lethal traps. If they struggled, they just rested up and moved on.

By the time the intruders were at the door, a good fifteen processes were aware enough to call off the attack on them from the entire mansions defenses. Valeterisa had made an analysis of cost-to-benefit and decided to just repair what had been broken, fix the gaps in her security, and move on.

She was still thinking of her project. That mattered. Intruders? She had never visited the other captives. So she let them break the door to her mansion and leave. It was annoyingbut they hadnt the tenacity to reach her.

In the endthey were at the high end statistically. But they werent even at the top. Valeterisa filed them away in her head.

And that was her mistake.


Ryoka Griffin stepped into the sunlight. Fierre instantly retreated. Salamani blinked at the morning light.

Were out. I guesswell, my boatman probably thinks Im dead. But dead gods, there are a few [Lesser Teleport] scrolls here and Ill swim to be away from this damn isle. Ryoka, FierreIll go with you wherever you want. Back to Lady Ieka, to the nearest Runners GuildI am forever in your debt.

Dont exaggerate, Salamani. We did this together. Without you we probably wouldnt have made it out.

Ryoka smiled at the Mage Runner. He gave her a serious bow.

Dont you exaggerate, Ryoka. I was going to die. Never mind that Ieka hired us bothI wont forget this. But lets get away from this damn mansion before something comes after us.

Just one second. I need to put on more clothes. Umbrella, umbrellaaw. Its covered in mystuff

Fierre was grumbling. Salamani winced as she shook black, dried vomit back into her bag of holding and onto the floor. He held his nose and edged away.

Follow me, then. Lets just teleport as far as we can. Ill use a scroll, get someone to come for us. Unless that mansionlets just all teleport.

Maybe. But hear me out, guys. I think we have one last card to play.

Ryoka waved a hand. Salamani and Fierre looked at her. The City Runner had made the level, calm decision to leave the mansion.

But shed be lying if she said she was anything but pissed. Like Fierre, like Salamani, Ryoka did not like this Archmage of Izril. It had just occurred to her that it was stupid to play her game. Going through her mansion?

What do you have in mind, Ryoka?

Fierre waited. Ryoka glanced at her.

We might have failed to get to the Archmage through her stupid mansion. But thats not our job. I sayI say we try one last thing. And if it doesnt work? We can leave. It wont cost us more than weve gained. What do you say, Salamani? Fierre?

She told them her plan. Salamani grinned. So did Fierre.

I saylets do it.


Archmage Valeterisa had devoted ten of her processes to fixing the damage. She had analyzed her mistake; exterior runes. She hadnt figured out how theyd gotten an item into the cells, but she would fix the runes, and the barrier to need deactivation. That was all.

Her body moved as she thought. She let some of her mental processes take care of casting. While the rest tried to break through. And that was how shed existed. She had given a decade of her Human life to her project. She would give another decade if she must. No one would wake her.

No one would break through her dungeon. Even a Named Adventurer; theyd done as the intruders had done, gotten to Layer 9 and left. So she was confidentif she had the emotional capacity for thatthatthat

Five of her thoughts lit up. Something was happening. Her danger-warnings were going off. And somethingshe blinked.

Something was happening outside her mansion. Noto her mansion. And the isle. It was demanding more and more of her thoughts.


Alertattack. Defensive spells firing.

Alertattack. Defensive spells firing.


Alert[Message] spell. Contents

Alertattack. Defensive spells recharging


For the first time in a decade, the Archmages lips slowly moved. Her voice, disused except to vent her frustration in screams, spoke.

Whatwhat is happening?

The isle was calledwell, it didnt really matter anymore. It had been some ecological paradise, and then a rat-infested warren.

Now it was just on fire. Rats fled into the sea, or hid in their warrens as three figures roamed across it. They were casting spells.

They had a lot of scrolls. They had multiple wands. They also had some alcohol. So the three drunk figures cast spells and shouted.

ArchmageValeterisa! Get the fuck out here!

Ryoka screamed. Salamani cast another [Message] spell. Fierre opened a scroll.

Activate whatever this one is! Oh crap

A huge snowball ploughed into the side of the mansion. The defensive spells were going crazy, flinging multiple spells from the invisible mansion. Good thing all those summoned monsters were taking the heat.

They had a surplus, a surfeit of magical resources. From all the people whod died thanks to this crazy Archmage. It felt right to use some of them. Ryoka threw a bottle and watched it splash into the ground.

Oh crap. I think that was a healing potion. Salamanilet me borrow your wand!

One second. This is for you, Archmage! [Fireball]! [Fireball]!

The Mage Runner shot them at the invisible mansionwhose protections were actually weakened enough to reveal a huge, rather lovely seaside mansion. It even had glass windows on the front; the back had turned into an ugly stone compound. Ryoka Griffin laughed as the wind blew surf at the mansion. If this didnt work theydtheyd just leave! Or find a bunch of crap and throw it on the front door or something.

The three were so busy venting their fury and shouting obscenities that the Archmage of Izril had to repeat herself three times before Ryoka heard the voice.

What are you doing?

The City Runner, Courier, and Vampire girl froze. Fierre stopped waving the bottle of alcohol and the wand. Salamani dropped the scroll and whirled. Ryoka looked up. Then she turned around.

Archmage Valeterisa hovered in the air. Not alone, either. Her shadow familiarsnearly a hundred of themwere flitting about her. An army of Golems had snuck up on the three from behind. Ohbut what really caught the eye was the giant maw of shadows hovering over their heads. Contained, but reaching for them, full of malice.

Ready to drop.

The three froze. Ryoka Griffin stared up at the Archmage of Izril. She stared at them. Her eyes were flickering.

Recalling memoriesintrudersno audio logs keptwho are you? Answer before I kill you. You have set fire to my islehow many [Messages]? Count: 4,388ah. Damage to property estimatedanswer me. Who are you?

Ryoka Griffin hesitated. But Salamani and Fierre were frozen. So the City Runner, in that way of hers, having experience with Dragons, absent [Necromancers], and so on, spread her hands.

UhRunners? We have a message for you, Archmage Valeterisa.

The hovering [Mage]stopped. All of her fragmented thoughts. All of her separate selvesfinally came together. She became one once more and realized only now, how much she had lost.

And it had all come from a single young woman. Valeterisas vast intellect focused on her. Each self joining together. Mainly because the girls statement was so ridiculous she couldnt believe it.

You. Are Runners? You have a delivery for me?

She looked at her burning isle. The spells, summoned monsters still dueling with her defensive spells. The spells still in effect, sending a burning rain after the rodents

At Ryoka Griffin. The City Runner saw Valeterisa staring at her. An old womanokay, in her sixties. No spring hen. Looking surprisinglynormal. A woman, distracted, but no grand, otherworldly features like Azkerash.

Except for perhaps the faintest tinge of magic that hung about her. Power, waiting to be kept, that made the air excited.

The Archmage of Izril waited. Ryoka Griffin spread her hands weakly. And she said the only thing that came to mind.

Wellit worked, didnt it? We have a message for you from Lady Ieka Imarris. Do you have a seal?

Authors Note: A longer chapter! Oops! But we are on Day 6 and I told you that it wouldnt all be interludes. Here. We. Are.

Let me know what you thought! I have one more chapter left in me, then two weeks off! And Im looking forwards to you! Theres a lot I could sayinsert The Last Tide something something herea lot of you have bought it and Im very grateful!

Im just tired. But lookis it good? One last chapter! One last chapter! Thanks for reading! Look forwards to what happens /

Delanay by JohnDoe!

Nanette and Califor by kazakka!

Mrsha and Ieka Plushie Emojis! Happy birthday, Plushie!

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