The Wandering Inn

Book 7: Chapter 42: M

Book 7: Chapter 42: M


Ryoka Griffin didnt know if she liked the Archmage of Izril or was disappointed. Because when she realized how many prisoners had died in those cellshow many intrudersshe looked guilty.

I forgot to task myself with monitoring them. Oh no. What an error. And theystarved to death? They would havewithout foodoh no. Did I forget? What do I do? Were some of them important? II

A look of genuine distress flashed across her face. Butrather than moral anguish over the deaths shed causedit was more like someone realizing that the pets they were supposed to housesit had all starved to death. Seriousbut not like actual death.

Even so. Her reaction was mortal. Unguarded. For a moment. The Archmage of Izril panicked as she floated down to the ground. She put a hand to her temples.


Then her expression went unsettlingly calm. Her hysteria subsided. Valeterisa spoke in an inflectionless voice.

That was clearly an error. Moving onit seems my experimentation was flawed. I was caught in a mental paradox; being too close yet unable to solve the conclusion. In totalityyour presence was beneficial. You will be rewarded, Runners.

Ryoka Griffin, Salamani, Fierrelooked at the Archmage of Izril. Valeterisas expression was cold before it flitted back to tired, rueful emotion.

Ive made a mistake. But Im close. Yet it was good I woke up. There is so much I have to do. Come with me.

She beckoned them. And Ryoka Griffin realizedshe had done it. There was more to settle, but she had accomplished an impossible delivery. She had won her reward.

One more noble for the Summer Solstice party. Only a few more impossible tasks to do. Then she could meet her friend who had died.

It was a fitting quest.



Lady Ieka Imarris was annoyed. She was pulling strings, and stillLady Rie demanded more little favors for this [Emperor]. It was everything from nudging a [Merchant] to adjust his course to trade concessions, arranging salt from an allied [Lord] to be sold to Riverfarm, thus benefitting both groups and breaking the House Ulta salt monopoly.

She had the power to do that as a higher-ranking member of the Circle of Thorns. Even so, it grated on Iekas nerves.

Yet, if she was upset over the [Emperor] situation that she had no control overher mood changed the moment she got the [Message].

Lady Imarris, priority [Message] for you from Salamani the Courier!

What? Give it to me at once!

The [Lady] snatched the slip of paper with shaking hands. She had been certain Salamani had a chance. But could it really be? She read the note from the Mage Runner and gasped, blinked twice, and read it again, slower.

The Archmage of Izril is awake. I cede credit for the delivery to Ryoka Griffin. Requesting agreed-upon hazard pay.


Ryoka Griffin? But I thought

Before Ieka could [Message] Salamani back and demand a proper explanation, her [Maid] arrived, panting.

Lady Iekaanother [Message]. Fromfrom Archmage Valeterisa.

Ieka dropped the first note. The second one was just as short. Wide-eyed the [Maid] retreated as Ieka read it.

I am not pleased. But I will speak with you at earliest convenience. Your Runners burned my isle down. Was that intentional? We will meet shortly.

            Valeterisa, Archmage of Wistram.

Ieka Imarris feltunsteady. She massaged her temple.

Burned part of her? What did they do?

She was about to send a [Message] spell herself, blasting Salamani for allowing Ryoka to be endangered and angering the Archmage, but then Ieka caught herself. Even when shed hired Salamani, the odds had been low hed succeed where other Couriers had failed or given up. A Named Adventurer had quit the assignment.

Thisthis is an excellent day. Beyond excellent. With Valeterisa out of seclusiondead gods. And Ryoka did it?

That was what the message had said. Ieka remembered the City Runner and could scarcely credit it. No wonder Ryoka had been so confident! She must have been furious to know about the Courier being hired after her. How had it happened?

Ieka would find out. And shed make a proper apology to Ryoka. With gold! Oh yes. And perhaps a private dinner?

No, no. Ieka caught herself. Subtlety. But Ryoka Griffins exploits would not go unrewarded or unmentioned. Oh no. If no one was considering her as a potential Courierwell, this all but cemented her recommendation.

And what had Ryoka requested aside from gold? Oh yes, the poor girl had wanted a party. In Riverfarm? Ieka blinked as she put together Lady Rie and the [Emperor] with

Well, she would get her party. Ieka had connections. Lots of them. For Miss Griffin, she would lean as hard as she could to get the girl whatever party she wanted. Entertainment? Ieka could supply the mage-illusions herself, she was so exuberant!

Fantastic news. JustIeka sat down to plan and send her own flurry of [Messages]. The Archmage of Izril had returned. It was fantastic news.

She was busyuntil the third priority-[Message] reached her just past midday. And if she had thought the other two were important



It was one of those fine summer days. Hot, yes, but with enough of a breeze to make it feel comfortable rather than just hot.

The smartly-dressed [Messenger] who rode up to the keeps gates was rarer than Runners. But his class still existed; a sort of private messenger you could afford between the nobility.

I have a personal statement for Lord Veltras. May I speak to his lordship at his convenience?

The mans demeanor, dress, and refined manners all spoke to his nature as a high-class servant of some house. Possibly, even one of the Five Families.

However, the [Majordomo] of House Veltras, Ullim, informed the [Messenger] that a meeting wouldnt be immediate.

His Lordship is riding. He will return within the hour. If you have a missive, it can be left here.

Ah, then I will wait. The message is confidentialverbal only. At Lord Tyrions convenience.

The servant smiled. Ullim did not.

His Lordship will return and see to you in time. You may be waiting for longer.

That, the [Messenger] did not like.

Isee. But if you would inform his lordship my master would appreciate a swift request

If your master does not announce themselves, Lord Veltras will take their message at his convenience.

With that, the [Majordomo] had the [Messenger] escorted to a guest room where he was watered and fedwith about that much delicacy. The food was closer to a riders rations than something elegant.

It rather put the man off. He was thus annoyed when it turned out that Lord Tyrion, after a two hour morning ride, returned to his study but did not immediately see the [Messenger]. He took his sweet time about it and the old [Majordomo] would not be convinced to persuade his master. The [Messenger] was really annoyedespecially because he had a time limit to deliver his missive. It was all about timing.

And style.


Lord Tyrion Veltras was not in a good mood, either. True, that was not a rare occurrence, but today he was genuinely irked.

Over Terandria. Anyone with an eye towards continental politics was aware of the Ailendamus war threatening the Dawn Concordat of three kingdoms. Like many Terandrian conflicts, this was a war about politics as much as actual conflict, so a lot of maneuvering had been going on.

Ailendamus had been encroaching on Kalivs lands, threatening other kingdoms, building up an excuse, casus belli, for war. Trade blockades, convincing other kingdoms to abandon the three smaller kingdoms so theyd be weakened when war actually began

The larger empire was a giant, having swallowed other nations territory and won several wars in the two decades since King Itorin II had come to power. They were set to roll over the Dawn Concordat if Pheislant, Noelictus, or another nation with an axe to grind didnt decide to help out. Even thenAilendamus just wasnt a fun nation to fight. If it halted wars with the other nations and focused on youwell, then you were in trouble.

Politics. Tyrion understood most of what was going on and he wasnt even directly invested in the war. It was far from Izrils shores. He just liked to keep up on such things, like the King of Destructions conquests and Balerosian battles, as well.

Ailendamus had taken a bloody nose in that incident with the Lord of the Dance. Theyd lost an entire fleet and suffered diplomatically as well, for all they screamed it had been a trick.

Stillif Ailendamus went to war, the Dawn Concordat was in trouble as it was. Lord Tyrion had evaluated their armies and, in his mind, the outcome was a defensive victory with significant casualties and unavoidable losses of territory on the Dawn Concordats side at best. And that relied on the strength of their warriors and expertise of their generalsnever a given thing.

But those nations knew that too. So each one was reaching out for allies. And as it happenedIzril had a history of interfering in Terandrian conflicts and vice versa. Of course, King Itorin knew that the Dawn Concordat knew that sothey had reached out to Tyrion Veltras.

The Lord of House Veltras had received two offers, one from Ailendamus via their [Emissaries], and another from Calanfer, the most political of the three members of the Dawn Concordat. What they wanted was simple: when war began, House Veltras would send aid to their side, in form of troops, resources, and perhaps even Lord Tyrion himself.

It was a smart move. Lord Tyrion had one of the most elite standing armies and his House could threaten either side just by allying. And if he pulled in another of the Five Families? It could swing the entire war.

SoAilendamus was eager to prevent that, or get him on their side. But Calanfer was far more desperate. Both had reached out to Tyrion and offered a traditional method of incentive, which had troubled the Lord Veltras this day and the entire week. It had put him off hunting and his training.

Ailendamus had offered the hand of a [Baroness] to Hethon, Lord Veltras older son, or an arranged marriage with a noble of similar rank for his noninterference.

Lord Tyrion had been insulted at once. A [Baroness], marrying the heir to House Veltras? It spoke to Ailendamus overinflated egos, as well as their disdain for Izrilian nobilities, their uncultured cousins. Tyrion had sent an instant refusal and made a counteroffer.

Princess Ozenas hand would be acceptable.

He had mentioned thatwithout being truly serious; she was a decade older than Hethon. But the response had beeninfuriating. The [Emissary] had politely stated that there was no way King Itorin would ever marry his daughter off to a distant noble house of such standing.

King Itorin II didnt seem to know or care how infuriating that was to Lord Tyrion. The [Lord] remembered such grudges. Nor was he afraid of Ailendamus; the Terandrian nation might be a giant among other nations where it stood, but it did not rule Izril.

By contrast, Calanfer proved its reputation for good politics, even if it wasnt nearly as adept at military matters. They had approached Tyrion after his exchange, possibly having heard of it, with a much more flattering approach. The Lord of House Veltras had ignored that, of course, but their offer had been direct and meant to strike a contrast.

For his aid, they would offer no less than arranged marriage between Hethon or Sammial and a [Princess] of Calanfer. One of the many [Princesses], true, and thus a distant chance that the [Lord] would ever become [King]but the benefits were still enormous.

And troublesome. Tyrion had thought it over for a long while. Either it would be an existing, unmarried [Princess], or, if the royal family had another heir, a [Princess] newly born, a marriage when both were of age.

In either case, there was an age imbalance. And that troubled the [Lord] greatly. He wasnt sure what to do.

His marriage had been arranged when he was a boy. It had turned out for the best, since there had been love there. But Tyrion was aware of arranged marriages that ended poorly; the majority, in fact.

Hewanted the best for Hethon and Sammial. But was that irresponsible young love ormarrying into Terandrian royalty, however distantly?

They should have better lives than mine. Hethon would be a [Prince] by marriage. If he took the househe would be royalty, the firstno, secondIzril had known in ages. Or Sammial could inherit

He had to consider it. But in diplomacy, one could move forwards while still leaving room to back out. Tyrion had considered the options frankly. Of the current [Princesses], there were two of Calanfer who were eligible. The 4th and 6th PrincesseserSeraphel and Lyonette, according to his information.

The 4th Princess was even older than Ozena. And married multiple times, a widow at least once. Tyrion grimaced.

The 4th Princess is not acceptable. I wouldconsider the 6th Princess of Calanfer.

She was about five to six years older than Hethon. That waspossible. And for such negotiations, this was a first step.

Calanfer was far more amenable than Ailendamus. Jericha brought back an immediate reply; their [Diplomats] were always prompt and ready to reply or take a response back from their [King]. That was true soft power. And they also made their statement in a refreshingly straight-forward way, calculated to appeal to House Veltras leader. Tyrion read the offer grimly.

They wanted him to vouch for another of the Five Houses supportor two. That would be significant. The communiques practically stated that if he brought two more Houses against Ailendamus overtlythe marriage was as good as done.

He had to think about this. The war with Ailendamus didnt concern Tyrion; that was almost an upside. Even if House Veltras went to war, they wouldnt overcommit and with the right strategy, they could efficiently level and inflict losses on the enemy. He would relish that.

But marriagethe [Lord] wished his wife were here. Salva would have known what to say. Actuallyshe might have encouraged him to go to war with Ailendamus and damn the marriage. Insults like that were not to be tolerated. But

It was telling that Lord Tyrion didnt discuss the matter with Hethon or Sammial. It would have never occurred to him; he was thinking of consulting others, and he would have gone to Jericha, Ullim, or even another [Lord] like Pellmia, or one of the other Five Familys leaders before his sons.

The [Lord]s musings would have to wait, though. He was aware of the [Messenger] who declined to give his house of origin. So the [Lord] had kept him waitingbut since the puzzle of politics was so aggravating, he finally told Ullim to send the man in.

When the [Messenger] walked into the room, Tyrion was looking at a map of Terandria. But the instant the smartly dressed man entered the room, the [Lord] turned.

Tyrion Veltras was no fan of great diplomacy. He had been described as an honorable manor to his detractors, straightforward as a blade, without bend or give. But for all his faults

He was a seasoned warrior, commander, and leader. When he felt the [Messenger] enter his room, the [Lord] turned and put his hand on his sword.

Who are you?

The [Messenger] was surprised. The [Lord] had seen him through in a moment. Slowly, the man bowed. And he smiled.

Lord Tyrion Veltras. I am a [Messenger] with an offer on behalf of my masters.

You are no [Messenger]. You are an [Assassin].

Tyrion spoke flatly. He saw the mans eyes flicker.

It was a thousand little signs. From the concealed blades, to the sense the [Lord] had of the other mans aura. A killer trained. Couriers could fightthis man killed. Even the way he stood was light, like someone who was ready to spring or move suddenlynot like a [Soldier] at all.

Reach for any of your weapons and I will kill you. Who sent you? This is a poor attempt on my life.

The [Lord] had a hand on his longsword. He was searching his keep, trying to detect a hidden killer. He had a thought.

If they were after Sammial or Hethon

Jericha! Ullim!

He raised his voice. Instantly, his [Mage] and first assistant rushed into the room. She gave the [Messenger] a quick, troubled look.


Find Hethon and Sammial. Now. Place them under an elite guard, and have Ullim do the same.

Lord Veltras, I can assure you I came alone

Jerichas eyes snapped towards the [Assassin], who was smiling. He lookedcharming. Blonde haired, sable-eyed, youthfulnothing like his nature. But a killer had a presence Tyrion had learned to notice. Jericha had a finger to her temples, sending out a [Message].


Go. I will be safe.

Tyrion was armed. He didnt have his armor on, but he could equip it in less than a minute. And he never took off his other artifacts. His sword was an heirloom of House Veltras. He was more dangerous in the saddle, but he could have killed the [Assassin] in a moment.

Stillthe impudent intruder didnt seem afraid. Justannoyed. His eyes flicked to Jericha as she exited the room. And he bowed, slightly, keeping his hands slightly raised and to his sides.

Lord Veltras, my masters did not send me with anything but goodwill in mind. Please hear me out. I am a [Messenger]. Of the Circle of Thorns. They have been watching you. Nowthey would like to make you an invitation.

The Circle of Thorns? Tyrion knew that name. An old group that most nobles knew ofbut he had assumed they were long extinct, if he had ever given them a thought. He didnt remove his hand from his swords hilt. But after a moment, he gestured curtly.

Stand there. My warning applies. Speak your message.

The [Assassin] sighed. He looked at this over-proud [Lord] with all his bravado. But he was a leader of one of the Five Families. He gave Lord Tyrion his most charming smile and bowed; he did have social-Skills to use for his infiltrations.

Very well, Lord Veltras. Let me be clear and frank. The Circle of Thorns is not a rumor. Perhaps you have heard of my masters. Wellthey exist. And they have existed for ages as a body that does what is necessary for Izrils survival.

Plots and schemes.

Lord Veltras was not impressed. The [Assassin]s lips twitched before he could stop them.

More than schemes, Lord Veltras. When you called for aidthe Circle of Thorns backed you. Part of the reason why so many flocked to your banner and not Magnolia Reinhart was that we believed in your cause. Indeedwe have seen many reasons to favor you overothergreat nobles of Izril.

He had switched to we. Tyrion was aware that Magnolia had lost control of the Assassins Guild. He had wondered to whom. Nowpieces were connecting.

And how powerful is your masters organization?

We have many influential nobles and other members. The Assassins Guild belongs to the Circle of Thorns. Lord Veltras, the Circle would like to put their assets behind you.

I do not like [Assassins].

Salva. Lord Veltras stared at the man until he grew nervous. The [Assassin] was used to at least some nerves from people who knew he was a trained killer. Tyrion Veltras looked at the [Assassin] as if calculating exactly how many ways he could kill him. The [Assassin] didnt like the sensation.  He was supposed to do that.

My Guild is only one part of the Circle, Lord Veltras. There are countless assets the Circle can bring to its allies. Ormembers. You have proven your commitment to driving the Drakes back and claiming Izril, as well as your integrity to the true Izril. Compared to traitors to the realm, you are the Circles champion. They would make you that in title and reality.

They wanted him. The [Assassin] spoke slowly as Tyrions eyes flickered.

The Circle of Thorns has many ranks. We would make you the commander of the Circles assets. The First of Thorns. But let me speak more of the Circles ranks. Of how it operates. This is an honor, Lord Veltras.

What if I refuse?

The [Lord] finally took his hand off the hilt of his sword. The [Assassin] relaxed slightly. Lord Veltras strode over to his desk and checked a glowing scroll; his sons were secure, as was Ullim. No other intruders detected, so far. He glanced at the [Assassin].

I do not intend to be coerced into allying with any side. Despite your honor. What if I told your masters no?

The [Assassin] gritted his teeth. He hadnt wanted this assignment. Tyrion Veltras was as stubborn as they said.

Then, they would ask you keep the Circles secrets, Lord Veltras. Nothing more. My masters work for the good of Izril. One can be a silent ally of the other, or at least, tolerate its existence.

And if I do not wish to do that either? Out of curiosity. What would your masters try to do to me?

The [Lord] stood there, eyes never leaving the [Assassin]s face. The man bared his teeth.

Well, Lord Veltras, it is not my intention to make any threat towards you. As I said, the Circle values you. But my masters will not let Izril fall to ruin. Today, in fact, one of Izrils greatest traitors will suffer for her transgressions. Against you as well as others. I believe you know her?

Tyrion looked up. The [Assassin] smiled beatifically. This was the fun part. He watched Tyrions expression as he let him in on the secret.

Today, a scion of the Five Families meets her end. Magnolia Reinhart is about to die. Would you like to watch?



Lady Ieka Imarris. Another priority [Message] for you. No sender.

Ieka looked up. Not from Salamani or Valeterisa? Actuallyshe might forget. She waved a hand.

Well, send it in.

The note was short, and unsigned. But when she saw itIeka froze.

Order a scrying spell at the following coordinates

Slowly she rose.

Get me a scrying orb.

She reached for the artifact her [Maids] hurried to bring her. The [Lady] stared at an open stretch of road somewhere she couldnt place. North of Invrisil a good ways, on the road to First Landing

She waited. Then she saw a pink carriage. And then



Magnolia Reinhart sat in her carriage, reaching for another cube of sugar. Ressa slapped it out of her hand without looking.

Ressa! Please, if I must be cooped up in here, at least give me the dignity of sugar.

Theres nothing dignified about it. We wont be much longer. Read a book or something.

The [Lady] sighed.

Even the fastest coach in Izril is arduous on the posterior, Ressa. How much further to First Landing?

At least three more hours at our speed.

Lady Magnolia pursed her lips. The ability to cross Izril like, well, the fastest thing on land wasnt something she liked to complain about normally. But it took her precious time even with her repaired carriage. Teriarch had reinforced the spells. StillIzril was vast.

The carriage was moving at its classic, faster-than-anything speeds. Reynold was watching birds look at his carriage as he zoomed past them.

They were headed to First Landing. Magnolia sighed as she looked around the carriage, but she didnt try to toss sugar at Ressa or something like that. She was aware of Sacra and the two other [Maids] riding with her.

Lady Aerta had better be serious about this entire affair, or I might strangle her.

Magnolia pursed her lips. She hadnt intended to go to First Landing today. She was preparing, almost prepared to visit Oteslia. It had consumed her, finding gifts, arranging matters, security, dragging the things she wanted out of Regis grasp

But something had come up. Lady Aerta, someone Magnolia was distantly acquainted with, a product of intermarriage with the Wellfar and Terandrian noble houses, had reached out to Magnolia with a very interesting request.

She had somehow gotten word about the meeting in Oteslia. And, surprises abounded, wanted to accompany Magnolia.

Thatwas too much to pass up. Magnolia wanted to know how Aerta knew, and if she was seriousconsider the offer. Pryde, Bethal, Wuvren, ZanthiaMagnolia had considered all of them, but the invitation had been for her alone and she didnt want to alarm the Drakes.

StillMagnolia glanced at Sacra and the two other [Maids]. It could also be a ploy, so Ressa had ordered the other [Maids] to accompany them. Which was silly; if Lady Aerta had some kind of trap, it was going to be of a social design. Attacking a noble member of the Five Families in First Landing was tantamount to suicide.

I believe I shall have a nap. Inform me about thisthis detail about a fire with Archmage Valeterisas isle. If shes gone and blown herself up, well have to deal with that.

Magnolia sat back and closed her eyes. She did do a lot of organization in the carriage, but it was more tedious. Ressa signed and consulted her informants who had told her about the strange events on the isle.

As they rode, the one man in the carriageor rather, driving itwas bored. Reynold Ferusdam had to keep alert, though; even going slightly off the road, a collision at this speed spelled death for whomever he hit.

He noticed that the dirt road they were taking that ran along the city of Celical was rather empty for the last stretch. Perhaps a monster attack? He was reaching for a Scroll of Messages to check; Lady Reinhart liked to be appraised of such things when he saw, fast-approachingtwo wooden posts in the ground.

They werejust wooden posts. Hammered into the ground. But something about them made the former [Cavalry Lieutenant]s instincts shrill.

SomethingReynold was a veteran of wars and numerous battles even before hed come to Magnolias service. He didnt ask for Ressas opinion or hesitate. He instantly turned the reins. The carriage shot left, turning with incredible speed. At the same time, Reynold snapped towards the carriage.

Lady Magnolia, something might be happening. I think

The infamous pink carriage swerved left, still at the insane speeds few things in the world could match. It avoided the two posts with the invisible wires strung between them. Andhit the second layer placed to the left and right at top speed.

The magical carriage struck the wires. And the [Trapmaster Assassin] saw and felt his wires take the incredible force of impact. Andhold.

The pink vehicle flipped. It crashed into the ground as the [Butler] went flying. The carriage hit the ground as the ghostly horses vanished and rolled for nearly a hundred feet. It came to a stop, wheels spinning upside down.

Told you it would work. Lets get to work.

The [Trapmaster Assassin] left the cover. And four more [Assassins] walked with him. They strolled over to the pink carriage.



They were being watched. Lady Ieka Imarris stared at the downed carriage, a wheel still spinning comically as she adjusted the scrying spell shed cast.

Shecouldnt believe it. That was Magnolias carriage. Theyd stopped it. She saw the black-clad figures walking towards it, slowly.

Fourfive? Five? They sent five?

She had seen the Assassins Guild attacking the Couriers. Ieka thought they needed at least a few hundred to make sure they did the job. Thenshe looked at the downed carriage.


They had sent their best. This timethe Assassins Guild had sent their Faces. No Ranks. No expendable [Assassins]. Just five of them. One had taken out the carriage. Now, they spread out. One conjured a [Fireball] and blasted the carriage.

The enchanted wood held. The [Assassins] seemed to conferthen one of them approached, with a long sword.

Lady Ieka watched. And she was not the only one who had been told to observe.

They watched, in silence. Countless nobles, using magic and the coded messages coordinates to observe. Some had been told directly, like Ieka. Others stopped at parties, told by a friend or a friend of a friend. Some had just been told to watch, like Lord Emile, Lord Gralton, or other influential [Lords] and [Ladies].

Lord Tyrion Veltras had been told. The Circle of Thorns had decided to kill Lady Magnolia Reinhart. Unlike the Couriersthey wanted her well and truly dead.

The [Assassin] with the blade never got to the carriage to begin taking it apart. One of the doors blew open. He leapt backwards as the [Assassins] braced. One threw a dart which explodedbut Ressa blocked the projectile. She leapt out, a blur, slashing with the deadly, poisoned dagger, the Vision of Grasses, as the other [Assassins] spread out. Behind her were the two [Maids]Magnolia Reinhart remained, at least for a moment.


Ieka watched the [Maid] slashing at the first [Assassin]. She was flinging objects down. Scrolls, magical artifactsanything and everything she had.


Watch out. She used to be a Face.

There were five of them. The [Trapmaster Assassin], the white-haired man that Ryoka and Fierre had met, was one. He eyed Ressa, then withdrew glittering lines of metal.

Wires. He flung them into the air as the [Assassins] held their ground, appraising Ressas dance with their [Blademaster]. Five of them. They were cautious; mostly of the blade or artifacts. And they were waiting for the [Trapmaster] to give them an advantage.

The wires were mithril. They were long and the oldest of the [Assassins] threw them far, anchoring them to the ground, points in the very air. And then he spoke his great Skill.

[Create Field: The Steelthread Web].

The world changed. If the grass and road was the world they knewthe [Trapmaster] created a world within it. A place guarded by razor-sharp wires, preventing escape. Set too with invisible threads, ready to slice his enemies apart.

Invisible to all but his allies. He stepped back, guarded in his lair, and loaded a crossbow.

Your turn.

Mire had changed. The womanwas still female. But her body had shifted with the draught she had taken. Now, a Minotauress clenched a fist.

I dont like that artifact. Combo Skill?

Wait until she sets up.

Ressa dodged backwards as the [Blademaster Assassin] slashed at her. Shed taken three cuts, but none of them had missed how the enchanted blade failed to leave a mark on her maids uniform.

High-grade artifact. And here come the summons.

They stepped back as Ressa threw summoning talismans from Drath, calling every artifact she had. The other [Maids] were opening scrolls, no doubt calling for help, buffing themselves

Thats a Hydra.

A huge monster roared upwards as multiple heads flashed from the most powerful talisman. The [Trapmaster] saw it rise higherthen crash into the wires hed set up. It was hampered, although the wires couldnt slice it apart.

Looks like a lot of high-grade monster summons.

He calmly shot an emerging monster through the head and the magical summon vanished before it even fully formed.

Five of them. The [Blademaster] was pursuing Ressa as agreed, a single-minded duelist. Another of them moved now.

Ill down that Hydra. One of you kill the [Lady].

Thats Mire. Who wants the maids?


One of them was armed with a huge cloak which shifted as he threw more magical darts. The two [Maids] and Sacra took cover, using wands to attack back as the [Assassin] locked them down. That left just Mire and the [Assassin] who had cast the [Fireball]. She pointed at the Hydra trying to attack the enemies.

[True Lightning].

A bolt of lightning as powerful as the kind that struck from the heavens hit the Hydra. The [Trapmaster] shielded his eyes; when he looked, one of the Hydras heads was a smoldering ruin. The monster reeled as the [Mage Assassin] shook his head.

[Flare Wyvern].

He conjured a fiery form that flew at the Hydra. The [Trapmaster] shot his crossbow again. He was watching Mire.


Ressa was tangled by the wires and the [Blademaster]. The [Maids] locked down. Mire charged the carriage, her Minotaur-form rampaging forwards.


Magnolia Reinhart lay there, on her front, disoriented. She wasnthurt. The powerful protective ring had worked. But she couldnt understand

They were under attack. It was a trap. The [Lady] slowly reached for her earring. She had totoRessa had told her to stay put. Sensible. But she had to

Teriarch? Were under attack

She whispered. And got no response.


The Dragon lay sleeping.



The [Lady] looked up as the Minotauress wrenched open the carriage door. She fumbled for the artifacts she carriedMire dragged her out. The clients wanted this done in the open. Magnolia was reaching for her handsomething

Lady Reinhart.

Mire dragged Magnolia up. The [Lady] foughtbut the [Alchemist]-[Martial Artist] was impossibly strong even without her form. She held Magnolia there, turned her

[Piercing Shot].

The [Trapmaster] fired his crossbow straight into Magnolias chest. He saw the enchanted quarrel strike the [Lady] just above the bosom of her pink dress.

And bounce off. Mire stared at the quarrel, lying on the ground. The [Trapmaster] blinked.

Thats some powerful ring. Mire

Off of me, please. [Deft

Mire went flying. The [Lady] looked around. She twisted a second ring on her finger, looking around. The [Trapmaster] felt his [Dangersense] go insane.

Relic-class artifact! Mire!

Magnolia Reinhart was not unguarded. Teriarch had given her his ring. And she had another artifact.

The glowing, crimson beam of light shot from her ring. The same artifact that had killed the Great Mage Nemor. She lifted her ring, choosing her targetthe [Blademaster] after Ressa. The [Maid] knew to dodge away

The Minotauress grabbed Magnolias hand. The [Lady] jerked; and the Minotauress twisted her arms up effortlessly. The ring glowed. The beam of magic locked into the air as the [Assassins] took cover. The Minotauress leapt away

The air caught fire. The crimson explosion and flash of light shot into the sky like a beacon, visible for miles. And it hitno one. Magnolia blinked in shock. Then she saw the Minotauress running at her. This time, Magnolia was a touch too slow.


[Shockwave Palm]!

Mire hit the [Lady] in the chest with an open palm. The [Trapmaster] saw the [Lady] go flying.

Like a doll. She hit the wires and he winced, waiting to see pieces of her landing. But the [Lady] just bounced off the wires and lay on the ground, stunned.

What caliber of protection ring is that? I want it.

Ill take that attack-ring.

Mire had leapt back as Ressa forced the [Blademaster] back. Like her mistress, her ring had shrugged off every attack and shed used that to score a slash on his arm. The three [Assassins] moved back.

Im poisoned.

The [Blademaster] looked at the venom spreading impossibly fast over his arm. The [Trapmaster] sighed.

Relic blade too. Ill stop the poison. Thesilstop Ressa.

The [Mage Assassin] turned and began throwing spells at the [Head Maid]. Mire grimaced.

That [Lady]

You know what to do. Give me five minutes. Hold still. If the toxin spreads within one minute, cut your arm off.

The [Blademaster] nodded tightly; his arm was already wrapped in mithril wires to stop the blood flow. The [Trapmaster] rapidly took out potions and antidotes.

Magnolia Reinhart lay on the ground. Stunned. She was protectedbut not prepared for combat. She tried to stand, reach for another artifact.

Mire walked over and struck her.

[Tremor Fist]. Down the [Lady] went again. Againunharmed. But Mire dragged her up and threw her into the carriage.

It was easy. The ring had to run out of power sometime. The [Lady] kept trying to use her Skills. But this wasnt a ballroom, or even a battlefield. The [Martial Artist] walked through her attempts to use her aura and struck her again. The rings glow flickered.


Damn you! [Lesser Teleport]!

The [Mage] screamed as Ressa leapt at him. Unlike Magnolia, the [Assassin]-[Maid] knew how to use her ring. She ignored his spells and went for the kill. He vanished and the [Trapmaster] looked up as Ressa advanced on them.


I have her. Thanks.

The [Blademaster]s arm was still green, but the poison had stopped. Now he lifted his enchanted sword.

[Sword Art: Four Singing Stars]!

Ressa took two cuts that sent her stumbling back. Ring or notshe was taking hits. And the artifacts were running out of magic.

But the servants were getting in the way. The two [Maids] had wounded the [Assassin] throwing his arsenal of weapons. Sacra had dealt him a crushing blow to one arm, nearly breaking his damn bones before he fought her back. The [Thrower Assassin] snarled. He drank a potion and was fine

Until the [Butler] leapt on him.

Reynold was wounded. Hed broken something in the fall. But he had artifacts too. Now he leapt with a roar, his sword aimed for the [Assassin]s back.

[Leaping Strike]!


The man screamed as Reynold penetrated his back. But not far enough. The [Assassin] tore away and ran; Reynold hadnt run him through. Both sides had defensive artifacts.

The [Combat Butler] cursed. He saw Lady Magnolia; the Minotauress was grabbing her neck and trying to twist it off, but her ring was still active.

Lady Reinhart!

He charged. Mire leapt away with an oath as Magnolia produced a glittering dagger and Reynold attacked her.

Hey Sithorn, this isnt going well! Those damn rings are bad enough, but the servants

I see them.

The [Trapmaster] watched as Ressa pushed back the [Blademaster] again, and the [Mage] at the same time. He looked at Mire. Their clients werent happy about this, he was sure. Stillthis was the job.

Lets change the battlefield. Sacrifice my field. The carriage is upside down, anyways.

Got it. Back up.

At Mires voice, the other [Assassins]ran. They jumped, teleported, or just ran for the wire walls of the field, ducking through the openings only they could see. Magnolia Reinharts servants regrouped.

Lady Reinhart! Teleport!

Ive been trying! None of the scrolls are working!

Magnolia stared at the [Mage] among the [Assassins]. Ressa whirled.

Reynold, Sacra, get that coach upright. You two, cover me

She saw the other five assassins standing outside the net of wires. And two of themRessa saw old Sithorn, the [Trapmaster] she had known, standing with Mire. Her eyes widened.

No. Get inside the c

They moved too slowly.


[Combination Skill: The Web Closes].

Mire stood next to Sithorn. The [Trapmaster] had given her the wires and a glove. It was a combination Skill. Something that took two experts working together to perform.

It was a simple Skill. The Minotauress grabbed the wires and pulled. They snapped through the air. Closing inwards in a single moment.


The wires snapped together, wrapping around the carriage before falling to the ground. Magnolia was wrapped by them for one momentbut Teriarchs ring saved her. It was fit for an [Empress]; meant to be worn into battle against leveled opponents higher than those known to the world today.

It was still running out of mana. But it saved her again. She fell to the ground as the wires sagged, the field the [Assassin] had set up sacrificed for the Skill.

Thenshe saw the blood.

Her two maids, Imina and Finiwere dead. They had been cut toMagnolias stomach lurched.

Ressa was alive. She staggered upright. Magnolias head moved around, searching.

Sacra? Reynold?

Im here.

Reynold answered her slowly. He was halfway inside the carriage. He had been shoved inside. That had saved him. She had been too slow, though.

Sacra lay halfway across the inside, on his lap. Reynold looked down at her. He looked at her blank eyes. The [Butler] rose, slowly.

Reynold? Reynold, theyre coming. Protect Magnolia.

Ressa spoke to him over the static in his ears. The [Combat Butler] looked up. Ressas face was pale.

Try toprotect her. Help has to be coming. Someone

She whirled. The bolt of lightning illuminated the world. When the blindness and ringing were goneReynold saw Ressa.

The [Mage], the throwing expert, and the [Martial Artist] all surrounded her. They were attacking in tandem, dodging her dagger and wearing her down.

That left the trap expert and blade master. The [Trapmaster] was speaking calmly.

Hold the [Lady] down and stab her to death. Pull her ring off if you have to. Ill stop her from running.

Give me a minute.

The [Blademaster] walked at the Butler. His blade shone, part glass, part metal. Some work of art, with the reach of a greatsword, but only one edge.

[Butler]. Leave. Youre not our target.

The man with the sword addressed Reynold curtly. He pointed with his blade, indicating the open road. Reynold saw Magnolia backing up as the [Trapmaster] ducked out of the way of the wand she held.


Reynold looked at the [Assassin] with the sword. The man nodded.

You dont have to die here. This is your one chance. What will it be?

He waited, a mockery of honor as he held his sword at the ready. Reynold looked down at Sacra. Gently, he lowered her to the ground. The [Butler] drew his sword. He wiped at his eyes so he could see.

Run? Never. To the death, you worthless bastards.

He advanced, his sword held between both hands. The [Blademaster] sighed. Reynold heard Magnolia make a sound of pain. Ressa was faltering as the [Martial Artist] kicked her into another bolt of lightning.

Reynold charged.

[Double Slash]! [Evasive St]

The [Assassin] whirled. His sword lashed out.

Reynold fell down. He tried to get back up. But something was wrong. He looked back and saw the problem.

His legs were gone. Severed. The [Butler] stared. Then he tried to crawl forwards. He slashed at the [Assassin]s legs with a wordless cry.

The man walked past him. Magnolia was pinned. The [Trapmaster], exasperated, fired a crossbow point-blank into her neck.

Who gave you that ring?

She didnt answer him. She looked up. The [Trapmaster] nodded to the [Blademaster].

End this.

The other man lifted his sword overhead. He looked up, for the invisible watchers. His eyes flickered down to Magnolia.

Lord Tyrion Veltras ran him through the stomach. The [Lord] turned; the [Trapmaster]s eyes widened.

To me!

The [Lord] bellowed. The watchers stared.




Lady Magnolia Reinhart?

Tyrion Veltras stared at the place the [Assassin] had indicated. His hand drummed on the table. He looked at the [Assassin]. At the spot.


By midday, perhaps a bit later. Then

Tyrion Veltras drew his sword. He strode past the [Assassin] and roared one word.


She came running. But she was too slow; the [Lord] was racing out of the stables before the [Assassin]s body collapsed. His head lay on the floor. Tyrion Veltras left Jericha and the frantic soldiers behind. He rode fasterfaster



What is he doing? Thatthat fool! That idiot!

Ieka screamed at the scrying orb. She wasnt the only one. The watchers of the noble houses saw the [Lord] of House Veltras strike at the [Trapmaster], scoring a deep slash before whirling. He rode down on the other three surprised [Assassins].

The [Blademaster] was alivebut hed been gored through the stomach and thanks to the poison, the healing potion wasnt working properly. He was screaming as Tyrion struck with his lance, breaking up the three around Ressa.

But what was he doing? She heard an [Assassin] speaking.


Leave. Or we will kill you.

There were five. The [Lord] of Veltras stared at the wounded [Blademaster]; but the [Assassin] had stopped the bleeding with a Skill. He was crouching behind the others.

But all five were standing there. They hadnt fled. They had not been prepared for him.

[Messages] were screaming towards the [Lord], but he could not hear them. Nor did he respond to the [Trapmaster].

Keep them off me.

He looked at Ressa. She blinked up at him, and then bared her teeth.

[Pure Acceleration]. [Shadow Doppelganger]. [Whirlwind of Blades]!

She leapt at them and the [Assassins] dove away with a cry as a second, shadow-Ressa appeared and was skewered on the [Blademaster]s sword. Tyrion Veltras accelerated.

He had taught Hethon how to strike with a lance. The world became a single charge. And at the end of his lance tiptrying to evade


Mire had consumed dozens of potions. The [Trapmaster], Sithorn, threw a desperate loop of wire. Tyrion knocked it away with his shield.

[Lancing Hydrastrike].

He stabbed Mire with his lance at the same time as his first strike hit her in the shoulder. Off-target.

She lost her arm and shoulder. The [Lord] saw her fall, grabbing at a healing potion. She healed herself; he frowned. But her arm was gone.

Call him off or give us a second target.

Sithorn hissed into a speaking stone. He listened, then bellowed at Tyrion as Mire backed up, muffling her howl of pain.

Lord of House Veltras. Why are you helping a traitor to Izril?

Not his words. But if they workedLord Tyrion lifted his lance. He charged again, wordlessly.

This time he was foiledthe [Thrower] snarled.

[Full Power Throw]! [Hail of Projectiles]!

She threw nearly thirty enchanted darts which exploded and forced the [Lord] to evade and block. He rode out of the cloud of dust, unharmed. He slapped a vial of healing potion onto his wounded mount as he rode, lance raised.

As if he was on the tilting grounds. The [Lord] calmly spoke as the [Assassins] pivoted towards him. Magnolia was kneeling besides Reynold, empty bottles in her hands. The [Lord] looked up and addressed the invisible watchers.

I am not Magnolia Reinharts ally. I do not agree with her. I detest how she rules her lands and her philosophy is antithetical to mine. If she comes against me, I will oppose her, even if it should mean one of our deaths. However.

He lowered the lance. Magnolia looked up at him and Tyrion gave her a cold look. Then he nodded.

However. If I let her die to treachery, to the true traitors of Izril, slain by cowardice, by [Assassins]? The day I allowed such a thing, that day, the House of Veltras is no more. We are the Five Families of Izril. Silent cowards have no right to slay us.

His army was coming. Slower, far slower than the [Lord]. But they were coming. Andas the [Assassins] waited for orders, Ressa limped backwards towards Magnolia. She was kneeling.

Reynold. Stay with me. Reynold.

He looked up at her.

I believe Ive lost something, Lady Reinhart. Go on without me. I regret that I cannot drive.

Be silent. Ressa

I have to fight with him. Stay in the carriage. Lock yourselves in

The [Maid] was coughing. The north watched. And thenMagnolia Reinharts eyes widened. She raised her head.


She vanished. The [Assassins], Ressaeven Tyrion stared.

But I had the teleportation spells locked! Even [Greater Teleport] should have been slowed by

The [Mage] cried out as the others whirled on her. Suddenlytheir calm professionalism turned to uneasiness. Ressa looked around.

No. Wait, w

She vanished. Reynold was grinning, coughinghe vanished too.


Tyrion Veltras stared at where they had been. He didnt comprehend what spell could have done that. Then he whirled.

[Shockwave Punch]!

The [Martial Artist] slammed into his shield. The [Lord]s shield absorbed the entire blow. Yethis horse grunted at the strain. Thenfrom the side, the [Thrower] screamed.

[Complete Onslaught]!

He unloaded everything. Tyrion whirledtoo slowthe [Mage] fired into the cloud.

[True Lightning]! [Siege Fireball]! Damn you! You

The [Lord] galloped out of the haze. His warhorse stumbled. He saw the wire too latethe invisible edge caught the horse. It didnt go through the enchanted armor, but it blocked his retreat.

The [Blademaster] was standing there, still with a hole in his stomach. The whites of his eyes were showing. But he spoke.

[Walk Forwards Unto Death, Or Victory].

He advanced, his sword swinging and tracing patterns in the air. Tyrion Veltras touched his mount once.

Im sorry.

The warhorse went down. The [Lord] threw himself to safety. He rose, blocking a spell and dart. Suddenlythe [Assassins] had turned their fury and shock on him. He met the Minotauress and blocked her punch.

Do we kill him or not? We can bring the [Lord] down.

Sithorn was speaking into the stone. The [Lord] rammed his shield into Mires chest.

[Retribution of the Shield]. The stored energy sent the Minotauress flying so far she landed in a forest. She might be dead. The [Lord] pivoted.

[Thirty-foot Slash].

The [Trapmaster] ducked with an oath. The [Blademaster] parried the incredibly long and wide strike. Tyrion raised his blade.

[Might of Four].

He brought his sword down as the throwing expert lunged at him and drove the other man into the ground.

But he was a [Lord]. And a [Lord] alone was weaker. The [Assassins] got back up. Mire howled. She had transformed into a larger, hulking figure. Her arm was still gone, but the rest of her injuries

They were Faces. The [Lord]s eyes widened fractionally. He was used to battlefields. He had never conceived of five opponents like this. The [Assassins] advanced.

Bring him down. [Wire Noose].

The [Trapmaster] snagged an arm. He tossed the wire to Mire and she grabbed it with her left arm and screamed in fury. Tyrion tried to plant himself; with her enhanced strength she threw him into the air. And a spell.

[Siege Fireball]!

The [Lord] blocked the spell mid-flight. Barely. He landed, shaking his head, ears ringing, and then the [Blademaster] was on top of him as the throwing-expert tossed a bolas.

Well? Does he die or not?

Sithorn aimed his crossbow at the [Lord]s head. He could practically sense the elites of House Veltras bearing down on them.  He waitedand at last, the babble of voices resolved itself.

No. Izril cannot lose its most powerful [Lord]. Leave. Now.

The [Assassin] threw the stone down and cursed.


The Faces looked at him in disgust. Tyrion Veltras, shield raised, saw them leap away. He looked around.

The dead [Maids]. The broken carriage. His mount.


When Tyrion Veltras bodyguard finally caught up, he stood alone. Alonehis deed of saving Magnolia Reinhart seen by his peers. And Magnolia Reinhart?

She was nowhere to be found.


Why did he do it? He hates her.

She even left him during the battle. Hes a fool. An idiot. Veltras honor.

The Faces are outraged

Let them. This was not acceptable. You. You decided to approach Tyrion.

I th

The sound cut off. The Circle of Thorns went silent. After a long, long pause, someone spoke.

What do we do now?

One voice spoke. Calmly. Suppressing the fury of it all.

He will suffer for this. Tyrion Veltras has proven himself to be a feral hound, not an allyhe will be brought to heel. He is a fool. And he will see just how far our reach extends. When he swears himself to the Circlehe will do so as servant to the cause, not ally. Now, begone.

The meeting ended. The Circle of Thorns broke up.

They had failed to kill Lady Magnolia Reinhart. Lord Tyrion, at no benefit to himself, had done the unthinkable. The Circle had made its one mistake in him.

What a fool. The Lord of House Veltras slowly rode back to his lands. He had no reward. He was injured. Hed lost his horse, and Magnolia Reinhart was gone; if she had thanks for him, well.

He hadnt done it for her.

Milord? Why did you ride to her defense? You could havedied?

Tyrion did not like to admit that himself. But he had notknownhow strong the [Assassins] were. They had nearly brought him down, armed with his best artifacts, on the charge. He looked at Jericha.

Why, Jericha? Was it not clear?

His tone was surprised, as if it was written clear as day on his face. Jericha hesitated.

I know the honor of the situation demanded it, but even so, the risk to yourself

Not just that.

The [Lord] slashed with his lance. He was riding a spare mount. He looked ahead, tiredly. Back towards home, far away. He rode ahead of Jericha.

It was justHethon and Sammial. If I let her die, how could I raise them with anything like integrity? Assassins? We are better than that, Jericha. We must be.

She looked at his back. The [Lord] rode home. And Izril changed for that moment.

Magnolia Reinhart left the north three days later.

Authors Note: Thus ends seven days of writing. I had planned the ending with the beginning. I dont know if I did it proper justice; I wish I was certain.

Its been tiring. In seven days, The Last Tide came out. I lived without air conditioning in the summers heat. I killed three spiders and a lotta moths.

Oh, and I wrote a lot of words. I hope you enjoyed this, whenever you read this. I will now take off the rest of the month to rest and work on other TWI-related projects. Thank you for reading and understanding.

Thats all from me. See you in a bit.


Headscratchers Death, by Lire

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