The Weakest Tamer Trash Picking Journey Begins

Chapter 371 Outside Mr. Druid's decision 2

"Good. Looks like this didn't have to go to waste."

They took the paperwork out of the bag Lord Foronda had.

Upon confirmation, the documents for becoming a parent and child were in place.

You were prepared, and...

"Um, it's the name in the witness section, isn't it too much?

There's supposed to be two witnesses, but why does it say eight?

Besides, he's a Foronda lord at first.

"We've only narrowed it down to those who won the bet."

Then you could squeeze it a little bit more.

No, you're all those people who aren't going to give up as far as names go.

Besides, this is awesome that they're all heroes.

"It's an amazing crowd of people around Ivy."

"Right. Don't realise you're looking at that witness section."

"Including Lord Foronda."

Lord Foronda, who laughs and drinks at my words.

"That's right. How about my son for the future Ivy father, your daughter's son-in-law candidate?

"I refuse! It's still early for Ivy."

"Eh. No way."

"Tongue punching..."

So, I haven't decided yet that I can be a father.

... you haven't decided yet.

Tomorrow, if we talk to Ivy and we feel the same way about each other, tell our parents and kids... Shit, I'm getting nervous.

"Haha, what are you going to do nervously now?

"I know, but I think we're gonna talk... oh no"

Ah, I'm getting really nervous.

If they say no, it'll definitely be subtle air.

So you can keep traveling?

No, I didn't decide to say no.

I have a good relationship with Ivy, and yes.

It should be okay because it's built, I guess.

I'm sure.

"Pup, it's okay. Don't... huff, don't look so worried. Kuku."

Lord Foronda drinks with a laugh.

He also pours liquor into my glass, which was finally empty.

Gently bow your head and stir the liquor.

"Now it's time to open up. Ivy cautioned me not to drink too much."

"I think I've had enough."

There are 4 empty liquor bottles on the desk.

One more bottle.

"Really? We can still drink."

"You're strong."

"Right. Ah, it's time to go back... you're a pain in the ass"

What the fuck?

What's the trouble?


"Excuse me. Lord Foronda is picking me up."

"Yes, excuse me. Tell him I'll be right there."

Wow, the way you talk is back.


Lord Foronda looks at me and flaunts my shoulders.

"Because the aristocratic world is a troublesome world. With Gucci Gucci in one way of speaking."

"It's a world you don't want to be involved in. Thank you for today."

bow your head to Lord Foronda.

Thanks to him, I was ready.

"Waiting for a good report"

"I hope so"

This is all because Ivy has feelings issues.

"I'm sure you'll be fine."

Drop him off to the inn entrance and exit, and clean up the room he was renting with Mr. Chickal.

"Thank you for providing the location"

"No, no, Lord Foronda can always do it again and again."

You really respect him.

Well, most nobles have a bad attitude towards villagers and townspeople like us.

It seems that it has become much more than it used to be.

When we're done cleaning up, Ivy goes back to the room where she sleeps.

When I opened it gently, Ciel and Sola woke up and looked at this one.

"I'm sorry to wake you up right now. You can stay asleep."

Two that shudder in my words and go to sleep right away.

Sit in a chair and see the paperwork Lord Foronda gave you.

Parent-child application documents written on a piece of paper on a magic item.

The only blank space is where me and Ivy write their names.

All the other columns are filled.

If we write our names on this and submit it to the vigilante's national registry to be certified, we can become a recognized parent and child of the state.

I have a noble name in the witness section, so it will be authenticated soon.

"Huh, I can't sleep nervously..."


"Hmm? That? Were you asleep?

I couldn't sleep till morning, but I think I slept a little.

Ugh, I fell asleep sitting in a chair, so my body is giddy.


"Mr. Druid? What! Were you drinking till morning?

Ivy sitting in bed with an extension.

They thought I'd been drinking till morning because I was already awake.

That did happen once before.

"No, we broke up yesterday at midnight."

"Really? Then... are you okay? You look tired."

You have such a terrible look on your face?

"It's okay."


"I need to talk to you for a second, okay?

Oh, was it better after breakfast?

"What's going on?

Look at Ivy's face in the chair in front of him.

"I asked Lord Foronda yesterday. About Ivy's parents."


He said he was admitted to killing villagers, and he wouldn't be released until he died.

"Oh well."

Ivy nodded once and got annoyed.

I guess it's a shock that my parents killed people.

Should we stop talking about wanting to be parents and kids today?

No, but this is gonna be a good cut...

Whoa, calm down.

"So, this is a suggestion from me."

Is that it?

Ivy's body rocked now?

Are you scared?

No, there's nothing frightening about that, is there?

"Uh, wouldn't it be me and my real family? I want the country to recognize me."

It won't be.

I wanted the state to recognize me and say I'm a real parent and child......

Nervous and impotent.

When I looked at Ivy in a depressed mood, she looked at me with a flashing look for tears.

Are you crying?

When I see that look, my head turns white.

Maybe you didn't like it?

"Of course I wish I didn't want to."

What should I do?

I'm gonna cry, too.

"No, I can't believe I don't like it. Really?"

"Of course."


It's kind of different from the usual Ivy.


Why do you seem so anxious?

It doesn't look like he hates being a parent or a child.

"I... am a criminal, a murderer's daughter, right? So it could be annoying."


So, what are you saying?

"Ivy, that's different. Indeed Ivy's parents committed a crime. But that has nothing to do with Ivy. And to them Ivy's supposed to be dead."

Just because a parent is a criminal in the first place does not mean that the child bears the sin.

Even Ivy is the victim because they targeted her for her life.

Sure, some people would say something, but you can ignore that kind of crumb and if you're going to do something, I'll protect you.

"What? That he's dead?

"That's what Captain Ogt did."

"... it is. I didn't know."

I approach the sitting Ivy and stroke her head.

Could you have suffered from being a criminal's daughter the whole time?

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize you"

Ivy, who shook her head to the side, looks at me softly.

And open your mouth several times.

"What's up?

"Are you serious about what you just said?

"Absolutely. Let's be real parents and kids, huh?

Ivy smiles fluently at my words.

I've never seen that face before, it's a really pretty smile

"hehe, glad"

"Good ~"

"What! Mr. Druid?

Sit on the floor with no force beside Ivy, like you lost your strength.

I'm surprised at that. Ivy comes out of the chair and peeks into my face.

"I've been nervous about what to do if they say no. Ha, good.

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