The Weakest Tamer Trash Picking Journey Begins

Chapter 372 One step for Mr. Outside Druid and Ivy

Show Ivy the paperwork.

"Lord Foronda was prepared for me. That guy's amazing."

"Yeah. Huh? You need so many witnesses?

Ivy looks surprised when she sees the witness section.

I smile bitterly when I see it.

8 names packed in small letters in small blanks.

"No, two is enough"

"There's eight of us."

"Still, they narrowed it down to that number. They all thought we should be parents and kids."


"Looks like he was making me worry. Those are sweet people."

Nodding as Ivy's fingers gently stroke the witness field


"Ivy went round to the good guys."

"Yeah. Well... I can have a family. Guru, ugh."

Seeing Ivy crying a pompous tear, her hands wander through the universe.

I don't know what to do, Ivy. I've never cried this far.

How am I supposed to comfort you?

I'll gently stroke your head.

No, the way I cried got worse.

My brothers didn't have kids, so you don't get it!

"Uh, you okay?

You admitted it as a father, but you're a little pitiful about this.

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"Puffy ~"

"Teriyu ~"

Until then, it was quiet, Sola and Flem peek in from the bottom worried as they rode on Piong and Ivy's lap.

"Pfft. Thank you, Sora, Flem. I'll be fine."

Ivy's eyes got a little swollen, but she looks fine.


Two of them helped me.

"Will you write me a name?

"Yeah. Where do I write it?

Ivy fills in her name where she puts her finger.

I don't know, that's a strange feeling.

My name's already filled in when I couldn't sleep because of nervousness, so I'm just gonna give it out later.

"I don't know, strange feeling. I'm happy and sometimes, and I feel kind of fluffy."

When I look at Ivy, I hold my mouth with both hands and look at the paperwork and laugh.

Watching that look conveys Ivy's joy.

Besides, I found myself happy and smiling.

"As a parent and child, it's my pleasure to meet you."

"Nice to meet you. That's right! I've never known Mr. Druid to be a Druid Fanmalaria."

Speaking of which, didn't I tell you?

Well, it's not that important in life.

"Only nobles usually call themselves names. When you need to, marry a baby, and when you die or something like this."

Did you ever need another family name?

Sometimes it's necessary when moving and when adventurers move their strongholds.

"What does fanmalaria mean?

"It's the name of the man who built the town."

"What? Really?

Is that it?

Don't you know?

Right, Ivy has been alone in the woods since she was 5?

"Everyone born in All Towns is a fan malaria."

"So everyone in town has the same family name?

"Yes, if you migrate from another village or town, or if you change your hub, only the adventurer will have a different family name."

It's a name to find out which village or town you were born in.

"I didn't know. You have a fan malaria."

"Well, yeah"

Put the paperwork in the bag.

I guess I should go submit it from lunch.

Yes, I have to report to Lord Foronda.

After... that?

I think I forgot to say something.

What was that?

I told her about Ivy's family, and I wrote her name on the paperwork that would make her family.

"Time to go for breakfast"

As Ivy gets up from the chair, so do I.


I feel like I'm forgetting something important.

"Ah! Wait"

I'm so glad I could be Ivy's family.

I forgot something important.

"I'm sorry. You're still okay with the time, right?

If you look at the clock, you still have about an hour before breakfast is over.

Ask Ivy to sit in the chair again.

"Sorry, I forgot to tell you something important."


"Stop me if you don't want to hear it"

You felt something in my words, Ivy, and I'm going to stare at you right in the attitude.

"I want to tell you how the village chiefs of Latomi Village were captured. Someone gave evidence of their crimes to Captain Ogt in the village of Latme.... it's Ivy's sister Fesheila."


See how Ivy is doing.

I don't see any particular disgust or other emotions.

It's just a flashy look.

Keep talking like this. You okay?

"Fesheila is given a lighter sentence than any other villager for revealing her sins. Eight years of slavery with a commutation."

Ivy sits still with her gaze toward her hands on her desk.

You all right, buddy?

"... ok. Where is my sister now? How are you?

Ivy's gaze at me.

I can ask how you're really worried.

"Now they're working in the custody of a vigilante with Captain Ogt. I heard you work fine every day."

Captain Ogt's place. Oh, my God.

A relief comes to Ivy's expression.

Relieve me of the nervousness on that look.

If I showed any disgust, I wasn't going to tell you any more.

But if it looks like this, it'll be fine.

"Captain Ogt hasn't told us Ivy's alive."

"What? Oh well. I was supposed to be dead."

"Ah. He says he won't talk about what's alive or where he is unless Ivy says so."

"Yeah.... should I see him?

Hmm? For a moment, but there was fear in Ivy's expression.

Are you scared of something?

Maybe you're afraid of my sister?

"You won't need to see me right now. You can see me when you want to see me."

To my words, a surprised look Ivy.

Did you think maybe I'd encourage you to meet him?

Sure, if you're not scared, I might have recommended you, but if you're scared, you don't have to see me.

What matters to me is Ivy.

"That's right. It doesn't have to be now"

"Oh, let's go to the King's Capital, which I plan to do now. Why don't you go to Wang Du and think about it?

More than a year's respite would be possible.

In the meantime, you might want to meet wholeheartedly in Ivy.

If you don't think so, you just have to take another minute.

"Yeah. I will. Now it's a little..."

"If that's what you decide, let's have breakfast and go submit your type. Don't report me to Lord Foronda on my way home."


It brightens the look that was a little darker.


"Well, let's go have breakfast"

"I'm hungry... ahhh"


What's the matter with you?

"Let's go, Father"

Wow, I've been called your father sometimes, but I'm glad about this.





- Lord Foronda...

"Good morning, sir. Looks like you're in a good mood today, what's up?

Have a sip of warm tea where the maid Amari was.

It's delicious for a while today.

"Yeah, because I could give you what you wanted. Maybe they'll be here in the afternoon."

Amari tilting her neck at my words.

Makes me laugh after thinking for a while.

"Did you give the paperwork to Master Ivy?

"No, I gave it to the Druid"

"What? But that paperwork was definitely available after reading Master Ivy's" Fluffy, "right?

Yes, that paperwork was brought to Ivy.

When I read Ivy's "Fluffy," I could see that I admired the Dolphins like my father and cared for their health.

And from Druid's "Fluffy" is the figure of a father who cares about his daughter.

Those who knew the two hoped that they would become true parents and children.

But something was getting in the way of Ivy's feelings.

I thought maybe it was about my ex-family, but that's what the Druids fix.

All I could do was push Ivy's back, and I put my name in the witness section with all the paperwork.

"Still, those scraps are a little helpful too"

You pushed the back of the Druid.

All those two needed was a little hang-up.

I stuck it out and made it the worst place for the scraps to go... well, I deserve that.

"Because you're trying to kill such a pretty Ivy."

I'm just glad I checked out those scum stories.

I was able to apply my hand to Ivy's skills.

A little threatening...... took a while to persuade, but nothing wrong with it.

Besides, I had a good relationship with Cifal and Ratlua about this.

"Later, it would be perfect if you introduced Ivy to your sons"

"Please don't. Master Ivy looks pathetic."

"My boys are well made kids, aren't they? What's the problem?

What I say, but they're really good sons.

"The problem is, other than the one I put in my nostalgia, I'm a husband who can be extremely evil and outrageous. It's tough when your belly blackness shifts to Master Ivy."

"Oh, it's me... Amari, you're terrible sometimes"

Is it because we've been together since we were born, it's really bad.

Even if you hide it from me, it's all sorts of things, isn't it?


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