Thunder God's Reincarnation

Chapter 139

Chapter 139

After discussing the distribution of the spiritual pills with Baek Cheon-Sang, Baek Mu-Gun headed to the training hall and called for Baek Yong-Hwan, who ran to the training hall as soon as he heard about the summon.

You called for me? Yong-Hwan asked when he arrived.

Have you been training a lot while I was gone?

I did my best, but I dont know if itll be up to your standards, Young Patriarch.

How about you show me your progress for now?


With a sword in hand, Yong-Hwan went straight to the center of the training hall and began to execute the Demon-Purging Black Wind Sword Art, which he had learned from Mu-Gun. At the same time, Mu-Gun activated the Thunder God's Heavenly Eyes to observe Yong-Hwans flow of energy as well, which was not visible to the naked eye. In doing so, he got to examine Yong-Hwans swordsmanship better.

Yong-Hwan performed the techniques of the Demon-Purging Black Wind Sword Art flawlessly. However, the flow of energy around the techniques was inconsistent and unstable because Yong-Hwan had only started learning the Demon-Purging Black Wind Sword Art recently and because he lacked internal energy.

The Demon-Purging Black Wind Sword Art maximized its power through the explosiveness of its users internal energy rather than through sophisticated techniques, which meant performing its techniques required large amounts of internal energy. If the user lacked the internal energy to support the martial art, an imbalance between the martial arts techniques and the users flow of energy would inevitably occur. That was the case with Yong-Hwan.

Thats enough.

Mu-Gun stopped Yong-Hwans display of swordsmanship. He had seen everything he needed to see.

What do you think? Yong-Hwan asked.

You have shown me that you have been training hard since the last time we met. However, it is also true that there is still a lot to be desired.

As expected.

What do you think you lack the most right now? Mu-Gun asked.

I would have to say internal energy. Whenever I unleash the Demon-Purging Black Wind Sword Art, the flow of my internal energy keeps cutting off, and I think thats because of my lack of internal energy, Yong-Hwan said. The fact that he managed to accurately identify the problem proved that he had put a lot of thought into the Demon-Purging Black Wind Sword Art.

Is it also possible that you simply failed to properly circulate your internal energy? Mu-Gun deliberately asked, pretending not to know.

Thats also one of the reasons, but as I unfolded the sword art, my lack of internal energy proved far more evident, Yong-Hwan confidently countered.

I see. I will give you a spiritual pill to increase your internal energy, then.

By spiritual pill, you mean?

a Heavenly Medicine Pill.

Are those only for the squad leaders? Yong-Hwan asked with a surprised expression.

We have decided to give you and Jin-Ryong a Heavenly Medicine Pill each because you are the most promising talents among the Baek Familys direct descendants.

Are you serious? Yong-Hwan asked in disbelief.

I believe the two of you are the future of the Baek Sword Sect. I hope you do not disappoint the Patriarchs expectations.

Understood. I will do my best not to let the Patriarch down.

Here. Mu-Gun handed the Heavenly Medicine Pill to Yong-Hwan.

Thank you. Yong-Hwan accepted the Heavenly Medicine Pill with trembling hands. He had consumed a Hundred Herb Pill before, but that proved insufficient. He required the Heavenly Medicine Pill to advance to a higher level, but he did not dare wish for one since he was well aware of his position. Much to his surprise, however, he still managed to get one.

Yong-Hwan was delighted at being given a Heavenly Medicine Pill, but he was far happier to know that Cheon-Sang and Mu-Gun recognized his talent and spared no effort to help him grow. In his mind, he vowed to work even harder to meet their expectations.

Just to be safe, consume the Heavenly Medicine Pill in front of me, Mu-Gun said, wanting to watch over Yong-Hwan and avoid any unexpected situations.

Okay. Yong-Hwan immediately consumed the Heavenly Medicine Pill, which contained about sixty years worth of internal energy, and began circulating his qi.

With his current skills and the effects of the Demon-Purging Black Wind Sword Art, he should be able to absorb all of it without any major problems. Nevertheless, on the off chance that a problem occurred, Mu-Gun did not leave Yong-Hwans side until he had absorbed all the energy, which took six hours.

Good job. However, youre not done yet. To make the Heavenly Medicine Pills energy completely yours, you will have to circulate your qi for several days. You should focus on that for now, Mu-Gun instructed Yong-Hwan.

Noted. Thank you.

Yong-Hwan bid farewell and headed back. He then locked himself in his room for the next three days, immersing himself in qi circulation.

* * *

Sea Palace Sect Patriarch Nam Go-San, Wuyi Sword Sect Young Patriarch Pung Hyeon-Oh, and Jiuhua Sect Patriarch Lee Geom-Hwan gathered at the Evil Blood Gangs manor in Nanping, Fujian Province. Following Mu-Guns advice to join forces and work together in preparing against the Nine Celestial Demons Sects threat, they came as representatives of the Three Great Clans of Fujian to discuss the alliance between them.

If we form an alliance, who will be the alliance leader? Jiuhua Sect Patriarch Lee Geom-Hwan asked.

Shouldnt we decide on that based on mutual agreement?

I heard the Zhejiang Martial Alliance held a martial arts competition to decide on who should be their leader. Wouldnt it be better to do that as well? Hyeon-Oh suggested. He attended the meeting on behalf of his sick father. Rather than being intimidated by the two Patriarchs because they were from the same generation as his father, he confidently expressed his opinion as the representative of the Wuyi Sword Sect. In return, the Sea Palace Sect Patriarch and Jiuhua Sect Patriarch respected Hyeon-Oh as the representative of the Wuyi Sword Sect instead of belittling him simply because he was young.

Its certainly more effective to compete with martial arts. What do you think, Sea Palace Sect Patriarch?

I agree, but would doing that even make sense?

What do you mean by that?

Murim recognized the Zhejiang Martial Alliance because their leader, the Baek Sword Sect Patriarch, is an Absolute-Realm master who commands seven other Absolute-Realm masters. Meanwhile, we only have Upper-Peak-Realm masters at best, which makes it uncertain if murim will even properly recognize us if we join forces. We cant confidently say that we can fight the Nine Celestial Demons Sects threat when they come charging in either.

Why say that after gathering us to suggest an alliance between the Three Great Clans of Fujian? Displeased, Geom-Hwan stared at Go-San.

Dont get me wrong, Im not implying that we should not form an alliance between the Three Great Clans of Fujian, Go-San explained.

This is just my personal opinion, but what do you two think about making the Three Great Clans of Fujians alliance join the Zhejiang Martial Alliance as one of its members? Hyeon-Oh cautiously opened.

What? You want us to work under the Zhejiang Martial Alliance? Geom-Hwan asked in a baffled tone.

As the Sea Palace Sect Patriarch said, we cannot hope to fight against the threat of the Nine Celestial Demons Sect with our combined strength alone. It may be possible if the two of you become Absolute Realm masters, but that feat is not as easy to achieve as it sounds. Joining the Zhejiang Martial Alliance, which is already self-reliant, is a great way to increase our strength.

Meeting Mu-Gun and witnessing his martial prowess personally made Hyeon-Oh realize that the Wuyi Sword Sect and the other Great Clans of Fujian were nothing more than frogs in a well. Moreover, for them to get closer to the center of murim instead of just staying at its frontier, he concluded that the best they could do was become a member of the Zhejiang Martial Alliance.

Even so, the Three Great Clans of Fujian represent the Fujian Province. We cannot go under the Zhejiang Martial Alliance, Geom-Hwan firmly opposed.

Its not about working under the Zhejiang Martial Alliance but joining it as one of its members.

The Zhejiang Martial Alliance is a group of forces created by the Ten Clans of Zhejiang. Even if we join now, they will never see us as their equals. As soon as we join the Zhejiang Martial Alliance, we will have to start heeding their orders.

We can easily resolve that issue by demanding the status of the Three Great Clans of Fujian to be equal to that of the Ten Clans of Zhejiang. They will likely accept our demands. After all, if we join them, the Zhejiang Martial Alliance will grow even stronger.

You have a point, Young Patriarch Pung. Moreover, although this is unconfirmed information, I heard that the Baek Sword Sect has been improving the martial arts of the Ten Clans of Zhejiang to strengthen the Zhejiang Martial Alliances combat forces. In fact, it is rumored that the Patriarchs of the Ten Clans of Zhejiang experienced rapid growth due to that. If we end up joining them, Im sure the Baek Sword Sect will also improve our martial arts just like what they did for the Ten Clans of Zhejiang. That might just be what we need to advance into the Absolute Realm. Siding with Hyeon-Oh, Go-san revealed information that he obtained while investigating the Zhejiang Martial Alliance.

It seems to me that you two are not trying to form an alliance between the Three Great Clans of Fujian. Rather, I think you called for this meeting with the intention of persuading me to go under the helm of the Zhejiang Martial Allianceno, fall under the command of the Baek Sword Sect. Did the Baek Sword Sects Young Patriarch coax you into this during the battle with the Evil Blood Gang? Geom-Hwan asked, suspecting the Sea Palace Sect and Wuyi Sword Sect to be under the Baek Sword Sects influence.

Who said we were coaxed? No such thing happened. Go-San strongly denied the accusation in return.

Thats right. The Baek Sword Sects Young Patriarch did not utter a single word about joining them, Hyeon-Oh added. All he told us was that the Three Great Clans of Fujian should form an alliance. The Sea Palace Sect Patriarch and I are considering joining the Zhejiang Martial Alliance simply because we are looking at the situation from a realistic point of view.

Either way, I refuse to join the Zhejiang Martial Alliance. If you still want to proceed with this, then I wont stop you. However, our sect will remain unaffiliated with them, Geom-Hwan said firmly.

Do you really think speaking out of pride now will change anything? In the eyes of murim, the Three Great Clans of Fujian are just a trivial sect on the frontier. How long do you plan to be treated so insignificantly? Dont we deserve to be at the center of murim as well? Go-San argued.

You think joining the Zhejiang Martial Alliance will help us achieve that? Geom-Hwan snorted.

As I previously said, the Baek Sword Sect helped enhance the martial arts of the Ten Clans of Zhejiang. I heard they spare no effort in supporting the Zhejiang Martial Alliances growth as well. With their support, we can achieve much more growth than before, thereby allowing us to ultimately stand beside the various forces of murim, not behind them.

How naive. There is no such thing as a free lunch in murim. The Baek Sword Sect is only being so generous because they would benefit from it. By expanding the Zhejiang Martial Alliances forces, they can start profiting from it. Ino, the Jiuhua Sect refuse to be their toy, Geom-Hwan said, clearly displeased.

I am certain that the Baek Sword Sect is trying to make the Zhejiang Martial Alliance comparable to the Nine Prominent Sects and the Seven Great Families. Perhaps it is true that most of the riches and honors gained from that endeavor would proceed to the Baek Sword Sect. They are, after all, the Zhejiang Martial Alliance leader. Nevertheless, although Zhejiang Martial Alliances members would not be earning as much, they would still enjoy unprecedented wealth and honor. As you said, the Jiuhua Sect Patriarch and the Baek Sword Sect, could be trying to benefit and increase their influence in murim by using the Zhejiang Martial Alliance. However, if you think about it, the Zhejiang Martial Alliances members would also have a lot to gain with the Baek Sword Sects status and authority on their backs.

That may be true, but that also means the Zhejiang Martial Alliances members would have to take orders from the Baek Sword Sect in return. Once it comes to that, it would only be a matter of time before they become nothing more than the Baek Sword Sects vassal family. I would rather become the head of a dog than the tail of a lion[1].

Despite Hyeon-Ohs persuasion, Geom-Hwan remained firm in his belief.

Hmmm, if thats what you truly feel, then we cant do anything about it anymore, Jiuhua Sect Patriarch. Since we cannot come to an agreement, forming an alliance now will be difficult.

Does that mean you want to break the alliance between the Three Great Clans of Fujian just to join the Zhejiang Martial Alliance? Geom-Hwan asked sharply.

That is for us to decide.

Go-San had no intention of siding with the Jiuhua Sect, which hated the idea of joining the Zhejiang Martial Alliance. In his mind, he thought that it would not matter if only the Sea Palace Sect and the Wuyi Sword Sect joined the Zhejiang Martial Alliance.

So youre implying that this is no longer my business since we have failed to form an alliance, huh? I understand. I think I am no longer welcome here, so I shall be taking my leave.

Finding no reason to stay in the meeting, Jiuhua Sect Patriarch Geom-Hwan stood up and prepared to leave.

Patriarch Lee! Why dont you think about it again? Hyeon-Oh stood up and grabbed Geom-Hwan, who was about to leave. No, why dont you meet the Baek Sword Sects Young Patriarch in person first before you decide?

You want me to meet the Baek Sword Sects Young Patriarch?

He is a chivalrous and righteous person who possesses an array of incomparably strong martial arts. Even so, he remains devoid of arrogance and filled with respect for those who deserve to be respected. I am certain that meeting him will change how you view the Baek Sword Sect and the Zhejiang Martial Alliance.

He must be a great man for you to spare no compliments for him.

If you meet him in person, you will realize that he is even greater than words can describe.

You are basically no different from an avid believer of him. Fine. I will lose nothing from meeting him, so I will give it a chance. I am curious how amazing of a man he truly is anyway.

As Hyeon-Oh said, it would not be too late to decide whether to join the Zhejiang Martial Alliance or not after meeting the Patriarch and the Young Patriarch of the Baek Sword Sect and judging them himself.

Geom-Hwan pretended not to be convinced and accepted Hyeon-Ohs suggestion. However, despite his stubbornness, he was well aware that nothing good would come if only the Jiuhua Sect among the Three Great Clans of Fujian refused.

Why dont we take this opportunity to go to Wenzhou and meet the Baek Sword Sects Young Patriarch? We can make a decision afterward. That way, if we all reach the same conclusion, we will be able to discuss it with the Baek Sword Sect immediately.

I second that, Go-San said.

Fine. Lets go with that, Geom-Hwan reluctantly said.

Once all three had reached an agreement, they picked a few people to go with them and headed to the Baek Sword Sect, which was located in Wenzhou.

1. Better to Be the Head of a Dog Than the Tail of a Lion: It is better to be the leader of a less prestigious organization than a follower of a more prestigious one.

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