Thunder God's Reincarnation

Chapter 140

Chapter 140

Jeong Ho-Gun, Jo Won-Yee, and the Six White Wolves watched Baek Mu-Gun and Cho Woo-Kyungs match at the Baek Sword Sects training hall. Woo-Kyung had successfully established complete control over the internal energy he absorbed while Mu-Gun was away visiting Mount Wuyi.

Manifesting vajra qi, Woo-Kyung imbued his hands with the profound principle of the Yin Yang of Heaven and Earth. He then executed the Qiankun Infinite Hands, Seok Gangs famed Ultimate Skill, in an attempt to burrow into Mu-Guns torso with unpredictable timing. Woo-Kyungs Qiankun Infinite Hands paled in comparison to Seok Gangs, but it still possessed immense power.

Mu-Gun blocked the attack using the Heavenly Descent Thunder Strike, preventing Woo-Kyungs Qiankun Infinite Hands from breaking through despite how strong it was. Woo-Kyung did not give up even though his entire offensive so far had been repeatedly shot down. Rather, he kept trying to somehow break through Mu-Guns defenses by increasing the intensity of his attacks.

However, Mu-Guns defense was too strong, and the occasional counterattack he launched was too fierce. Whenever Woo-Kyung showed a gap, Mu-Gun would delve deep into it and maximize the opportunity. It surprised Woo-Kyung every time that happened, but he at least never failed to defend himself. Eventually, however, he realized that Mu-Gun only counterattacked whenever there was an opening to show him his shortcomings. It would be difficult to make up for them immediately, but Woo-Kyung thought he would be able to ascend to greater heights once he had.

This was not Woo-Kyungs first time training through a sparring session. His two teachers, Seok Gang and Geom Woo-Saeng, had sparred with him countless times already. In every session, they would inform him of his inadequacies as well, but Mu-Gun pinpointed details not even his two masters could find.

Discovering more and more of his flaws firsthand the longer he sparred with Mu-Gun, Woo-Kyung could not help but acknowledge Mu-Gun's martial prowess. Woo-Kyung had always been conceited, thinking of himself as a genius. However, this confidence of his was not baseless. Even before he could reach the Absolute Realm with the Three-Headed Centipedes beast core, few martial artists in his age group managed to surpass him.

In the past, he would have been elated because he reached the Absolute Realm by consuming the Three-Headed Centipedes beast core. However, he could not even dare think about that because of Mu-Gun, who was overwhelmingly stronger. By fighting him, Woo-Kyung realized that he had always been nothing more than a frog in a well. On the other hand, now lacking the conceit he usually harbored, Woo-Kyungs determination to devote himself to martial arts training grew even stronger. Qiankun Hands Seok Gang and Daybreak Swordsmaster Geom Woo-Saeng asked Mu-Gun to teach Woo-Kyung because they hoped it would help him get the most important mindset as a martial artist and further devote himself to training. Right now, their hope was coming true.

After Mu-Gun rendered Woo-Kyungs Qiankun Infinite Hands useless with the Heavenly Descent Thunder Strike, they competed in swordsmanship. Woo-Kyung learned Seok Gangs Qiankun Infinite Hands Art and Woo-Saengs Daybreak Vengeance Sword Art. However, Woo-Kwangs Daybreak Vengeance Sword Art was a little different from Woo-Saengs. While Woo-Saengs Daybreak Vengeance Sword Art was based on the Extreme Light Circulation Method, Woo-Kyungs revolved around the Qiankun Harmony Body Cultivation Technique.

When it comes to speed, Woo-Kyungs Daybreak Vengeance Sword Art paled in comparison to Woo-Saengs. However, sword techniques gained more destructive power as their speed decreased at a ratio that favored the former, thereby offsetting the flaws they would have had. Hence, instead of turning into half-baked sword techniques, Woo-Kyungs Daybreak Vengeance Swort Art became even more powerful instead.

That same principle was what Baek Cheon-Sang used when executing the Celestial Moonlight Sword Art by using the Heavenly Sea Goliath Cultivation Method. Although it was not the inherent internal energy cultivation method that was suitable for the sword art, the Heavenly Sea Goliath Cultivation Method and the Qiankun Harmony Body Cultivation Technique had such excellent effects that martial arts paired with them became much more powerful.

For that reason, although inferior in speed, Woo-Kyungs Daybreak Vengeance Sword Art was superior to Woo-Saengs when it came to power. Unfortunately, Woo-Kyung could not properly unleash its potential due to his inadequate martial prowess. Upon pinpointing that flaw, Mu-Gun guided the flow of the spar in a way that would allow Woo-Kyung to gain enlightenment about his swordsmanship.

Their spar lasted for about an hour, at which point Woo-Kyung had completely exhausted his internal energy. Once they were done, Mu-Gun reviewed the fight with Woo-Kyung and gave him a lecture on the way he executed and utilized the sword art. Mu-Gun viewed martial arts differently due to his high martial prowess. Hence, he lectured Woo-Kyung and taught him things that Woo-Kyung had never even thought of. He even personally demonstrated his teachings. As a result, he provided great help not only to Woo-Kyung but to the eight people who watched the sparring match as well. Not even huge amounts of money could buy them the opportunity to listen to a lecture on martial arts from a martial arts master like Mu-Gun. After all, it would clearly serve as a foundation for their growth.

After the sparring match and the lecture, Mu-Gun was summoned by Cheon-Sang. Hence, he headed to the White Sword Pavilion instead of taking a break.

Come in.

You were looking for me, Father?

Yes. Representatives of the Three Great Clans of Fujian have sent a formal request to visit the Baek Sword Sect, Cheon-Sang told Mu-Gun.

Why are they visiting?

The letter expressed their desire to meet us, but they did not further elaborate on it. Do you perhaps have any idea about whats on their mind?

Perhaps its the beginning of something good.

Something good?

They likely want to join hands with usthe Zhejiang Martial Alliance, to be exact.

You mean they want to form an alliance?

Perhaps. Or they wish to become a member, Mu-Gun roughly guessed.

Why would they bother to join the Zhejiang Martial Alliance when they are based in Fujian Province?

The incident with the Evil Blood Gang must have made the Three Great Clans of Fujian feel just how dangerous the Nine Celestial Demons Sects threat is, so theyre naturally looking for ways to protect themselves from it now. The best choice they can make is to join hands with forces that can protect them, but they cant expect protection from a simple alliance with the Zhejiang Martial Alliance. Thats why I think they will choose to join us instead.

Isnt the Guangdong Jin Family also a choice? Cheon-Sang wondered.

They would have to become one of the Guangdong Jin Familys vassal families to get their protection. On the other hand, they will be joining the Zhejiang Martial Alliance as a member, albeit only on the surface. It would basically be a horizontal relationship. The Baek Sword Sects right to speak is naturally stronger since were the Zhejiang Martial Alliance leader, but that does not mean they have to unconditionally listen to our orders. Still, even though the Zhejiang Martial Alliance offers more sense of independence, the Zhejiang Martial Alliance is by no means inferior to the Guangdong Jin Family. For those reasons, Im guessing they will likely choose to join us instead.

If your prediction proves true, what do you think we should do? Cheon-Sang asked.

For as long as they do not make any particularly unreasonable demand, it would be beneficial to accept them into our ranks. After all, our forces will grow even larger and stronger if they join.

Will the other Ten Clans of Zhejiang accept them, though?

I highly doubt they will oppose it. After all, developing the Zhejiang Martial Alliances forces wont bring them any harm.

Hmm, lets meet the representatives of the Three Great Clans of Fujian for now. We have to know their exact demands before making a decision.

I agree. When will they arrive? Mu-Gun asked.

In about ten days.

Theres still some time left. I will meet with them at Wenzhou and act as their guide.

Do as you please, Cheon-Sang said.

Ten days later, Mu-Gun headed to Wenzhou with Woo-Kyung and the Six White Wolves upon hearing that the representatives of the Three Great Clans of Fujian had arrived there. Woo-Kyung had been acting like Mu-Guns shadow ever since he received his teachings. Mu-Gun initially found it awkward that Woo-Kyung had become his ardent follower, but at the same time, he was glad that such a martial arts master began to follow him like a devoted retainer.

Welcome, Mu-Gun greeted the representative of the Three Great Clans of Fujian at the entrance of Wenzhou.

We finally meet. I have heard a lot about you from Jo-Yang. Why did you have to go out of your way to meet us here, though? Nam Go-San warmly greeted Mu-Gun.

You are all valuable guests of our sect, so its only natural for me to guide you to our home. Before that, though, please allow me to greet a new face. I, Baek Sword Sect Young Patriarch Baek Mu-Gun, greet the Jiuhua Sect Patriarch. Its an honor to meet you.

Mu-Gun, who was already acquainted with Nam Go-San and Pung Hyeon-Oh, greeted the middle-aged man standing with them upon learning that he was the Jiuhua Sect Patriarch.

Its a pleasure to meet you. I am Lee Geom-Hwan, the Jiuhua Sect Patriarch, Geom-Hwan replied. I have heard a lot about your fame, Young Patriarch Baek. Now that I have met you in person, the rumors do not seem to be exaggerated. Rather, they seem like an understatement now.

I am honored to hear that. Now, shall we be on our way?

After briefly exchanging greetings, Mu-Gun headed to the Baek Sword Sect manor with the representatives of the Three Great Clans of Fujian.

While on the road, Sea Palace Sect Patriarch Nam Go-San walked up to Mu-Gun. You were the reason we managed to defeat the Evil Blood Gang and even claim their territory, Young Patriarch Baek. Although its late, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to you in person.

Dont mention it. Any other martial artist would not have just stood on the sidelines and watched the tyranny of the Evil Blood Gang. As a martial artist of the righteous factions, I only did what I should rightfully do, so please be at ease, Patriarch Nam, Mu-Gun modestly replied.

Not everyone would be willing to do what youve done for us, Hyeon-Oh quickly refuted. Only you would do something like that, Young Patriarch Baek. Thats why we are grateful to you.

Thats right. Nobody else would be willing to offer that much help without asking for compensation. Moreover, even if they did have the heart to do it, only someone as powerful as you could actually act on it.

Isnt there a good reason why the heavens granted me this much power? I am only doing what I can for the sake of the world and for the sake of murim. Mu-Gun smiled awkwardly. Saying that feels a little embarrassing. It sounds as if I am boasting.

No one would have anything to say even if you brag about your strength as much as you can, Yong Patriarch Baek, Hyeon-Oh said, finding Mu-Gun more than qualified to boast about himself.

Im afraid that other people will hear me. Anyway, how is the Wuyi Sword Sect Patriarch doing? Mu-Gun asked.

Phew, we are trying all possible means to treat him, but hes still not getting better, Hyeon-Oh said with a grim expression.

Why dont you try the Shennong Clinic? They just opened up in Wenzhou a while ago. They might just be able to cure the Wuyi Sword Sect Patriarchs sickness, Mu-Gun recommended.

Are you serious?

I guarantee their skills. If you want, I can introduce you to them.

Of course I do. I will leave it in your good hands, Hyeon-Oh said gratefully.

Alright. As soon as we arrive at our sect, I will put in a word for you to the Shennong Clinic.

Thank you.

I think its too early for gratitude. Leave that to when the Wuyi Sword Sect Patriarch completely recovers.

Alright. When my father fully recovers, I will prostrate myself to you, Young Patriarch Baek. Its the least I can do.

Theres no need for that. If the Wuyi Sword Sect Patriarch recovers, then thats enough for me. Mu-Gun smiled. He then turned to Go-San and Geom-Hwan.

You all came a long way. Was the journey rough?

Not at all. We just treated it like a short trip, Go-San replied.

Mu-Gun responded with a smile, then looked at Geom-Hwan.

How was it for you, Patriarch Lee?

If I find mere ten days of travel difficult, then all the martial arts training I have done would have been for naught. You have nothing to worry about, Young Patriarch Baek, Geom-Hwan responded.

Thats a relief. Still, Im sure you are at least a little tired. I hope the saltwater hot spring prepared at our sect helps relieve your fatigue.

Nothing could help with fatigue as much as saltwater hot springs did. After all, its water was extracted straight from the underground bedrock of the sea near Wenzhou.

I heard that the saltwater hot spring in Wenzhou is very famous. It seems I will be in for a treat today.

You even prepared a saltwater hot spring for us? I have no idea who I would repay the Baek Sword Sects hospitality.

Its nothing, really. You are all our precious guests, so its only natural for us to do that much. Mu-Gun waved his hand as if to say it was not a big deal.

Being given VIP treatment instead of being looked down upon, Geom-Hwan felt that the Baek Sword Sect was not as greedy or ambitious as he had thought despite being superior to the Three Great Clans of Fujian. There was naturally a chance that their great hospitality could just be a faade, but he thought that Mu-Gun, at the very least, was not wicked enough to do that. His first impression of the young man was certainly positive.

They arrived at the Baek Sword Sects manor thirty minutes later. Mu-Gun guided the representatives of the Three Great Clans of Fujian to an annex they had prepared in advance. The representatives thought that they should first greet the Baek Sword Sect Patriarch, but they were likely a little exhausted after coming such a long way. Hence, Mu-Gun decided to let them take a soak in the saltwater hot spring in the annex and rest up a little first before bringing them to Cheon-Sang at the formal dinner prepared for them.

The representatives were once again moved by the deep consideration of the Baek Sword Sect. They took a bath in the saltwater hot spring prepared by the Baek Sword Sect and rested while enjoying the refreshments prepared by the servants. Then, in the evening, Mu-Gun visited them.

Are you feeling any better?

The saltwater hot spring was really wonderful. I feel as if it washed away my fatigue, and my skin feels better too. This experience will probably cross my mind every now and then once I return home, Go-San said with a very satisfied expression.

It was certainly really good. I understand now why people praise the saltwater hot springs in Wenzhou. Geom-Hwan looked as satisfied as Go-San.

It felt pretty good for me too. I normally dislike going into hot water, but I enjoyed the saltwater hot spring comfortably because its temperature was just right. I felt as if I was being cleansed, Hyeon-Oh added.

Its a relief to hear that. Well then, should we head to the dining hall now?

Mu-Gun and the Three Great Clans of Fujians representatives headed to the pavilion where the formal dinner would be held.

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