Thunder God's Reincarnation

Chapter 218

Chapter 218

Commencing with Baek Cheon-Ho, Baek Mu-Gun extended his guidance to Baek Cheon-Ung and Baek Soo-Kwang, guiding them to the Absolute Realm. Subsequently, Mu-Gun applied the Thunder God Enlightenment Spell to the patriarchs of the twelve clans within the Loyal Heart Alliance. Similar to his uncles, Mu-Gun secured a pledge from each of the twelve patriarchs.

The patriarchs of the twelve clans readily accepted Mu-Gun's condition. Trusting in their pledge, Mu-Gun elevated their martial realms to the Absolute Realm. Overjoyed, the patriarchs expressed their delight at stepping into the Absolute Realm, a dream they had long cherished. Gratitude poured forth from them as they repeatedly thanked Mu-Gun for guiding them to this elevated state.

Simultaneously, a deep-seated fear of Mu-Gun lingered among them, knowing that he possessed the ability to effortlessly elevate others to the Absolute Realm. The patriarchs were acutely aware that any deviation from their pledged intentions would not go unpunished, and Mu-Gun would not hesitate to hold them accountable.

Despite reaching the Absolute Realm, their newfound status paled in comparison to Mu-Gun's power. Fearful of Mu-Gun's retribution, they dared not entertain any divergent intentions. In this manner, Mu-Gun elevated the patriarchs of the twelve clans to the status of Absolute Realm masters.

Subsequently, he personally visited the Righteous Blood Branch and the Sea Dragon Archipelago, using the Thunder God Enlightenment Spell on Baek Cheon-Gi and Baek Jin-Won.

In this manner, Mu-Gun initially guided seventeen individuals to the Absolute Realm, extending the same opportunity to the Six White Wolves, including Nak Il-Bang. Touched by Mu-Gun's benevolence, the Six Wolves were deeply moved and pledged unwavering allegiance to Mu-Gun until their last breath.

In the blink of an eye, a month elapsed since Mu-Gun elevated the Six Wolves to the status of Absolute Realm masters, following the leaders of the Loyal Heart Alliance. During this time, the martial arts masters of the Loyal Heart Alliance returned from Sichuan Province. Mu-Gun personally went to greet them upon their return.

Subsequently, the Loyal Heart Alliance organized a welcome banquet to express gratitude for their efforts in the battle against the Nine Celestial Demons Sect. Nevertheless, the true highlight of the celebration was Mu-Gun. Initially, the leaders of the Loyal Heart Alliance had intended to host a welcome banquet upon Mu-Gun's return.

However, Mu-Gun declined, insisting on waiting until the martial arts masters who fought alongside him returned as well.

In deference to Mu-Gun's wishes, the Loyal Heart Alliance opted to defer the banquet until the martial arts masters who took part in the conflict against the Nine Celestial Demons Sect returned. Once they were back, the Loyal Heart Alliance promptly organized and hosted the long-awaited welcome banquet.

The welcome banquet unfolded on a grand scale, gathering a thousand martial artists from the Loyal Heart Alliance, including its leaders. The banquet hall was arranged within the expansive training hall at the Loyal Heart Alliance's headquarters.

At the center of the grand training hall, seats of honor were arranged for the executives of the Loyal Heart Alliance's thirteen clans. Just beneath them, a dense arrangement accommodated the one thousand martial artists, filling the rest of the seating in the expansive hall.

With all attendees comfortably seated, Baek Cheon-Sang, the leader of the Loyal Heart Alliance, made his entrance. The leaders and martial artists of the Loyal Heart Alliance erupted in applause and cheers to welcome Cheon-Sang.

Cheon-Sang went up to the podium prepared in front of the seats of honor, waving to the martial artists who welcomed him.

After the warm welcome, Cheon-Sang raised his voice and declared, "The purpose of today's banquet is to honor the heroes of murim who have returned triumphant after defeating the Nine Celestial Demons Sect, a threat to murim. Without further delay, let's applaud and welcome the proud heroes of the Loyal Heart Alliance.

In response to Cheon-Sang's opening speech, the martial artists of the Loyal Heart Alliance erupted in enthusiastic applause and cheers. Following this, Mu-Gun and the Absolute Realm masters made their entrance from behind the podium. Witnessing their arrival, the martial artists of the Loyal Heart Alliance intensified their applause and cheers even further.

Lets have the Baek Sword Sects Young Patriarch, the man who played the biggest role in the war against the Nine Celestial Demons Sect, come up as a representative and say a few words.

Cheon-Sang relinquished his position to Mu-Gun, stepping down from the podium. Mu-Gun, wearing a somewhat bashful expression, took his place at the podium.

Long live the Golden Thunder Emperor God!

Long live the Loyal Heart Alliance!

As Mu-Gun took the podium, the martial artists of the Loyal Heart Alliance cheered for him, addressing him by his title and expressing their enthusiasm for both him and the Loyal Heart Alliance.

Ehem, thank you, everyone.

Mu-Gun, in a gesture of gratitude, bowed to the martial artists of the Loyal Heart Alliance. Patiently, he waited for a moment, allowing their cheers to subside. Only when the hall was hushed did Mu-Gun begin to speak.

"The Loyal Heart Alliance is an organization dedicated to safeguarding murim from the forces of the demonic path, including the Nine Celestial Demons Sect. In our recent endeavor, the martial arts masters of the Loyal Heart Alliance, alongside myself, stood united to confront and halt the Nine Celestial Demons Sect, proudly carrying the banner of our alliance. It's crucial to understand that the threat from the demonic sects won't cease with this one victory. While we've successfully thwarted the Nine Celestial Demons Sect this time, the Central Plains murim remains susceptible to potential future threats. To counteract and protect murim, we, the Loyal Heart Alliance, must bolster our strength. It holds no meaning if only a select few among us grow stronger; every member of the Loyal Heart Alliance must strengthen themselves. I, Baek Mu-Gun, stand before you, pledging my unwavering dedication to assist each of you in your growth, ensuring that the Loyal Heart Alliance becomes the true guardian of the Central Plains murim."


We will place our faith in the Golden Thunder Emperor God and do our best.

We will do our very best-!

Mu-Gun's speech inspired the martial artists of the Loyal Heart Alliance in the general seats, filling them with determination to invest all their efforts.

"Thank you. I realize I may have delved into a rather serious topic on such a joyous occasion. Today's celebration was organized for me and the martial arts masters standing behind me, but it's also a moment to rejoice in the Loyal Heart Alliance's inaugural stride as the guardians of the Central Plains murim. As a fellow member of the Loyal Heart Alliance, I encourage each of you to savor this event to your heart's content."

At Mu-Guns remarks, the Loyal Heart Alliances martial artists cheered once again.

Then, lets all raise our glasses and kick-start the banquet with a toast to the Loyal Heart Alliance.

Following the conclusion of Mu-Gun's speech, Cheon-Sang stepped forward, holding a glass of alcohol. In response to his cue, both the leaders at the seats of honor and the martial artists in the general seats raised their glasses.

To the Loyal Heart Alliance!

To the Loyal Heart Alliance-!

Then, Cheon-Sang started a toast, which was followed by the Loyal Heart Alliances members in unison, and he downed his glass.

Now then! I hope you enjoy the banquet as much as you can from now on!

The banquet commenced in earnest with Cheon-Sang's toast. Mu-Gun and the Absolute Realm masters also took their seats at the designated places of honor, joining in the festivities and enjoying the banquet.

A few days after the banquet concluded, Mu-Gun individually summoned the six venerable elders. Upon obtaining their consent, he employed the Thunder God Awakening Spell on them. Despite being in the same Absolute Realm, the six venerable elders possessed a markedly higher understanding and enlightenment of martial arts compared to Cheon-Sang.

Due to their more robust foundation for advancing to the Supreme Realm compared to Cheon-Sang, the Thunder God Awakening Spell had a more significant impact on the six venerable elders.

Despite the individual differences among the six venerable elders, they all experienced immediate progress through the Thunder God Awakening Spell.

Anticipating their progression, Mu-Gun predicted that within three months, at the latest, the six venerable elders would advance to the Supreme Realm. Naturally, such an achievement would require dedicated effort and hard work on their part.

* * *

After using the Thunder God Awakening Spell on the six venerable elders, Mu-Gun called for Dan Seol-Young and Baek Mu-Ok next.

Why did you call for me along with sister-in-law? Mu-Ok, who came running as soon as Mu-Gun called for him, asked curiously.

I have a favor to ask the both of you, Mu-Gun said.

The both of us? Sister-in-law and I?


What kind of favor is it? Seol-Young asked.

I want you to select those who can be trusted among the Peak Realm masters in the Baek Sword Sect and the Loyal Heart Alliance.

What do you mean by those who can be trusted?

I am referring to those who can take responsibility for their strength without harboring ill intentions if they were to obtain power equivalent to the Absolute Realm.

Are you going to guide them to the Absolute Realm with the Thunder God Enlightenment Spell, just like you did with the Loyal Heart Alliances delegates?

That is correct.

Hmm, do you have to go that far? Didnt you say yourself that the Loyal Heart Alliance will take on the role of defending murim, and not reign over murim? Mu-Ok asked.

That is why it is necessary. I am doing it to protect murim. Mu-Gun responded firmly.

Do we need that much power when the threat of the Nine Celestial Demons Sect is no longer around? Mu-Ok continued asking.

If the Demon Gods incarnation appears, our strength may not be enough.

In other words, you are preparing for the worst-case scenario.


I see. However, it is hard to fathom the real minds and intentions of others. No matter how carefully my brother-in-law and I choose, there will be times when our choices are wrong. Seol-Young said.

Naturally, that is something that I expect. There may also be people who will become intoxicated with their newly gained power and go down the wrong path. If we punish them as a warning to others at that time, the others will not dare to harbor nonsensical thoughts. Mu-Gun explained.

If that is the case, it will be better if something like that doesnt happen, right?

Of course.

Got it. I will do my best and try to look for those people.

I will also look as closely as possible and select people we can trust.

Seol-Young and Mu-Ok answered reliably.

Then, Mu-Ok, you should leave first. Seol-Young, stay behind for a while.

After Mu-Gun was done with business, he sent Mu-Ok on his way first.

Do you have anything else you want to say to me?

Rather than say, there is something we have to do.

What do we have to do?

Im talking about having a child, Mu-Gun said straightforwardly.


Ehem! Do you not know how urgent it is for us to have children?

Seol-Young looked at Mu-Gun with a baffled expression.

It seems to me like you are more interested in the process though.

So, you dont want to? Mu-Gun asked dejectedly.

That is not what I meant.

Then, what is the problem?

Mu-Gun chuckled mischievously, extending his arm toward Seol-Young. Without resistance, Seol-Young succumbed to Mu-Gun's touch, gracefully falling into his arms.

Later, a cascade of pleasure echoed through their room. Following an intimate session, Mu-Gun and Seol-Young lay beside each other, savoring the lingering sensations of their passionate encounter.

Dear husband, when I look at you these days, I feel so anxious. I feel like you might leave somewhere at any moment. Seol-Young said, caressing Mu-Guns firm chest with her fingers.

Mu-Gun disclosed to Seol-Young and Hyun-Ah that he had become the incarnation of the Thunder God, along with the responsibilities he now bore in that divine role.

Anxious, Seol-Young observed Mu-Gun concentrating on bolstering the Loyal Heart Alliance's strength through the Thunder God Awakening Spell and the Thunder God Enlightenment Spell upon his return to Shaoxing. It seemed as if he could embark on a mission at any given moment.

I feel sorry for you, my dear wife. However, I had no choice but to become the Thunder Gods incarnation. Also, if I am given a mission as the Thunder Gods incarnation, I would have no choice but to do my best and perform my duties. Mu-Gun said apologetically.

Still, I hope that you will only have to perform your duties in the future, in the far far future.

Phew, I would also like that, and I keep hoping that that is the case. Be that as it may, it is not something that I can decide on my own, so it is frustrating. Mu-Gun spoke honestly.

I am sorry. You must also be having a hard time, but I must have made you even more stressed for no reason. Seol-Young apologized.

Dont say that. Moreover, it is not like I have to leave for a mission right away, so lets just enjoy the time we have together instead of worrying in advance.


Also, I think I will have to go to Hebei Province and Henan Province for a few days.

What for?

I think I need to withdraw the money deposited at the Myriad Vault and the Yellow River Vault.

When did you leave money there?

It was left behind by the Heavenly Descent Thunder God Sect, Mu-Gun explained.

Ah! Do you plan to use that money to rebuild some of the clans in murim?


How much money was left in the two vaults?

It is about six hundred thousand silver nyangs.

Dont tell me that you intend to use all six hundred thousand silver nyangs as funding for the other clans? Seol-Young asked to confirm her suspicion.

That is what I was planning to do. Why? Do you think it is too excessive?

To be honest, I indeed feel that it will be a shame. However, at the end of the day, that money belongs to the Heavenly Descent Thunder God Sect, and you are the one who should decide how to use it. I dont think anyone should comment on how you use it. Also, since you've chosen generosity, it might be wise to do it thoughtfully. So, dear husband, follow your heart, Seol-Young said in support.

Okay. Ah, could you find out about the clans in murim that suffered damages from the Nine Celestial Demons Sect?

Got it.

One thing led to another and it seems like I am only making you do my work. I am sorry. Mu-Gun apologized.

Dont say that. Rather, I am glad that I could be of help to my husband. So, dont hesitate to ask me for help in the future too.

Thank you, and I love you.

I love you too. Seol-Young smiled and said.

Come here.

Mu-Gun embraced Seol-Young.

You want to go again?

How can I hold myself back when you are smiling so beautifully?

At Mu-Guns crafty words, Seol-Young giggled and snuggled in his embrace.

Then, they made love once again. They truly enjoyed their prime.

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