Thunder God's Reincarnation

Chapter 219

Chapter 219

As previously mentioned to Dan Seol-Young, Baek Mu-Gun embarked on a journey to Hebei Province and Henan Province. There, Mu-Gun sought out the credit note and withdrew the six hundred thousand silver nyangs from the Myriad Vault in Hebei Province and the Yellow River Vault in Henan Province.

In contrast to the previous two vaults, Mu-Gun openly disclosed his identity while withdrawing the money. There was no longer any reason for him to exercise caution. Additionally, using the name of the Heavenly Descent Thunder God Sect as the source of the funds would suffice.

Upon verifying Mu-Gun's identity, both the Myriad Vault and the Yellow River Vault promptly honored the credit note without any objections. They dared not entertain any ulterior motives against Mu-Gun, the most formidable martial artist in murim.

With the smooth withdrawal of funds, Mu-Gun faced no particular challenges and returned to Shaoxing without any trouble.

His journey to Hebei Province and Henan Province concluded in just ten days. The efficiency was attributed to Mu-Gun's ability to activate the Thunder God's Shadow without exhaustion, allowing him to travel without significant stamina consumption.

Nevertheless, Mu-Gun viewed even this efficiency with a tinge of regret. While currently unattainable with his existing martial realm, he envisioned a future where a higher martial realm would grant him the ability to traverse space itself, regardless of the distance.

In the eventuality of such an advancement, Mu-Gun could complete a round trip from Hebei Province to Henan Province in just a single day. However, such a feat remained impossible within his current martial realm. By human standards, Mu-Gun's martial realm had already reached the pinnacle, leaving no further ascent.

Yet, measured against the standards of an incarnation, and even more broadly, against the standards of the Gods, Mu-Gun had only just begun his journey. For someone intending to stay within the bounds of Central Plains murim, his current martial realm sufficed and exceeded expectations.

Nevertheless, as the Thunder God's incarnation, he had the formidable task of contending with the Demon God's incarnation. In light of this, his present martial prowess fell short. He needed to evolve further, to become more potent. Mu-Gun recognized that he still had a long and challenging journey ahead.

Upon returning to Shaoxing, Mu-Gun turned over the six hundred thousand silver nyangs he had withdrawn from the two vaults to Baek Cheon-Sang.

Why are you giving this to me?

I think it would only be right for you to be in charge of the financial support as the Loyal Heart Alliances leader, Mu-Gun said.

That is out of the question. Since these are funds from the Heavenly Descent Thunder God Sect, you should personally decide on the funding. Cheon-Sang declined Mu-Guns suggestion.

By adhering to Mu-Gun's guidance, both the reputation of the Loyal Heart Alliance and Baek Cheon-Sang himself would experience a significant surge.

Aware that Mu-Gun had put forth this suggestion with the Loyal Heart Alliance's and his own reputation in mind, Cheon-Sang hesitated. He didn't wish to claim all the credit for himself, recognizing the pivotal role played by his son, Mu-Gun.

Moreover, the funds weren't even from the Loyal Heart Alliance; they belonged to the Heavenly Descent Thunder God Sect. It seemed only fair for Mu-Gun to directly oversee and manage the funds, thereby rightfully earning credit for the initiative.

"As I've emphasized before, my desire is for the Loyal Heart Alliance to evolve into the true guardians of murim. The reason I'm delegating the decision-making on funds to you is that you hold the position of the Loyal Heart Alliance's leader. Your status and reputation in that role are paramount for our alliance to gain recognition as the defenders of murim by other clans. Additionally, this presents a golden opportunity to elevate both the status of the Loyal Heart Alliance and your own, Father," Mu-Gun said firmly.

"That's not accurate. The Loyal Heart Alliance already holds a position of great prominence, and that is largely owing to your presence as the Golden Thunder Emperor God. Furthermore, as you've pointed out, to enhance the reputation of the Loyal Heart Alliance, it would be far more impactful for you to step forward than for me to do so," Cheon-Sang voiced his perspective.

"I don't want the Loyal Heart Alliance to be synonymous with me. My aspiration is for the alliance to earn recognition across murim, and I hope murim will align with the will of the Loyal Heart Alliance, regardless of my presence. To achieve this, it's far more advantageous for you to take a prominent role as the leader of the Loyal Heart Alliance, Father," Mu-Gun countered.

"Even if I take a prominent position at the forefront, the attention of murim won't be directed solely at me or the Loyal Heart Alliance. Instead, their focus will likely be on you, the force behind us. Many probably believe that the Loyal Heart Alliance owes its existence to you."

"That might be the current perception. However, if you consistently take a leading role and elevate your reputation, murim will eventually realize that the Loyal Heart Alliance is not solely reliant on me," Mu-Gun argued.

At any rate, you just want me to manage the funding, right?

Thats right. With all due respect, there are a lot of tasks that I have to personally attend to. Mu-Gun added an excuse.

Why does it sound like you are saying that I have nothing to do?

Thats not true at all.

Fine, I will do as you say. Cheon-Sang yielded.

Thank you.

I should be the one thanking you instead. You are paying the money, but I will be showing off and reaping the benefits.

Do you want to show it off? Mu-Gun chuckled and asked.

He knew well that by nature, Cheon-Sang was someone incapable of boasting in front of others.

Its not a small amount of money, but a sum no less than six hundred thousand nyangs, so of course I have to boast about it.

Please do that. No one will say anything to you even if you boast about it, Father.

Cheon-Sang grinned at Mu-Guns crafty reply.

But by tasks that you have to personally do, are you referring to fostering Absolute Realm masters? Cheon-Sang asked.

"Yes. I intend to choose individuals from the thirteen clans of the Loyal Heart Alliance who exhibit good character, have clean origins, and carry no suspicion in their track records. I will then use the Thunder God Enlightenment Spell on them."

As they say, blood is thicker than water. Since you have decided to do so, I hope there are many people from the Baek Sword Sect.

I hope so too. However, for the unity of the Loyal Heart Alliance, I will have to select people according to the fairest possible criteria.

I am well aware. Im just saying it for good measure. Ill leave it to you to decide on that matter, so dont worry about what I said, and do as you please. Cheon-Sang said, making sure Mu-Gun did not misunderstand him.

Yes, I understand.

Do you have anything else to say? Cheon-Sang asked.

Not in particular.

Then, go ahead and rest up.

Okay, Ill take my leave then.

Mu-Gun said his goodbyes to Cheon-Sang and departed from the Loyal Heart Alliance's headquarters, making his way toward the Baek Sword Sect's manor. Upon returning to the Baek Sword Sect after a ten-day absence, Mu-Gun's first stop was to visit his two wives.

After announcing his return to his two wives, Mu-Gun turned his attention to a comprehensive report compiled by Dan Seol-Young and Baek Mu-Ok. The report meticulously documented the personal information of martial arts masters from all thirteen clans within the Loyal Heart Alliance, with a particular focus on the Baek Sword Sect.

The report outlined the martial prowess of a little over one hundred and twenty individuals, providing clear evidence of the imbalance within the Loyal Heart Alliance's forces. Before Mu-Gun employed the Thunder God Awakening Spell and the Thunder God Enlightenment Spell, the Loyal Heart Alliance possessed seventeen Absolute Realm masters and twenty Upper Peak Realm masters, excluding Cheon-Sang and Mu-Gun.

In contrast, they had just over one hundred and twenty Peak Realm masters. The number of Peak Realm masters was notably lower when compared to the higher-ranked forces above the Upper Peak Realm. This aspect highlighted that the Loyal Heart Alliance relied on a small number of high-ranked martial arts masters.

While the current powerful masters in the Loyal Heart Alliance were formidable, the organization needed a broader foundation of strength. To grow into a larger and more robust force, it was crucial to enhance the power of the common martial artists, providing a solid support base for the high-ranked martial arts masters.

Mu-Gun carefully selected eighty-two individuals from the Peak Realm masters, with thirty-four from the Baek Sword Sect and forty-eight from the other twelve clans. The selection process involved a thorough examination of their character, ensuring that only those who met Mu-Gun's standards were chosen.

Mu-Gun's selection process was fair, ensuring that approximately four individuals were chosen from each clan. The higher number of selections from the Baek Sword Sect was a reflection of their larger pool of Peak Realm masters compared to the other clans, rather than favoritism. This approach aimed to distribute opportunities evenly among the participating clans.

Mu-Gun informed Seol-Young and Mu-Ok of his selection.

The number of people eliminated from the selection this time is about forty people. Since that is the case, wouldnt it be better to use the Thunder God Enlightenment Spell on them as well? The other Peak Realm masters will become Absolute Realm masters through the Thunder God Enlightenment Spell, so I think they will feel relatively deprived if they are excluded. Mu-Ok expressed his opinion.

I also thought about what you just said. However, it will be a problem if they think I will use the Thunder God Enlightenment Spell on them just because they are Peak Realm masters. By excluding some of them, we are showing that they will need to be qualified to receive the Thunder God Enlightenment Spell. Mu-Gun explained his reasoning.

I understand what you mean.

In any case, well done, both of you. It was easy for me to decide because the two of you wrote up such a detailed report despite the short timeline. Mu-Gun praised the two of them.

I am glad to hear that I was of help to you, Brother, Mu-Ok said proudly.

But Mu-Ok, dont you want to receive the Thunder God Enlightenment Spell?

I am also human, so of course I would desire it. However, I have only reached the First-Rate Realm, so I dare not dream of receiving it. Also, as you said, I also think that working on information systems suits me better than martial arts.

Mu-Ok's adaptation to information-related tasks in the Heavenly Secret Hall, overseeing both the Baek Sword Sect and contributing to the Loyal Heart Alliance, highlighted his satisfaction with his current role. This shift not only aligned better with his aptitude but also demonstrated his versatility beyond martial arts.

"Still, it wouldn't hurt to squeeze in some martial arts training whenever you get the chance. Even if you're more of an information person, having a solid grounding in martial arts can be a real asset in navigating the murim life," Mu-Gun gently advised Mu-Ok.

Understood. I will not neglect my martial arts training.

Good. Also, regardless of the number of people selected this time round, I plan to use the Thunder God Enlightenment Spell on my two wives.

You are going to let me receive it too? Seol-Young asked, surprised by Mu-Guns remarks.

Why? Do you not want to?

Thats not it. However, I am not qualified, so I think that I am just getting preferential treatment just because I am your wife. Seol-Young said worryingly.

I decided to help with my wife's cultivation, so who would dare say anything? Also, if my dear wives become stronger, only then can I carry out my duties as an incarnation with peace of mind.

Okay, fine.

Speaking of which, lets do it right away.


Why? Do you have anything urgent to do?

Thats not what I mean, but it is just too sudden.

"I get that this might come out of the blue for you, but I've actually been mulling it over for a while now. I don't reckon there's much else happening, so let's head to the training hall right away. Mu-Ok, you go ahead and get back to your tasks."

"Got it. Best of luck with receiving the Thunder God Enlightenment Spell, sister-in-law!"

Thanks, brother-in-law. Take good care of yourself.

When Mu-Ok left the residence, Mu-Gun immediately went to the training hall with Seol-Young. Then, he used the Thunder God Enlightenment Spell on her.

After eight hours, Seol-Young, having recently attained the Peak Realm, successfully unlocked her Heaven and Earth Gateway and underwent a profound metamorphosis. Just like that, overnight, Seol-Young ascended to the ranks of an Absolute Realm master.

It was all thanks to the fact that she married the right husband.

The following day, Mu-Gun applied the Thunder God Enlightenment Spell to Namgung Hyun-Ah as well. Hyun-Ah successfully unlocked her Heaven and Earth Gateway and underwent a transformative process. With that, she seamlessly advanced into the Absolute Realm. Confirming her newfound martial realm, Hyun-Ah was moved to tears.[1]

Are you that happy?

Dont even get me started. You may not know because you have always been extraordinary, but most martial artists may never be able to cross the wall known as the Absolute Realm even if they trained with all their might throughout their entire lives. However, I was able to advance into the Absolute Realm overnight thanks to my dear husband, so how could I not be happy? Hyun-Ah said in joy.

As you said, the Absolute Realm is a martial realm that is difficult to reach even if you train with all your might for the rest of your life. You were able to achieve the Absolute Realm without much effort. On the one hand, I cannot hide the fact that I am worried about you. What is easily achieved is also easily lost. I am worried that you will take your current martial realm lightly, and I am also concerned that you will carelessly use your newly gained power.

Mu-Gun hadn't assumed that Hyun-Ah would recklessly wield her powers simply because she reached the Absolute Realm. If that were the case, he wouldn't have used the Thunder God Enlightenment Spell on her in the first place. Mu-Gun desired her to remain vigilant, trusting that she would exercise caution and think twice before unleashing her newfound strength.

Dont worry. The things you are worried about will never happen, dear. Hyun-Ah reassured him.

I trust you, and I hope that you will not be satisfied with your current martial realm. The Absolute Realm is not the end, but rather, it is just the beginning. Dont forget that in places that we are not aware of, countless monstrous beings have surpassed the Supreme Realm and entered the Mythic Realm. Mu-Gun reminded Hyun-Ah.

"To be of assistance to you, or more precisely, to ensure I'm not a burden, I'm fully aware that my current martial realm falls short. I vow to you that I won't settle for where I am now and will persist in reaching for a higher martial realm," Hyun-Ah promised.

If it is you, I am sure youll do well.

"By the way, I feel light, almost like my body is ready to soar away. It's as if I've been reborn,

It is probably the effect of metamorphosis. Anyway, I am worried.

What do you mean by that?

Your skin and body have gotten much better due to metamorphosis, so other men will ogle you even more now, Mu-Gun said teasingly.

Am I the only one? Do you know how many women in murim admire you, the hero who saved the world by defeating the Nine Celestial Demons Sect? Hyun-Ah said, pouting.

Then, I should take this opportunity and take a good look over murim. I would like to see how many women actually adore me. Mu-Gun said cheekily.

What did you say?

Haha, its just a joke, a joke, okay? How could I set my gaze on another woman when I have such beautiful wives? Mu-Gun quickly retracted his words.

You never know. I heard that for men, a woman you see for the first time is the most beautiful.

That only applies to those who dont know of any truly beautiful woman. It doesnt apply to me, who has a wife more beautiful than anyone else next to me.

As usual, you are good with words.

Come over here. Mu-Gun grinned at the sight of Hyun-Ah pouting and pulled her close.

What is it? Hyun-Ah asked as she was gradually pulled closer.

I cant hold myself back any longer because you are so beautiful, Mu-Gun spoke with a mischievous face and kissed her.

Hyun-Ah didn't pull away from his lips; instead, she embraced his neck, engaging in a more intense kiss with him.

Ignited by a passionate kiss, their carnal desires ablaze, the two soon shared a passionate session of lovemaking.

1. Ermm At this point, Mu-Gun is just a God, no?

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