Thunder God's Reincarnation

Chapter 220

Chapter 220

Four months had elapsed since the Nine Celestial Demons Sect threat was averted. Staying true to the initial plan, Baek Mu-Gun led the Peak Realm masters of the Loyal Heart Alliance into the realm of Absolute Masters using the Thunder God Enlightenment Spell.

Meanwhile, the six venerable elders, recipients of the Supreme Realm enlightenment courtesy of the Thunder God Awakening Spell, successfully surpassed the Absolute Realm, ascending to the esteemed Supreme Realm.

Baek Cheon-Sang, the inaugural recipient of the Thunder God Awakening Spell, still lagged behind in reaching the Supreme Realm. His enlightenment, in contrast to the six venerable elders, was evidently at a lower stage, requiring additional time for complete assimilation of the Supreme Realm enlightenment. Nonetheless, Cheon-Sang was poised to ascend to the Supreme Realm in the foreseeable future.

With the six venerable elders achieving the Supreme Realm and a hundred Absolute Realm masters cultivated, the forces of the Loyal Heart Alliance had now surged into formidable strength, surpassing the combined might of the Nine Prominent Sects and the Seven Great Families.

Should the Loyal Heart Alliance set its sights on murim supremacy, the Nine Prominent Sects and the Seven Great Families would find themselves powerless to impede them. However, Mu-Gun harbored dissatisfaction with the Alliance's current might. While the upper echelons of martial arts masters had attained a certain pinnacle, the forces beneath them remained notably lacking.

Mu-Gun was eager to bolster the Loyal Heart Alliance's lower-ranked forces, enhancing both their quantity and quality. The leaders of the Alliance embraced Mu-Gun's perspective, opting to recruit fresh martial artists into the fold. Moreover, they committed to providing unwavering support for the development and strengthening of the lower-ranked forces.

Meanwhile, the six hundred thousand silver nyangs entrusted to Cheon-Sang by Mu-Gun were allocated as financial aid to the clans that had suffered losses from the Nine Celestial Demons Sect, without any charges or obligations.

The Loyal Heart Alliance extended financial assistance to both the Seven Great Families and the subsidiary branches of the Nine Prominent Sects. However, there was a deliberate emphasis on directing more support toward the smaller and medium-sized clans within murim.

The Seven Great Families and the subsidiary branches of the Nine Prominent Sects enjoyed ample support even without the intervention of the Loyal Heart Alliance. However, in stark contrast, the assistance provided to the lesser-known small and medium-sized clans fell significantly short.

The Loyal Heart Alliance placed a priority on supporting the often-neglected small and medium-sized clans, garnering enthusiastic endorsement from numerous factions in murim.

The small and medium-sized clans that benefited from the Loyal Heart Alliance's support were deeply moved by the Alliance's generosity, which came without any expectation of reciprocation. Consequently, a growing number of clans began to see the Loyal Heart Alliance as the true leader of murim.

Positioned at the heart of murim, the Loyal Heart Alliance held a pivotal role, especially since the Golden Thunder Emperor God, the savior of murim from the Nine Celestial Demons Sect, was aligned with them. Gathering support from the grassroots of murim, their influence was burgeoning swiftly.

The rise of the Loyal Heart Alliance as the central force in murim naturally stirred discomfort among the Nine Prominent Sects and the Seven Great Families. Nevertheless, at this juncture, they found themselves powerless to halt the Alliance's ascendancy. Their only recourse was to remain vigilant, bide their time, and focus on bolstering their own strength.

Meanwhile, Mu-Gun made a conscious effort to avoid the spotlight, delegating responsibilities to Cheon-Sang and the executives who took the lead in managing affairs. As he conveyed to Cheon-Sang, he preferred not to be the focal point. His desire was for the Loyal Heart Alliance to take center stage. It wasn't about creating "Mu-Gun's Loyal Heart Alliance"; rather, he aimed for the recognition of the Alliance itself.

To achieve this objective, a system was established within the Loyal Heart Alliance that operated independently of Mu-Gun. Every task adhered to this system, and decisions on all matters were made by the delegates of the Loyal Heart Alliance, with no specific position allocated to Mu-Gun.

Certainly, Mu-Gun did wield some influence through Cheon-Sang, but crucially, the decisions were ultimately in the hands of the delegates. The delegates of the Loyal Heart Alliance endeavored to manage every aspect independently, minimizing reliance on the presence of Baek Mu-Gun.

The Loyal Heart Alliance dedicated efforts to establish a system that could operate efficiently irrespective of Mu-Gun's presence. This was to ensure smooth functionality and prevent any issues in the Alliance's operations even in Mu-Gun's absence.

* * *

Mu-Gun was mentally preparing himself to fulfill the responsibilities of an incarnation at any given moment. To carry out these duties, he needed to traverse into another world.

It weighed on him that he would be separated from his family, including his two wives. However, there was a simultaneous sense of anticipation for the prospect of exploring a new world. Although he embarked on this journey with the intention of enjoying himself, the primary goal was to thwart the Demon Gods, leaving minimal room for personal enjoyment in the new world.

In any case, Mu-Gun patiently awaited the Thunder God to relay the incarnation's mission to him. Finally, the Thunder God spoke.

- Hast thou been well?

I have been well. Am I finally receiving a mission as your incarnation?

-It seems like thou hast been waiting for me to give thee a mission as mine incarnation.

Since I have to do it anyway, wouldnt it be better for me to do it willingly?

- It is a good mindset. As thou quoth, there is a mission thou hast to do as mine incarnation.

What is it?

- Thy mission is to exterminate the Demon God whom hast appeared at the Avalon Continent.

Did the Demon God personally descend? Mu-Gun asked in shock.

- In that world, the Demon Gods prefer to descend personally through their incarnation.

I dont know if it is possible to deal with a Demon God directly with my current skills.

- In the case that the Demon God directly descends to the Middle Realm, they will only be able to display less than half of their true power.

How strong is half of their true power?

- It is about two or three times the power thou currently bear.

And you are telling me to stop them? Mu-Gun asked with a baffled expression.

- If thou never hast enough power, then all thou hast to try is grow stronger. Is that not right?

The Thunder God said as if it wasnt a big deal.

How long would I have to grow my powers to be able to defeat the Demon God at that place? Shouldn't the other incarnations also provide support?

- I desire to try that too if I could. However, I hast not many incarnations, and there are too many worlds under the threat of the Demon Gods. I didst not choose to send a rookie like thee for no reason. On the upside, what is fortunate is that even if the Demon God descends to the Middle Realm, it shall not be able to display its[1]power immediately.

There were strict limitations between the Hell Realm and the Middle Realm, and if someone forcefully tried to bypass it, even the Demon God would have a huge impact. To regain its strength and recover from the impact it received from the dimensions limitations, the Demon God would need a significant amount of time.

Mu-Gun was required to raise his power within that time limit as much as possible so that he could deal with the Demon God.

Naturally, I cannot refuse the mission, can I?

- Thou can refuse it, but what comes next is the problem.

If he refused the mission, the divinity he received from the Thunder God would be taken back and he would lose all his power. Then, his soul would become the property of the Thunder God.

That means I dont have a choice. What sort of place is Avalon? Mu-Gun smiled bitterly and asked about Avalon.

- I think it would be better for thee to check that out thyself.

I dont have to go right away, do I?

- I shall grant thou two hours.

I might not be able to come back, so arent you being too cold-hearted?

- Shall thou understand if I tell thou that two hours hither is one month there?

Then, even if I spend a year there, it is only one day here?

- That is correct.

Then, are there cases where it is the opposite?

- Of course, there is. However, it is a rule to not assign a mission there lest it is an unavoidable situation.

That is a relief. It would be troublesome if decades have passed when I come back from finishing my mission.

- So, quickly go say thy farewells and come back.


Within the two hours granted by the Thunder God, Mu-Gun bid farewell to his family and close friends. Concern etched the faces of his loved ones, including the Four Peerless Wanderers, as Mu-Gun prepared to embark on his journey to another world in service as the Thunder God's incarnation.

To assuage their concerns, Mu-Gun chose not to disclose the personal descent of the Demon God in the realm he was headed to. Instead, he reassured them by explaining that even if he spent a month there, only two hours would elapse in their world.

After saying goodbye to his two wives with a final hug, Mu-Gun called for the Thunder God.

- Didst thou bid farewell properly?

I did.

- Then, I will send thou to Avalon right now.

But am I crossing over to Avalon with my current appearance?

- No. Thou will borrow the body of someone living in Avalon to carry out thy duty.

Borrowing someone elses body? Then what will happen to the original owner of the body?

- It is not like how thou regard. Thou are not stealing away someones body. Thou are going to use the body of someone who is supposed to die originally.

Is there a reason to do that?

- It is because it is convenient in many ways to move as a person whom existed in that world. Also, if thou thither there with thy current look, thou shall attract attention and the risk of thy existence being exposed to the Demon God shall augment. For thy safety, it would be advantageous to borrow the body of someone whom belongs to that world.

If that is the case, I hope I can borrow the body of a person with great power.

- That depends on thy luck. Then, if thou dont hast any more questions, I shall open the dimensional door that connects to Avalon.

I am ready.

As soon as Mu-Gun concluded his response, a cascade of golden lightning materialized in mid-air, shaping an oval space. Within this oval expanse, a palpable darkness pervaded, resembling an abyss. A sense dawned on Mu-Gun that entering this oval space might mean being engulfed by the dark currents, never to return.

- We hast no time, so go in quickly.

The Thunder God pressed him on. Mu-Gun drew in a deep breath and stepped into the oval space. In that very instant, his soul, now possessing the Origin Spirit, was irresistibly drawn away by an unseen force.

Mu-Gun sensed his consciousness gradually waning. Despite his attempts to regain composure, it proved futile. Eventually, his consciousness reached a point of complete blackout.

* * *

Within the Count Venatia House in Pantheon Kingdom, an oppressive atmosphere lingered within the dwelling of Argon Laonia Venatia, the Third Young Lord. This somber mood arose as Argon, the proprietor of the residence, returned unconscious and grievously injured. His injuries were sustained during his endeavor to halt the surprise attack of the Wolfkan, a colossal wolf monster, on the battlefield.

The Chief Healer of the Count Venatia House, Dwyane Rudwick, and the Head Wizard, Alcain Lukasus, spared no effort in their attempts to heal Argon. Despite their best endeavors, Argon's condition showed no signs of improvement. The gravest concern lay in the fact that the wound inflicted by the Wolfkan refused to cease its relentless bleeding.

Ordinarily, Alcain's healing magic could staunch bleeding, regardless of the wound's severity. However, no matter how many times Alcain applied his healing magic, Argon's wound stubbornly continued to bleed. The culprit was the curse embedded in the wound by the Wolfkan, rendering all magical efforts ineffective. Breaking the Wolfkan's curse required, at the very least, the intervention of a Seventh Circle Mage to allow magic to take effect.

Unfortunately, the Head Wizard of the Count Venatia House, Alcain, remained a Sixth Circle Mage, unable to break the Wolfkan's curse. Consequently, despite Dwayne, the Chief Healer's earnest efforts to staunch the bleeding, the sheer size of the wound rendered their attempts futile.

Eventually, with no means to halt the bleeding, Argon's heart ceased its rhythm, and his pulse and breathing came to a complete standstill. Chief Healer Dwayne, acknowledging Argon's demise, solemnly conveyed the news to Wackins Laonia Venatia, the fief's owner, who observed with a stoic countenance from the rear.

Your Excellency! The Third Young Lord is-


Just then, Argon, who had stopped breathing, opened his eyes with a groan.

The Third Young Lord! The Third Young Lord has woken up!

Dwayne, who was walking toward Count Venetia, quickly turned around at Head Wizard Alcains cry, and he examined Argon.

Third Young Lord! Have you come around?

Upon awakening, Argon, the Third Young Lordmore precisely, Baek Mu-Gunwas momentarily bewildered by the abrupt change in circumstances. However, he swiftly regained his composure.

This situation was familiar to him, courtesy of his numerous reincarnations through the Nine Lives Reincarnation Spell. He had anticipated such occurrences when traversing the dimensional door.

I would like to be alone for a while.

That is out of the question. Your injury is severe, Third Young Lord. You miraculously regained consciousness, but your life could still be in danger if you are not treated in a hurry.

I wonder if the two of you are truly able to heal me.

Mu-Gun checked his own physical condition and figured out that Dwayne and Alcain couldn't heal him with their abilities.


Since you will find out soon anyway, I will tell you. While I was unconscious, the almighty Sky God Yupir appeared in my dreams and imparted a divine revelation to me, making me its proxy.

In this world, the Thunder God went by the name of the Sky God Yupir. It's worth noting that the Sky God Yupir was among the most powerful deities on the Avalon Continent and held the additional title of the God of War.

Are you speaking the truth? Alcain asked in surprise.

Yes. The Sky God Yupir made me its proxy and decided to heal my body with its authority. So, you dont have to worry about my life. Please go out, everyone. I need to think about something by myself.

Do as he says.

Count Wackins, watching from behind, spoke to Dwayne and Alcain. At his orders, Dwayne and Alcain bowed before leaving the room.

I beg your pardon. Forgive my disrespectfulness. I did not know that you were here, Father.

My sons life was on the verge of danger, so how could I pretend not to know as your father? But is it true that you received a divine revelation from the Sky God Yupir?

I speak the truth.

What kind of divine revelation did the Sky God give you?

As the proxy of the Sky God, I was ordered to prevent the dangers creeping up on the Avalon Continent.

What danger are you referring to?

The Sky God said that the Demon God would descend to the Avalon Continent.

Did you just say the Demon God will descend? Count Wackins asked in surprise.

That is correct.

Did he make you a proxy to stop that?


To stop the Demon God, you will need great power. Is it truly possible with your current capabilities?

The almighty Sky God imparted me with the power to confront the Demon God while making me its proxy.

Are you speaking the truth? Count Wackins was once again shocked.

Yes. But it will take some time to make that power truly mine.

It seems like you are asking me to leave. Alright. I will take my leave, so take good care of yourself.

Alone after Count Wackins departed, Mu-Gun initiated the process of healing his ravaged body. A golden wave of Thunder God Qi surged, infiltrating his wounds. The initial effect was the cessation of bleeding, followed by a gradual healing of the severe wound, which had exposed his bones. [2]

1. I am using its as a pronoun because Gods dont really have a gender, I think.

2. Ummm Author-nim? Magic is suddenly appearing everywhere and Gods and Demons andOh my, my head is spinning @.@

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