Thunder God's Reincarnation

Chapter 222

Chapter 222

Schwartzs expression hardened when he saw the eyes of the knights under his command being filled with perplexity. Concerned that Baek Mu-Gun would be offended, he turned to him to check on him. Contrary to his expectations, however, Mu-Gun appeared to be calm. He did not even look offended.

I know it sounds ridiculous, but I hope you wait until you have seen it for yourselves. Mu-Gun shrugged. You will realize that I am serious the moment I stop the Wolfkans.

The knights failed to recognize your skills because their standards are low, Lord Argon.. I hope you find it in your generous heart to forgive them.

Mu-Gun shook his head. It would have been weirder if they believed me despite not having proven anything to them yet. The knights reaction is natural, so there is nothing to forgive. It did not offend me in the slightest.

That is a relief.

Schwartz looked as if the tension had left his shoulders. The Golden Lion Order found it strange to see their captain appear so intimidated.

Captain Schwartz only cared about ones ability. Regardless of how high someones status was, he would not even look at them if they were less capable than him. The fact that he was walking on eggshells around Mu-Gun evidenced the young mans ability.

However, up until yesterday, Mu-Guns skills were worse than the knights. How could they believe that he had grown so strong in just a day that their captain began to acknowledge him?

Despite their skepticism, though, they knew Schwartz was not faking his attitude toward Mu-Gun. Hence, they began to expect Mu-Gun to really stop the Wolfkans.

Soon, the setting sun disappeared from the horizon and darkness engulfed their surroundings. The Wolfkans howls echoed in the distance.


As the ground rumbled, Mu-Gun walked over to the outermost part of the castle wall. Even without the Thunder God's Heavenly Eyes, he could still see the Wolfkans running toward them under the cover of darkness. Although over ten thousand descended from the Patagon Mountain Range, the ones in front of them only numbered roughly three thousand because they had divided themselves into three packs.

Watching the Wolfkans rush to the wall and get within two hundred feet of him, Mu-Gun stretched his arm into the air. He then sent a wave of Thunder God Qi into the sky and executed the Heavenly Thunder Storm Burst.

A thousand Thunderbolt Swords rained down, the golden light they emitted pushing out the darkness enveloping the area. The Wolfkans instinctively twisted away to avoid the volley as the sky was dyed in brilliant gold, but the swords also changed trajectories and locked in on their targets.

The Thunderbolt Swords soon pierced through the Wolfkans and released waves of lightning, engulfing them in golden lightning as they crumbled to the ground.

The Golden Lion Order was astonished. They had never seen or heard such an attack before. Considering not even a Master-rank knight could unleash such an offensive, one would have to be at least a Grand Master to match that power. If so, then that could only mean Mu-Gun had become one.

The Golden Lion Knights could finally understand what Schwartz meant. It made them wonder how Mu-Gun, who was only a Stellar Expert last night, could become a Grand Master overnight, but all that mattered right now was that the Wolfkan was no longer a threat. As long as Mu-Gun was around, those monsters could never destroy Venetia Castle.


As one thousand Wolfkans fell to Mu-Guns Heavenly Thunder Storm Burst, the rest of the pack burst into a fit of rage. Furious, their charge hastened. However, instead of sticking to their dense formation, they scattered and zigzagged, seemingly realizing that huddling close to each other would make them easy targets.

Mu-Gun chuckled as he jumped down from the fifty-foot-high castle walls. Shocked beyond belief, the knights hastily stuck their heads out the edge to see if he was still alive only to witness him extending his right hand forward. A golden beam poured out from his palm, forming a Thunderbolt Sword that was a little over thirty feet long. With the sword in hand, he flew toward the Wolfkans.

The Wolfkans howled as they pounced on Mu-Gun, who wasted no time swinging his weapon. Executing the Hundred Moonlight Transformations, he filled the space in front of him with golden moonlight qi, beheading the monsters charging toward him.

At the same time, some Wolfkans went past Mu-Gun. From how they behaved, it seemed those at the center planned to attack him while the others headed straight for the castle. Mu-Gun could not help but find it preposterous. Smiling, he extended his hands to the side and launched Thunder God Qi. After turning into dozens of Thunderbolt Swords, they stabbed into the Wolfkans trying to get past him, sending them crashing to the ground.

With his attention momentarily taken away, the Wolfkans in front of him jumped at him. Nevertheless, instead of avoiding them, Mu-Gun met them head-on. He covered himself in Thunder God Qi and thrust it into those attempting to attack him. Unable to withstand the impact and the electrocution, the Wolfkans hearts stopped beating as they were blasted away.

After annihilating the Wolfkans in the center of the battlefield, Mu-Gun conjured a hundred Thunderbolt Swords and sent them chasing after the others. The Wolfkans displayed agility unbefitting of their huge bodies as they tried to dodge, but the weapons hunting them down changed directions and trajectories just as swiftly.

As ego swords[1], the Thunderbolt Swords moved freely and attacked according to Mu-Guns will. Moreover, when he gained divinity, they not only began to harbor a part of his will but also obtained unbending power, making them unstoppable.

Realizing that evasion was futile, the Wolfkans tried to block the attacks instead. However, the Thunderbolt Swords unforgiving power easily shattered their fangs and claws. The swords pushed into the Wolfkans mouths, splitting their heads apart and severing their legs. After killing their targets, they went on to slaughter the other Wolfkans. In less than eight minutes, the monsters were reduced to a tenth of their army.

Now painfully aware that they could never beat Mu-Gun, the three hundred surviving Wolfkans lost their will to fight and began to run away.

You are free to attack whenever you want, but only I can decide when you get to leave. Mu-Gun sent dozens of Thunderbolt Swords after the fleeing Wolfkans. While discharging waves of thunder qi, the swords pierced the monsters heads one after another.

The Wolfkans stumbled forward, massacred in an instant.

Wahhhh! Glory to Lord Argon!

Glory to Venatia!

When the last Wolfkan was killed, the Golden Lion Order and Venatia Army, who were all watching the fight from atop the castle walls, cheered with great joy.

Mu-Gun raised his hand in response. He then approached one of the fallen Wolfkans and reached out to it. Splitting its chest in half, he grabbed the Mana Stone inside. It was about the size of a fist and had roughly one gapja worth of energy in it. Considering a set of Chevalier Armor needed at least ten gapjas, making just one would require ten of this.

The performance of a Chevalier Armor depended on the capacity and number of Mana Hearts used to make it, with the best ones being made with just one Mana Heart that had the largest capacity. However, that did not mean that the Wolfkans Mana Hearts were worthless.

The larger the capacity of a Mana Heart, the more power it possessed. Hence, to get one, they would have to kill a much stronger monster than the Wolfkans, which were already difficult to hunt for most people. That was why most Chevalier Armors were made either with the Wolfkans Mana Hearts or the Sybellians, which were just slightly more powerful monsters.

That made the Wolfkans Mana Hearts very precious. From the annihilation Mu-Gun just committed, House Venatia could get their hands on over three thousand Mana Hearts and craft them into three hundred Chevalier Armors. If they sold those, they would make three hundred thousand gold in this worlds currency. Given that the annual budget of House Venatia was ten thousand gold, three hundred thousand gold was a huge amount.

Saving Venatia from the Wolfkans invasion and even helping them gain a tremendous profit were such tremendous achievements that he could use them to solidify his claim to the throne of House Venetia. However, he had no intention of becoming the counts successor.

Once Mu-Gun had completed his duty as an incarnation and returned to the Central Plains, it would be difficult for him to fill such a high position. The best he could do was not take it at all. He could decide on this at a later date, though. For now, he had to prioritize harvesting the Mana Hearts.

After instructing Schwartz to collect the Wolfkans Mana Hearts, Mu-Gun returned to the Venatia Castle. Perhaps because the news had already spread, Count Wackins came out to greet him with his two older brothers, Head Wizard Alcain, and Strategist Jardem.

Well done. I heard that you defeated three thousand Wolfkans alone, which I must say is quite an amazing feat. You saved all of us. All of Venatia will regard you as a hero.

Count Wackins embraced Mu-Gun and showered him with praises.

Good job.

Kayehon and Franchel also praised Mu-Gun by tapping him on the shoulder.

Venatia is safe now, but the Wolfkans threat is not gone yet, Mu-Gun said.

Are you going to help the other fiefdoms? Count Wackins asked.

We are all citizens of Pantheon, so isnt it only natural for us to save them? Mu-Gun replied.

You are right.

Then I will be leaving at dawn.

Do as you please, Count Wackings replied, finding no reason to object.

Thank you. Now, if you dont mind, I would like to go back to my residence and get some rest.

As you wish. Rest well.

Thank you. I will be taking my leave now. Mu-Gun bid everyone farewell and headed to Argons residence.

1. swords that can be moved according to will.

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