Thunder God's Reincarnation

Chapter 223

Chapter 223

The next day, Baek Mu-Gun prepared for his journey to Count Stonias fief, which was near Venatias. When he headed out of his residence afterward, he found the Golden Lion Order lined up and waiting for him.

Greetings, Lord Argon. Schwartz put his hand on his chest and bowed.

Please raise your head.

Thank you.

As instructed, Schwartz and the Golden Lion Knights straightened up. The Golden Lion Knights looked at Mu-Gun like he was their idol. Witnessing his formidable power last night seemed to have made them admire him.

Feeling weighed down by the knights gazes, Mu-Gun cleared his throat and asked Schwartz, Why are you all here?

Please allow us to come with you, my lord.

You want to join me?

Yes. Please let us help you.

I appreciate how you feel, but I honestly do not need your help. On the contrary, you all will only hinder me on my journey, Mu-Gun bluntly replied.

We are well aware that we are not strong enough, but as a knight tasked to protect the kingdom and its citizens, it would be a dereliction of duty to do nothing. We want to avenge our brothers that the Wolfkans killed, so please allow us to join you. Schwartz looked determined to do whatever it took to go with Mu-Gun.

I cannot guarantee your safety when my battle against the Wolfkans starts, Mu-Gun warned.

We are all knights. We protect ourselves, not rely on others to protect us. Thats why even if you do not keep us safe, we will not resent you at all, so you shouldnt resent yourself either, Lord Argon.

Do you all feel the same?

Yes, my lord, the knights answered in unison.

Have you gotten Fathers permission?

I have.

Fine. Come with me.

Thank you.

We will depart right away.

Mu-Gun and the Golden Lion Order headed to the central hall of the Venatia Castle, where a portal was installed.

The Pantheon Kingdom had four Counts serving under the King, each one occupying a cardinal direction of the Royal Capital to serve as its final stronghold. It had Count Venetias fief to its north and Count Stonias to its west.

Even with horses, it would take more than five days of nonstop traveling to reach Count Stonias territory. At the speed the Wolfkans were advancing, their invasion in the south would likely begin tonight. If Mu-Gun and the Golden Lion Order arrived later than that, they would have problems stopping the monsters. If they traveled on horseback, the fief would already be gone by the time they arrived.

They were not worried at all, however. After all, they had a portal that allowed them to freely move to and from its starting and target coordinates. It worked the same way as the dimensional door that Mu-Gun used to cross over from the Central Plains to Avalon.

Portals connected the four fiefdoms surrounding the Royal Capital, allowing them to immediately reach any of them whenever needed. However, the portals required Mana Hearts, considerable magic knowledge, and at least a Fifth Circle Mage to operate it properly. That was why House Venatia put Head Wizard Alcain in charge of it.



Since the portal had to be simultaneously operated from both ends for it to open, Alcain used communication magic to request cooperation with the Head Wizard of House Stonia, who willingly agreed.

Open the portal now, Alcain told the Head Wizard of House Stonia.


Alcain activated the Mana Heart installed in it, opening a blue oval-shaped door that would teleport them to Stonia Castle.

Lets go. Mu-Gun entered, and the Golden Lion Order followed suit. As they exited the portal on the other end, they found House Stonias Head Wizard, Richie Haymond, waiting for them.

Welcome, Richie politely greeted Mu-Gun. Despite being a Head Wizard, he was still ranked lower than Mu-Gun, who was the son of a Count.

Nice to meet you. I hate to cut our greetings short, but I would like to have an audience with His Excellency, Mu-Gun replied.

They are actually already waiting for you. Please follow me.

House Venatia promised to stop the Wolfkans when they asked House Stonia to open the portal. House Stonia naturally did not believe them at first since House Venatias forces were not much better than theirs. They were not strong enough to pose a threat to the monster invasion.

However, when Count Wackins swore on his nobility, House Stonia decided to accept his support with an open mind. They had nothing to lose anyway. They would have outright refused if House Venatia made unreasonable demands in exchange for their support, but they did not ask for anything in return.

Mu-Gun followed Richie to the Counts office as the Golden Lion Order was guided to the guest hall.

As soon as they arrived, Richie announced Mu-Guns presence. When they were granted permission to enter, Mu-Gun followed Richie inside.

Count Henrik Rosenberg Stonia, his eldest son and heir Isaac Rosenberg Stonia, and Harold Kushna, commander of House Stonias Crimson Rose Order, were inside the room. They all seemed to have high expectations of their lands future savior.

Hence, when their eyes turned to Mu-Gun, they felt beyond disappointed and despondent. Mu-Gun easily read the emotions behind their expressions.

I, Argon Laonia Venatia of House Venatia, greet your Excellency, Mu-Gun greeted Count Stonia politely.

Are you the savior Count Wackins spoke of? Count Henrik asked.

That is correct.

Can you really save Stonia from the Wolfkans?


This is ridiculous. How are we supposed to believe that an Advanced Expert can stop three thousand Wolfkans? Isaac asked as he was dumbfounded at the situation.

Venatia and Stonia had frequent exchanges as neighboring fiefdoms, which was how Argon and Isaac got to know each other quite well. Isaac was five years older than Argon and possessed so much talent that he was regarded as the greatest talent of the Pantheon Kingdom. Perhaps that was why he had a big sense of superiority and tended to ignore those less talented than him.

Even the way Isaac spoke just now was filled with disregard for Mu-Gun. Mu-Gun had already met countless people like him, however, so he was not really offended. He only found him pathetic for bragging about his talent and ability like a frog in a well.

Instead of wasting our time talking, Ill just demonstrate my power. Mu-Gun shrugged. He then created a golden Thunderbolt Sword on his right hand.

Isaacs eyes widened. The intense energy the sword emitted reminded him of an Aura Blade.

Impossible! How can you manifest an Aura Blade? Isaacs voice trembled, unable to believe reality.

God granted me this power along with a divine revelation to save not only the Pantheon Kingdom but all of Avalon from the monsters, Mu-Gun said.

You received the power from God? Isaac asked, bewildered.

How else do you think would I have gotten this strong?

Why did God choose to give you their power?

Isaac could not bring himself to acknowledge that Argon, who was less talented than him, had received the power of God.

Who knows? I would not dare put words in Gods mouth. I just follow their commands as their representative, Mu-Gun nonchalantly replied.

I take it you can stop the Wolfkans invasion, then? Count Henrik asked.

I killed all the Wolfkans that tried to harm House Venatia last night. I left not a single one alive. Those invading your territory will suffer the same fate.

Count Henrik nodded.

As the head of House Stonia, I would like to begin by expressing my sincerest gratitude for your kindness, which has compelled you to come all the way here to save us from the Wolfkans threat. If we can help you in any way, please do not hesitate to tell me. We will support you with everything at our disposal.

I do not really require anything. However, the battle would be much easier if the Crimson Rose Order fought with us, Mu-Gun requested.

That goes without saying, isnt that right, Harold? Count Henrik asked Harold, the commander of the Crimson Rose Order.

Of course, Your Excellency. The Crimson Rose Order will put our lives on the line to protect Stonia, Harold replied, resolve in his voice.

Do you need anything else?

I would like to get some rest before the Wolfkans invasion begins.

I see. Isaac. Guide Lord Argon to the guest hall and see to it that he gets some rest. Make sure he does not feel any discomfort during his stay with us.

Understood, Isaac heeded Count Henriks orders with a dissatisfied expression. Come with me. I will take you to the guest hall.

Then, I will take my leave now, Mu-Gun bid the count farewell, then followed Isaac to the guest hall, where the Golden Lion Order was already waiting.

Isaac did not say anything to Mu-Gun as they walked, feeling furious and unfairly treated because God chose Mu-Gun instead of not him.

Mu-Gun easily guessed what Isaac was thinking. He thought of picking on him by pretending not to know, but there was no need to cause any strife. Hence, he simply followed him in silence.

Were here. Make yourself comfortable, Isaac said, then immediately left.

Mu-Gun chuckled at his childish behavior. He entered the guest hall.

The Golden Lion Knights who had already gotten themselves comfortable got up as soon as they saw Mu-Gun and greeted him courteously.

Its fine. Please relax. Mu-Gun waved his hands, asking them to be at ease.

Schwartz approached Mu-Gun. How was your meeting with Count Stonia?

It went well. The Crimson Rose Order will be joining us on the battlefield tonight. For now, just get some rest.


Also, Sir Schwartz[1], I would like to speak to you in private.

In private?

Yes. This way, please.


Mu-Gun and Schwartz entered a room in the guest hall.

1. Mu-Gun is referring to Schwartz formally, calling him Sir as he is a Knight.

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